How do you write an MSBuild task to support cancelation? - msbuild

I have a custom MSBuild task for When the task is running, if I hit Ctrl+C, it 'tries' to cancel the task, but of course it fails (since my task doesn't support cancelation). No amount of MSDN doc searchs or Google-fu have landed on a solution. Since I can't find an obvious interface to implement, I'm guessing maybe cancelation is supported by way of some convention.
Has anybody done this before, and knows what's required to get cancelation to work?

Your task needs to implement ICancelableTask. It's a very simple interface added in 4.0.
Basically you just add a Cancel() method. It must be ready to be called on a different thread, at any time, and return promptly. Your task must then return from Execute promptly. Typically you'd set a boolean flag inside Cancel(). Then inside your task you'd typically have a loop processing each input in turn -- for example, copying one file after another -- and in each iteration, check the flag; if it's true, break out. It doesn't matter whether you return true or false from Execute in this context.
If you're deriving from ToolTask -- if your task spawns a tool, it's very strongly recommended that you do this, as it saves a great deal of code, handles async logging, and other things -- then it already handles Cancel automatically. When Cancel happens, it kills the tool it spawned and all its children. The C++ team's tasks in some cases override this default behavior, so that their compiler/linker has a few seconds to clean up their half-written outputs before returning.
(Trivia: when I first implemented this in MSBuild, I accidentally made VS bluescreen the box occasionally. This nearly shipped in VS10 beta but was discovered just in time. The bluescreen was because the logic for figuring out the process tree was wrong, and would sometimes kill a system process. Oops.)

I know you're well aware of the Task hierarchy, but on the offchance this is what you're looking for and it's just the fact that you're not implementing a ToolTask...
Inside MSBuild 2nd ed says (p118) of ToolTask.Cancel
This method is called to cancel the task execution. Once this method is called by MSBuild, if the task does not complete, it will be forcefully terminated
There are no other references to cancellation in it.


How to debug a freeRTOS application?

How do you debug an RTOS application? I am using KEIL µVision and when I hit debug, the program steps through the main function until the function that initializes the RTOS kernel and then you can't step any further. The code itself works though. It is not mine btw, but I have to work on it. Is this normal behavior with RTOS applications or is this related to the program?
Yes, this is normal. You need to set breakpoints in the source code for the tasks that were created in main(): the only purpose of main() in a FreeRTOS application is to :
initialize the hardware,
create the resources (timers, semaphores...) and tasks your application will need,
start the scheduler
The application should never return from vTaskStartScheduler() if they were enough resources available.
Put break-points at the entry point of each task you need to debug. When you step the over the scheduler start (or simply run) the debugger will halts at the first task that runs. When that task blocks, some other task will be selected to run according to the scheduling rules.
Generally when debugging and you reach a blocking call, step-over it, other tasks may run and the debugger will stop at the next line only when the task becomes ready (depending on the nature of the blocking call). Often you will want to predict what task will run as a result of the call, and put a breakpoint in that task. For example if you issue a message send, you might place a breakpoint after the message receive call of the receiving task.
The point is you cannot "step-through" a context switch unless you have the RTOS source or do it at the assembler level, which is seldom useful or productive, and will not work for preemption.
You get a somewhat better RTOS debug experience and tool support in Keil if you use Keil's own RTX5 RTOS rather then FreeRTOS, but all of the above remains true.
Yes, this is an expected behaviour. The best way to debug a RTOS application is to place breakpoints at all tasks, key function entry points and step debug.
The debugger supports various methods of single-stepping through an application as in below link.
Typical challenges in debugging RTOS application can be dealing with interrupt handling, synchronization issues and register/memory corruption.
Keil µVision's System Analyzer enables one to view the program execution time frame, status of each thread. It shall also help in viewing interrupts, exceptions if tracer is enabled.

Update UI with progress during UI-intensive loop

I've got a long-running loop which involves a fair amount of UI functions. This loop therefore must be run on the main thread. However, I also want to display progress of this task, so this must also run on the main thread as displaying the current progress would involve updating the UI. I am really struggling to find a way of allowing the UI to update with current progress on the main thread when the main loop is also running on the main thread. What happens is that the UI is frozen during the loop and then updates to show that the process is finished when it's done.
This is not for a production app, it's for a personal project that will never be release. So it is of no concern that the UI is frozen from a UX perspective. If the solution involves putting the processing in the background then this refactoring is fine, but I'm not sure how to do it when a lot of the heavy lifting during this loop involves UI stuff too.
Isn't it funny how you sometimes come up with a solution just after posting the question?! The key seemed to be rather than using a for loop for the processing, instead putting the processing function inside a separate method and repeatedly calling it, passing the array of objects to process to it. Doing this, you can call the function using [self performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:]. Even if you provide a value of zero for the delay, it causes the method to be called on the next run loop. This means you can update the UI, process the next item, and repeat this process until the array of items is empty. Here's my completed solution. If anybody knows a better way I'd still love to hear it, but for now this is at least working!
Edit - I packaged this solution up into a class of its own to make it easier to manage, and put it on my Github. Maybe it will help somebody else out :)
Edit 2 - made the processing class more flexible by making it run loops instead of iterating through arrays. You can of course use it to iterate through an array yourself, as per the example in the readme. But if you're not working with an array, you can just run the loop runCount times and do whatever you need to do in the processingBlock.

Is there a way to ensure that a kernel module runs in a specific process context?

Basically, how can I make sure that in my module, a specific process is current. I've looked at kick_process, but I'm not sure how to have my module execute in the context of that process once kicking it into kernel mode.
I found this related question, but it has no replies. I believe an answer to my question could help that asker as well.
Note: I am aware that if I want the task_struct of a process, I can look it up. I'm interested in running in a specific context since I want to call functions that reference current.
Best way i have found to do anything in the context of a particular process in the kernel, is to sleep in process context(wait_* family of functions) and wake up that thread and do whatever needs to be done in that context. This would ofcourse mean you would have to have the application call into the kernel via IOCTL or something and sleep on that thread and wake it up whenever you need to do something. This seems to be a very widely used and popular mechanism.

VB.NET Synchronization confusion

Hello all,
I have an application that controls an industrial system. It has a GUI which, once a process is started, principally displays the states of various attached devices. It basically works like this:
A System.Timers.Timer object is always running. At each Elapsed event, it polls the devices for their current values and invokes controls on the GUI, updating them with the new values.
A start button is clicked, a process time Stopwatch object is created and started (Labels on the GUI are now invoked and updated on the System.Timers.Timer's Elapsed event, in addition to the other work that is taken care of on this event)
A new thread is created which runs a Process() subroutine
Some Stopwatch objects are created and started (these Stopwatches are periodically restarted during the process via their Restart() method.
Some logic is executed on the new Stopwatchs' Elapsedmilliseconds properties to determine when to do things like write new setpoints to the devices, update the data log, etc...
Here's my problem: The program occasionally freezes. My ignorant efforts at tracking down the problem have led me to suspect that read/writes to the subset of devices that are RS-232 controlled are the culprits most of the time. However, I occasionally see other strange things upon program freeze, e.g., one of the time Labels whose Text property is determined by a Stopwatch's Elapsedmilliseconds property sometimes will show an impossible value (e.g., -50 hours or something).
For the RS-232 problems, I suspect something like a read event is being executed at the same time as a write event and this causes a freeze(?). I tried to prevent this by making sure that all communication with an RS-232 device is funneled through a Transmit() subroutine which has the following attribute:
Which, as far as my ignorance permits me to understand, should force one Transmit() execution to finish completely before another one can start. Perhaps another risk is the code getting blocked here if one Transmit() never finishes?
Regarding the Stopwatch trouble, I speculate that the problem is that the Timer is trying to update a GUI Label at the same time that the Stopwatch's Restart() method is being executed. I'm unsure if this could cause a problem. All I know is that this problem has only occurred at a point in the process when a Restart() call would be made.
I am wondering if I could use a SyncLock or something to lock a Stopwatch while the Label is being updated (or, conversely, while its being restarted)? Or, perhaps I should stop the Timer, restart the Stopwatch, and then start the timer again, like so?:
My trepidation regarding how to proceed is due to my complete lack of understanding of how .NET synchronization objects actually work. I've tried slapping a few SyncLocks in various places, but I really have no idea if they're implemented correctly or not. I'm wondering if, having provided all this context, someone really smart might be able to tell me how I'm stupid and how to do this right. I would really appreciate any input. If it would be useful to provide some code snippets, I'd be happy to, I just worry that everything's so convoluted that it would just detract from what I'm hoping is a conceptual question.
Thanks in advance!
I would consider a shift to a task scheduling framework instead of relying on manual manipulation of timers if your working on anything SCADA related. A simple starting point would be something similar to the hardcodet.Scheduling classes and you can move to something like the beast that is Quartz. Most of these types of frameworks will provide you with a way to pause and resume scheduled actions.
If I'm working with Modbus, I normally keep a local cache of the register values and make changes to any value fire a change event. This has the benefit of allowing you to implement things like refreshing values manually without interfering with your process scheduling and checking for deadband when evaluating your polled response. This happened to be the side effect of implementing a polled protocol to a subset of the OPC DA interface.

wxWidgets : non blocking copy to FTP

I want to copy a file to a FTP server using wxFTP, but I would like to do this without blocking the UI, and much better, while displaying a progress bar. Can I do this without extra thread?
I'm using wxLua, but I can adapt a solution written in any language as long as it uses a wxWidgets binding.
Try using wx.lib.delayedresult. It's available in wxPython, but maybe also it is in your wxWidgets library too. It creates separate worker thread and is called with a consumer function that is called once worker thread finishes his job. Quite useful thing.
See wxPython docs for details.
What's wrong with starting your own Thread for this?
You could check the streams canRead() method periodically (through a timer or in the event loop, maybe) and only read when it returns true, but it'll probably be a lot more complex than just starting a separate thread.