Equivalent to log4j in Visual Basic [closed] - vb.net

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am relatively new to Visual Basic.
When it comes to logging, in Java I use log4j for logging.
What is the equivalent in Visual Basic and can you please guide me to a good tutorial?

You're looking for Log4Net:
That's a near-1:1 port of log4j, and so should be very familiar to you. However, what I really recommend for logging in most .NET apps is to simply use the Trace class that's already built into the framework.


System.Converter and String.Intern in NET Standard Library 1.6? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am now migrating from .net 4.5.x libraries to .net standard 1.6 libraries. But I don't know how to find packages for
Anyone can help me? If those classes are not available in .net standard, which are recommended instead?
I use the Reverse Package Search website to find witch package to add.
You can take a look at .Net Api Catalog for full .net core reference
String.Intern Reference page (not available in NET standard) : http://apisof.net/catalog/System.String.Intern(String)
System.Converter (in NET standard 1.7): http://apisof.net/catalog/System.Converter%3CTInput,TOutput%3E

Can anyone suggest a good framework for automation using Selenium, C# and NUnit 3.0 framework [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a beginner in selenium automation and need to implement this in my new project with C# and NUnit3.0. I have designed a framework but that seems a bit buggy so i need a help from this forum.
Use page object model. It is highly flexible and maintainable. Most of the industries is using page object model for their automation stuff
Few reference to know about page object model:-
Few reference for Page object model in C#:-
Hope it will help you :)

VB.NET code formatting tool [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Does anybody knows good VB.NET code formatting tool? By code formatting I mean rearranging class members by type, scope and alphabetically, maybe customized.
Every tool I found is for C# only, no VB.NET. Only tool that can do that is MZ-Tools, which have some major flaws and NArrange, which is obsolete and can not arrange new VB.NET language features.
DevExpress CodeRush for Roslyn
(Visual Studio 2015+)

Using SharpSNMP with VB.NET [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am starting to create an SNMP agent using SharpSNMP and VB.NET.
Could anyone let me know where I can find sample VB.NET code for this?
I have seen C# code but was unable to find any VB.NET code for this. Otherwise could someone show me a basic GET and SET using VB.NET and SharpSNMP? Thanks!
All VB.NET samples are there. Meanwhile, any VB.NET developer should learn C# IMHO.

What is the model VB.NET sample app? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for an open-source VB.NET app that demonstrates a lot of .NET's power, ideally something that works fully offline. Maybe some of you have encountered an amazing utility app on CodeProject?
The VB.NET tag on CodePlex should keep you going for a while.