Failed to enter Game Center Sandbox - objective-c

When developing a game center app, I found the sandbox mode is very unpredictable. My game and two devices worked for a while in sandbox mode. After some code are modified (not game center related), recompiled and started debugging, then I get the famous "This game is not recognized by game center" message.
Delete the app
Sign out Game Center from the Game Center app
Restart debugging the app
does not help.
Any help is appreciated.

If you are sure you are using you're sandbox gamecenter account (signed out of GameCenter using the GameCenter app, signed back in using your in development app when prompted), then I would try the following.
1.Delete the old version of the app on the device(s) and simulator
2.Clean the project in Xcode
3.Redeploy the app to the simulator / devices(s)


This app is not available for your phone because it requires front facing camera

We have developed an app using Xamarin Forms which targets iOS, Android and Windows Phone. We are using camera feature to take/select photos to be uploaded to the app and the feature works well on all three mentioned platforms.
We have some users facing issues on few windows devices. When a user tries to download the app from Windows App Store, they receive following error:
"This app is not available for your phone because it requires front facing cameraā€¯
I have attached screen shot showing the error for reference. The screen shot is taken from Nokia Lumia 635. Our finding that this device has only back camera, no front camera and we believe this might be the reason for above mentioned issue.
Ideally, users should not get this error as this device has back camera and they still can get the photos.
Is this a known issue in windows phone world?
Can this be fixed from code, device permissions?
Is this a device specific problem?
Any ideas?

App Thinning XCode 7 iTunes Connect

I'm using Xcode 7.0.1 (7A1001) and noticed that Submitting my app now goes through an App Thinning stage and a folder gets created with the numerous .ipa for the different devices supported by our app.
When I'm downloading the app from iTunes Connect Test Flight for testing, I don't see any reduction in size. Can someone shed some light on whether the app size should be smaller? Am I doing something wrong in the configuration or will it only be smaller when downloaded from the actual App Store?

iPad mini as device in xcode 6

I'm developing my first App and I'm testing it in my iPhone 5c, but when I connect my iPad Mini it displays some error and something related to my "Member center" in the apple website.
My question is: I have to purchase another license to run my iPad mini with xcode? Because I have already a license and I don't know why is not working.
Thanks in advance.
No. Given that your device iOS is the same or newer than the deployment target of your Xcode project, you just need to add the UDID to your Apple Developer account, renew the Development certificate (and Provisioning Profile if necessary) and enable Development mode of the device in Xcode, then you can use the new device for development.

Unable to sign in Sandbox gamecenter on iOS 7

Since iOS 7 I no longer get the prompt from game center to ask me to log in sandbox mode when I open my application. I searched for a while and never saw any known issues about this and there are no patch notes that says anything about sandbox mode changing. Has anyone encountered this problem?
If you've cancelled game center sign in enough times, the OS disables game center for that game. Prior to iOS7, you could manually sign in again using the game center app, and when you launch your game again it would sign in.
However, in iOS7, it appears that when the OS disables game center for your game, it's completely disabled. I've found that using Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings will restore game center functionality for games that have been disabled in this manner.
Copied answer from here: - a bit different question caused by the same issue.
This issue appears to happen in sandbox only.
Got this problem too, and here what I've figured out:
GameCenter shows prompt for login only a few times (3-5), if all prompts were canceled - GameCenter becomes disabled for this app.
In iOS 7 there is a problem: GameCenter disabled state remains even if you login into the GameCenter app itself - application will still receive kind of this error:
error: Error Domain=GKErrorDomain Code=2 GkErrorCanceled: the requested operation has been canceled or disabled by the user
There are two workarounds:
Log out of Game Center through the Settings app.
Reset all settings
After the device rebooted, launch app with development build. After launch the GC Login viewController pops up.
Second (this one helped me):
"Erase All Content And Settings".
Set up as a new device - do not restore from any backups.
Both workarounds are not a viable option for production - I hope there will be a fix from Apple soon.
Most of the info is from to this discussion.
I thought I was trapped in this situation as well. I constantly got the GKErrorCancelled when the game I develop tried to log me into to the Game Center sandbox.
I then went to the Game Center application, and started my game through Game Center. Then, magically, I was successfully signed in. No idea if it was just a coincidence, but maybe this can help someone else who doesn't want to reset the device.
Seems there's been some change recently to work around this. Maybe in iOS7? This answer to a similar question suggests:
- quit your app
- use the settings page for gamecenter to log into your sandbox account, then log back out
- open your app and you should now be able to log in

Mac App not launching properly for users outside of development

I have made iOS apps in the past but this is my first desktop mac app. We have a strange problem. I build for archive, validate it and send to test users. The app loads but doesn't get past the splash screen for those users. I tested with two non-developer users on my machine (same machine as development) and the same thing - it stalls on the splash screen in both Lion and Mtn Lion. For the two developer users, it is working fine.
Now something tells me there's a permissions or signing problem. But if that's the case, wouldn't the app not load at all? The other thing is that we are writing to the Library/Application Support folder. For these test users all the files that are supposed to be there are there - so the app is launching and writing.
Does this problem sound familiar at all or any tips on how to diagnose?