Is structure (graph) of objects an Aggregate Root worthy of a Repository? - repository

Philosophical DDD question here...
I've seen a lot of Entity vs. Value Object discussions here, but mine is slightly different. Forgive me if this has been covered before.
I'm working in the financial domain at the moment. We have funds (hedge variety). Those funds often invest into other funds. This results in a tree structure of sorts with one fund at the top anchoring it all together.
Obviously, a fund is an Entity (Aggregate Root, even). Things like trades and positions are most likely Value Objects.
My question is: Should the tree structure itself be considered an Aggregate Root?
Some thoughts:
The tree structure is stored in the DB by storing the components and the posistions they have into each other. We currently have no coded concept of the tree. The domain is very weak.
The tree structure has no "uniqueness" or identifier.
There is logic needed in many places to "walk" the tree to find the relationships to each other, either top-down, or sometimes bottom-up. This logic needs to be encapsulated somewhere.
There is lots of logic to compute leverage, exposure, etc... and roll it up the tree.
Is it good enough to treat the Fund as a Composite Fund object and that is the Aggregate Root with in-built Invariants? Or is a more formal tree structure useful in this case?

I usually take a more functional/domain approach to designing my aggregates and aggregate roots.
This results in a tree structure of sorts
Maybe you can talk with your domain expert to see if that notion deserves to be a first-class citizen with a name of its own in the ubiquitous language (FundTree, FundComposition... ?)
Once that is done, making it an aggregate root will basically depend on whether you consider the entity to be one of the main entry points in the application, i.e. will you sometimes need a reference to a FundTree before even having any reference to a Fund, or if you can afford to obtain it only by traversal of a Fund.

This is more a decision of if you want to load full trees at all times really.
If you are anal about what you define as an aggregate root, then you will find a lot of bloat as you will be loading full object trees any time you load them.
There is no one size fits all approach to this, but in my opinion, you should have your relationships all mapped to your aggregate roots where possible, but in some cases a part of that tree can be treated as an aggregate root when needed.
If you're in a web environment, this is a different decision to a desktop application.
In the web, you are starting again every page load so I tend to have a good MODEL to map the relationships and a repository for pretty much every entity (as I always need to save just a small part of something from some popup somewhere) and pull it together with services that are done per aggregate root. It makes the code predictable and stops those... "umm.... is this a root" moments or repositories that become unmanagable.
Then I will have mappers that can give me summary and/or listitem views of large trees as needed and when needed.
On a desktop app, you keep things in memory a lot more, so you will write less code by just working out what your aggregate roots are and loading them when you need them.
There is no right or wrong to this. I doubt you could build a big app of any sort without making compromises on what is considered an aggregate root and you'll always end up in a sitation where 2 roots end up joining each other somewhere.


Should the rule "one transaction per aggregate" be taken into consideration when modeling the domain?

Taking into consideration the domain events pattern and this post , why do people recomend keeping one aggregate per transaction model ? There are good cases when one aggregate could change the state of another one . Even by removing an aggregate (or altering it's identity) will lead to altering the state of other aggregates that reference it. Some people say that keeping one transaction per aggregates help scalability (keeping one aggregate per server) . But doesn't this type of thinking break the fundamental characteristic about DDD : technology agnostic ?
So based on the statements above and on your experience, is it bad to design aggregates, domain events, that lead to changes in other aggregates and this will lead to having 2 or more aggregates per transaction (ex. : when a new order is placed with 100 items change the customer's state from normal to V.I.P. )?
There are several things at play here and even more trade-offs to be made.
First and foremost, you are right, you should think about the model first. Afterall, the interplay of language, model and domain is what we're doing this all for: coming up with carefully designed abstractions as a solution to a problem.
The tactical patterns - from the DDD book - are a means to an end. In that respect we shouldn't overemphasize them, eventhough they have served us well (and caused major headaches for others). They help us find "units of consistency" in the model, things that change together, a transactional boundary. And therein lies the problem, I'm afraid. When something happens and when the side effects of it happening should be visible are two different things. Yet all too often they are treated as one, and thus cause this uncomfortable feeling, to which we respond by trying to squeeze everything within the boundary, without questioning. Still, we're left with that uncomfortable feeling. There are a lot of things that logically can be treated as a "whole change", whereas physically there are multiple small changes. It takes skill and experience, or even blunt trying to know when that is the case. Not everything can be solved this way mind you.
To scale or not to scale, that is often the question. If you don't need to scale, keep things on one box, be content with a certain backup/restore strategy, you can bend the rules and affect multiple aggregates in one go. But you have to be aware you're doing just that and not take it as a given, because inevitably change is going to come and it might mess with this particular way of handling things. So, fair warning. More subtle is the question as to why you're changing multiple aggregates in one go. People often respond to that with the "your aggregate boundaries are wrong" answer. In reality it means you have more domain and model exploration to do, to uncover the true motivation for those synchronous, multi-aggregate changes. Often a UI or service is the one that has this "unreasonable" expectation. But there might be other reasons and all it might take is a different set of abstractions to solve the same problem. This is a pretty essential aspect of DDD.
The example you gave seems like something I could handle as two separate transactions: an order was placed, and as a reaction to that, because the order was placed with a 100 items, the customer was made a VIP. As MikeSW hinted at in his answer (I started writing mine after he posted his), the question is when, who, how, and why should this customer status change be observed. Basically it's the "next" behavior that dictates the consistency requirements of the previous behavior(s).
An aggregate groups related business objects while an aggregate root (AR) is the 'representative' of that aggregate. Th AR itself is an entity modeling a (bigger, more complex) domain concept. In DDD a model is always relative to a context (the bounded context - BC) i.e that model is valid only in that BC.
This allows you to define a model representative of the specific business context and you don't need to shove everything in one model only. An Order is an AR in one context, while in another is just an id.
Since an AR pretty much encapsulates all the lower concepts and business rules, it acts as a whole i.e as a transaction/unit of work. A repository always works with AR because 1) a repo always deals with business objects and 2) the AR represents the business object for a given context.
When you have a use case involving 2 or more AR the business workflow and the correct modelling of that use case is paramount. In a lot of cases those AR can be modified independently (one doesn't care about other) or an AR changes as a result of other AR behaviour.
In your example, it's pretty trivial: when the customer places an order for 100 items, a domain event is generated and published. Then you have a handler which will check if the order complies with the customer promotions rules and if it does, a command is issued which will have the result of changing the client state to VIP.
Domain events are very powerful and allows you to implement transactions but in an eventual consistent environment. The old db transaction is an implementation detail and it's usually used when persisting one AR (remember AR are treated as a logical unit but persisting one may involve multiple tables hence db transaction).
Eventual consistency is a 'feature' of domain events which fits naturally a rich domain (and the real world actually). For some cases you might need instant consistency however those are particular cases and they are related to UI rather than how Domain works. Of course, it really depends from one domain to another. In your example, the customer won't mind it became a VIP 2 seconds or 2 minutes after the order was placed instead of the same milisecond.

A tree, where each node could have multiple parents

Here's a theoretical/pedantic question: imagine properties where each one could be owned by multiple others. Furthermore, from one iteration of ownership to the next, two neighboring owners could decide to partly combine ownership. For example:
territory 1, t=0: a,b,c,d
territory 2, t=0: e,f,g,h
territory 1, t=1: a,b,g,h
territory 2, t=1: g,h
That is to say, c and d no longer own property; and g and h became fat cats, so to speak.
I'm currently representing this data structure as a tree where each child could have multiple parents. My goal is to cram this into the Composite design pattern; but I'm having issues getting a conceptual footing on how the client might go back and update previous ownership without mucking up the whole structure.
My question is twofold.
Easy: What is a convenient name for this data structure such that I can google it myself?
Hard: What am I doing wrong? When I code I try to keep the mantra, "Keep it simple, Stupid," in my head, and I feel I am breaking this credo.
My question is two fold: Easy: What is a convenient name for this data
structure such that I can google it myself?
What you have here is not a tree, it is a graph. A multimap will help you here.
But any adjacency list or adjacency matrix will give you a good start.
Here is a video on adjacency matrix and list: Youtube on adjacency matrix and list
Hard: What am I doing wrong?
This is really hard to tell. Perhaps you did not model the relationship
in a proper way. It is not that hard, given a good datastructure to start with.
And, as you asked for design patterns (but you probably found out yourself),
the Composite pattern will let you model such an setting with ease.
You have a many-to-many relationship between your owners and your territories (properties). I'm not sure what language you're working in, but this sort of thing can be easily represented and tracked in a relational database. (You'd probably want a table for each entity, and the relationship would probably require a third "junction" table. If it's necessary to be able to query "back in time", this could have some sort of "time index" column as well.)
If you are working in an object-oriented language, you might create two classes, Territory and Owner, where the Territory class has a property/member/field which is a collection of references/pointers to Owners and the Owner class has a similar collection of Territories. (One of these two collections may need to contain "weak" references depending on the language.)
In this case, some difficulty may arise if you want to be able to go back and look at the network state at some particular point earlier in time. (If this is what you need, say so and I (or someone else) can post a solution that works for that.)
I'm not sure what level of simplicity you are striving for, but in neither of these cases is updating the ownership relationships really that "hard". Maybe if you posted some code it might be easier to give you more concrete advice.
Hard to tell without more information regarding the business rules. Though I've plenty of experience designing graphs where each node could potentially have numerous parents.
A common structure is the Directed Acyclic Graph. Essential rules here are that no path through the graph can cycle back onto itself. For example take the path "A/B/C/B", this would not be valid as B repeats twice.
Valid:- "A/B/C", "D/E/C", node C has two parents E and B.
Invalid:- "A/B/C/B", node B repeats in the same path causing a cycle.

Tree data structure persistence in Ruby

I have a project where I need to build and store large trees of data in Ruby. I am considering different approaches for serialization, deserialization and querying of trees, and I am wondering what would be the best way to go. My major constraints are read time, query efficiency and and cross-version/cross-platform compatibility. The most frequent operation is to retrieve sets of nodes based on a combination of id/value and/or feature(s).Trees can be up to 15-20 levels deep. Moving subtrees is an uncommon procedure, but should be possible without too much black magic. Rails integration is not a primary concern. The options I thought about, along with some issues I'm concerned about, are the following:
Marshal the trees, and when needed load them into memory and query them in Ruby (inefficiency as tree grows, cross-version compatibility?)
Same as above, but use YAML (more cross-version compatible, but less efficient?)
Same as above, but use a custom XML parser (need to recreate objects from scratch each time the tree is loaded?)
Serialize the trees to XML, store them in an XML database (e.g. Sedna) and use XPath to query the trees (no experience with this approach, not sure about efficiency?)
Use adjacency lists to query trees stored in an schema-less database (inefficiency when counting descendants?)
Use materialized paths (potential of overfilling the max string length for deep trees?)
Use nested sets (complex SQL queries?)
Use the array of ancestors approach? Seems interesting in terms of querying efficiency according to the MongoDB page, but I haven't been able to find any serious discussion of this algorithm.
Based on your experience, which approach would better fit with the constraints I have described? If I go for an XML database, are there ones that would be more suited for this project? Are there other approaches I have overlooked that would be more efficient? Thanks for your time.
Trees work really well with graph databases, such as neo4j:
Neo4j is a graph database, storing data in the nodes and relationships of a graph. The most generic of data structures, a graph elegantly represents any kind of data, preserving the natural structure of the domain.
Ruby has a good interface for the trees:
Pacer is a JRuby library that enables very expressive graph traversals. Pacer allows you to create, modify and traverse graphs using very fast and memory efficient stream processing. That also means that almost all processing is done in pure Java, so when it comes the usual Ruby expressiveness vs. speed problem, you can have your cake and eat it too, it's very fast!
Neography is like the neo4j.rb gem and suggested by Ron in the comments (thanks Ron!)
Since you are considering a SQL approach, here are some things to think about.
First, how big are the trees? For many applications, 10,000 leafs would seem big. Yet this is small for a database. On any decent database system (like a laptop), you should be able to store hunreds of thousands or millions of leafs in memory.
What a database buys you over other approaches is:
-- Not having to worry about memory/disk performance. When the data spills over to disk, you don't take a big hit on performance. By comparison, consider what happens when a hash table overflows memory.
-- Being able to add indexes to optimize performance.
-- Being able to alter your access path for the tree "just" by modifying SQL
One of the problems with standard SQL is that you can represent a tree node as a simple pair: , , . Then, with a simple join, you can move between parents and leafs. However, the joins accumulate as you move up the tree.
Sigh. Different databases have different solutions for this. SQL Server has recursive CTEs, which let you traverse the tree. Oracle has another approach for tree structures.
This starts to get complicated.
Perhaps a better approach is to assign a "leaf" id based on the hierarchy in the tree. So, if this is a binary tree, then "10011" would be the node at right branch, left branch, left branch, right branch, right branch. There you would store information . . . such as whether it has children and whatever else. Getting the parent is easy, because you can just truncate the last digit.
You can see how this would generalize to non-binary trees. Having any number of children could pose a little challenge.
I believe this may be related to the "array of ancestors" approach.
As I think about it, I think this would work pretty well. I would then suggest that you define separate stored procedures for each action that you want:
usp_tree_FetchNode (NodeId)
usp_tree_GetParent (NodeId)
usp_tree_NodeDelete (NodeId)
usp_tree_FetchSubTree (NodeId)
etc. etc. etc.
Although SQL does not really support object-oriented programming, you can still organize your code with clean naming conventions and good function wrappers.
I actually think this might work and provide a pretty good method for developing the code. One nice side effect is that you can analyze the tree outside the application, which might suggest future enhancements.
Have you looked at ancestry gem? I've used it for simple trees, but by the description it looks to fit on your requirements.

SQLite structure advice

I have a book structure with Chapter, Subchapter, Section, Subsection, Article and unknown number of subarticles, sub-subarticles, sub-sub-subarticles etc.
What's the best way to structure this?
One table with child-parent relationships, multiple tables?
Thank you.
To determine whether there are seperate tables or one-big-table involved, you should take a close look at each item - chapter, subchapter, etc. - and decide if they carry different attributes from the others. Does a chapter carry something different from a sub-chapter?
If so, then you're looking at seperate tables for Chapter, SubChapter, Section, SubSection, Article. Article still feels hierarchical to me with your sub- sub-sub- sub-sub-sub- etc.
If not, then maybe it is one big table with parent/child, but it looks like you may be talking about 'names' for the depth of the hierarchy which leans me toward seperate tables again.
Also consider how you'll query and what you'll be searching for.
There are a couple of methods to save a tree structure in a relational database. The most commonly used are using parent pointers and nested sets.
The first has a very easy data structure, namely a pointer to the respective parent element on each object), and is thus easy to implement. On the downside it is not easy to make some queries on it as the tree can not be fully traversed. You would need a self-join per layer.
The nested set is easier to query (when you have understood how it works) but is harder to update. Many writes require additional updates to other objects ion the tree which might make it harder to be transitionally save.
A third variant is that of the materialized path which I personally consider a good compromise between the former two.
That said, if you want to store arbitrary size trees (e.g,. for sections, sub-sections, sub-sub-sections, ...) you should use one of the mentioned tree implementations. If you have a very limited maximum depth (e.g max 3 layers) you could get away with creating an explicit data structure. But as things always get more complex than initially though, I'd advise you to use a real tree implementation.

Purpose and effect of SSAS hierarchies?

Firstly, I feel comfortable with what a hierarchy is in terms of the concept and how it impacts the design of a DW's star schema. I have some dimensions with lots of attributes, and I could create lots of hierarchies within SSAS. I would like a better understanding of how the OLAP engine uses the hierarchies that I create so that I can make a more informed decision on how I design my hierarchies(that's a tough word to type the first few times). There are also limitations with SSAS regarding attributes appearing in multiple hierachies so sometimes I have to do extra work to work around those limitations or decide which hierarchy is more important.
I also wonder what negative impacts a hierarchy might have, such as making the dimension more confusing for users. I might hide the attributes which are included in hierarchies to eliminate the duplicate attribute and make the dimension less confusing. But then a user wants to see which months of the year they typically get more sales. If I've hidden the month attribute so that it is only available through a Year->Month hierarchy, are they forced to always include the Year part of the hierarchy, preventing them from doing such analysis?
I few articles on hierarchies have stated something to the effect of "allowing the user to drill down to detailed data". Which is misleading, because you can simply drag the separate year and month attributes to a report and you've accomplished just that without the use of a hierarchy. So such an explanation is a little superficial. I feel like there must be a lot more to it than that.
Some articles seem to suggest it determines whether or not attributes are considered for aggregation. This seems counter intuitive, because I thought that already occurs when you included an attribute in a cube. I mean the whole point of creating a cube consisting of attributes, is to have an intersection of all of the attributes so that you can quickly aggregate on any combination of them, so it confuses me when something implies the opposite of that by saying only attributes in hierarchies are considered for aggregation:
Attributes only exposed in attribute hierarchies[as opposed to user
hierarchies] are not automatically considered for aggregation by the
Aggregation Design Wizard. Queries involving these attributes are
satisfied by summarizing data from the primary key. Without the
benefit of aggregations, query performance against these attributes
hierarchies can be slow.
-SSAS 2008 Performance Guide
Can someone explain how the engine uses my hierarchies in contrast with just including the attribute in the cube? (besides the aesthetics of grouping attributes together)
Unnatural hierarchies are confusing as heck to me in particular. In the SSAS 2008 Performance Guide they show one example as a Gender->Education hierarchy. I think my users would mumble "stupid programmer" every time they had to drill through Gender just to get to Education.
What rational do you follow on when and when not to create a hierarchy?
Not sure 100% the comments I will say applies to SSAS, but as we're both 100% MDX/XMLA compatible it's similar.
You may start by reading this and the many-to-many documentation.
The first difference between using hierarchies with levels and attributes is performance. You've two different scenarios for a drilldown (take [Asia] as a particular member and let's find all countries of [Asia]):
Using hierarchy with levels : [Asia].children()
Using attributes : ([Asia],[Countries])
The first option is trivial and very fast (the structure is in memory). The second one implies iterating though all countries and 'check' if they exist (aka are countries of [Asia]). This can be a pain for huge attributes (>100k). Once done, we need to go to our fact tables where each members has a set of associated fact rows. The version with a single hierarchy is again direct. The one with two might imply some additional internal operations -> all rows of [Asia] minus the ones of a particular country. Simplified version is also more handy for the cache.
Second, you define a 'natural' drilldown path that can be directly used in the GUI.
On top, you can add special aggregations types (First,Last, Min, Max...) that will take into account the structure of a given hierarchy.
There are successfully OLAP solutions that work without hierarchical structures but you've less features to play with for making a solution.
I hope it helps you understand these concepts better.