Connecting actions works. Connecting outlets doesn't - objective-c

I have a XIB file with my controls in it, loaded in the Interface Builder (Xcode 4.0.2 on Snow Leopard).
The file's owner is set to, let's say, the someClassController class, and I've also added (in the Interface Builder) an NSObject instance of someClass, as well.
I've managed to link e.g. a button with an action in someClassController or someClass - and it works for both of them.
However, whenever I link an outlet to ANY of them, it fails to show up; and NSLog reports NULL pointers.
Hint : My issue here could be much more complicated than it seems, since both my someClass and someClassController classes inherit other classes, which inherit other classes and so on (I'm dealing with a huge-to-chaotic codebase, and I don't really know what else could be helpful to post)... However, I would still like to hear your opinion on what might be going wrong in such a case...

When you see problems like this, it's almost always because you have more than one object of the kind that has the outlet. The one in the nib whose outlet you connected is not the one that is examining its outlet.
To investigate this, add statements in the object's initializer method(s) and possibly awakeFromNib to log the value of self.
Some (or all, or none) of the objects may be created in nibs, and some (or all, or none) of them may be created in code; objects in the latter group won't trip awakeFromNib, since they didn't.
Either way, once you've inventoried what instances of the class you have, you can kill them off until you're left with the ones you want.

To add to Peter Hosey's answer, and after reading some more details in the other question you posted about this issue, here are some other factors to consider:
The File Owner class selected in the nib is completely ignored at runtime. It's there only for design-time convenience – for checking available actions and outlets.
Is there any chance you're finding nil pointers in -init? Outlets are connected after -init and before -awakeFromNib. They'll never be connected in -init.
I'm trying to understand the sequence of initialization (from your other post). It sounds like you are creating a new instance of your CTTabContents subclass, and passing it to your CTBrowserWindowController subclass's -addTabContents: method. Then the CTBrowserWindowController loads your objects from the nib.
Or, maybe that's wrong. You might be creating a instance of your CTTabContentsController subclass. Then that object is loading TabContents.xib.
It's important to track down where the nib is being loaded and which object is being provided as the file owner at that time.
Another question: are you using manual release/retain, automatic reference counting, or garbage collection?
Finally, I reiterate the importance of printing out the self pointer in your initialization methods. In addition to -init and -awakeFromNib, try other initialization methods like your CTTabContents subclass' -initWithFrame:. When you're discovering intermittent null pointers in the rest of your debugging, print out the self pointers then, too. You'll probably be seeing different values of self then, too.


Multiple instances of an object inside a XIB file

I have a document-based app with the recommended NSDocument / NSWindowController setup. Every window has its own NSWindowController instance and an associated XIB file. The interface is loaded pretty straight-forward in -(id)init: if (self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"DocumentWindow"]) { // yadda yadda }. The XIB file contains an object that represents a separate controller that should be instanciated every time the user opens a new window. It presents data that is only relevant to the current document. When I unpack the object with -(id)initWithWindowNibName: I always get a reference to the same instance despite having two different window controllers and despite having called -(id)initWithWindowNibName: twice. The XIB loading mechanism seems to only unpack the same archived object once which kind of makes sense (really?).
Is there no way besides allocating separate objects in code, manually loading views, calculating their sizes, adding them as subviews, then setting bindings and keeping an eye on unbinding them manually when the window gets closed?
I’m banging my head against the wall, because of my own stupidity. It just makes things worse.
As I initially thought I was absolutely on the wrong path. The issue was simply that I registered a notification in the aforementioned instantiated class for an object that was a subview of the application’s keyWindow (I hacked it together and wanted to change it later to a property, ouch). When the application was loaded all instances registered for all document windows and all of them got notified and calculated the same data.
The debugger is my best friend today.
There is actually nothing like an optimization when you unarchive objects from a XIB and you will always get different instances (which absolutely makes sense in retrospect). If you encounter a similar issue, then it’s probably an unrelated bug at another place in your code.

XCode/Cocoa Objective-C - A couple questions

Sorry for the stupid post, but I am new to Objective-C programming and Cocoa and have a couple of questions which I can't find the answers to, I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.
Firstly, in XCode, when using the Interface builder, when I want to create a new object I drag the object to my 'assets'. However I can't specify methods or anything without manually creating a new class file. Is there any point using the interface builder's 'object'?
The first app I built to test things with, I put most of the code in the AppDelegate class files. Research has shown me that the AppDelegate's purpose is simply handling application events like launching and closing. Was I wrong in putting the methods in this class? Does it make any difference?
Finally, if I have several class files created, each handling their own functionality with an interface built and linked to the classes, then what do I do with the 'main' file? It seems to me that the 'main' file and 'appdelegate' class files will be for the most case left as-is?
I hope that makes sense. Again i'm sorry for the silly-sounding questions but I can't find any answers.
Thanks in advance everyone!
Firstly, in XCode, when using the Interface builder, when I want to create a new object I drag the object to my 'assets'. However I can't specify methods or anything without manually creating a new class file.
Sure you can. Just set the class of the object using the inspector.
Note that you can only connect nib objects to an outlet or action. You can't specify any random methods, nor should you—the whole point of the IBOutlet, IBOutletCollection, and IBAction keywords is to declare in code that these properties/methods are used by a nib.
Is there any point using the interface builder's 'object'?
Yes, but pretty rarely. Usually you create objects in code and connect outlets to them.
The application's delegate is one object you may want to create in the MainMenu or MainWindow nib, if you build your application that way (the iOS templates have changed away from it for some reason).
The first app I built to test things with, I put most of the code in the AppDelegate class files. Research has shown me that the AppDelegate's purpose is simply handling application events like launching and closing. Was I wrong in putting the methods in this class?
Probably. The application's delegate generally should only handle business relating to the NS/UIApplicationDelegate protocol.
On the flip side, it's OK to make your root view controller the application's delegate, if it makes sense to do so (and the NS/UIApplicationDelegate implementation code is not too voluminous). The question you have to answer—and only you can answer it for your application—is whether you are making your root view controller the application's delegate or the application's delegate the root view controller. If in doubt, keep them separate.
Does it make any difference?
Long-term, yes. It's very easy, especially in the class of the application's delegate, to create a Big Ball of Mud class—one without well-defined and clearly-delineated responsibilities. Take dynamite to such a class as soon as possible.
Finally, if I have several class files created, each handling their own functionality with an interface built and linked to the classes, then what do I do with the 'main' file? It seems to me that the 'main' file and 'appdelegate' class files will be for the most case left as-is?
Yes. They're boiler-plate.
If you haven't written any code in the application's delegate (or have removed everything you had put there into new and better-delineated classes), such that all that's left are empty method bodies or none at all, you can safely remove the application's delegate. You can always create it again later if you change your mind.
Note that if you delete your application delegate class, you should also change the main.m file—or the MainMenu/MainWindow nib, if you have one—to not refer to it. Your application won't build if your UIApplicationMain call (or any other code) refers to a class that doesn't exist, and it will crash if your MainMenu/MainWindow nib (or any other nib) refers to a class that doesn't exist.
There is no shame in your application having a delegate if you need it to, but if you don't, removing it and the class you were using for it eliminates future temptation to stuff code there or use it to store third-order globals.
The point of using objects in interface builder is to connect methods of the object to UI elements.
It partly depends on what your methods are doing, but for the most part the app delegate class is going to be left alone. It isn't an actual requirement (your program will work either way) but it is common practice because it generally creates more maintainable code. The app delegate should just handle the application events ( using other classes to do any complex logic or heavy lifting ).
The 'main' file will most likely not change. I can't think of any reason to do so, but I wouldn't rule it out for some advanced cases.
To be honest I only used the Object thing in IB once, when I wanted a separate object to have some UI bindings.
About the app delegate and main file, yes, you'll leave them as-is most of the time. But if you try to do something besides test apps you'll need to handle open events to, for example, connect to a server, ask the user for a review, increment some launch counter, etc... Those are just examples!
The main file I advise you to left it alone and use the object oriented tools provided. You should have a view controller hierarchy, isolate your views from the data, and use the view controller to comunicate between view and model. Read about MVC if you want more info on how your application should be organized.

iOS - Outlets in Category implementation files

I have a iOS project in which the view controller implementation which has become large and thought it would be better to break into categories based on the functionality
The outlets in the view controller implementation file are not available in the category's implementation file.
Note - I am using ARC (automatic reference counting)
I have an outlet to the textfield created in my view controller's implementation file. Now can I create another outlet to the same text field in my view controller category's implementation file ?
Would it cause any memory not be released or any other memory issues (Both the outlets are going to be weak and non atomic) ?
Is this acceptable from a design perspective or is there a better way to do it ?
Can category's methods be accessed in view controller's implementation ? I can include the header file but I want to know if at runtime there would be any unpredictable behavior
If you need to access declared IBOutlet properties in the categories of your view controller class, why not declare them in the class header file so that they are available to your categories? The ability to declare properties and ivars in implementation files now is meant to hide messy details of your implementation, but not at the risk of making your code unmanageable. Your functional design seems sensible.
You can have as many outlets as you want, they are pointers that will allow you to modify the object trough them.
If you are using arc and assuming you used the Interface Builder to create your text field then no, since you set them to weak it just means that these pointers wont count towards the retain count of the object, so the object will be kept alive as long as at least 1 strong pointer points to it. in this case the Interface builder's view is retaining it, when that view is deallocated so will the object be. Being non atomic means that its not tread safe but this doesn't matter for your purpose.
It really depends on your program, since i cant picture it with your description i can only advice into trying to stick to the MVC model when developing on iOS.

Using Protocols in Objective C to Transfer Data Between Different Objects?

Hey guys, I currently have a root table view which has a toolbar at the bottom and has labels and a refresh button within it, much like the Mail app's toolbar. This root table view controller obtains data from a server by allocating and initializing a DataUpdater class. Within this class are the NSURLConnection delegate methods that are called while communicating with the server.
As you can probably guess, I need to know when certain (delegate) functions are called within the DataUpdater class and the values of the parameters passed to these delegate functions so that I can update the labels on the toolbar accordingly (i.e. Connecting..., Updated, etc).
The problem I am having is determining how to notify the root table view controller of what is going on in these delegate methods. Would I use protocols, if so how? I have been skimming the documentation and don't quite see how I would get this effect. Or would you suggest I implement my program another way?
Thanks in advance!
A protocol is a kind of contract that says: I promise to provide the non-optional methods defined in the protocol, and maybe even the optional ones. It's purpose is like Java interfaces: to work around missing multiple-inheritence.
The delegate pattern in Objective-C normally works like this: you define a protocol, and then in your class, you define a variable like id<MyProtocol> myDelegate; and define a setter and maybe getter (either via normal methods, e.g. - (void)setDelegate:(id<MyProtocol>)aDelegate; or via properties.
Note that the delegate is not retained ! So if you work with a property, you need the assign option, not retain.
Now back in your class, you check whether myDelegate is nil and if not, you can directly call its non-optional methods. If you want to call an optional method, you first need to verify its presence via respondsToSelector:.
So if you decide to use the delegate pattern, you need to define a protocol, add that protocol to your root table view controller, implement the necessary methods there, and make sure to call [foo setDelegate:self]; or something similar to inform your other class that the root table view controller is the delegate. And of course implement the delegate calls in your class.
An alternative might be to use NSNotifications, BTW. The advantage of notifications is that you can have multiple objects listen and react to them. The disadvantage is that you cannot (directly) pass values back. For example, you can define a delegate method that asks the delegate whether to do something or not. That's not possible with notifications, it's more like shouting into a room instead of having a one-to-one conversation.
DarkDust's answer about protocols is fine but I would like to add some things to it.
One underlying thing that is often forgotten when it comes to delegation is object ownership. When a program is running it creates a tree of objects. Its root object is the application delegate and for example it owns a navigation controller, which owns the individual view controllers, which own the view and the view owns its subviews and so on.
Often the question comes up: "Why is the delegate not retained, just assigned?" The problem is that if you send a message to a deallocated object the program crashes. So how do you make sure the delegate stays around? The answer is object ownership.
I give you an example: a UITableView and its data source which is the TableViewController which is nothing but a delegate. The TableViewController holds a reference with its view property to the UITableView, so it owns the TableView. That means when the tableView is alive there must also be its parent object present, which is the UITableView's delegate. So there is no danger that the delegate goes away somehow.
In the end it is again all about memory management.
Take home message is: think upfront about object ownership will make your program mode modular, easier to maintain and will lead to a looser coupling between individual objects.

Connecting delegate classes in Objective-C

I've got two controls in my Interface Builder file, and each of those controls I've created a separate delegate class for in code (Control1Delegate and Control2Delegate). I created two "Objects" in interface builder, made them of that type, and connected the controls to them as delegates. The delegates work just fine. My problem is, I need to share information from one delegate to the other delegate, and I'm not sure how.
What is the best way to do this? Combine the two delegates into one class, or somehow access a third class that they can both read? Since I'm not actually initializing the class anywhere in my code, I'm not sure how to get a reference to the actual instance of it (if there is an actual instance of it), or even access the "main" class that the project came with.
You can add outlets from either delegate to the other delegate. There are two ways to add an outlet to an object in IB (assuming you're using Xcode/IB version 3.0 or later:
If you have not generated the code for your delegate classes yet, select the desired delegate, then open the "Object Identity" tab in the IB inspector. Add a "Class outlet" of type NSObject. You should then be able to set this new outlet to the other delegate. Of course you will have to generate the code for your delegate class and add the generated source files to your Xcode project before you can load the nib.
If you've already generated the code for the delegate class (or added an NSObject to your NIB and set its Class to an existing class in your Xcode project), add an instance variable to the delegate class:
IBOutlet id outletToOtherDelegate;
As long as your Xcode project is open (as indicated by the green bubble in the lower-left of your NIB window), IB will automatically detect the new outlet and allow you to assign it to the other delegate object in your NIB.
Cocoa automatically connects these outlets at NIB load time. Once awakeFromNib is called on instances of your delegate objects, you may assume that all the other objects in the NIB have been instantiated and all outlets have been connected. You should not assume an order on calls to awakeFromNib, however.
I think you can create outlets on each one and cross-bind them so that they each have the same data all the time. If there's one model object they need to share, that's pretty tidy. I don't actually know how to do this; I think I saw it in an iPhone tutorial one time!
I don't have my Mac in front of me currently since I'm at work, but would it be possible to bind an instance of one delegate to a member of the other delegate? This would be similar to binding an NSArrayController to a member of another controller class, for example.
However, depending on what the delegate classes are doing, if the tasks are similar I would probably just combine them into once class. That would eliminate the problem altogether.