TPL Task in WCF service fails to use correct IIS security Credentials (SQL Connection) - sql

I have a WCF service method that calls a SQL stored proc. I'm developing using IIS 5 (can't do much about that, II6/7 not available)
To get some gains, I'm doing a number of async calls to this stored proc by putting the call into a c# TPL Task.
When run as a Task, I'm getting an SQL Exception...
"Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication"
However, If I run the exact same process without using a Task, I have no problems with SQL connection
It would appear to me that the credentials for the IIS Virtual folder (WCF) are not being delegated to the Task? Any ideas how I can specificy credentials for the TPL Task thread, ie to use the same as the parent etc ?
I am using Windows Authentication (sspi), and impersonation to be able to connect to the seperate SQL box.
Your help appreciated.

You have two choices.
1) Opt your entire application into always flowing the identity using:
<alwaysFlowImpersonationPolicy enabled="true"/>
This has a side effect of overhead and the danger of accidentally executing some unintended code with the priviledges of the currently calling user rather than the application identity. I would personally avoid this and go with #2 where you explicitly opt-in.
2) Capture the WindowsIdentity before setting up your TPL tasks and explicitly impersonate where you need to make the calls using Impersonate + WindowsImpersonationContext:
public void SomeWCFOperation()
WindowsIdentity currentIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// some unpriviledged code here
using(WindowsImpersonationContext impersonationContext = currentIdentity.Impersonate())
// this code will execute with the priviledges of the caller
// some more unpriviledged code here

As another workaround, you can create extensions to the TPL as follows:
public static class TaskFactoryExtensions
public static Task StartNewImpersonated(this TaskFactory taskFactory, Action action)
var identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
return taskFactory.StartNew(() =>
using (identity.Impersonate())
public static Task<TResult> StartNewImpersonated<TResult>(this TaskFactory taskFactory, Func<TResult> function)
var identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
return taskFactory.StartNew<TResult>(() =>
using (identity.Impersonate())
return function();
You would then call these new methods in place of the standard StartNew methods.
The downside to this is that there are a lot of methods to override.


.Net 6: Enable Windows and Anonymous authentication for one

I work on a .Net core application and I need to mix windows and anonymous authentication within the same endpoint(s). So the goal is to be able to determine the windows user but the endpoint should also work when no windows user is present (aka windows authentication fails).
My problem is that when I use the Authorize attribe (as shown in the example below), the endpoint will only be called when windows authentication succeded. If I additionaly add the [AllowAnonymous] attribute, the User is never authenticated.
Example: (
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = IISDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public IActionResult Index()
_log.LogDebug("IsAuthenticated = " + this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated.ToString());
_log.LogDebug("Authenticated Name: " + this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated.Name);
return View();
How can this be done in .Net 6.0? It should be really simple as authentication and authorization should be separated but it seems they are quite intertwined. I haven't found a solution after extensive googling, checking the .net core source code and trying out myself.
Is there a good way to solve this?
Remark 1: there are solutions for .Net core 3.1 but then don't work in .Net 6 Enable both Windows authentication and Anonymous authentication in an ASP.NET Core app
Remark 2: we have endpoint that have to work with Windows Authentication only and other with anonyomous authentication. These both work fine within the same application. It is really about being able to detect the windows user in an endpoint that otherwise supports anymous authentication.
I (or better we) have found a solution that works even when Windows authentication is disabled on IIS. It is not very elegant but this is what we came up with. The idea is basically to trigger another call to an endpoint to determine if the user is actually a windows loging or not. If this call is successful, then we know we have a windows user and can act accordingly, for example do a redirect to an endpoint that requires windows authentication.
Remark: If you can control the IIS settings - which probably is often the case - , then I suggest you go with the solution proposed here:
enable-both-windows-authentication-and-anonymous-authentication-in-an-asp-net-co )
public async Task<IActionResult> TestWindowsAuthAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler()
UseDefaultCredentials = true
var response = await client.GetAsync($"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host}{HttpContext.Request.PathBase}{HttpContext.Request.Path}/HasUserWindowsAuth");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Yes, now we know that user indeed has windows authentication and we can act upon it
return RedirectToAction("QuickLogin", input);
// No windows credentials have been passed at this point
return View();
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = IISDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public IActionResult HasUserWindowsAuth() => Ok();
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = IISDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public async Task<IActionResult> QuickLoginAsync(LoginModel input, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var user = this.User.Identities.FirstOrDefault(i => i System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity && i.IsAuthenticatd);
// do something with that user

.Net Core 3.1 ClaimsTransformation Manually Added Claims Not Persisting

I will be accessing several tables to determine if a user is "Validated" or not as well as adding custom roles to a Windows authenticated user for authorization. For now I'm running a test in a basic .net Core web application just to see how I should be doing this. I have setup a RequiredClaim in my Fallback Policy and a ClaimsLoader and it works great:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IClaimsTransformation, ClaimsLoader>();
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.FallbackPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
public class ClaimsLoader : IClaimsTransformation
public async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> TransformAsync(ClaimsPrincipal principal)
var claimsIdentity = (ClaimsIdentity)principal.Identity;
claimsIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim("ValidatedUser", ""));
return await Task.FromResult(principal);
As long as that AddClaim line is in there, they can access the app, without it they get a not-authorized response which is what I want.
Based on what I've read I thought any claims/roles I add in the transformation should come back each time but they do not. In the code above I have the AddClaim running every time so it's working, but in reality I will be going to a database to determine if I should add that claim which is an expensive process. I want to persist the results across multiple requests. So I want to check if the claim is already there and not bother getting it again if it is. For whatever reason it is NEVER there when it comes back for a second request.
From what I've read here back in 2.x the claims should persist:
But here in my 3.1 application they do not.

Distributed IdentityServer4 .net core (multi instance) issues HttpContext must not be null

So we have a setup of IdentityServer4 with .net core, on only one instance everything works as expected, however when we decided to spin more instances of Identity Server, we randomly got issues when logging in or out from the client.
I followed these docs: Distributed IdentityServer
This is how I am adding IDS4
_identityBuilder = services.AddIdentityServer(options =>
options.Events.RaiseErrorEvents = true;
options.Events.RaiseInformationEvents = true;
options.Events.RaiseFailureEvents = true;
options.Events.RaiseSuccessEvents = true;
options.EmitStaticAudienceClaim = true;
Also because the server will be distributed I also added this code, note that certificate below is shared between the instances (so every instance uses the same certificate)
However even with this setup I am having issues (randomly) while logging in and out from the Client which uses PKCE. The issue i am having is i am getting this exception randomly:
HttpContext must not be null.
Which is being thrown from: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity -> SignInManager -> SignOutAsync()
and from: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity -> SignInManager -> SignInWithClaimsAsync(TUser user, AuthenticationProperties authenticationProperties, IEnumerable additionalClaims)
This exception is handled and thrown in the SignInManager.cs class right here:
public HttpContext Context
var context = _context ?? _contextAccessor?.HttpContext;
if (context == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("HttpContext must not be null.");
return context;
_context = value;
Also note that the client_credentials work normally, I request a token and everything works fine with multiple instances/replicas.
:: UPDATE ::
I have finally found the issue, which has nothing to do with Identity Server, in our system we use Microsoft Orleans, and we have a Grain which injects the UserService and, the UserService injects the SignInManager, turns out the SignInManager requires the HttpContext to be able to resolve services, but since orleans does not provide an IHttpContextAccessor, the HttpContext can never be resolved :/
For now we are calling the UserService directly. But it would be nice to be able to create/find a SignInManager which would not depend on HttpContext (especially since it only uses it to resolve other services)
Are you using the same token signing credentials across the different instances and adding them using the AddSigningCredential method?
Don't think this is the core issue here but you should be aware of that when you use the PersistKeysToDbContext and share it across services, then there might also be a race condition when multiple services tries to write to the same table in the database. Especially at startup (when the DB is empty) and when the keys are rotated every 90 days.

Need to handle Post Authenticate in Asp.Net Core

I'm ready to use Asp.Net core, but here's what I am doing. In MVC 5, I have an Http module that is handling the PostAuthenticate event in order to create the claim where I am doing some stuff to determine roles for the user. I see no way to do this same thing in Core. Note that this is using Windows Authentication so there is no login method to handle.
From the current httpModule that hooks up to the PostAuthenticate because I want to initialize some things for the user.
context.PostAuthenticateRequest += Context_PostAuthenticateRequest;
Note that httpModules no longer exist with Core and that is being moved to middleware.. I don't see how to tap into that event from there though.
I just did this for the first time today. Two basic steps here.
Create a class that implements the IClaimsTransformer interface.
public class MyTransformer : IClaimsTransformer
public Task<ClaimsPrincipal> TransformAsync(ClaimsTransformationContext context )
//don't run if user isn't logged in
return Task.FromResult(context.Principal);
Add this line to Startup.cs in
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, ..., ...)
//app.Use...Authentication stuff above, for example
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication( new OpenIdOptions
//or however you like to do this.
app.UseClaimsTransformation(o => new MyTransformer().TransformAsync(o));
//UseMvc below
Keep in mind that TransformAsync is going to run on every request, so you might want to look into using sessions or caching if you're hitting a database with it.
Windows Authentication is performed by the hosts (IIS or HttpSys/WebListener) at the start of your application pipeline. The first middleware in your pipeline is the equivalent of PostAuthenticateRequest in this case. Operate on HttpContext.User as you see fit.

Claims based authentication, with active directory, without ADFS

I have a client asking for an integrated authentication based solution utilizing a custom role/membership schema. My original plan was to use claims based authentication mechanism with integrated authentication. However, my initial research is not turning up a whole lot of useful information.
To the point, I have an ASP.NET (not core nor owin) WebAPI application, which has api actions used by angular SPA based ( web application. I am attempting to authorize the api calls using integrated authentication. My initial effort was focused around a custom AuthorizationAttribute and ClaimsAuthenticationManager implementation. However as I got deeper into that I started running into issues with the custom ClaimsAuthenticationManager, at this point I'm not sure that is the proper route to take.
So my question for you all is, can you at least give me some ideas of what it would take to make this happen? I don't need help with secific bits the code, just need to figure out the appropriate "stack" so to speak.
The only real requirement is WebAPI calls can be authorized, with a custom attribute passing a name of a claim to authorize on, but the claim is not in AD even though it is using windows authentication, the claims themselves would come from a database.
Thank you all in advance!
Look at
Your scenario isn't much different:
you're using AD for authentication
you're using your db for authorization
Simply put this can be addressed by configuring web-api to use windows authentication.
<authentication mode="Windows" />
And add your own IAuthorizationFilter to Web API pipeline, that will check current principal (should be set), and then override this principal with your own (i.e. query db - get claims, and override it with your custom claims principal by setting HttpContext.Current.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal).
For how to add filter to WebAPI pipe line check out How to add global ASP.Net Web Api Filters?
public class CustomAuthenticationFilter : IAuthenticationFilter {
public bool AllowMultiple { get { return true; } }
public Task AuthenticateAsync(HttpAuthenticationContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
var windowsPrincipal = context.Principal as WindowsPrincipal;
if (windowsPrincipal != null) {
var name = windowsPrincipal.Identity.Name;
// TODO: fetch claims from db (i guess based on name)
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(windowsPrincipal.Identity);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("db-crazy-claim", "db-value"));
var claimsPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
// here is the punchline - we're replacing original windows principal
// with our own claims principal
context.Principal = claimsPrincipal;
return Task.FromResult(0);
public Task ChallengeAsync(HttpAuthenticationChallengeContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Task.FromResult(0);
public static class WebApiConfig {
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
config.Filters.Add(new CustomAuthenticationFilter());
// Web API routes
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( ... );
Also there is no need for custom authorization attribute - use default one - its understood by everyone, and makes your code more readable.