Using awk to fill in SQL Dates - sql

I am trying to generate SQL filling in a date via command line, using awk's printf. The code I am using is:
awk 'BEGIN{ printf " convert_tz(time,\047GMT\047,\047America/New_York\047) as timestamp , date_format(convert_tz(time,\047GMT\047,\047America/New_York\047), \047\045Y\045m\045d \045H\045i\045s\047) as dt from table where time >= convert_tz(%s,\047America/New_York\047,\047GMT\047) and time <= convert_tz(%s + interval 1 day ,\047America/New_York\047,\047GMT\047);", "2011-01-01", "2011-01-01"}'
I believe I have the escaping correct, but I get the following result:
awk: fatal: not enough arguments to satisfy format string
Does anyone have an idea of why the %s is not getting caught and populated?
The specific version of awk I'm using is GNU Awk 3.1.6.

Your escaping is a bit off, you can't replace % with \045 since it's replaced back to % before printf is called and makes it confused. The way to escape % in printf is to instead use %% and it will work well.
...\047%%Y%%m%%d %%H%%i%%s\047...


Bash - does the awk function have a built in julian day function?

I have a csv file where the 1st column is the date and time the data was generated - I am trying to use awk to convert that date into a julian day and add it as an extra column on the end
"2021-01-22 22:02:00",475673,485,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1.308788,-4.421722,-99
"2021-01-22 23:03:00",475674,485,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1.329033,-4.373959,-99
"2021-01-22 24:04:00",475675,485,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1.320374,-4.359528,-99
"2021-01-22 25:05:00",475676,485,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1.329685,-4.494766,-99
"2021-01-22 26:06:00",475677,485,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1.343422,-4.650154,-99
I have written a script in bash that is called when a file arrives for processing. I have tried a couple of different variation on the below
awk '{ jday=date -d(substr($0,2,10)) +%j;print $0","jday }' temp.CMP
The reason I am using the awk command is because I am also extracting the year, month, day, hour, minute data and adding as individual columns on the end of each line.
is what I am trying possible using awk in Bash?
thanks in advance for any help.
If you have access to GNU awk, you can try the following:
awk -F, '{ dattim=gensub("[-:\"]"," ","g",$1);print $0","strftime("%j",mktime(dattim))}' file
Use gensub to replace all "-" and ":" entries for a space in the first comma delimited field. Read the result into the variable dattim. Then use this variable along with strftime and mktime functions to append the julian format date to the end of the line.

How to escape a percent sign in AWK printf?

I'm making an awk statement that will allow me to print a number of unicode nop's to the screen (in testing, 18 of them). It currently looks like the following:
awk 'BEGIN {while (c++<18) printf "%u9090"}'
When this executes this returns a run time error:
awk: run time error: not enough arguments passed to printf("%u9090")
I realised that I then had to escape my % character since I'm not passing any variables to awk, and it's expecting them. I revised to the following:
awk 'BEGIN {while (c++<18) printf "\%u9090"}'
However I'm still being presented with the same error? The gnu documentation suggests that I should be escaping using \ so I'm a bit amiss at what else to try.
All printfs I know (and in C as per the C Standard) allow you to specify a literal percent with %%.
The GNU docs you reference tell you about how to escape special characters in string literals. However, printf's first arg is interpreted as a format string, so the string literal escape mechanism is the wrong place to look. The proper place to look up is the printf specification (either for awk, or if all else fails, the C language).

How to use printf to print a character multiple times?

Using printf, one can print a character multiple times:
$ printf "%0.s-" {1..5}
In awk I know that I can do something like:
$ awk 'BEGIN {while (i++ < 5) printf "-"}'
But I wonder if awk's printf allows this as well.
I went through the printf modifiers page but could not find how. All in all, what the printf from Bash does is to expand {1..5} and print a - for every parameter it gets, so it is equivalent to saying
$ printf "%0.s-" hello how are you 42
However, I lack the knowledge on how to mimic this behaviour with awk's printf, if it is possible, because this fails:
$ awk 'BEGIN {printf "%0.s-", 1 2 3 4 5}'
I do not believe this is possible with awk's printf, as there is also no way to do this just with printf in C and C++.
With awk, I think the most reasonable option is using a loop like you have. If for some reason performance is vital and awk is creating a bottleneck, the following will speed things up:
awk 'BEGIN {s=sprintf("%5s","");gsub(/ /,"-",s);print s}'
This command will run logarithmically faster[1] Though, it won't cause a noticeable difference in performance unless you're planning on printing a character many times. (Printing a character 1,000,000 times will be about 13x faster.)
Also, if you want a one-liner and are using gawk, even though it's the slowest of the bunch:
gawk 'BEGIN {print gensub(/ /,"-","g",sprintf("%5s",""));}'
[1] While the sprintf/gsub command should always be faster than using a loop, I'm not sure if all versions of awk will behave the same as mine. I also do not understand why the while-loop awk command would have a time complexity of O(n*log(n)), but it does on my system.
I know this is old but the width modifier can be used e.g.
l = some_value
print gensub(/ /, "-", "g", sprintf("%*s", l, ""))
will print a variable number of - depending on the value of l
This was GNU Awk 3.1.8
If you can assume a (modest) upper bound on how long the result should be, how about something like this:
l = 5;
print substr("---------------------", 1, l);
Besides being dead simple, this has the benefit that it works in versions of AWK that lack the "gensub()" function.
i know this post is old, but thought it would be worth demonstrating functionality to allow dynamic control of character string length using basic awk.
A simple example incorporating a string of length 'var' into a printf statement
$ echo "1 foo baa\n2 baa foo" | awk -v var=6 'BEGIN{for(i=1;i<=var;i++) l=l "-" }{printf "%s" l "%s" l "%s\n",$1,$2,$3}'
You can either split the format string and insert your character string as I've done above. Or you can give the string it's own format specifier
$ echo "1 foo baa\n2 baa foo" | awk -v var=6 'BEGIN{for(i=1;i<=var;i++) l=l "-" }{printf "%s%s%s%s%s\n",$1,l,$2,l,$3}'
both output the same.
A more complicated example that column justifies text. (I've actually used basic 'print' rather than 'printf' in this case, although you could use the latter, as above).
$ echo "Hi, I know this\npost is old, but thought it would be worth demonsrating\nfunctionality to allow a dynamic control of\ncharacter string lengths using basic awk." |
awk '{
line[NR]=$0 ;
w_length[NR]=length($0)-gsub(" "," ",$0) ;
max=max>length($0)?max:length($0) ;
string="" ;
for (j=1;j<=int((max-w_length[i])/(w_count[i]-1));j++)
string=string "-" ;
gsub(" ",string,line[i]) ;
print line[i]

In awk, how can I use a file containing multiple format strings with printf?

I have a case where I want to use input from a file as the format for printf() in awk. My formatting works when I set it in a string within the code, but it doesn't work when I load it from input.
Here's a tiny example of the problem:
$ # putting the format in a variable works just fine:
$ echo "" | awk -vs="hello:\t%s\n\tfoo" '{printf(s "bar\n", "world");}'
hello: world
$ # But getting the format from an input file does not.
$ echo "hello:\t%s\n\tfoo" | awk '{s=$0; printf(s "bar\n", "world");}'
So ... format substitutions work ("%s"), but not special characters like tab and newline. Any idea why this is happening? And is there a way to "do something" to input data to make it usable as a format string?
As a further example, consider the following using bash heretext:
[me#here ~]$ awk -vs="hello: %s\nworld: %s\n" '{printf(s, "foo", "bar");}' <<<""
hello: foo
world: bar
[me#here ~]$ awk '{s=$0; printf(s, "foo", "bar");}' <<<"hello: %s\nworld: %s\n"
hello: foo\nworld: bar\n[me#here ~]$
As far as I can see, the same thing happens with multiple different awk interpreters, and I haven't been able to locate any documentation that explains why.
The code I'm trying to replace currently looks something like this, with nested loops in shell. At present, awk is only being used for its printf, and could be replaced with a shell-based printf:
while read -r fmtid fmt; do
while read cid name addy; do
awk -vfmt="$fmt" -vcid="$cid" -vname="$name" -vaddy="$addy" \
'BEGIN{printf(fmt,cid,name,addy)}' > /path/$fmtid/$cid
done < /path/to/sampledata
done < /path/to/fmtstrings
Example input would be:
## fmtstrings:
1 ID:%04d Name:%s\nAddress: %s\n\n
2 CustomerID:\t%-4d\t\tName: %s\n\t\t\t\tAddress: %s\n
3 Customer: %d / %s (%s)\n
## sampledata:
5 Companyname 123 Somewhere Street
12 Othercompany 234 Elsewhere
My hope was that I'd be able to construct something like this to do the entire thing with a single call to awk, instead of having nested loops in shell:
awk '
NR==FNR { fmts[$1]=$2; next; }
for(fmtid in fmts) {
outputfile=sprintf("/path/%d/%d", fmtid, custid);
printf(fmts[fmtid], $1, $2) > outputfile;
' /path/to/fmtstrings /path/to/sampledata
Obviously, this doesn't work, both because of the actual topic of this question and because I haven't yet figured out how to elegantly make awk join $2..$n into a single variable. (But that's the topic of a possible future question.)
FWIW, I'm using FreeBSD 9.2 with its built in, but I'm open to using gawk if a solution can be found with that.
Why so lengthy and complicated an example? This demonstrates the problem:
$ echo "" | awk '{s="a\t%s"; printf s"\n","b"}'
a b
$ echo "a\t%s" | awk '{s=$0; printf s"\n","b"}'
In the first case, the string "a\t%s" is a string literal and so is interpreted twice - once when the script is read by awk and then again when it is executed, so the \t is expanded on the first pass and then at execution awk has a literal tab char in the formatting string.
In the second case awk still has the characters backslash and t in the formatting string - hence the different behavior.
You need something to interpret those escaped chars and one way to do that is to call the shell's printf and read the results (corrected per #EtanReiser's excellent observation that I was using double quotes where I should have had single quotes, implemented here by \047, to avoid shell expansion):
$ echo 'a\t%s' | awk '{"printf \047" $0 "\047 " "b" | getline s; print s}'
a b
If you don't need the result in a variable, you can just call system().
If you just wanted the escape chars expanded so you don't need to provide the %s args in the shell printf call, you'd just need to escape all the %s (watching out for already-escaped %s).
You could call awk instead of the shell printf if you prefer.
Note that this approach, while clumsy, is much safer than calling an eval which might just execute an input line like rm -rf /*.*!
With help from Arnold Robbins (the creator of gawk), and Manuel Collado (another noted awk expert), here is a script which will expand single-character escape sequences:
$ cat tst2.awk
function expandEscapes(old, segs, segNr, escs, idx, new) {
for (segNr=1; segNr in segs; segNr++) {
if ( idx = index( "abfnrtv", substr(escs[segNr],2,1) ) )
escs[segNr] = substr("\a\b\f\n\r\t\v", idx, 1)
new = new segs[segNr] escs[segNr]
return new
s = expandEscapes($0)
printf s, "foo", "bar"
$ awk -f tst2.awk <<<"hello: %s\nworld: %s\n"
hello: foo
world: bar
Alternatively, this shoudl be functionally equivalent but not gawk-specific:
function expandEscapes(tail, head, esc, idx) {
head = ""
while ( match(tail, /\\./) ) {
esc = substr( tail, RSTART + 1, 1 )
head = head substr( tail, 1, RSTART-1 )
tail = substr( tail, RSTART + 2 )
idx = index( "abfnrtv", esc )
if ( idx )
esc = substr( "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v", idx, 1 )
head = head esc
return (head tail)
If you care to, you can expand the concept to octal and hex escape sequences by changing the split() RE to
and for a hex value after the \\:
c = sprintf("%c", strtonum("0x" rest_of_str))
and for an octal value:
c = sprintf("%c", strtonum("0" rest_of_str))
Since the question explicitly asks for an awk solution, here's one which works on all the awks I know of. It's a proof-of-concept; error handling is abysmal. I've tried to indicate places where that could be improved.
The key, as has been noted by various commentators, is that awk's printf -- like the C standard function it is based on -- does not interpret backslash-escapes in the format string. However, awk does interpret them in command-line assignment arguments.
awk 'BEGIN {if(ARGC!=3)exit(1);
{match($0,/^ *[^ ]+[ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+/);
printf fmt,$1,$2,substr($0,RLENGTH+1) > ("data/"fmtid"/"$1)
}' fmtfile sampledata
What's going on here is that the 'FNR==NR' clause (which executes only on the first file) adds the values (fmtid, fmt) from each line of the first file as command-line assignments, and then inserts the data file name as a command-line argument. In awk, assignments as command line arguments are simply executed as though they were assignments from a string constant with implicit quotes, including backslash-escape processing (except that if the last character in the argument is a backslash, it doesn't escape the implicit closing double-quote). This behaviour is mandated by Posix, as is the order in which arguments are processed which makes it possible to add arguments as you go.
As written, the script must be provided with exactly two arguments: the formats and the data (in that order). There is some room for improvement, obviously.
The snippet also shows two ways of concatenating trailing fields.
In the format file, I assume that the lines are well behaved (no leading spaces; exactly one space after the format id). With those constraints, substr($0, length($1)+2) is precisely the part of the line after the first field and a single space.
Processing the datafile, it may be necessary to do this with fewer constraints. First, the builtin match function is called with the regular expression /^ *[^ ]+[ ]+[^ ]+[ ]+/ which matches leading spaces (if any) and two space-separated fields, along with the following spaces. (It would be better to allow tabs, as well.) Once the regex matches (and matching shouldn't be assumed, so there's another thing to fix), the variables RSTART and RLENGTH are set, so substr($0, RLENGTH+1) picks up everything starting with the third field. (Again, this is all Posix-standard behaviour.)
Honestly, I'd use the shell printf for this problem, and I don't understand why you feel that solution is somehow sub-optimal. The shell printf interprets backslash escapes in formats, and the shell read -r will do the line splitting the way you want. So there's no reason for awk at all, as far as I can see.
Ed Morton shows the problem clearly (edit: and it's now complete, so just go accept it): awk's string literal processing handled the escapes, and file I/O code isn't a lexical analyzer.
It's an easy fix: decide what escapes you want to support, and support them. Here's a one-liner form if you're doing special-purpose work that doesn't need to handle escaped backslashes
awk '{ gsub(/\\n/,"\n"); gsub(/\\t/,"\t"); printf($0 "bar\n", "world"); }' <<\EOD
but for doit-and-forgetit peace of mind just use the full form in the linked answer.
#Ed Morton's answer explains the problem well.
A simple workaround is to:
pass the format-string file contents via an awk variable, using command substitution,
assuming that file is not too large to be read into memory in full.
Using GNU awk or mawk:
awk -v formats="$(tr '\n' '\3' <fmtStrings)" '
# Initialize: Split the formats into array elements.
BEGIN {n=split(formats, aFormats, "\3")}
# For each data line, loop over all formats and print.
{ for(i=1;i<n;++i) {printf aFormats[i] "\n", $1, $2, $3} }
' sampleData
The advantage of this solution is that it works generically - you don't need to anticipate specific escape sequences and handle them specially.
On FreeBSD awk, this almost works, but - sadly - split() still splits by newlines, despite being given an explicit separator - this smells like a bug. Observed on versions 20070501 (OS X 10.9.4) and 20121220 (FreeBSD 10.0).
The above solves the core problem (for brevity, it omits stripping the ID from the front of the format strings and omits the output-file creation logic).
tr '\n' '\3' <fmtStrings replaces actual newlines in the format-strings file with \3 (0x3) characters, so as to be able to later distinguish them from the \n escape sequences embedded in the lines, which awk turns into actual newlines when assigning to variable formats (as desired).
\3 (0x3) - the ASCII end-of-text char. - was arbitrarily chosen as an auxiliary separator that is assumed not to be present in the input file.
Note that using \0 (NUL) is NOT an option, because awk interprets that as an empty string, causing split() to split the string into individual characters.
Inside the BEGIN block of the awk script, split(formats, aFormats, "\3") then splits the combined format strings back into individual format strings.
I had to create another answer to start clean, I believe I've come to a good solution, again with perl:
echo '%10s\t:\t%10s\r\n' | perl -lne 's/((?:\\[a-zA-Z\\])+)/qq[qq[$1]]/eeg; printf "$_","hi","hello"'
hi : hello
That bad boy s/((?:\\[a-zA-Z\\])+)/qq[qq[$1]]/eeg will translate any meta character I can think of, let us take a look with cat -A :
echo '%10s\t:\t%10s\r\n' | perl -lne 's/((?:\\[a-zA-Z\\])+)/qq[qq[$1]]/eeg; printf "$_","hi","hello"' | cat -A
hi^I:^I hello^M$
PS. I didn't create that regex, I googled unquote meta and found here
What you are trying to do is called templating. I would suggest that shell tools are not the best tools for this job. A safe way to go would be to use a templating library such as Template Toolkit for Perl, or Jinja2 for Python.
The problem lies in the non-interpretation of the special characters \t and \n by echo: it makes sure that they are understood as as-is strings, and not as tabulations and newlines. This behavior can be controlled by the -e flag you give to echo, without changing your awk script at all:
echo -e "hello:\t%s\n\tfoo" | awk '{s=$0; printf(s "bar\n", "world");}'
tada!! :)
Ok, so after the point rightfully raised by Chrono, we can devise this other answer corresponding to the original request to have the pattern read from a file:
echo "hello:\t%s\n\tfoo" > myfile
awk 'BEGIN {s="'$(cat myfile)'" ; printf(s "bar\n", "world")}'
Of course in the above we have to be careful with the quoting, as the $(cat myfile) is not seen by awk but interpreted by the shell.
This looks extremely ugly, but it works for this particular problem:
gsub(/'/, "'\\''", s);
gsub(/\\n/, "\\\\\\\\n", s);
"printf '%b' '" s "'" | getline s;
gsub(/\\\\n/, "\n", s);
gsub(/\\n/, "\n", s);
printf(s " bar\n", "world");
Replace all single quotes with shell-escaped single quotes ('\'').
Replace all escaped newline sequences that appear normally as \n with the sequence that appears as \\\\n. It would suffice to use \\\\n as the actual replacement string (meaning \\n would print if you printed it), but the version of gawk I have messes things up in POSIX mode.
Invoke the shell to execute printf '%b' 'escape'\''d format' and use awk's getline statement to retrieve the line.
Unescape \\n to yield a newline. This step wouldn't be necessary if gawk in POSIX mode played nicely.
Unescape \n to yield a newline.
Otherwise you're left to call the gsub function for each possible escape sequence, which is terrible for \001, \002, etc.
Ed Morton's solution is the best (and perhaps only) one available.
I'm including this answer for a better explanation of WHY you're seeing what you're seeing.
A string is a string. The confusing part here is WHERE awk does the translation of \t to a tab, \n to a newline, etc. It appears NOT to be the case that the backslash and t get translated when used in a printf format. Instead, the translation happens at assignment, so that awk stores the tab as part of the format rather than translating when it runs the printf.
And this is why Ed's function works. When read from stdin or a file, no assignment is performed that will implement the translation of special characters. Once you run the command s="a\tb"; in awk, you have a three character string containing no backslash or t.
$ echo "a\tb\n" | awk '{ s=$0; for (i=1;i<=length(s);i++) {printf("%d\t%c\n",i,substr(s,i,1));} }'
1 a
2 \
3 t
4 b
5 \
6 n
$ awk 'BEGIN{s="a\tb\n"; for (i=1;i<=length(s);i++) {printf("%d\t%c\n",i,substr(s,i,1));} }'
1 a
3 b
And there you go.
As I say, Ed's answer provides an excellent function for what you need. But if you can predict what your input will look like, you can probably get away with a simpler solution. Knowing how this stuff gets parsed, if you have a limited set of characters you need to translate, you may be able to survive with something simple like:
That's a cool question, I don't know the answer in awk, but in perl you can use eval :
echo '%10s\t:\t%-10s\n' | perl -ne ' chomp; eval "printf (\"$_\", \"hi\", \"hello\")"'
hi : hello
PS. Be aware of code injection danger when you use eval in any language, no just eval any system call can't be done blindly.
Example in Awk:
echo '$(whoami)' | awk '{"printf \"" $0 "\" " "b" | getline s; print s}'
What if the input was $(rm -rf /)? You can guess what would happen :)
ikegami adds:
Why would even think of using eval to convert \n to newlines and \t to tabs?
echo '%10s\t:\t%-10s\n' | perl -e'
my %repl = (
n => "\n",
t => "\t",
while (<>) {
if (defined($2)) {
elsif (exists($repl{$1})) {
else {
warn("Unrecognized escape \\$1.\n");
printf($_, "hi", "hello");
Short version:
echo '%10s\t:\t%-10s\n' | perl -nle'
printf($_, "hi", "hello");

awk for date ranges date format like mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss

I have my log file like this i am trying retrive date range
"07/10/2013 01:31:54","SNMP"
"07/10/2013 01:31:54","SNMP"
.... ... ..
"07/10/2013 03:03:54","SNMP"
I am using fallowing awk command, it gives all the rows, i tried different combination no use, is there standard data format need to use in awk?
awk -F, '"07/10/2013 01:35:40" > $1&&$1 <= "07/10/2013 01:50:03"' Mylog.log | wc -l
You have two problems: CSV parsing and date comparison.
The first one you can solve using match(), or a CSV parsing function.
The second one you can solve by either using a proper date format like ISO-8601, a happy side-effect being that dates (ex timezone/DST changes) can be compared lexically.
If you are really using gawk instead of plain awk or nawk you can use the built-in date function mktime() to parse timestamps and return an epoch-second ordinal which allows dates to be compared numerically.
awk has no native date/time types, and no standard data/time libraries, so lexical or numeric comparisons are the most straightforward option here.
A final option with gawk is a nasty hack:
/^"07.10.2013 01:35:40"/,/^"07.10.2013 01:50:03"/ {
# your code here
This uses a range expression to limit the scope of matching to between certain lines. This should work for your file format as long as the times are monotonic increasing – this is not true for Apache logs (since they are logged in order of completion, but by default contain the original request time stamp, and are not guaranteed to be monotonic increasing).
String compare:
$ awk -F" '"07/10/2013 01:35:40" > $2 && $2 <= "07/10/2013 01:50:03"' file
"07/10/2013 01:31:54","SNMP"
"07/10/2013 01:31:54","SNMP"
.... ... ..
... seems to work! To compare times better use mktime("YYYY MM DD HH MM SS") .