WCF known types, not works - wcf

public interface IDAService
public class DBReq : DBAccess
public IDataParameterCollection DataParams
Why does DataParams deserialize to type of Object on my client side?

Your [KnownType(typeof(IDataParameterCollection))] is not correct. You should pass the implementing types to the KnownType attribute.
For example
public class MyType : IDataParameterCollection {...}
public class DBReq : DBAccess
public IDataParameterCollection DataParams


WCF NULL vs Not present distinguish

In WCF I have a nullable int property on person object. What i want to do is that when the client explicitly passes NULL then i should update the database table to null, if they do NOT send this optional parameter then ignore.
Example code below. What i have foind is that there seems to be no easy way to do this.
public interface IPersonRepository
string UpdatePerson(Person person);
public class PersonRepository : IPersonRepository
public string UpdatePerson(Person person)
return person.ToString();
public class Person
[DataMember(IsRequired = false)]
public int? Age{get;set;}

WCF Interface as parameter

I am using interface as input parameter in OperationContract. But when i generate proxy class at client side. I am not able to access the members of interface or class implemeting the ITransaction interface. I am only geeting is object
Service Interface
public interface IServiceInterface
string SyncDatabase(ITransaction TransactionObject);
Service class
class SyncService:IServiceInterface
public string SyncDatabase(ITransaction TransactionObject)
return "Hello There!!";
public interface ITransaction
ExpenseData ExpData { get; set; }
void Add(ITransaction transactionObject);
Data Contract
public class Transaction:ITransaction
public ExpenseData ExpData
public void Add(ITransaction transactionObject)
In above case should i also copy the iTransaction class and interface on client
You actually need to make your ServiceContract aware of the implementation of the interface you pass as a parameter, so WCF will include it in the WSDL.
This should work:
public interface IServiceInterface
string SyncDatabase(ITransaction TransactionObject);
Use [KnownType(typeof(testClass))].
Refer these links:
Try making your interface the [DataContract] and use the [KnownType] attribute to tell WCF what the known implementations of that interface are.
public interface ITransaction
ExpenseData ExpData { get; set; }
void Add(ITransaction transactionObject);

WCF not exposing fields but uses ExtensionData

Im trying to create a WCF which consumes a List
public class myClass {
public int ID { get;set;}
In my service i write
public class myClass
public int ID { get; set; }
And my client nows the entity
ServiceReference2.myClass[] sendData = new ServiceReference2.myClass[2];
but when i would add a new myClass to the array like
ServiceReference2.myClass add1= new ServiceReference2.myClass();
the entity only exposes the field 'ExtensionData' and not the field ID
What am i doing wrong
You forgot to decorate the ID property with the DataMember attribute:
public class myClass
public int ID { get; set; }

WCF service contract and data contract

I have following code
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://www.myweb.com/prod")]
public interface IBaseService
public string GetName(IDMessageContract ID)
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://www.myweb.com/prod/child")]
public interface IChildService : IBaseService
public class BaseService
{ public string GetName(IDMessageContract ID)}
public class ChildService: IChildService
public class IDMessageContract
public string ID{get;set;}
In above scenario I need the GetName method SOAP header containing the namespace "http://www.myweb.com/prod/child"
If you need SOAP header with specified namespace you must specify that header in message contract and use its Namespace property. Something like:
public class IDMessageContract
public string MyHeader { get; set;}
public string ID{get;set;}

SvcUtil not generating abstract classes in the client proxy (WCF)

I have classes in my service defined as
[KnownType(typeof(MyConcrete1)) ]
[KnownType(typeof(MyConcrete2)) ]
public abstract class MyAbstract
public int AbsInt { get; set; }
public class MyConcrete1 : MyAbstract
public int Concrete1Int { get; set; }
public class MyConcrete2 : MyAbstract
public int Concrete2Int { get; set; }
and in my Service, I use it as
public interface IService1
MyAbstract TestAbstract(MyAbstract value);
As you can see, the method TestAbstract takes and returns the abstract parameter MyAbstract, however in the client proxy generated by SvcUtil, the type "MyAbstract" is not abstract! It generated a concrete class.
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name = "MyAbstract", Namespace = "http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/WcfService")]
public partial class MyAbstract : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject
private System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject extensionDataField;
private int AbsIntField;
public System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject ExtensionData
return this.extensionDataField;
this.extensionDataField = value;
public int AbsInt
return this.AbsIntField;
this.AbsIntField = value;
How can I force svcUtil to generate MyAbstract as an abstract class? I'm stuck, please help...
You cannot - svcutil cannot know that MyAbstract class is abstract. The metadata that's being exchanged between server and client just doesn't support such a concept. The SOA world doesn't always support everything the OO world has in store.
The service metadata only knows about things like services, method calls, and data contracts - anything else is not part of the service metadata.
You will need to add some extra logic and tweaking to the client code, once it's been creating, if that's a real requirement on your side.