rails 3 link_to with nested content_tag to create <a href with nested span - how to? - ruby-on-rails-3

Hi I got a noob question, I want to create the following HTML result:
TEXT<span class="arrow-big"></span>
In the above HTML I want to have text with a span-class to style in an image via css.
When I try the following implementations the result reflects just one part of the needed implementation:
<%= link_to "TEXT", controller_path, :class => "button-big layer" %>
results in:
<%= link_to(content_tag(:span, "", :class => "arrow-big"), controller_path, :class => "button-big layer") %>
results in:
<span class="arrow-big"></span>
Does anyone know how to accomplish?

You could also nest tags by using alternative syntax for link_to helper
<%= link_to controller_path, :class=> "button-big layer" do %>
<%= content_tag(:span, "", :class => "arrow_big" %>
<% end %>

Simply concatenate your text with the 'span':
<%= link_to(("TEXT" + content_tag(:span, "", :class => "arrow-big")).html_safe,
:class => "button-big layer") %>
You'll need the .html_safe around the concatenation since the + operator will otherwise escape the HTML of the content_tag.

Reading your question I did solve my problem.
Than I propose another way to answer your question.
You could create a helper method to make this kind of link that you need.
It would be something like this
def link_with_text_and_span(href, text, span_options= {}, link_options = {})
span_tag = content_tag(:span, span_options[:content] || '', :class => span_options[:class] || '')
link_to(span_tag, href, :class => link_options[:class] || '')
The good about it is that your view will be cleaner.
Then you can just call this helper method in your view
<%= link_with_text_and_span("/controller/action", "TEXT", {class: 'arrow-big'}, class: button-big) %>
PS: This code can be improved for sure, if other users want to, please do it.

Here's another way you could use without the content_tag. Not the cleanest but it works!
<%= link_to '<span class="arrow_big"></span>'.html_safe, controller_path, class: "button-big layer" %>


Use icomoon with link_to and icon_tag

I'm trying to move from Font Awesome to icomoon.
With Icomoon I can get the icons to work using the following syntax
<span data-icon="" aria-hidden="true"></span>Some Text
However, as I'm using a rails app I'd really prefer to use the following syntax, or something similar.
<%= link_to icon_tag("icon-pdf", "some text"), controller_path %>
I have tried the following as well, all to no avail
<%= link_to 'Some text', controller_path, {"data-icon" => "", "aria-hidden" => "true"} %>
It doesn't matter if I put the defined name (icon-pdf) or its hex value in there, but I can't seem to get the icon to appear.
Is there a way I can achieve this, or am I stuck with the data-icon method?
Try with this:
<%= link_to controller_path do %>
<span data-icon="" aria-hidden="true">Some Text</span>
<% end %>
<%= link_to content_tag(:span, 'Some Text', :data_icon => "", :aria-hidden => "true" ), controller_path %>
It should work. Thanks

undefined method `model_name' in a partial rendered by different controller

I'm trying to render this form:
<form class="form-inline">
<%= simple_form_for #prospect,
:url => url_for(:action => 'create', :controller => 'prospects'),
:method => 'post' do |f| %>
<%= f.error_notification %>
<%= f.input :name, placeholder: 'Name', label: false %>
<%= f.input :email, placeholder: 'Email', label: false %>
<%= f.input :interests, placeholder: 'Tell us what you were searching for', label: false, value: params[:search] %>
<%= f.error :base %>
<%= f.button :submit, "Submit", :class=> "btn" %>
<% end %>
Using this partial:
<%= render partial: 'prospects/novideo_capture' %>
The partial is in a view controlled by Videos#index controller, and I keep getting this error: 'undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class'
This is my prospects controller:
class ProspectsController < ApplicationController
def index
#prospects = Prospect.all
def new
#prospect = Prospect.new
def create
#prospect = Prospect.new(params[:prospect])
if #prospect.save
render "thanks_for_interest"
render "novideo_capture"
I'm not sure what I'm going wrong, although I'm pretty sure it's a simple solution. I've seen a lot of similar questions around SO and tried all their answers, but none of them seem to work for this situation.
Thanks for any help...
EDIT: Adding
#prospect = Prospect.new
to the videos index controller stops the error occurring, but I don't feel it's the right way to do this. It also doesn't actually make the form use the prospects controller.
EDIT2: I now have the partial rendering correctly (I think), and my videos#index calls the partial like this:
<%= render partial: 'prospects/novideo_capture', :prospect => #prospect %>
Then simple_form in the partial looks like this:
<form class="form-inline">
<%= simple_form_for :prospect,
:url => url_for(:action => 'create', :controller => 'prospects'),
:method => 'post' do |f| %>
<% end %>
However it's not actually submitting the form with the prospects controller. Any ideas why?
Check your markup. You're wrapping a simple_form inside another form. Since the first form tag has no action associated with it (<form class="form-inline">), that form will submit against the current URL, which is the video#index.
You're going to want something like this:
<%= simple_form_for :prospect, :url => etc, :method => 'post', :class => "form-inline" do |f|
<% end %>
Losing the leading (redundant) form-inline form tag and you'll be fine.

pass parameters as POST through path

I currently have the following link:
<%= link_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id => #university.id) %>
and the url I get is:
How can I pass the parameter as POST?
I tried adding method => :post, but no luck there. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
The method parameter of link_to should work - what exactly was wrong with it?
<%= link_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id => #university.id), method: :post %>
Alternatively, you can try button_to
<%= button_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id => #university.id), method: :post %>
Edit: in both of these cases, the paremeter will still be added to the query string, but as long as the HTTP verb is correct, this shouldn't make a difference for rails, because access to both is done through the params hash.
If it's really important to not include the parameter, you can create the form yourself and add a hidden field:
<%= form_tag new_campus_path, method: :post %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :university_id, #university.id %>
<%= submit_tag 'New campus' %>
<% end %>
I don't think there's a shortcut for this in rails
Edit 2: As an aside, if I'm guessing correctly, this link is supposed to open a form for creating a new campus with a default university selected. If that's the case, you should really be using GET, because it's just a read action that doesn't cause any side effects.
You can use JQuery. Like this :
$("#my_link").click(function() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/campus/new?university_id=1'
You can see the doc here : http://api.jquery.com/click/ and here : http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/.

Specifying :class of embedded ruby form

If I would like to assign a class to my embedded ruby form, like so?:
<%= form_for(User.new) do |f|, :class => "form-horizontal" %>
How could I go about doing it? I keep getting a syntax error.
from http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/FormHelper/form_for
form_for(record, options = {}, &proc)
<%= form_for(User.new, { :class => 'form-horizontal' }) do |f| %>

Why is my nested text_area helper adding html tags?

I have a text_area in a partial in a complex form that is called like so
<%= f.fields_for :notes do |notes_form| %>
<%= render :partial => 'note', :locals => {:f => notes_form, :operation => f, :count => operation.notes.count} %>
<% end %>
<p><%= add_child_link "Add note", :operation_notes %></p>
and the partial looks like this
<% count ||= 2 %>
<div class='fields'>
<%= f.text_area :note_text, :rows => "4", :class => "notes" %>
<%= remove_child_link "x", f, count %>
There can be many notes on the form hence the add and remove child links.
The issue I'm having is that if I add a note with the text 'abcd', when I bring up the edit form I get '<p>abcd</p>'. If there are line breaks in the note it adds <br /> tags. The text_area form helper seems to be using the simple_format helper but I have no idea why. Can anyone help as this is very undesirable behaviour?
Ah solved,
Earlier on the same page I was displaying the note and using simple_format to format it with
<%= simple_format note.note_text %>
It seems that simple_format is somewhat destructive as after this, a call to note.note_text always returns the formatted text. If I change the above to
<%= simple_format note.note_text.dup %>
then the note_text attribute is not altered and I get the appropriate results.
I will have to look more closely at simple_format but this really strikes me as undesirable behaviour.
It looks like this has been corrected in Rails 3.1
I would suspect that you have something in your Note model that is processing the text. Check for callbacks in this model.