NSMutableDictionary KVO - objective-c

I'm trying to observe changes in dictionary using KVO.
dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[dictionary setObject:#"test1" forKey:#"key1"];
[dictionary setObject:#"test2" forKey:#"key2"];
[dictionary setObject:#"test3" forKey:#"key1"];
I'd love to be able to hook an observer for whenever a value is added to the dictionary. removed, or replaced (ie in the above cases, whenever any of the setObject methods are called)
So in conclusion:
I want a function to have
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
called when I ADD a any new entry to a dictionary, or Remove any entry, or REPLACE any entry.
NOT: I do NOT want to have to specify which keys I'm observing for. (eg observe only when #"key1" is added) as this solution doesn't scale.

Subclassing NSMutableDictionary is a bit annoying, due to the fact that NSDictionary and its friends are class clusters. It's certainly doable, and if you have to pass the object itself to another set of classes, then you may want to do exactly that. Otherwise, it might be easier to create a composite class which has the same basic API and uses NSMutableDictionary object internally for storage. There's a pretty good write-up as CocoaWithLove.com, Ordered Dictionary Subclassing, which goes into doing this.
However, that doesn't completely solve your problem. What I would suggest is that you begin with a subclass or decorator class such as the one above, then add support explicitly for -(NSArray*)allKeys, which is a standard accessor in NSDictionary itself. Then, you can add support to pass along change messages for allKeys, which will make it observable.
This can be done by adding the following code around the -setObject:forKey: and -removeObjectForKey: methods.
- (void)setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey
BOOL addKey=NO;
if (![dictionary objectForKey: aKey]) {
[self willChangeValueForKey: #"allKeys"];
[dictionary setObject:anObject forKey:aKey];
if (addKey)
[self didChangeValueForKey: #"allKeys"];
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(id)aKey
[self willChangeValueForKey: #"allKeys"];
[dictionary removeObjectForKey:aKey];
[self didChangeValueForKey: #"allKeys"];
What is being done here is that we're adding explicit KVO notification to the class when the dictionary's keys are changed to mark a change in the array.
This will take care of adds and removes. If you want changes to be notified on the same basis, you can remove the if statements, and just have allKeys notify on either set or remove, like this:
- (void)setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey
[self willChangeValueForKey: #"allKeys"];
[dictionary setObject:anObject forKey:aKey];
[self didChangeValueForKey: #"allKeys"];
Then, in your code, you put in a single observer for the key #"allKeys" on this object and you'll be receiving notifications whenever an item changes.

I solved a similar problem by adding an observer to the mutable dictionary "translator" in this way:
[self addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"translator.#count" options:0 context:NULL];
My app manages the data in a the classical way, using a tableview, a controller and the dictionary as KVO property "translator".
The dictionary is bound to a NSDictionaryController in my XIB, and a tableview content is bound to the controller.
This are the connections of the tableview:
Now, in any of the following cases I catch the change :
adding a key-value pair
removing a key-value pair
changing a key
changing a value
Remark: unfortunately, this approach does not work with NSMutableArrays.
Changes are not recognized

Can't you subclass NSMutableDictionary and override the various setters? For instance, overriding setObject:forKey: by calling super, then immediately calling addObserver...
You can also write a wrapper for NSMutableDictionary where you force yourself to use custom setters to manipulate the underlying NSMutableDictionary.
Maybe I need more context to any of your limitations or scalability intents.

I hope this will be helpful
- (void)addObserver:(id)observer {
for (id key in grid)
[self addObserver:observer
forKeyPath:[key description]

I think another way to do this is using the below override, incase you are observing NSMutableDictionary "allRecentCurrencyData" whose values are dependent on recentBrazilReals, recentEuEuro, recentUkPounds, recentJapanYen, the observer will get called, but the drawback is you need to know the keys before hand to do this.
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:(NSString *)key
NSSet *keyPaths = [super keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey:key];
if ([key isEqualToString:#"allRecentCurrencyData"]) {
NSArray *affectingKeys = #[#"recentBrazilReals", #"recentEuEuro",#"recentUkPounds",#"recentJapanYen"];
keyPaths = [keyPaths setByAddingObjectsFromArray:affectingKeys];
return keyPaths;


Call a method every time a parameter is set on Objective-C (Cocoa)

I currently have a class with 15 properties (and growing), and I'm finding myself having to call an update method every time one of those properties change.
Currently, I'm overriding every setter with a code like this:
-(void)setParameterName:(NSUInteger)newValue {
if (_param == newValue)
_param = newValue;
[self redraw];
The method [self redraw]; being the key here.
Is there a better way to do it? Should I be using keyValue observers (the method observeValue:forKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:)?
All properties (so far) are assign (mostly enum, NSUInteger, CGFloat and BOOL);
All those properties are set using bindings (method bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:). Except when loading from the filesystem (which is not important, as I already call the drawing methods on every object after the loading is done);
The value changes are only for the current object. I do not need to be told when changes occur on other objects;
I have other properties that I don't need to watch the changes on it (because it will have no effect on my output and drawing the output is kinda time-consuming).
Since these properties are updated using bindings, which invoke -setValue:forKey:, you can override that method instead of writing custom setters:
+ (NSArray *) keysAffectingDrawing {
static NSArray *singleton;
if (!singleton)
singleton = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
return singleton;
- (void) setValue:(id) value forKey:(NSString *) key {
[super setValue:value forKey:key];
if ([[CustomClass keysAffectingDrawing] containsObject:key]) [self redraw];
(I was first inclined recommend key-value observing but agree it's not the best solution here. I think the reason is in part that there's only one object, and in part because the design doesn't follow MVC. Usually in MVC an object that draws itself isn't the one with all the properties.)
(Added: Ahh, I see. The model is responsible for rendering the properties to a bitmap, and that's what -redraw does. That's fine MVC. To make it clearer, I recommend changing the name of the method from -redraw to something like -updateImage or -renderImage, since it doesn't actually do any drawing.)
You could use the Key-Value Observing to avoid repeating in all properties setter the method call, however i think that calling the method directly in the setter is not the wrong way to do it, and could even be faster ...

What's the way to communicate a set of Core Data objects stored in the background to the main thread?

Part of my iOS project polls a server for sets of objects, then converts and saves them to Core Data, to then update the UI with the results. The server tasks happens in a collection of NSOperation classes I call 'services' that operate in the background. If NSManagedObject and its ~Context were thread safe, I would have had the services call delegate methods on the main thread like this one:
- (void)service:(NSOperation *)service retrievedObjects:(NSArray *)objects;
Of course you can't pass around NSManagedObjects like this, so this delegate method is doomed. As far as I can see there are two solutions to get to the objects from the main thread. But I like neither of them, so I was hoping the great StackOverflow community could help me come up with a third.
I could perform an NSFetchRequest on the main thread to pull in the newly added or modified objects. The problem is that the Core Data store contains many more of these objects, so I have to add quite some verbosity to communicate the right set of objects. One way would be to add a property to the object like batchID, which I could then pass back to the delegate so it would know what to fetch. But adding data to the store to fix my concurrency limitations feels wrong.
I could also collect the newly added objects' objectID properties, put them in a list and send that list to the delegate method. The unfortunate thing though is that I have to populate the list after I save the context, which means I have to loop over the objects twice in the background before I have the correct list (first time is when parsing the server response). Then I still only have a list of objectIDs, which I have to individually reel in with existingObjectWithID:error: from the NSManagedObjectContext on the main thread. This just seems so cumbersome.
What piece of information am I missing? What's the third solution to bring a set of NSManagedObjects from a background thread to the main thread, without losing thread confinement?
While you obviously have a solution you are happy with, let me suggest that you lose some valuable information, whether items are updated, deleted or inserted, with your mechanism. In my code, I just migrate the userInfo dictionary to the new MOC. Here is a general purpose routine to do so:
// Migrate a userInfo dictionary as defined by NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification
// to the receiver context.
- (NSDictionary *) migrateUserInfo: (NSDictionary *) userInfo {
NSMutableDictionary *ui = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: userInfo.count];
NSSet * sourceSet = nil;
NSMutableSet *migratedSet = nil;
for (NSString *key in [userInfo allKeys]) {
sourceSet = [userInfo valueForKey: key];
migratedSet = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity: sourceSet.count];
for (NSManagedObject *mo in sourceSet) {
[migratedSet addObject: [self.moc objectWithID: mo.objectID]];
[ui setValue: migratedSet forKey: key];
return ui;
} // -migrateUserInfo:
The above routine assumes it is a method of a class which has an #property NSManagedObjectContext *moc.
I hope you find the above useful.
There's a section of the Core Data Programming Guide that addresses Concurrency with Core Data. In a nutshell, each thread should have its own managed object context and then use notifications to synchronize the contexts.
After a little experimentation, I decided to go for a slight alteration to my proposed method number 2. While performing background changes on the context, keep a score of the objects you want to delegate back to the main thread, say in an NSMutableArray *objectsOfInterest. We eventually want to get to the objectID keys of all the objects in this array, but because the objectID value changes when you save a context, we first have to perform that [context save:&error]. Right after the save, use the arrayFromObjectsAtKey: method from the NSArray category below to generate a list of objectID instances, like so:
NSArray *objectIDs = [objectsOfInterest arrayFromObjectsAtKey:#"objectID"];
That array you can pass back safely to the main thread via the delegate (do make sure your main thread context is updated with mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification by listening to the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification). When you're ready to reel in the objects of the background operation, use the existingObjectsWithIDs:error: method from the category below to turn the array of objectID's back into a list of working NSManagedObjects.
Any suggestions to improve the conciseness or performance of these methods is appreciated.
#implementation NSArray (Concurrency)
- (NSArray *)arrayFromObjectsAtKey:(NSString *)key {
NSMutableArray *objectsAtKey = [NSMutableArray array];
for (id value in self) {
[objectsAtKey addObject:[value valueForKey:key]];
return objectsAtKey;
#implementation NSManagedObjectContext (Concurrency)
- (NSArray *)existingObjectsWithIDs:(NSArray *)objectIDs error:(NSError **)error {
NSMutableArray *entities = [NSMutableArray array];
#try {
for (NSManagedObjectID *objectID in objectIDs) {
// existingObjectWithID might return nil if it can't find the objectID, but if you're not prepared for this,
// don't use this method but write your own.
[entities addObject:[self existingObjectWithID:objectID error:error]];
#catch (NSException *exception) {
return nil;
return entities;

Why are my Cocoa bindings broken?

I have a window with an NSTextField (in Snow Leopard), which I have binded to an NSString function in my WindowController class. This string will combine information about my table view's selection and count, provided by my array controller. It gets an initial value, "0 0", but doesn't ever update, when the selection or count changes. The binding looks like this (File's Owner is MyWindowController):
I implemented + (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffecting<key> (below), but the binding never updates, even when the array controller's total count and selection change.
(Additional troubleshooting performed) I had originally been using the Display Pattern Value binding of the NSTextField, but I needed more complicated logic than that binding afforded. I then started listening to the selection changed/changing events of the TableView that displays the array controller's contents and changing the Display Pattern Value bindings dynamically, but that felt like a hack, and overly complicated.
I'm sure there's something I'm missing, but I can't tell what. Does anyone have any ideas? I've read through Apple's key-value-observing documentation, and this seems to be all that's necessary. I've checked, and my keyPathsForValuesAffectingMyString is getting called, but myString only gets called once. I've distilled my code below (updated x3).
Update 1/21
I'm still plugging away trying to figure this out. When I addObserver to self for the arrayController key paths, the notifications do fire as expected, so my key paths and the key value observing mechanism is fine. When I call [self didChangeValueForKey:#"myString"]; within my observeValueForKeyPath method for the same keys, the binding still doesn't update, leading me to believe it's a bindings problem rather than a KVO problem. I'm going to be reading up on the bindings mechanism more...
#interface MyWindowController : NSWindowController {
IBOutlet NSArrayController *arrayController;
- (NSArrayController *)arrayController;
- (NSString *)myString;
#implementation MyWindowController
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingMyString {
return [NSSet setWithObjects:
- (NSArrayController *)arrayController {
return arrayController;
- (NSString *)myString {
// Just as an example; I have more complicated logic going on in my real code
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#, %#",
[arrayController valueForKeyPath:#"arrangedObjects.#count"],
[arrayController valueForKeyPath:#"selection.#count"]];
I’ve verified this exact same bug. Someone on Cocoabuilder had a guess as to why the bug happens:
I can’t speak as to whether this explanation is true, but I certainly can’t get +keyPathsForValues… to work with NSArrayControllers.
I've got a workaround, but I'm not happy about it, since it shouldn't be necessary, and I would still prefer to get the bindings working properly. I won't accept this answer, and will delete it if someone posts an actual fix. </disclaimer>
#interface MyWindowController : NSWindowController {
IBOutlet NSArrayController *arrayController;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fieldThatShouldBeBinded;
- (NSString *)myString;
#implementation MyWindowController
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[arrayController addObserver:self
[arrayController addObserver:self
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context {
if( object == arrayController )
[fieldThatShouldBeBinded setStringValue:[self myString]];
- (NSString *)myString {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#, %#",
[arrayController valueForKeyPath:#"arrangedObjects.#count"],
[arrayController valueForKeyPath:#"selection.#count"]];
Make sure that the arrayController outlet is connected in Interface Builder. I'm guessing that it's nil.
Don't use the #count keyword. Bindings and KVO on array controllers will get updated when the content changes. If that doesn't work, then there is a problem somewhere else.
Another option is to use the display pattern bindings instead of a composite property. Bind Display Pattern Value1 to arrayController.arrangedObjects.#count and Display Pattern Value2 to arrayController.selection.#count, and set the pattern to "%{value1}#, %{value2}#"
I met the same problem and found another way (but it is still workaround).
You have to declare dynamic workaround property. In implementation section, just return new empty object for it. Now, you can KVO this workaround property.
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSArray *workaround;
#dynamic workaround;
- (NSArray *)workaround { return [NSArray array]; } // new *every* time
- (void)setWorkaround:(NSArray *)unused { }
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingMyString { return [NSSet setWithObject:#"workaround"]; }
To get this work, you still need to manually bind self.workaround to arrayController.selectedObjects (or whatever):
- (void)awakeFromNib // or similar place
[super awakeFromNib];
[self bind:#"workaround" toObject:arrayController withKeyPath:#"selectedObjects" options:nil];
Manual binding works as expected, workaround is updated with what you have bound it to. But KVO tests whether property value is really changed (and stops propagating if it is the same). If you return new self.workaround value every time, it works.
Warning: never call -[setWorkaround:] by yourself — this will effectively flush the other side of binding (arrayController.selectedObjects in this case).
This method has some benefits: you avoid centralized observeValueForKeyPath:... and your logic is in the right place. And it scales well, just add workaround2, 3, and so on for similar cases.

What is Key-Value-Coding and Key-Value-Observing in Objective C?

Can someone explain in simple terms what is Key-Value-Coding and Key-Value-Observing? Please don't provide links to Apple Developer's reference Document. I have gone through them. I expect an explanation in very simple terms.
Key-Value-Coding (KVC) means accessing a property or value using a string.
id someValue = [myObject valueForKeyPath:#"foo.bar.baz"];
Which could be the same as:
id someValue = [[[myObject foo] bar] baz];
Key-Value-Observing (KVO) allows you to observe changes to a property or value.
To observe a property using KVO you would identify to property with a string; i.e., using KVC. Therefore, the observable object must be KVC compliant.
[myObject addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"foo.bar.baz" options:0 context:NULL];
Key Value Coding is simply accessing a property of an object through a string instead of the literal syntax.
// Here is a new instance of an object
Foo *foo = [[Foo alloc] init];
// Accessing a property called someValue with literal syntax:
[foo someValue];
// Accessing the same property with dot notation
// Accessing the same property with Key-Value coding:
[foo valueForKey:#"someValue"];
The power of KVC is that you can specify any arbitrary string at runtime (obviously this could be very dangerous too).
Key-value coding allows you to fetch or change a property of an object using a string, at runtime, instead of needing to write code that is compiled to a fixed property from the start:
NSNumber* foo = [myPopup valueForKey: #"selectedItemIndex"];
[myPopup setValue: #15 forKey: #"selectedItemIndex"];
A good example for this is NSTableView on Mac, where you can just set an identifier on every table column that corresponds to your model object's property that it should display, and then your data source just calls -valueForKey:/-setValue:forKey: with the column's identifier as the key and the values pretty much display/set themselves. You just add the right columns to the table view in the XIB.
Key-value observing was added afterwards, and lets you register to be notified about changes made to another object. You register your interest by doing:
void* gMyKVOContext = &gMyKVOContext; // global variable somewhere that guarantees us a unique address that doesn't collide with a subclass's registration for observing the same property
[interestingObject addObserver: interestedObject forKeyPath: #"interestingProperty" options: 0 context: gMyKVOContext];
Whenever that property is changed, -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: will be called on the object you specified as the observer. So you'd implement that like:
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
if( context == gMyKVOContext && [keyPath isEqualToString: #"interestingProperty"] )
// Update UI that shows interestingProperty
[super observeValueForKeyPath: keyPath ofObject: object change: change context: context];
The advantage here is that you get called live the moment that other property is changed. Note that objects have to do a little work so these notifications are sent, so not all properties are key-value-observable. Also note that some objects may be in an invalid state if two related properties get changed right after the other: You get notified after the first property has been changed, which now contradicts the second, and only then the second property is changed and you're notified for that. So during that first observer callback, the object may be in a weird state, so be careful how you react to that.
To make a property observable, either use the default #synthesized implementation when you define it, or if you define it yourself, implement the setter like:
-(void) setFoo: (int)inFoo
[self willChangeValueForKey: #"foo"];
_foo = inFoo;
[self didChangeValueForKey: #"foo"];
Then always go through the setter to change it, don't change _foo directly. If you have related properties that could contradict each other like the above, a good way to avoid this is to always change them both in pairs (you can't use KVC then, though). To do that, implement a combined setter like:
-(void) setFoo: (int)inFoo bar: (int)inBar
[self willChangeValueForKey: #"foo"];
[self willChangeValueForKey: #"bar"];
_foo = inFoo;
_bar = inBar;
[self didChangeValueForKey: #"bar"];
[self didChangeValueForKey: #"foo"];
That way, both notifications are sent while the properties are in proper states.
Start here.
Key-value coding is a mechanism for
accessing an object’s properties
indirectly, using strings to identify
properties, rather than through
invocation of an accessor method or
accessing them directly through
instance variables.
Objective-C Key Value Coding(KVC) vs Key Value Observing(KVO)
[Swift KVC]
KVC allows you to access to property by String it is enabled for all NSObject successors. It adds a dynamism in the language. You can consider your class as Dictionary(Key-Value). It is an alternative/not direct solution to assign/read/write variables
[valueForKey vs valueForKeyPath]
B *b = [a valueForKeyPath:#"b"];
KVC is used by KVO, as well as CoreData, Cocoa bindings...
KVO allows you to subscribe on value changed. It is working for dynamic dispatch
someClass.observe(\.v, options: .new) { (object, change) in
[KVO example]

How do I persist data managed by NSArrayController without Core Data or NSKeyedArchiver?

I hope you'll excuse the seemingly broad nature of this question, but it gets quite specific.
I'm building a document-based Cocoa application that works like most others except that I am using SQLCipher for my data store (a variant of SQLite), because you don't get to set your own persistent data store in Core Data, and also I really need to use this one.
In my document sub-class, I've got an NSMutableArray property named categories. In the document nib I've got an NSArrayController bound to categories, and I've got an NSCollectionView bound to the array controller.
Each of my model objects in the array (each is a Category) is bound to a record in the underlying data store, so when some property of a Category changes, I want to call [category save], when a Category is added to the set, I want to call, again, [category save], and finally, when a category is removed, [category destroy].
I've wired up a partial solution, but it falls apart on the removal requirement, and everything about it seems to me as though I'm barking up the wrong tree. Anyway, here's what's going on:
Once the document and nib are all loaded up, I start observing the categories property, and assign it some data:
[self addObserver:self
options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld)
self.categories = [Category getCategories];
I've implemented the observation method in such a way as that I am informed of changes so that the document can respond and update the data store.
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context
NSNumber *changeKind = (NSNumber *)[change objectForKey:#"NSKeyValueChangeKind"];
if (context == MyCategoriesContext)
switch ([changeKind intValue])
case NSKeyValueChangeInsertion:
Category *c = (Category *)[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey];
NSLog(#"saving new category: %#", c);
[c save];
case NSKeyValueChangeRemoval:
Category *c = (Category *)[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeOldKey];
NSLog(#"deleting removed category: %#", c);
[c destroy];
case NSKeyValueChangeReplacement:
// not a scenario we're interested in right now...
NSLog(#"category replaced with: %#", (Category *)[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]);
default: // gets hit when categories is set directly to a new array
NSLog(#"categories changed, observing each");
NSMutableArray *categories = (NSMutableArray *)[object valueForKey:keyPath];
NSIndexSet *allIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [categories count])];
[self observeCategoriesAtIndexes:allIndexes];
else if (context == MyCategoryContext)
NSLog(#"saving category for change to %#", keyPath);
[(Category *)object save];
// pass it on to NSObject/super since we're not interested
NSLog(#"ignoring change to %#:#%#", object, keyPath);
[super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
As you can see from that listing (and as you might already be aware), it's not enough to observe the categories property, I need to observe each individual category so that the document is notified when it's attributes have been changed (like the name) so that I can save that change immediately:
- (void)observeCategoriesAtIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)indexes {
[categories addObserver:self
options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld)
This looks to me like a big kludge, and I suspect I'm working against Cocoa here, but for the most part it works.
Except for removal. When you add a button to your interface, and assign it to the array controller's remove: action, it will properly remove the category from the categories property on my document.
In doing so, the category is deallocated while it is still under observation:
2010-09-03 13:51:14.289 MyApp[7207:a0f] An instance 0x52db80 of class Category was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Observation info was leaked, and may even become mistakenly attached to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info:
<NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x52e100> (
<NSKeyValueObservance 0x2f1a480: Observer: 0x2f0fa00, Key path: dirty, Options: <New: YES, Old: YES, Prior: NO> Context: 0x1a67b4, Property: 0x2f1a3d0>
In addition, because the object has been deallocated before I've been notified, I don't have the opportunity to call [category destroy] from my observer.
How is one supposed to properly integrate with NSArrayController to persist changes to the data model pre-Core Data? How would one work-around the remove problem here (or is this the wrong approach entirely?)
Thanks in advance for any advice!
It would seem, based on some initial hacking, that subclassing NSArrayController is the way to go here. Over-riding the various insertObject(s) and removeObject(s) methods in that API gives me the perfect place to add in this logic for messing with the data model.
And from there I can also begin to observe the individual items in the content array for changes, etc, stop observation before destroying/deallocating them, etc, and let the parent class handle the rest.
Thanks for this solution is due to Bill Garrison who suggested it on the cocoa-unbound list.
I would observe changes to categories list, and when the list changes, store the array of categories away in a secondary NSArray, 'known categories', using mutableCopy. Next time the list changes, compare that 'known' list to the new list; you can tell which categories are missing, which are new, etc. For each removed category, stop observing it and release it.
Then take a new mutable copy for the 'known' list of categories, ready for the next call.
Since you have an additional array holding the categories, they aren't released before you're ready.