Keeping browser from timing out in mvc3 app during long processing time -

MVC3 In my app I have a point where 500+ emails with attachments are sent out using a for each loop to accomplish this.. Nothing is returned to the browser the entire time this is running so eventually the browser think it has timed out... I tried just having it redirect to another actionresult function after every email and that function just passes it back to the email function. This is not working and I feel the reason is that nothing is actually being sent to the browser window its self.. Is there a way to fix this issue??
If _keepAlive = 1 Then
RedirectToAction("keepAlive", "Email")
End If
Function keepAlive() As ActionResult
Return RedirectToAction("SendClassSchedules", "Email")
End Function

You can try an async action and set the timeout to a large value:

In the past, we have successfully started a background thread to do the processing, then set the page to refresh itself once a second - with each refresh reporting progress. I suppose If I was doing something like that today, I would use a page method and javascript ajax call to update the page with the progress.

Are you talking about this?
I think you could change Session.Timeout to suit your needs better..


Multi-web server ajax callback with refresh on Enter

Question about how to send a jQuery callback with an onSuccess: refresh from a textInput when the user presses [Enter]. We use the [Enter] press to trigger a search callback.
Our GS Seaside app uses HAProxy. This means the onSuccess: script is handled by a different gem than the one that handles the callback. Because of this, users will sometimes get the refresh because the callback, which to them looks like a lost input (a browser F5 refresh shows the right state). If running single gem or in a VW / Pharo image this problem does not come up.
I can work around the problem by using...
async: false;
...but that prevents me from show any kind of waiting feedback (I normally use a busy gif).
So, the question is: in a multi-web server configuration, how can you code a callback to...
1 - show a busy gif
2 - trigger the search callback
3 - refresh the display when done
...all in that order.
Using a form submission callback is a problem because multiple text inputs can trigger the search, since the callback is 'set value + do search', by virtual of the default [Enter] press.
For the JS callback, I'm using...
self onKeyPress: (
on: '(window.event ? window.event.keyCode : event.which) == 13')
then: (canvas jQuery ajax callback: aBlock value: canvas jQuery this value))
It all works fine, except for the missing busy gif, due to the 'async: false'.
Any suggestions?
You can define a beforeSend and a complete handler to show and hide the loading indicator while the request is being processed. The global parameter set to false is meant to ignore your existing handlers to process request start and end (the mentioned spinner), and only use these defined in the particular instance of the JQAjax object.
((html jQuery ajax)
async: false;
global: false; ""
callback: aBlock value: canvas jQuery this value;
onBeforeSend: (html jQuery id: 'indicator') show;
onSuccess: ((html jQuery id: 'fieldId') load html: [:h | ]);
onComplete: (html jQuery id: 'indicator') hide;
That said, keep in mind that doing a synchronous AJAX call is discouraged since it will block the whole UI thread until the request is resolved.
So it's not completely clear how you manage the state in different worker images (gems, in this case) returning different things (probably because of having different sessions), so it's also not clear to me why doing an async XHR request will be served differently to doing it synchronously, I never experienced that.
From the small sample you mention, it can't be deduced what is the "refresh" part of your code. So maybe, providing more context will help us give you more accurate answers.
Fix ended up being trivial: needed to include 'event.preventDefault();' in the [Enter] key script. Seems obvious in hindsight.
if ((window.event ? window.event.keyCode : event.which) == 13) {
This problem is confirmed to be a narrow configuration symptom: GemStone with multiple gems. On every other configuration Seaside / javascript behaves as expected. I will follow this up as a vendor problem. Thanks to everyone that looked at it (this was also posted on other forums).

How do I return a partial, not a view, to the front end? Can I return a partial without a page refresh?

So I'm working in express and using hbs as my view engine. I want to make a fetch call from the front end passing form data to my express server. I then want to send a partial with the data sent from the front end to the front end so only that section of the page is updated. Also I want the page to not refresh so I want it to be asynchronous. Is this possible and, if so, how can I do this?
I tried the same long time ago with ajax/jquery, and It could be exausting, extense etc, I recomend to you use vue, react or angular, to handle your front end.
If you want to continue with this you can see this answer:
express.js how to update UI without refresh all page using handlebars

Auto login to website using script or bookmark

I've been trying to figure this out using various different methods. I'm trying to create a script/bookmark or some type of quick action to open a browser tab or window with a specific URL, and automatically log me in using my credentials. I'm not all that concerned about security for this at the moment.
At first I figured I'd try to use a javascript bookmark to do this, but nothing I found in my research worked. Next I tried to create a bash script, but I couldn't figure out how to send the credentials in via the terminal. Most recently, I literally copied the source code of a site, created a local file and tried to hack together something where I could prefill the form data with credentials and use JS to submit the form, and I've gotten close with this, but for some reason when I use the JS submit function, it errors out and says that the username and password are invalid. But when i turn off the submit function and manually click "log in" on my local html page, it works as expected. I want this to be a one click process, so the idea of using onload/submit or something to that affect is really important to me.
The site I'm testing with has a Rails backend and my next attempt might be trying to use POST to do what I'm thinking, but that's currently outside of my level of knowledge on the subject.
Anyone answering: i do not want to use a password manager to accomplish this.
My requirement is that i will either be able to a) run a script or b) use a 1-click option to do this per website. Ideally i'd be able to set this up in a sort of programmatic way to do this with multiple sites, but I'd be happy with 1 at the moment.
i know similar questions have been answered before, but I haven't been able to use information from those posts (the ones I've seen anyway) to figure out a good way to do this.
Create a bookmark for the current page you have opened.
Edit the bookmark
Change the value for the URL to something like this.
find the field for username and password on the page.
Given example for hotmail
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){if(inputs[i].name === 'passwd'){inputs[i].value = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'}else if(inputs[i].name === 'loginfmt'){inputs[i].value = 'YOUR_USERNAME'}}; document.getElementById(document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].id).submit();
try out casperjs.
The proposed solution didn't work for me and rather than spending tons of time installing a testing framework that I'll never use other than for this purpose, I decided to try to do this another way.
First, I found out that the reason my JS wasn't working before is because the site did not allow a JS submit to be done, or atleast that's what it seemed to be when I got this error: "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience"
The javascript I was using was in fact working, just not submitting. I used the following code to fill the fields (using "Class Name" elements on the page since there was no name or ID):
document.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].setAttribute('value', 'user');
document.getElementsByClassName('password')[0].setAttribute('value', 'password');
As I mentioned, the problem was when I tried to use JQuery to submit the form: document.getElementsByClassName('loginForm')[0].submit();
Which is when the above error cropped up. I can't really say for sure whether this is the root of the cause, but the page does submit, but I get an invalid username/password error when I do
I haven't figured out a great way to get around this just yet, but my short-term, "hacky" solution was to use Applescript to send a return keystroke to the browser to submit the form. I'd ideally like to figure out how to get the submission to work using JQuery, but I'm not sure how to get around it.

Need to create session object and along with session object I want to send my own NSDictonary object in Objective C

I have a situation to 'Login' in window based mac application , for that login I am going to 'LoginValidation' file. This is working fine and it is giving proper response for opening a what I needed.
But the problem is I need to send my own dictionary object(consists of login information) to the next page(what I am opening newly). If I try to import 'LoginValidation' or 'Login' page in here its not allowing me for creating of complete circle loop.
For this reason I am thinking only by using session I can send my object from one page to another page.
Can any one please help me how to come out with solution....
Thank u in advance...

Web part lost when page post back

Here is the brief detail of issue.
I have Page1 where I have put LinkButton. The LinkButton Has property PostBackUrl pointing to Page2.
When user is redirected to page2, I am using Page Load method to access controls from previous page & get the needed value. To make clear, I am using this approach becuase I cant use querystring.
Page 2 has 2 web parts on it. The web parts use data received in Page Load event from page1 and renders data.
This works perfect on first page load. When user clicks on a URL in page which posts back, the web parts gets lost.
Note that if I come directly to page2 without going at page1, then web parts are retained in the page and they are not lost.
Can anyone give me the clue of issue cause?
Thanks in advance.
Do you have any debugging enabled? you are most likely looking for values on page load that don't exist and might be getting exceptions that aren't handled properly.
I am not sure why but somehow code was throwing an exception when I tried to access the property Page.PreviousPage. Though I had made sure to check null on each step. Even code was never get hit when web part was lost. So it is still a mystery for me.
Just in case someone comes across this issue my workaround may help. I used Post back to page2 using post method. I accessed the variables using Page.Form[] variables. This way my issue of getting web parts lost got resolved.