Are fluent interfaces described by context free or regular grammars? - fluent-interface

I'm toying around with fluent interfaces in the style of Martin Fowlers text, and I'm wondering if the grammar they are describing is context free or regular? I'm talking about interfaces such as this:
var car = new Car();
What I'm trying to do is to write a program which can generate them. Currently it requires an input of a context free grammar, but I seem to have some difficulty in converting this into source code application. I'm suspecting that the answer is that I can only reach for regular grammars since the state of the "stack" cannot be known since the result of each "terminal" method must be known beforehand.
What I've got now works, but it bugs out on certain grammars.
Edit: I went with regular grammars, the code is open sourced and working now if anyone's keen to toy around with it.

the set of options at any point are determined by the methods available on the class at that point. the class returned by that method determines the next set of methods.
so the rules for the grammar that generates the chain is a right regular grammar where the start symbols are classes, the symbols are methods, and the non-terminals are the classes returned by the methods:
class Car:
configure: Configurator
class Configurator:
with: Configurator // noise method
and: Configurator // noise method
wheels: int -> Configurator
windows: int -> WindowDetails
class WindowDetails:
transparent -> Configurator
tinted -> Configurator
ignoring the method args (int):
Car -> "configure" Configurator
Configurator -> "with" Configurator
Configurator -> "and" Configurator
Configurator -> "wheels" Configurator
Configurator -> "windows" WindowDetails
WindowDetails -> "transparent" Configurator
WindowDetails -> "tinted" Configurator
but what this fails to capture is the argument to wheels (the number of wheels). and a regular grammar can't handle that because different integer arguments might lead to different classes (eg after "(2)" do you have a Configurator or a WindowDetails?):
Configurator -> "wheels" Integer
Configurator -> "windows" Integer
Integer -> ?
so it depends what you want. the chain of methods can be described by a regular grammar. but a regular grammar cannot also describe the arguments passed to the methods. afaict.
you can handle arguments by adding the complexity of context free grammars, because then you can do something like:
Configurator -> "wheels" Integer Configurator
Configurator -> "windows" Integer WindowDetails
which has the extra info needed to continue correctly after the integer argument.
NOTE: the above assumes that method names are unique across all classes. if you have two different classes with the same method name then you are going to have problems, obviously (i hope) (and this might not so rare if you are using things like "with" and "and"....)


Separating operator definitions for a class to other files and using them

I have 4 files all in the same directory: main.rakumod, infix_ops.rakumod, prefix_ops.rakumod and script.raku:
main module has a class definition (class A)
*_ops modules have some operator routine definitions to write, e.g., $a1 + $a2 in an overloaded way.
script.raku tries to instantaniate A object(s) and use those user-defined operators.
Why 3 files not 1? Since class definition might be long and separating overloaded operator definitions in files seemed like a good idea for writing tidier code (easier to manage).
# main.rakumod
class A {
has $.x is rw;
# prefix_ops.rakumod
use lib ".";
use main;
multi prefix:<++>(A:D $obj) {
and similar routines in infix_ops.rakumod. Now, in script.raku, my aim is to import main module only and see the overloaded operators also available:
# script.raku
use lib ".";
use main;
my $a = => -1);
but it naturally doesn't see ++ multi for A objects because main.rakumod doesn't know the *_ops.rakumod files as it stands. Is there a way I can achieve this? If I use prefix_ops in main.rakumod, it says 'use lib' may not be pre-compiled perhaps because of circular dependentness
it says 'use lib' may not be pre-compiled
The word "may" is ambiguous. Actually it cannot be precompiled.
The message would be better if it said something to the effect of "Don't put use lib in a module."
This has now been fixed per #codesections++'s comment below.
perhaps because of circular dependentness
No. use lib can only be used by the main program file, the one directly run by Rakudo.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
Here's one way.
We introduce a new file that's used by the other packages to eliminate the circularity. So now we have four files (I've rationalized the naming to stick to A or variants of it for the packages that contribute to the type A):
A-sawn.rakumod that's a role or class or similar:
unit role A-sawn;
Other packages that are to be separated out into their own files use the new "sawn" package and does or is it as appropriate:
use A-sawn;
unit class A-Ops does A-sawn;
multi prefix:<++>(A-sawn:D $obj) is export { ++($obj.x) }
multi postfix:<++>(A-sawn:D $obj) is export { ($obj.x)++ }
The A.rakumod file for the A type does the same thing. It also uses whatever other packages are to be pulled into the same A namespace; this will import symbols from it according to Raku's standard importing rules. And then relevant symbols are explicitly exported:
use A-sawn;
use A-Ops;
sub EXPORT { OUTER:: .grep: /'fix:<'/ }
unit class A does A-sawn;
has $.x is rw;
Finally, with this setup in place, the main program can just use A;:
use lib '.';
use A;
my $a = => -1);
say $a++; # => -1)
say ++$a; # => 1)
say ++$a; # => 2)
The two main things here are:
Introducing an (empty) A-sawn package
This type eliminates circularity using the technique shown in #codesection's answer to Best Way to Resolve Circular Module Loading.
Raku culture has a fun generic term/meme for techniques that cut through circular problems: "circular saws". So I've used a -sawn suffix of the "sawn" typename as a convention when using this technique.[1]
Importing symbols into a package and then re-exporting them
This is done via sub EXPORT { ... }.[2] See the doc for sub EXPORT.
The Map must contain a list of symbols (Pairs). For this case I've grepped through keys from the OUTER:: pseudopackage that refers to the symbol table of the lexical scope immediately outside the sub EXPORT the OUTER:: appears in. This is of course the lexical scope into which some symbols (for operators) have just been imported by the use Ops; statement. I then grep that symbol table for keys containing fix:<; this will catch all symbol keys with that string in their name (so infix:<..., prefix:<... etc.). Alter this code as needed to suit your needs.[3]
[1] As things stands this technique means coming up with a new name that's different from the one used by the consumer of the new type, one that won't conflict with any other packages. This suggests a suffix. I think -sawn is a reasonable choice for an unusual and distinctive and mnemonic suffix. That said, I imagine someone will eventually package this process up into a new language construct that does the work behind the scenes, generating the name and automating away the manual changes one has to make to packages with the shown technique.
[2] A critically important point is that, if a sub EXPORT is to do what you want, it must be placed outside the package definition to which it applies. And that in turn means it must be before a unit package declaration. And that in turn means any use statement relied on by that sub EXPORT must appear within the same or outer lexical scope. (This is explained in the doc but I think it bears summarizing here to try head off much head scratching because there's no error message if it's in the wrong place.)
[3] As with the circularity saw aspect discussed in footnote 1, I imagine someone will also eventually package up this import-and-export mechanism into a new construct, or, perhaps even better, an enhancement of Raku's built in use statement.
Hi #hanselmann here is how I would write this (in 3 files / same dir):
Define my class(es):
# MyClass.rakumod
unit module MyClass;
class A is export {
has $.x is rw;
Define my operators:
# Prefix_Ops.rakumod
unit module Prefix_Ops;
use MyClass;
multi prefix:<++>(A:D $obj) is export {
Run my code:
# script.raku
use lib ".";
use MyClass;
use Prefix_Ops;
my $a = => -1);
say $a.x; #0
Taking my cue from the Module docs there are a couple of things I am doing different:
Avoiding the use of main (or Main, or MAIN) --- I am wary that MAIN is a reserved name and just want to keep clear of engaging any of that (cool) machinery
Bringing in the unit module declaration at the top of each 'rakumod' file ... it may be possible to use bare files in Raku ... but I have never tried this and would say that it is not obvious from the docs that it is even possible, or supported
Now since I wanted this to work first time you will note that I use the same file name and module name ... again it may be possible to do that differently (multiple modules in one file and so on) ... but I have not tried that either
Using the 'is export' trait where I want my script to be able to use these definitions ... as you will know from close study of the docs ;-) is that each module has it's own namespace (the "stash") and we need export to shove the exported definitions into the namespace of the script
As #raiph mentions you only need the script to define the module library location
Since you want your prefix multi to "know" about class A then you also need to use MyClass in the Prefix_Ops module
Anyway, all-in-all, I think that the raku module system exemplifies the unique combination of "easy things easy and hard thinks doable" ... all I had to do with your code (which was very close) was tweak a few filenames and sprinkle in some concise concepts like 'unit module' and 'is export' and it really does not look much different since raku keeps all the import/export machinery under the surface like the swan gliding over the river...

Lambda expression indentation

What setting in Rider is responsible for what lambdas find on such a large indent?
For example i want this:
instead this:
It is in Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> C# -> Tabs, Indent, Alignment -> Align Multiple Constructs.
Specifically for lambdas: Array, object and collection initialization, Anonymous method body must be turned off

How does Clojure spec differ from property-based testing libraries, such as Haskell QuickCheck?

Other languages have property based testing libraries, like Haskell QuickCheck. How does Clojure spec differ from such libraries? Or is it just a property based testing framework for Clojure?
Clojure's analog for QuickCheck would be test.check. Clojure.spec relies on test.check for generative testing, but spec can be used for much more than testing.
Test.check provides tools for generative and property-based testing. Clojure.spec allows you to write specifications for data, and can create generators from those specs automatically. Using test.check alone, you'd need to create non-trivial generators by hand. With clojure.spec, generators can (with some exceptions) be derived from your spec.
(s/def ::my-spec string?) ;; a trivial spec, any string will do
(sgen/sample (s/gen ::my-spec)) ;; create a generator from spec and get samples
;;=> ("" "P" "B" "" "qV" "im4P" "Zf" "" "rL24" "wAV7z")
These generators can be used to generate input data for functions of which you want to test properties. You can write property-based tests using just test.check, and you can also write some property-based tests for functions using clojure.spec. Here's an example of a function that takes a string and returns the "doubled" string:
(defn doubler [s] (str s s))
(s/fdef doubler
:args (s/cat :s string?)
:ret string?
:fn (fn [{:keys [args ret]}]
(= (* 2 (count (:s args))) (count ret))))
(stest/check `doubler)
The s/fdef spec defines the properties we want from our function: it takes one string, returns a string, and the returned string should be twice as long as the input. We use check to ensure these properties hold for a bunch of randomly generated inputs.
Take a look at the overview and guide for more.

Ocaml unbound module

I'm learning Ocaml language but i have a problem with my modules when i want to compile them.
So, I have a module with the name Door and an other one with the name Case. Into each one, i have a type paramater with the other module :
type t = bool -> Case.u -> t
type u = bool -> Door.t -> u
When i want to compile, i have this error :
File "door.mli", line 14, characters 23-29:
Error: Unbound module Case
Have you got an idea ?
Thanks you
You have two mutually recursive modules, which is always tricky. One way to get them to work is to define them in the same file using module rec A ... and B ....
However, you also have the problem that your types are cyclic. The definition:
type t = bool -> Case.u -> t
is not normally accepted by OCaml either. You can get it to be accepted by specifying -rectypes on the compiler or interpreter command line.
I fear that you'll find these structures to be difficult to work with. The reason they're difficult to define is that they're not usually what you want. You might try starting with more straightforward types if possible.
My advice: get those two types out of and, and make Door and Case depend on a common Types module with:
type door = Door of bool -> case -> door
and case = Case of bool -> door -> case

OCaml module types and separate compilation

I am reading through OCaml lead designer's 1994 paper on modules, types, and separate compilation. (kindly pointed to me by Norman Ramsey in another question ). I understand that the paper discusses the origins of OCaml's present module type / signature system. It it, the author proposes opaque interpretation of type declarations in signatures (to allow separate compilation) together with manifest type declarations (for expressiveness). Attempting to put together some examples of my own to demonstrate the kind of problems the OCaml module signature notation is trying to tackle I wrote the following code in two files:
In file (or .mli — I've tried both) (file A):
module type ORDERING = sig
type t
val isLess : t -> t -> bool
and in file (file B):
open Ordering
module StringOrdering : ORDERING
let main () =
Printf.printf "%b" StringOrdering.isLess "a" "b"
main ()
The idea being to expect the compiler to complain (when compiling the second file) that not enough type information is available on module StringOrdering to typecheck the StringOrdering.isLess application (and thus motivate the need for the with type syntax).
However, although file A compiles as expected, file B causes the 3.11.2 ocamlc to complain for a syntax error. I understood that signatures were meant to allow someone to write code based on the module signature, without access to the implementation (the module structure).
I confess that I am not sure about the syntax: module A : B which I encountered in this rather old paper on separate compilation but it makes me wonder whether such or similar syntax exists (without involving functors) to allow someone to write code based only on the module type, with the actual module structure provided at linking time, similar to how one can use *.h and *.c files in C/C++. Without such an ability it would seem to be that module types / signatures are basically for sealing / hiding the internals of modules or more explicit type checking / annotations but not for separate / independent compilation.
Actually, looking at the OCaml manual section on modules and separate compilation it seems that my analogy with C compilation units is broken because the OCaml manual defines the OCaml compilation unit to be the and A.mli duo, whereas in C/C++ the .h files are pasted to the compilation unit of any importing .c file.
The right way to do such a thing is to do the following:
In ordering.mli write:
(* This define the signature *)
module type ORDERING = sig
type t
val isLess : t -> t -> bool
(* This define a module having ORDERING as signature *)
module StringOrdering : ORDERING
Compile the file: ocamlc -c ordering.mli
In another file, refer to the compiled signature:
open Ordering
let main () =
Printf.printf "%b" (StringOrdering.isLess "a" "b")
let () = main ()
When you compile the file, you get the expected type error (ie. string is not compatible with Ordering.StringOrdering.t). If you want to remove the type error, you should add the with type t = string constraint to the definition of StringOrdering in ordering.mli.
So answer to you second question: yes, in bytecode mode the compiler just needs to know about the interfaces your are depending on, and you can choose which implementation to use at link time. By default, that's not true for native code compilation (because of inter-module optimizations) but you can disable it.
You are probably just confused by the relation between explicit module and signature definitions, and the implicit definition of modules through .ml/.mli files.
Basically, if you have a file and use it inside some other file, then it is as if you had written
module A =
(* content of file *)
If you also have a.mli, then it is as if you had written
module A :
(* content of file a.mli *)
end =
(* content of file *)
Note that this only defines a module named A, not a module type. A's signature cannot be given a name through this mechanism.
Another file using A can be compiled against a.mli alone, without providing at all. However, you want to make sure that all type information is made transparent where needed. For example, suppose you are to define a map over integers:
(* intMap.mli *)
type key = int
type 'a map
val empty : 'a map
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a map -> 'a map
val lookup : key -> 'a map -> 'a option
Here, key is made transparent, because any client code (of the module IntMap that this signature describes) needs to know what it is to be able to add something to the map. The map type itself, however, can (and should) be kept abstract, because a client shouldn't mess with its implementation details.
The relation to C header files is that those basically only allow transparent types. In Ocaml, you have the choice.
module StringOrdering : ORDERING is a module declaration. You can use this in a signature, to say that the signature contains a module field called StringOrdering and having the signature ORDERING. It doesn't make sense in a module.
You need to define a module somewhere that implements the operations you need. The module definition can be something like
module StringOrderingImplementation = struct
type t = string
let isLess x y = x <= y
If you want to hide the definition of the type t, you need to make a different module where the definition is abstract. The operation to make a new module out of an old one is called sealing, and is expressed through the : operator.
module StringOrderingAbstract = (StringOrdering : ORDERING)
Then StringOrderingImplementation.isLess "a" "b" is well-typed, whereas StringOrderingAbstract.isLess "a" "b" cannot be typed since StringOrderingAbstract.t is an abstract type, which is not compatible with string or any other preexisting type. In fact, it's impossible to build a value of type StringOrderingAbstract.t, since the module does not include any constructor.
When you have a compilation unit, it is a module Foo, and the signature of this module is given by the interface file foo.mli. That is, the files and foo.mli are equivalent to the module definition
module Foo = (struct (*…contents of…*) end :
sig (*…contents of foo.mli…*) end)
When compiling a module that uses Foo, the compiler only looks at foo.mli (or rather the result of its compilation: foo.cmi), not at foo.ml¹. This is how interfaces and separate compilation fit together. C needs #include <foo.h> because it lacks any form of namespace; in OCaml, automatically refers to a bar defined in the compilation unit foo if there is no other module called Foo in scope.
¹ Actually, the native code compiler looks at the implementation of Foo to perform optimizations (inlining). The type checker never looks at anything but what is in the interface.