Using WriteableBitmapEx -

I am currently developing metro apps and I need to write text On images.
I found this
But I am new to XAML and dosent know how to use it specifically.
So can anyone say me how do I use it in order to write text on image.
As I have asked this question on MSDN but I have no reply yet.
If I use as Muad'Dib I am getting the error as seen in below screenshot:
The Error is: 'Writeable Bitmap Extensions' is ambiguous in the namespace 'System.Windows.Media.Imaging'

there is one possible solution in the Discussions area for WriteableBitmapEx
here is the code from that "article":
public static void DrawText(this WriteableBitmap wBmp,Point at, string text,double fontSize,Color textColor)
TextBlock lbl = new TextBlock();
lbl.Text = text;
lbl.FontSize = fontSize;
lbl.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(textColor);
WriteableBitmap tBmp = new WriteableBitmap(lbl, null);
wBmp.Blit(at, tBmp, new Rect(0, 0, tBmp.PixelWidth, tBmp.PixelHeight), Colors.White, System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmapExtensions.BlendMode.Alpha);


How to get Captcha image from DotNetBrowser Control c# and set to pictureBox

I am using DotNetBrowser Control in my c# desktop application. I am not able to get captcha image using this.
It is easy in Webbrowser control but in DotNetBrowser I don't know how to do so in c#
This code is working if I am using Webbrowser control
private Image getCaptcha()
HtmlElement ement = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("imgCaptcha");
if (ement == null)
return null;
mshtml.HTMLWindow2 w2 = (mshtml.HTMLWindow2)webBrowser1.Document.Window.DomWindow;
w2.execScript("var ctrlRange = document.body.createControlRange();
ctrlRange.execCommand('Copy');", "javascript");
return Clipboard.GetImage();
I need similar code in DotNetBrowser control
You can use the 'Browser.ImageProvider.GetImage' method to get the screenshot of the page and then crop this image to the bounds of the captcha image.
The only restriction is that the Browser should use the lightweight rendering mode as getting an image is unavailable in the heavyweight mode.
The described approach may look like the following source code:
browserView = new WinFormsBrowserView(BrowserFactory.Create(BrowserType.LIGHTWEIGHT));
browserView.Browser.SetSize(1024, 768);
Bitmap screenshot = browserView.Browser.ImageProvider.GetImage() as Bitmap;
DOMElement captchaElement = browserView.Browser.GetDocument().GetElementById("imgCaptcha");
pictureBox1.Image = screenshot?.Clone(captchaElement.BoundingClientRect, screenshot.PixelFormat);

Make text a link/annotation to invoke goTo other page action in PDF

How do I make plain text in a PDF a link to another part of the pdf document?
Currently, I'm post processing a PDF. I've identified two pages that should link pack to each other base on if two numbers (text object) are found in the page.
Is there a way I can convert that text to a clickable local link?
We have checked the reported query "Make text a link/annotation to invoke goto other page action in PDF" and prepared a test sample to meet your requirement. In this sample we have used PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation to navigate the internal document by click on text. Please check the sample and it is available in the below link for your reference.
Please find the sample from the following link.
Also please find the below UG documentation link to more details about PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation.
Code in link:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using Syncfusion.Pdf;
using Syncfusion.Pdf.Graphics;
using Syncfusion.Pdf.Interactive;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
public static string DataPathOutput
if (!Directory.Exists(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + #"\..\..\Output\"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + #"\..\..\Output\");
return System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + #"\..\..\Output\";
static void Main(string[] args)
// Creates a new PDF document
PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
// Creates a first page
PdfPage firstPage = document.Pages.Add();
PdfFont font = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Courier, 12f);
PdfBrush brush = PdfBrushes.Black;
PdfGraphics graphics1 = firstPage.Graphics;
string inputText1 = "Sample Text-1";
graphics1.DrawString(inputText1, font, brush, 10, 40);
// Measure string size to use same size for annotation
SizeF size1 = font.MeasureString(inputText1);
RectangleF rectangle1 = new RectangleF(10, 40, size1.Width, size1.Height);
// Creates a second page
PdfPage secondPage = document.Pages.Add();
PdfGraphics graphics2 = secondPage.Graphics;
string secondPageInput = "Sample Text-2";
graphics2.DrawString(secondPageInput, font, brush, 10, 40);
// Measure string size to use same size for annotation
SizeF size2 = font.MeasureString(inputText1);
RectangleF rectangle2 = new RectangleF(10, 40, size2.Width, size2.Height);
// Add annotation for firstpage to link second page of PdfDocumet
PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation firstAnnotation = new PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation(rectangle1);
firstAnnotation.Color = new PdfColor(Color.Transparent);
firstAnnotation.Destination = new PdfDestination(secondPage);
// Use below comment for link specific part of page
//firstAnnotation.Destination.Location = new Point(10, 40);
// Add annotation for second page to link first page of PdfDocumet
PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation secondAnnotation = new PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation(rectangle2);
secondAnnotation.Color = new PdfColor(Color.Transparent);
secondAnnotation.Destination = new PdfDestination(firstPage);
// Use below comment for link specific part of page
//secondAnnotation.Destination.Location = new Point(10, 40);
// Save document on mentioned location
document.Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(DataPathOutput, "Output.pdf"));

Background Image Is Other Image [duplicate]

In my C# Form I have a Label that displays a download percentage in the download event:
this.lblprg.Text = overallpercent.ToString("#0") + "%";
The Label control's BackColor property is set to be transparent and I want it to be displayed over a PictureBox. But that doesn't appear to work correctly, I see a gray background, it doesn't look transparent on top of the picture box. How can I fix this?
The Label control supports transparency well. It is just that the designer won't let you place the label correctly. The PictureBox control is not a container control so the Form becomes the parent of the label. So you see the form's background.
It is easy to fix by adding a bit of code to the form constructor. You'll need to change the label's Parent property and recalculate it's Location since it is now relative to the picture box instead of the form. Like this:
public Form1() {
var pos = label1.Parent.PointToScreen(label1.Location);
pos = pictureBox1.PointToClient(pos);
label1.Parent = pictureBox1;
label1.Location = pos;
label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
Looks like this at runtime:
Another approach is to solve the design-time problem. That just takes an attribute. Add a reference to System.Design and add a class to your project, paste this code:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design; // Add reference to System.Design
class PictureContainer : PictureBox {}
You can just use
label1.Parent = pictureBox1;
label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent; // You can also set this in the designer, as stated by ElDoRado1239
You can draw text using TextRenderer which will draw it without background:
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
overallpercent.ToString("#0") + "%",
new Point(10, 10),
When overallpercent value changes, refresh pictureBox:
You can also use Graphics.DrawString but TextRenderer.DrawText (using GDI) is faster than DrawString (GDI+)
Also look at another answer here and DrawText reference here
For easy for your design.
You can place your label inside a panel. and set background image of panel is what every image you want. set label background is transparent
After trying most of the provided solutions without success, the following worked for me:
label1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard
label1.Parent = pictureBox1
label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
You most likely not putting the code in the load function. the objects aren't drawn yet if you put in the form initialize section hence nothing happens.
Once the objects are drawn then the load function runs and that will make the form transparents.
private void ScreenSaverForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
label2.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
label2.Parent = pictureBox1;
label2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
One way which works for everything, but you need to handle the position, on resize, on move etc.. is using a transparent form:
Form form = new Form();
form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
form.BackColor = Color.Black;
form.TransparencyKey = Color.Black;
form.Owner = this;
form.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Hello", Left = 0, Top = 0, Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 20), ForeColor = Color.White });
Using Visual Studio with Windows Form you may apply transparency to labels or other elements by adding using System.Drawing; into Form1.Designer.cs This way you will have Transparency available from the Properties panel ( in Appearance at BackColor ). Or just edit code in Designer.cs this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

Context menu in windows 8 using Popup

Hi I am trying to create a context menu in windows 8 using Popup. On Right click of a button I am calling the following function
private async void UIElement_OnRightTapped(object sender, RightTappedRoutedEventArgs e)
PopupMenu popUpMenu = new PopupMenu();
popUpMenu.Commands.Add(new UICommand("File"));
Rect rect = GetRect(sender);
var result= await popUpMenu.ShowForSelectionAsync(rect, Placement.Right);
While defination for GetRect method is as follows:-
private Rect GetRect(object sender)
FrameworkElement element = sender as FrameworkElement;
GeneralTransform elementTransform = element.TransformToVisual(null);
Point point = elementTransform.TransformPoint(new Point());
Size size = new Size(element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight);
Rect rect = new Rect(point, size);
return rect;
Though the GetRect is returning correct value, but still i am getting result as null.
Please help
I can't figure out why you have this problems. On the first view, everything looks fine.
Maybe Tim Heuer Callisto package contains an easier approach for exactly what you want. See this example.
It's because you're not clicking on the File command, but instead clicking elsewhere on the page.

Creating a closeable tab in Mono/GTK

I'm trying to create new GTK Notebook tabs that contain both a name (as a Label) and a close button (as a Button with an Image) with the following code:
Label headerLabel = new Label();
headerLabel.Text = "Header";
HBox headerBox = new HBox();
Button closeBtn = new Button();
Image closeImg = new Image(Stock.Close, IconSize.Menu);
closeBtn.Image = closeImg;
closeBtn.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;
MyNotebook.AppendPage(childWidget, headerBox);
This seems to work just fine; however, the button is about 1.5 - 2 times the size is needs to be, so there is a lot of extra space around the image inside the button. Having looked at remove inner border on gtk.Button I now see that the culprit is the "inner-border" style property of the GtkButton, but (being new to GTK) I can't seem to figure out how to override its value.
Is there some method of doing this that I'm missing? I don't have any reservations about not using a Button/Image combination, so any more obvious suggestions are welcome.
Note: I have seen the suggestion in the linked question to use an EventBox, but I was not able to add the Relief and mouseover effects to that Widget.
You are in luck. I just made the exact same thing yesterday, and can fortunately give you some code. The trick is to create a Custom Tab Widget.
public class MultiTab : Gtk.Box
public Gtk.Label Caption;
Gtk.Image img = new Gtk.Image(Platform.IMG + "tab_close.ico");
public Gtk.ToolButton Close;
public Gtk.Notebook _parent;
public MultiTab ( string name )
public MultiTab(string name, Gtk.Notebook parent)
_parent = parent;
void CreateUI(string name)
Caption = new Gtk.Label(name);
Close = new Gtk.ToolButton(img,"");
PackStart( Caption );
PackStart( Close );
void CreateHandlers()
Close.Clicked += delegate {
public bool Active;
Next all you have to do is use this widget(or a similar one created by you) in Gtk.Notebook like this:
MyNoteBook.AppendPage(new <YourPage>(), new MultiTab("<your caption>",this));
And You're done.
Here is a screenshot:
Add this:
RcStyle rcStyle = new RcStyle ();
rcStyle.Xthickness = 0;
rcStyle.Ythickness = 0;
closeBtn.ModifyStyle (rcStyle);
Add items to box using Gtk.Box.PackStart/PackEnd methods rather than generic Gtk.Container.Add method. PackStart/PackEnd will allow you control how child widgets will be allocated space:
headerBox.PackStart (headerLabel, true, true, 0);
headerBox.PackEnd (closeBtn, false, false, 0);