Store IMEI in SQL Server / Azure - sql

Do you please have any idea which way should I store the IMEI? Should I store it as a bigint? or may be real or float or varchar? IMEI takes 15 characters and normally it is all numbers without any spaces or seperators.

Are you referring to mobile equipment #'s, as described here ? If you're going to search on partial matches of the number, you'll want to store it as some type of character representation. Any type of integer (or bigint) value is going to make things more challenging when it comes to partial-match searching. Also, if you want to verify the check digit, you need to walk through each digit in the IMEI, so again, a character representation is going to work better in this case.


Sql function to turn character field into number field

I'm importing data from one system to another. The former keys off an alphanumeric field whereas the latter requires a numeric integer field. I'd like to find or write a function that I can feed the alphanumeric value to and have it return a number that would be unique to the value passed in.
My first thought was to do a hash, but of course the result of any built in hashes are going to contains letters and plus it's technically possible (however unlikely) that a hash may not be unique.
My first question is whether there is anything built in to sql that I'm overlooking, and short of that I'd like to hear suggestions on the easiest way to implement such a function.
Here is a function which will probably convert from base 10 (integer) to base 36 (alphanumeric) and back again:
You might find the resultant number is too big to be held in an integer though.
You could concatenate the ascii values of each character of your string and cast the result as a bigint.
If the original data is known to be integers you can use cast:
SELECT CAST(varcharcol AS INT) FROM Table

Any bad affect if I use TEXT data-type to store a number

Is there any bad affect if I use TEXT data-type to store an ID number in a database?
I do something like:
And actually, if I want to store a date value I usually use TEXT data-type. If this is a wrong way, what is its disadvantage?
I am using PostgreSQL.
Storing numbers in a text column is a very bad idea. You lose a lot of advantages when you do that:
you can't prevent storing invalid numbers (e.g. 'foo')
Sorting will not work the way you want to ('10' is "smaller" than '2')
it confuses everybody looking at your data model.
I want to store a date value I usually use TEXT
That is another very bad idea. Mainly because of the same reasons you shouldn't be storing a number in a text column. In addition to completely wrong dates ('foo') you can't prevent "invalid" dates either (e.g. February, 31st). And then there is the sorting thing, and the comparison with > and <, and the date arithmetic....
I really don't recommend using text for dates.
Look at all the functions you are missing with text
If you want to use them, you have to cast and it's only problems if by accident the dates stored are not valid cause with text there's no validation.
In addition to what the other answers already provided:
text is also subject to COLLATION and encoding, which may complicate portability and data interchange between platforms. It also slows down sorting operations.
Concerning storage size of text: an integer occupies 4 byte (and is subject to padding for data alignment). text or varchar occupy 1 byte plus the actual string, which is 1 byte for ASCII character in UTF-8 or more for special characters. Most likely, text will be much bigger.
It depends on what operations you are going to do on the data.
If you are going to be doing a lot of arithmetic on numeric data, it makes more sense to store it as some kind of numeric data type. Also, if you plan on sorting the data in numerical order, it really helps if the data is stored as a number.
When stored as text, "11" comes ahead of "9" because "1" comes ahead of "9". If this isn't what you want, don't use text.
On the other hand, it often makes sense to store strings of digits, such as zipcodes or social security number or phone numbers as text.

select from database according to phone number

Guys in a few days I have an exam (midterm), so I am trying to execute every possible test which could be in midterm, suppose that we have employees table where phone number is given in this form abc.edf.ghi (all these are numbers not strings), how could I list these employees who's phone number contains edf? I dont think that we can use substring function because it is number, am I correct? Also I can't execute division by sum number like in c++(division by 100,mod 100 and so on,)so please help me, sorry if my question is too much nonsense. I need just for practice.
Oracle says substr is for string only, but you can use substr for columns that are defined as NUMBER datatype,too.
(Assumed that the format of PHONENUMBERCOLUMN is abc.edf.ghi)
select * from YOURTABLE where substr(PHONENUMBERCOLUMN,5,3)='edf'
NOTE: It should be 'edf', not edf, if the datatype is other than NUMBER. Always use single quotation marks to be on the safe side, whether the datatype of the column is number or string (char,varchar,varchar2 etc.)
Don't make a mistake of thinking that phone number is a number. Phone number is a string which usually consists mainly of digits.
Imagine a phone number beginning with some zeros. If you'd store it as a number they will be truncated while they might be important and might make a difference. Storing it as a string makes it secure.
Additionally, storing it as a string enables you to use SUBSTR and other functions named similarly and doing more or less the same thing, which should solve your problem.
In MySQL you can try the SUBSTRING() function. If the phone number is in the format you show it has to be a varchar not a INT.
For Oracle use substr()

Is the CHAR datatype in SQL obsolete? When do you use it?

The title pretty much frames the question. I have not used CHAR in years. Right now, I am reverse-engineering a database that has CHAR all over it, for primary keys, codes, etc.
How about a CHAR(30) column?
So the general opinion seems to be that CHAR if perfectly fine for certain things. I, however, think that you can design a database schema that does not have a need for "these certain things", thus not requiring fixed-length strings. With the bit, uniqueidentifier, varchar, and text types, it seems that in a well-normalized schema you get a certain elegance that you don't get when you use encoded string values. Thinking in fixed lenghts, no offense meant, seems to be a relic of the mainframe days (I learned RPG II once myself). I believe it is obsolete, and I did not hear a convincing argument from you claiming otherwise.
I use char(n) for codes, varchar(m) for descriptions. Char(n) seems to result in better performance because data doesn't need to move around when the size of contents change.
Where the nature of the data dictates the length of the field, I use CHAR. Otherwise VARCHAR.
CHARs are still faster for processing than VARCHARs in the DBMS I know well. Their fixed size allow for optimizations that aren't possible with VARCHARs. In addition, the storage requirements are slightly less for CHARS since no length has to be stored, assuming most of the rows need to fully, or near-fully, populate the CHAR column.
This is less of an impact (in terms of percentage) with a CHAR(30) than a CHAR(4).
As to usage, I tend to use CHARs when either:
the fields will generally always be close to or at their maximum length (stock codes, employee IDs, etc); or
the lengths are short (less than 10).
Anywhere else, I use VARCHARs.
I use CHAR when length of the value is fixed. For example we are generating a code or something based on some algorithm which returns the code with the specific fixed lenght lets say 13.
Otherwise, I found VARCHAR better. One more reason to use VARCHAR is that when you get the value back in your application you don't need to trim that value. In the case of CHAR you will get the full length of the column whether the value is filling it fully or not. It would get filled by spaces and you end up trimming every value, and forgetting that would lead to errors.
For PostgreSQL, the documentation states that char() has no advantage in storage space over varchar(); the only difference is that it's blank-padded to the specified length.
Having said that, I still use char(1) or char(3) for one-character or three-character codes. I think that the clarity due to the type specifying what the column should contain provides value, even if there are no storage or performance advantages. And yes, I typically use check constraints or foreign key constraints as well. Apart from those cases, I generally just stick with text rather than using varchar(). Again, this is informed by the database implementation, which automatically switches from inline to out-of-line storage if the value is large enough, which some other database implementations don't do.
Char isn't obsolete, it just should only be used if the length of the field should never vary. In the average database, this would be very few fields mostly some kind of code field like State Abbreviations which are a standard 2 character filed if you use the postal codes. Using Char where the filed length is varaible means that there will be a lot of trimming going on and that is extra, unnecessary work and the database should be refactored.

SQL When to use Which Data Type

Hi I was wondering when I should use the different data types. As in in my table, how can I decide which to use: nvarchar, nchar, varchar, varbinary, etc.
What would I use for a ... column:
Phone number,
First Name, Last Name,
ID number,
Thanks for any help!
As a general rule, I would not define anything as a "number" field if I wasn't going to be doing arithmetic on it, even if the data itself was numeric.
Your "phone" field is one example. I'd define that as a varchar.
Varchar, Integer, and Bit cover 99% of my day to day uses.
The question really depends on your requirements. I know that's not a particularly satisfactory answer, but it's true.
The n..char data types are for Unicode data, so if you're going to need to use unicode character sets in your data you should use those types as opposed to their "non-n" analogs. the nchar and char type are fixed length, and the nvarchar and varchar type can have a variable length, which will effect the size of the column on the disk and in memory. Generally I would say to use the type that uses the least disk space but fits for your needs.
This page has links to the Microsoft descriptions of these datatypes for SQL Server 2005, many of which give pointers for when to use which type. You might be particularly interested in this page regarding char and varchar types.
A data type beginning with n means it can be used for unicode characters... eg nVarchar.
Selection of integers is also quite fun.
The most common data type i use is varchar....
The N* data types (NVARCHAR, NCHAR, NTEXT) are for Unicode strings. They take up two times the space their "normal" pendants (VARCHAR, CHAR, TEXT) need, but they can store Unicode without conversion and possible loss of fidelity.
The TEXT data types can store nearly unlimited amounts of data, but they perform not as good as the CHAR data types because they are stored outside of the record.
THE VARCHAR data types are of variable length. They will not be padded with spaces at the end, but their CHAR pendants will (a CHAR(20) is always twenty characters long, even if if contains 5 letters only. The remaining 15 will be spaces).
The binary data types are for binary data, whatever you care to store into them (images are a primary example).
Other people have given good general answers, but I'd add one important point: when using VARCHAR()s (which I would recommend for those kinds of fields), be sure to use a length that's big enough for any reasonable value. For example, I typically declare VARCHAR(100) for a name, e-mail address, domain name, city name, etc., and VARCHAR(200) for an URL or street address.
This is more than you'll routinely need. In fact, 30 characters is enough for almost all of these values (except full name, but a good database should always store first and last name separately), but it's better than having to change data types some day down the road. There's very little cost in specifying a higher-than-necessary length for a VARCHAR, but note that VARCHAR(MAX) and TEXT do entail significant overhead, so use them only when necessary.
Here's a post which points out a case where a longer-than-necessary VARCHAR can hurt performance: Importance of varchar length in MySQL table. Goes to show that everything has a cost, though in general I'd still favor long VARCHARs.