How do I get my remaining quota of translations from microsoft translator programmatically? [closed] - api

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to keep track of how many translations I have left and use this to enable/disable functionality.
Is there a public API I can use to get this information?

No API that I know of, but the subscription page updates in near-realtime - see this blog post from a few weeks ago for an update to this, including low-balance notifications on the subscription page.
For reference, here's the API documentation.


I want to be able to sync timelog between GanttPRO and ur internal log system [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there any official or unofficial GanttPRO API available?
If GanttPRO can post a webhook each time when new time log created - it's enough for us
Dmitry, we plan to release a public API at the mid of September 2020.
I'll provide a link for the documentation here

Documentation on developing a payment method for opencart? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The information on developing your own payment method (or any module at all) on the opencart site is rather sparse. Is there better information on this topic anywhere else?
Unfortunately it's not something that is documented at all. My advice would be to copy the files from a previous payment gateway such as PayPal standard or pro and build on that, or download a free payment gateway and work from the files in that

API to obtain open and click rates of recipient lists in Sendgrid [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In Sendgrid, when viewing the recipient lists, it shows the open and click rates of each of the individual lists. Is there an API I can use to get those values? I tried using the Stats API but it shows per day, not per list. So is there an API to show the rates of each list?
No, there's not currently a way to do this through the API. Your best bet to get this one the roadmap is to start a discussion on our community board (
You can also always reach out to our support team for questions like this!

Is there an API for [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking to create a mobile version of the images created on All attribution will be given to the site for the data, but I'm looking to implement it where an app doesn't exist yet and network connectivity isn't guaranteed. Is there an externally accessible API available? I didn't really see any information about it in the FAQ.
I'm the creator of There is no API, but there is a description of the algorithm used to create the cards so that you can implement it yourself and create the exact same cards as the site would create for the same card numbers. You can find it at

Looking for API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I saw many e-commerce sites using Pricegrabber for price comparison.
For example:
Is there a pricegrabber API for developers?
Per programmableweb, pricegrabber does have an API but to even see its documentation you have to negotiate with the site itself. If that's not acceptable to you, the page I'm pointing to has pointers to many other shopping sites with APIs that may be more suitable for you.
According to programmableweb, the PriceGrabber API is no longer available.