DateTime volume 9000+ -

I'm sure this has already been answered but no matter what i type relating to date time i get a different answer completely unrelated to what i need so bear with me ^_^
If i have a Date Time literal
dim IDate as DateTime = #6:21:00am#
and i create a date based on a day
dim iCurrentDate as DateTime = (2012,9,9,6,0,0)
now i already know that iCurrentDate is Greater than iDate because of the Date
How can i compare the times of these days?
For example, i want this to return that iDate is Greater than iCurrentDate because 6:21am is > 6:00 am
edit: I'm actually using c# i dunno why i wrote this question in , also it has a seconds component.

Test the Hour and Minute components individually
If IDate.Hour > iCurrentDate.Hour Then
Return True
ElseIf IDate.Hour = iCurrentDate.Hour And IDate.Minute > iCurrentDate.Minute Then
Return True
End If
Return False

Just use the TimeOfDay property:
Sub Main
Dim date1 As DateTime = #6:21:00am#
Dim date2 as New DateTime(2012,9,9,6,0,0)
Console.WriteLine("date1 > date2: {0}", (date1 > date2))
Console.WriteLine("date1.TimeOfDay > date2.TimeOfDay: {0}", (date1.TimeOfDay > date2.TimeOfDay))
End Sub
'date1 > date2: False
'date1.TimeOfDay > date2.TimeOfDay: True

TimeSpan structure is here for you
Dim t1 as New TimeSpan(IDate.Hour, IDate.Minute, IDate.Seconds)
Dim t2 as New TimeSpan(ICurrentDate.Hour, ICurrentDate.Minute, ICurrentDate.Seconds)
if t2 > t1 then

You can compare the value of DateTime by converting it to minutes using the .TotalMinutes
if iCurrentDate.TotalMinutes > IDate.TotalMinutes Then
'iCurrectdate is greater
'IDate is greater
End If


Compare all rows of a particular column

Private Shared Function ValidateDate(dataTable As DataTable) As Boolean
Dim Currentdate As Date = Date.Now()
Dim Rows As New List(Of String)
Dim result As Boolean = True
For Each Row As DataRow In dataTable.Rows
If Not Currentdate Is Then
Return result
End Functionhere
I want to compare rows of datecolumn of DataTable with the current date and return whether or not it's matches the current date.
Private Shared Function ValidateDate(dataTable As DataTable) As Boolean
Dim Currentdate As Date = Today
Dim result As Boolean = True
For Each row As DataRow In dataTable.Rows
If Not CDate(row.Item("ReportDate")) >= Currentdate Then
result = False
Exit For
End If
Return result
End Function
Thank you for your responses .I used this method to validate date in every row of datecolumn
Maybe this could help (not tested but should work)...This approach gives you a list with the rows who matched your criteria
Dim Currentdate As Date = Today
Dim lst as New List(of DataRow)
For each row as DataRow in datatable.Rows
If CDate(row.Items(index or columname)) = currentdate Then
return lst
Notice you have time in date datatype, which will be 0:00:00 if you dont give it explicitly.
(Should be no Problem, if all valuesa are only dates "with default 0:00:00 time") If not you will **get only true if date & time are the same **!
So you should use Today instead of Date.Now().. Every time you call Date.Now() you get the actual date & actual time. With Today you get actual date and time = 0:00:00.

Find consecutive date range which a specific date falls within

Given a list of date ranges...We'll call empTimeOffPeriods
6/2/2016, 6/3/2016, 6/4/2016
6/8/2016, 6/9/2016, 6/10/2016, 6/11/2016
I need to find which consecutive date range a specific date (empRequestedOffDate) falls within
6/4/2016 would fall withing the 6/2/2016-6/4/2016 Range
6/9/2016 would fall withing the 6/8/2016-6/11/2016 Range...etc.
my empTimeOffPeriodsis already sorted.
I'm doing this in
'Find all approved future events for team employee
empPtoDates = EventsManager.GetEventPaidTimeOffList(empDTO.UserId).FindAll(Function(x) x.EventDate >= DateTime.Today And x.Status = 1)
empOverLappingDates = empPtoDates.**'NOT SURE WHAT TO DO HERE**
'Build "EventType: (PeriodStart-PeriodEnd)"
If empPtoDates.Count > 0 Then
stbEventRanges.Append(empEvent).Append(": ")
End If
So, here's my solution
Public Function FindDateRanges(ByRef listOfDates As List(Of DateTime)) As List(Of DefinedDateRange)
'Find approved date ranges
Dim DateRange = New DefinedDateRange(Nothing)
Dim DefDateRanges As New List(Of DefinedDateRange)
If listOfDates.Count > 0 Then
DateRange = New DefinedDateRange(listOfDates(0), listOfDates(0)) 'First start/end date
If listOfDates.Count > 1 Then 'Only one time off date in list
For index As Integer = 1 To listOfDates.Count - 1
If listOfDates(index) = listOfDates(index - 1).AddDays(1) Then
DateRange.dtEnd = listOfDates(index)
DateRange = New DefinedDateRange(listOfDates(index), listOfDates(index)) 'Next Start/end date
End If
End If
End If
Return DefDateRanges
End Function
Class DefinedDateRange
Public dtStart As DateTime, dtEnd As DateTime
Public Sub New(dateStart As DateTime, Optional dateEnd As DateTime = Nothing)
Me.dtStart = dateStart
Me.dtEnd = dateEnd
End Sub
End Class

VBA - Checking date string validity

I have a string in the following format in Excel.
07/12/2015 08:00 - 08/12/2015 09:00
I want to check if the current date fits between the two (these dates are validity dates, meaning I have to check if the current date is bigger than the first date and smaller than the second date).
I sometimes also have this string without hours, so like:
07/12/2015 - 08/12/2015
so I have to check that as well (just without the hours).
I split the dates using the Split function to split by the "-" character. However, I'm not sure how to do the check because I've never worked with dates.
Can anyone show me how to do this? It seems that it'd be complicated with the check for the hours.
You can try this :
Dim mydate as String, splitdate as Variant
mydate = "07/12/2015 08:00 - 08/12/2015 09:00"
splitdate = Split(mydate, "-")
If Date < splitdate(0) And Date > splitdate(1) Then MsgBox "Is Between"
In case there will be some issues with understanding date formats, you can still use Cdate function -
If Date < CDate(splitdate(0)) ...
Assuming, that you String is located in A1, and the Date you want to check for is in B1, then put this formula in C1:
This works for both cases, if you are only interested if the date lies between the dates (thus excluding the time).
Use cdate function. You wrote you already used the split function, so all you need to do is put the separate date strings into date variables using cdate ('c' stands for cast).
Dim d1 as Date
Dim d2 as Date
d1 = CDate(splitstring(0))
d2 = CDate(splitstring(1))
Then you can check the given date.
With the CDate() conversion function and Trim (to get rid of useless spaces), here is a boolean function that you can easily use to test if you are in the time lapse described by your string.
Here is how to use it :
Sub test_Gilbert_Williams()
Dim TpStr As String
TpStr = "08/12/2015 08:00 - 08/12/2015 09:00"
'TpStr = "07/12/2015 - 08/12/2015"
MsgBox Test_Now_Date_Validity(TpStr)
End Sub
And the function :
Public Function Test_Now_Date_Validity(Date_Lapse As String) As Boolean
Dim A() As String, _
Date1 As Date, _
Date2 As Date
If InStr(1, Date_Lapse, "-") Then
A = Split(Date_Lapse, "-")
Debug.Print Trim(A(0)) & " " & CDate(Trim(A(0)))
Debug.Print Trim(A(1)) & " " & CDate(Trim(A(1)))
If CDate(A(0)) > CDate(A(1)) Then
Date1 = CDate(A(1))
Date2 = CDate(A(0))
Date1 = CDate(A(0))
Date2 = CDate(A(1))
End If
If Now > Date1 And Now < Date2 Then
Test_Now_Date_Validity = True
Test_Now_Date_Validity = False
End If
Exit Function
End If
End Function

Adding Day to sepcial Date with Duplicating count of friday

Im trying to make Recursive Function in
The Function are going to add some day to Special date . also if there is a
friday between the range of added day its going to count them and adding them to
date again.
it must be Recursive because if there way a friday after adding more than 7 day
it also must add another day to date. like this :
origianl date : 5/19/2015
day to be added : 30
added date : 6/18/2015
count of friday between 5/19/2015 and 6/18/2015 : 4
new date after adding fridays : 6/22/2015
count of friday that happen after addinf old friday count : 1
new date and final result : 6/23/2015
i think the last two step must be recursive. this what ive done so far without last two step :
Public Function CountOfFriday(ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal DayToAdd As Int32) As Int32
Dim newDate As Date = StartDate
Dim OriginalDate As Date = StartDate
Dim friday_count As Integer
For value As Integer = 1 To DayToAdd
OriginalDate = OriginalDate.AddDays(1)
If OriginalDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday Then
newDate = newDate.AddDays(1)
friday_count += 1
End If
Return friday_count
End Function
and im adding the result of this count to my old date.
now how can i achieve last two steps ?
This returns the final date (hope it helps)
Function CountOfFriday(ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal DayToAdd As Int32) As Date
Dim newDate As Date = StartDate
Dim OriginalDate As Date = StartDate
Dim friday_count As Integer = 0
For value As Integer = 1 To DayToAdd
OriginalDate = OriginalDate.AddDays(1)
If OriginalDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday Then
friday_count +=1
Loop until StartDate.AddDays(DayToAdd+friday_count)<StartDate.AddDays(friday_count*7)
Exit for
End If
newDate = newDate.AddDays(DayToAdd+friday_count)
Return newDate
End Function

How use loops by datetime each on weekly in

i try loop while with datetime each on weekly in VB.NET 2008.
This Code
Private Sub Button1_Click()....
'Select DateTime
Dim strDate As Date = dateTimePicker.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
'one week (+7)
Dim strDateWeek As String = DateAdd("d", +7, dateTimePicker.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
Dim strDateNow As String = DateAdd("d", 0, Now.ToLongDateString())
'While strDate < strDateNow
'End While
End Sub
I select on datetimepicker at "04/02/2013"
Output now: 11/02/2013
But I need Output each on weekly
25/02/2013 >>> To Current Week
I try loop While, But don't work.
Thanks you for your time. :)
You could do a while loop until the datetime is greater than today?
You want to use DateTime rather than Date, so you can compare to a DateTime.Now
You want to set your actual DatePicker value to a variable, else it will always be the same and you will just get an infinite loop.
Dim datePickerValue As DateTime = DateTimePicker.Value
Dim strDate As Date = DateTimePicker.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
Dim strDateWeek As String
Dim strDateNow As String = DateAdd("d", 0, Now.ToLongDateString())
While datePickerValue < DateTime.Now()
strDateWeek = DateAdd("d", +7, datePickerValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
datePickerValue = DateAdd("d", +7, datePickerValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
End While
Just done it on my VS using your naming conventions and this works fine for me
It's been a long time since I didn't have used VB, but maybe I can help?
In your code, using while could be a wrong choice perhaps you could use a for with a break instead.
for I = 1 to 10
Dim strDateWeek As String = DateAdd("d", +7 * i, dateTimePicker.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
I += 1
Dim strDateWeek As String = DateAdd("d", +7 * i, dateTimePicker.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
Hope that helps.
Try this:
Dim dtAux As Date = dateTimePicker.Value
Dim dtEnd As Date = Date.Today.AddDays(7 - dt.DayOfWeek)
While dtAux <= dtEnd
dtAux = dtAux.AddDays(7)
End While
The date dtEnd is the last day of the current week, if you want the loop to stop on the current date simply change the while condition to:
While dtAux <= Date.Today