Many-to-Many but sourced from multiple tables - sql

I am supposed to be shipping out a box with variable contents and tracking this in a database. All of my items (the contents of a box) are different types and require different tables to track their respective pieces of information, although each item type has the same length serial number (i.e. PK are the same datatype). And I have a Boxes table.
So each item has a table (~7 tables) plus the box table. I want to create a BoxContents table. I tried to make a many-to-many relationship intermediate table with two columns: one for BoxID and one for ItemBarcode, where BoxID is a FK to the PK on the Boxes table and the ItemBarcode is a FK to each of the PKs on the Items tables (i.e. I tried to link multiple tables to the same column). Unsurprisingly this didn't work. I tried to insert an item and the FK constraint was violated on all but one of the ItemBarcode relationships.
How can I construct my relationships to link several types of items to one box in one table? Is this a logical approach? Do you need more information?

You need a category hierarchy (aka. class hierarchy, subtype hierarchy, inheritance hierarchy...):
There are 3 main strategies for implementing a category hierarchy. If you choose "all classes in one table" or "class per table", then no matter how many kinds of items you have, you only need one "link" table to implement the many-to-many relationship.

My first choice, if the ItemBarcode values are truly unique, would be to:
EDIT: Added description of required triggers.
Add triggers to enforce the barcode uniqueness.
(An insert/update trigger on each item table needs to verify that all (newly) assigned barcodes do not appear in other item tables.)
Use a single BoxId/ItemBarcode table without a FK relation on the barcode side, but with triggers to ensure it remains valid.
(An insert/update trigger on the association table needs to verify that the barcodes exist in the item tables. A delete trigger on each item table needs to prevent, or cascade, deletion of items that are in the association table. An update trigger on the item tables needs to update and changed barcodes in the association table. This last may be integrated into the insert/update trigger in the prior bullet.)
Consider using a view of all items to access common data by ItemBarcode.
My second choice would be n BoxId/ItemBarcode tables for the n item types. Straightforward, but a bit busy. It makes adding a new item type messier than it needs to be.
I would not use a BoxId/ItemTypeId/ItemBarcode table. It denormalizes the data by associating the ItemTypeId and ItemBarcode again, it doesn't allow the use of a FK on the barcode side, and it still requires triggers to ensure integrity.
Don't be afraid of triggers. There are some problems that they can address quite effectively.

Relational databases are not good with this kind of problem. Your basic design is correct - an association table for FKs between the tables.
Your choices are:
Have multiple columns in your association table - one for for each item table
Merge the item data into one item table
I would go option 2.


Connecting one foreign key to multiple tables (primary keys)

I am developing an application for making quotations. First you make cost break down (or calculation) and upon that result you add item to quotation. The problem is that i have many product, so each category of a product will have its own cost break down form with different parameters to be filled in. If I will have only one table for cost breakdown, then it will be huge (a lot of fields in table). I have a feeling that this is not the right approach. So I came up with diagram below:
Is this solution even possible, or I must have "N" (if I have N-tables) different FK for each cost break down table? Do you have any better solutions?
I have another question if my linking table "Quotation_QtnDetail" is necessary?
It would be possible to store a reference to a particular value in one of these tables by having a CalculationType column indicating which table the record is in, along with a generic reference ID column (containing the ID of the relevant record). For example, if you were storing a CalcId of 123 and a CalculationType of 2, this would point to the record with ID 123 in the Calc2 table.
The downside to doing this is you're going to lose the ability to validate your data using FK constraints, and it will also make joins to your calculation tables a bit more complicated.
Regarding the Quotation_QtnDetail table, unless a QtnDetail record could ever be linked to multiple Quotation records, there is no need for this extra linking table. Instead, just link it directly by adding a QtnId column to the QtnDetail table. Similarly, you may also be able to remove the Calc_QtnItm table if an item is only ever linked to a single calculation record.

Is it possible to implement a TRUE one-to-one relation?

Consider the following model where a Customer should have one and only one Address and an Address should belong to one and only one Customer:
To implement it, as almost everybody in DB field says, Shared PK is the solution:
But I think it is a fake one-to-one relationship. Because nothing in terms of database relationship actually prevents deleting any row in table Address. So truely, it is 1..[0..1] not 1..1
Am I right? Is there any other way to implement a true 1..1 relation?
Why cascade delete is not a solution:
If we consider cascade delete as a solution we should put this on either of the tables. Let's say if a row is deleted from table Address, it causes corresponding row in table Customer to be deleted. it's okay but half of the solution. If a row in Customer is deleted, the corresponding row in Address should be deleted as well. This is the second half of the solution, and it obviously makes a cycle.
Beside my comment
You could implement DELETE CASCADE See HOW
I realize there is also the problem of insert.
You have to insert Customer first and then Address
So I think the best way if you really want a 1:1 is create a single table instead.
Sorry, is this meant to be a real-world database relationship? In all of the many databases I have ever built with customer data, there has always been real cases of either customers with multiple addresses, or more than one organisation at the same address.
I wouldn't want to lead you into a database modelling fallacy by suggesting anything different.
Yes, the "shared PK" idiom you show is for 1-to-0-or-1.
The straightforward way to have a true 1-to-1 correspondence is to have one table with Customer and Address as CKs (candidate keys). (Via UNIQUE NOT NULL and/or PRIMARY KEY.) You could offer the separate tables as views. Unfortunately typical DBMSs have restrictions on what you can do via the views, in particular re updating.
The relational way to have separate CUSTOMER and ADDRESS tables and a third table/association/relationship with Customer and Address columns as CKs plus FKs on Customer to and from CUSTOMER and on Address to and from ADDRESS (or equivalent constraint(s)). Unfortunately most DBMSs needlessly won't let you declare cycles in FKs and you cannot impose the constraints without triggers/complexity. (Ultimately, if you want to have proper integrity in a typical SQL database you need to use triggers and complex idioms.)
Entity-oriented design methods unfortunately artificially distinguish between entities, associations and properties. Here is an example where if you consider the simplest design to simply be the one table with PKs then you don't want to always have to have distinct tables for each entity. Or if you consider the simplest design to be the three tables (or even two) with the PKs and FKs (or some other constraint(s) for 1-to-1) then unfortunately typical DBMSs just don't declaratively/ergonomically support that particular design situation.
(Straightforward relational design is to have values (that are sometimes used as ids) 1-to-1 with application things but then just have whatever relevant application relationships/associations/relations and corresponding/representing tables/relations as needed to describe your application situations.)
It's possible in principle to implement a true 1-1 data structure in some DBMSs. It's very difficult to add data or modify data in such a structure using standard SQL however. Standard SQL only permits one table to be updated at a time and therefore as soon as you insert a row into one or other table the intended constraint is broken.
Here are two examples. First using Tutorial D. Note that the comma between the two INSERT statements ensures that the 1-1 constraint is never broken:
id INTEGER} KEY{id};
id INTEGER} KEY{id};
CONSTRAINT one_to_one (CUSTOMER{id} = ADDRESS{id});
TUPLE {id 1234}
TUPLE {id 1234}
Now the same thing in SQL.
VALUES (1234);
VALUES (1234);
The SQL version uses two foreign key constraints, which is the only kind of multi-table constraint supported by most SQL DBMSs. It requires two INSERT statements which means I could only insert a row before adding the constraints, not after.
A strict one-to-one constraint probably isn't very useful in practice but it's actually just a special case of something more important and interesting: join dependency. A join dependency is effectively an "at least one" constraint between tables rather than "exactly one". In the world outside databases it is common to encounter examples of business rules that ought to be implemented as join dependencies ("each customer must have AT LEAST ONE addresss", "each order must have AT LEAST ONE item in it"). In SQL DBMSs it's hard or impossible to implement join dependencies. The usual solution is simply to ignore such business rules thus weakening the data integrity value of the database.
Yes, what you say is true, the dependent side of a 1:1 relationship may not exist -- if only for the time it takes to create the dependent entity after creating the independent entity. In fact, all relationships may have a zero on one side or the other. You can even turn the relationship into a 1:m by placing the FK of the address in the Customer row and making the field not null. You can still have addresses that aren't referenced by any customer.
At first glance, a m:n may look like an exception. The intersection entry is generally defined so that neither FK can be null. But there can be customers and addresses both that have no entry referring to them. So this is really a 0..m:0..n relationship.
What of it? Everyone I've ever worked with has understood that "one" (as in 1:1) or "many" (as in 1:m or m:n) means "no more than this." There is no "exactly this, no more or less." For example, we can design a 1:3 relationship on paper. We cannot strictly enforce it in any database. We have to use triggers, stored procedures and/or scheduled tasks to seek out and call our attention to deviations. Execute a stored procedure weekly, for instance, that will seek and and flag or delete any such orphaned addresses.
Think of it like a "frictionless surface." It exists only on paper.
I see this question as a conceptual misunderstanding. Relations are between different things. Things with a "true 1-to-1 relation" are by definition aspects or attributes of the same thing, and belong in the same table. No, of course a person and and address are not the same, but if they are inseparable, and must always be inserted, deleted, or otherwise acted upon as a unit, then as data they are "the same thing". This is exactly what is described here.
Yes, and it's actually quite easy: just put both entities in the same table!
OTOH, if you need to keep them in separate tables for some reason, then you need a key in one table referencing1 a key in another, and vice-versa. This, of course, represents a "chicken and egg" problem2 which can be resolved by deferring the enforcement of FKs to the end of the transaction3. This works only on DBMSes that support deferred constraints (such as Oracle and PostgreSQL).
1 Via a foreign key.
2 Inserting a row in the first table is impossible because that would violate the referential integrity towards the second table, but inserting a row in the second table is impossible because that would violate the referential integrity towards the first table, etc... Ditto for deletion.
3 So you simply insert both rows, and then check both FKs.

One to many relationship with ensuring at least 1 record exists in (many table)

How would you design tables in the following scenerio.
I have two tables in one-to-many relationship.
Table A - One
Table B - Many
Such relation doesn't give me
on database level the protection that at least 1 record will be present in B table.
Moreover Table A should know the last identifier from Table B (basing on any rule).
How could I accomplish such a task?
The foreign key will be in Table B which will guarantee that every row will have a corresponding row in Table A. In a one-to-one relationship, you could have a redundant FK in Table A to guarantee the reverse, but for a one-to-many, that's not possible.
I came across a similar requirement a few years ago when I designed a method for maintaining versions of data. Table A would be the static or unchanging data (or just data that may change but was not necessary to track) and Table B contained each version of the data as it changed. My solution was to force all DML access to the tables through a view. Actually there were two main views, one which performed a one-to-many join which provided a complete history of the data changes. This had a "do nothing" trigger on it to render it read only (one shouldn't be able to change history). The other was a one-to-one join of the static data and only the current version. This provided the data as it existed "now." All DML went through this view.
When a row was inserted, the trigger inserted into both tables their prospective fields. When a row was updated, the static fields (if changed) was updated and the versioned data was inserted as a new row. Deletions were handled as a soft delete.
The point is, there was no way to insert only to the static table. Even if all the versioned fields of a new row happened to contained NULLs, those fields were still inserted into the versioned table. So it was not possible to have a row in Table A (my static table) that did not have at least one corresponding row in Table B (my versioned table).

Recommended structure for table that has FK for 3 other tables

I have a table that will contain information for 3 other tables. The design I have is that this table will have a column that will tell the objects's ID and another column will tell the objects's type (and thus the table that that row refers to).
Two questions:
a) Is that the best design or is there something else more widely accepted?
b) What is the recommend procedure to assure that IDs are valid for the given objects's type?
If I understood your question correctly, each row in your table links to exactly one of the three other tables.
Your approach (type field + one foreign key field) is a valid design, and it's useful if you want to create a general-purpose table that contains meta-information about your data (e.g. a list of records that should be retransmitted for replication).
Another approach, which might be more suitable for real application-level data, would be to have three columns, each being a foreign key to one of the three tables, and to add a constraint that requires exactly two of those fields to be null. The has the following advantages:
The three FKs do not need to have the same data type.
The JOIN syntax becomes more natural (not involving the type field).
You can add referential integrity constraints on those FK columns.
You don't need to ensure correctness of the type field -- in fact, you don't need the type field at all. The type is determined implicitly by the one FK column which is not null.
a) I'm supposing you have a relationship one to many between objects and object types. In a normal design you'd have a reference from the objecttype column in the objects table to the primary key of the object types table
b) I would enforce referential integrity in the relationship properties (this depends on the dbms you are using). It's also up to you to use cascading on updates and deletes. This way, an update or a delete of the primary key on object types table would be reflected on the objects one, updating its foreign key column (object type column) or deleting the registers that have that object type.
The basics of DB schema design are easy, but more complicated situations can be really complicated to figure out what's best. There is a lot of personal subjectivity that can come into play here, and even performance can be a factor in denormalizing a design.
Disclaimer aside, my personal recommendation is to never use a column to store more than one kind of FK, i.e. a column for FKs should store FKs that point only to a single table. If you don't do this, you have to map the cascade of that column's data into multiple sub-select queries inside your code, and it can begin to get more messy than you expected. Your given "Problem No. 2, ensuring validity between type and FK" is just the beginning of a whole world of pain that will cascade throughout your source code.
Assuming you change the design to use one field per FK reference, I would also check whether each FK field in your main "information-holding table" will be fully valid for each record. If not, I would move out the FK columns that will only be applicable some of the time to a separate table.

Difference between a db view and a lookuptable

When I create a view I can base it on multiple columns from different tables.
When I want to create a lookup table I need information from one table, for example the foreign key of an order table, to get customer details from another table. I can create a view having parameters to make sure it will get all data that I need. I could also - from what I have been reading - make a lookup table. What is the difference in this case and when should I choose for a lookup table?? I hope this ain't a bad question, I'm not very into db's yet ;).
Creating a view gives you a "live" representation of the data as it is at the time of querying. This comes at the cost of higher load on the server, because it has to determine the values for every query.
This can be expensive, depending on table sizes, database implementations and the complexity of the view definition.
A lookup table on the other hand is usually filled "manually", i. e. not every query against it will cause an expensive operation to fetch values from multiple tables. Instead your program has to take care of updating the lookup table should the underlying data change.
Usually lookup tables lend themselves to things that change seldomly, but are read often. Views on the other hand - while more expensive to execute - are more current.
I think your usage of "Lookup Table" is slightly awry. In normal parlance a lookup table is a code or reference data table. It might consist of a CODE and a DESCRIPTION or a code expansion. The purpose of such tables is to provide a lsit of permitted values for restricted columns, things like CUSTOMER_TYPE or PRIORITY_CODE. This category of table is often referred to as "standing data" because it changes very rarely if at all. The value of defining this data in Lookup tables is that they can be used in foreign keys and to populate Dropdowns and Lists Of Values.
What you are describing is a slightly different scenario:
I need information from one table, for
example the foreign key of an order
table, to get customer details from
another table
Both these tables are application data tables. Customer and Order records are dynamic. Now it is obviously valid to retrieve additional data from the Customer table to display along side the Order data, and in that sense Customer is a "lookup table". More pertinently it is the parent table of Order, because it has the primary key referenced by the foreign key on Order.
By all means build a view to capture the joining logic between Order and Customer. Such views can be quite helpful when building an application that uses the same joined tables in several places.
Here's an example of a lookup table. We have a system that tracks Jurors, one of the tables is JurorStatus. This table contains all the valid StatusCodes for Jurors:
Code: Value
WS : Will Serve
PP : Postponed
EM : Excuse Military
IF : Ineligible Felon
This is a lookup table for the valid codes.
A view is like a query.
Read this tutorial and you may find helpful info when a lookup table is needed:
SQL: Creating a Lookup Table
Just learn to write sql queries to get exactly what you need. No need to create a view! Views are not good to use in many instances, especially if you start to base them on other views, when they will kill performance. Do not use views just as a shorthand for query writing.