Windows Phone - WCF - cannot refresh webservice call - wcf

I have a WCF web service, and a windows phone application.
The phone app's home page has a WCF ("GET") call I would like to refresh every 30 seconds.
No matter what happens to the data on the back end... the call to the WCF service will always return the data from the original call to the WCF service.
If i go to another page, and make the same call I will get the different modified data.
Is there some kind of caching on "GET" calls on the phone side?
I do not think it is even going to the WCF to make the call.
My debugger looks like it's not even hitting the WCF again when I try to refresh. The HTTPWebRequest just spits out the oroginal GET call if i am on that same page.
WCF - webHTTPBinding (REST)

I found the answer...
There must be some Magic Caching on windows phone going.
I recall reading on some other thread a while back and tried it.... and it worked !!
Basically i'm just adding a unique id that doesn't matter to he URI string. In the case below.. i decided to use a GUID... this way each call uses a unique different URI for the REST call. It seems to work.
string uri = RESTCon.BaseString + "RESTMethodCallName?id={0}";
w.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(String.Format(this.uri, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())));


How to reference the WCF service by code-behind in UWP?

Now I need to reference a WCF service in a UWP program. However, the address of the WCF service may change frequently in the future.
I don't want to rebuild/republish the project every time when the address change.
So I want to use a LocalSettings to Save/Load the address of WCF service. Every the program begins, it will reload the address from the LocalSettings. And if the address changes, I just only let the customer change the LocalSettings from UI but not need to rebuild/republish the project.
How can I do it? Or there is any other better to do it?
If it's a RESTful service, you could use HttpClient relevant APIs to consume a REST service in UWP.
Please note that REST is a resource that implements a uniform interface using standard HTTP GET, POST, PUT methods that can be located by URI. So, you could use HttpClient to call it in code-behind. You will get response after you send http request, then you could analysis the response result.
The similar thread for your reference: Calling web service asynchronously in page constructor.
Using LocalSettings for such thing is a good solution.
LocalSettings are just a dictionary where you can assign values you want to store and later take out.
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings["ServiceAddress"] = "something";
Such setting will survive app restart and is stored in applicaton's private storage.
You will probably want to seed this setting with a default value at first startup.

Web service not returning data when called from code

Got stuck on an issue.
I'm consuming an external web service and I'm trying to receive data from a web method.
This web method returns an array of a particular object.
When I call the method from my code (C#, Service Reference) the response is an empty array, but when i call it from SOAP UI with exactly the same parameters I get the array with data.
What could be the problem? any Idea?
Ceck the header information, the content type, the parameters. Make sure everything is exactly the same.
Soap UI is obviously setting more things in the background you just need to make sure you replicate it exactly.
Use something like Fiddler and inspect each call, this way you will notice the differences very quickly and you should be able to craft your call correctly.

store data inside WCF service and extract it later by the client

i have an Autocomplete ajax control that calls a WCF service method automatically.
this method gets a string as an input parameter and return a list of strings.
i don't make that call from the client , the control does it, but i write the content of this method.
Can i store some data somewhere in the WCF service when that method is called and extract it later when i use the WCF from the client ?
i mean , i want the control to call the method, in the method i'll store some data and later when i use the WCF client object i'll extract it.
is there such "WCF cache" mechanism?
No, there's no such thing as a 'WCF cache' mechanism. But WCF is .NET, and in a .NET application you can use the Caching Application Block.
Caching has very little if anything to do with WCF. You cache inside your application, but the caching mechanism for a WCF service is fundamentally the same as a Windows Forms application or a managed Windows Service (or an ASMX webservice, or a ASP.NET application, or any .NET application). The only difference is how you use and rely on the cache & how the applicaton's lifecycle is managed.
If your WCF service is hosted in IIS (as is very popular), then when the application pool is recycled (or the website is restarted) you will lose everything in the cache. Will this be a problem?
The typical use case for a cache is when you have a set of data stored (in, say, a database) that will need to retrieved over and over again. Rather than get from the database everytime, you get from the cache. If it's not in the cache, you get from the database and put it in the cache so it's there for next time. It sounds like you want to store some data from the client application in the cache. You can do this, but what will happen if it's not there when you go to retrieve it.

One way web service still returns a response

I aplogise if my terminology is inaccurate, still deep in learning.
I am creating a web service to act as an intermediary between Silverlight and XMPP. To start all of this I have created a web service call to enable me to ask the server to log on on my behalf and the idea is that the server will log on and then push back to my client once complete.
I have based the idea on the code form this site:
Now the problem I have is that the Register call I have created will use an asynchronous call to log into XMPP. But the register call itself is also asychronous. So I don't know the best way for a web service call to wait for another service's async call
What I thought of doing was making the Register a one way call with the idea being that my server will log into XMPP then push the client once logged in (or fileld etc)
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void Register(string name, string password, string nickname);
But when I imported the Service Reference the class generated appears to have a RegisterCompleted() call which debug shows is invoked. But I thought one-way meant no response is called so why is it?
One Way means No Response Data. Internet protocols are a request-response model where there is an acknowledgement for the receipt of the request. Your Register service returns no data (void) so RegisterCompleted really did "completed accepting three string parameters and returned no data".
This is a good thing - now you know if you had a problem starting the registration or everything is good so business as usual until you hear back from the server. You don't know yet if you're actually registered yet so that's why your client continues to Poll the server until the server responds - good or bad.
His previous article references an good MSDN example on using the PollingDuplexHttpBinding.

View underlying SOAP message using

I have a VB.NET web service that calls a third party web service. How can I view the SOAP message generated by .NET before it is sent to the third party web service and how can I see the SOAP response before it is serialized by .NET.
When creating a standalone EXE, I see the Reference.vb file that is automatically generated, but don't see a similar file when my project is a web service. I have found lots of C# code to do this, but none in VB.NET.
Edit - Fiddler and TCP loggers are great, but will not work for my purposes. I need to be able to access the raw SOAP messages from within the application so I can log them or modify them. I need to do more than just see the messages going back and forth.
You can use fiddler or a tcp sniffer to filter and identify all outgoing and incoming traffic on your host.
This is if you want to see the xml request and response.
How about using an extension to allow you to examine the SOAP message?
Accessing Raw SOAP Messages in ASP.NET Web Services
I was trying to do the same thing and this seems to work for me:
Dim message As String = OperationContext.Current.RequestContext.RequestMessage.ToString()
I didn't think it would be that easy since most of the time ToString() returns the name of the class, but I tried it out and low and behold.
I know you asked this back in January so if since then you've figured out a better way let me know.
Please note that if you're catching the exception in a class that implements IErrorHandler then you have to perform this operation from within the ProvideFault() method instead of the HandleError() method because the context is closed before it gets to call the HandleError() method.
Hope this helps.