Amazon Mechanical Turk submit button not working - mechanicalturk

The following is a snippet of a survey I would like to do on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
${offer_text1} : ${offer_text2}
I'm aware of the product
I'm NOT aware of the product
It shows up as two radio buttons to choose from and a drop down to choose a value from.
I used a survey template. However, when I actually tried publishing it, a "submit" button
showed up in the survey (notice I have not inserted it here) and the golden "submit hit" button from amazon is greyed out. Am I missing something obvious?
Do I need to call GET/POST somewhere to post the results to amazon. Per the documentation, mturk should automatically get it for me. (I could be wrong here).
Any help much appreciated.

The MTurk Requester User Interface automatically wraps everything in a set of <form></form> tags. Undoubtedly, you've put an additional set of such tags nested in the HIT as well, which then causes the HIT to fail (i.e., to gray-out the submit button and make it impossible to submit).


Mechanical Turk externalquestion error when submitting hit

I have managed to create a HIT with an external question that calls an html file hosted in an S3 server. I have worked in the sandbox environment. When I create the hit, I get the following error when I try to submit the hit as a worker:
There was a problem submitting your results for this HIT.
This HIT is still assigned to you. To try this HIT again, click "HITs Assigned To You" in the navigation bar, then click "Continue work on this HIT" for the HIT. If this problem persists, you can contact the Requester for this HIT using the "Contact" link above.
To return this HIT and continue working on other HITs, click the "Return HIT" button.
I have already read multiple forums trying to figure out the problem. When I check out the source in the developer tools, it seems to have all the necessary parameters set:
</style><iframe height="400" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" align="center" src="" name="ExternalQuestionIFrame"></iframe>
Also, I made sure I don't have any button named 'submit'. Any ideas of how I could debug this thing?
The issue here is usually that you're not submitting the appropriate information back to MTurk. You need to send the assignmentId parameter in addition to at least one other named field. I often just add a &foo=bar (or similar) to the end of the submit URL. So you should be submitting to something like:
That's for the sandbox. For the live server, switch the base URL to
Amazon MT HITs seems to be printing a generic error message for a wide range of issues. This causes the problem to be particularity hard to debug.
For me, the error occurred since I was not assigning "name" attribute to my input elements in the form.
You must include the HTML name attribute in the input field definition. Make your name attributes descriptive because they are used as the column headings in the Results table.
If you are using the GUI to build and deploy your tasks, I recommend giving this document a good read and see if you have missed something.
MT Requestor UI guide
Hope this helps.

Button being used as a link

Im maintaining a site I didnt build thats for car insurance. In the banner of every page is an input that takes you to a page with a form to fill out. I cant understand why an input is used instead of a link, is there ever a valid and semantic reason for doing this?
Occasionally, people have done this because they want a link that "looks like a button". However, it is bad design.
It was never a good idea, but in the old days there was at least some justification for it: it gave a button feel and functionality to the link. However, with modern web design there is no need to do this: the same functionality can be created simply by styling a normal link appropriately.
On the other hand, this is probably more of a style issue than a real problem. It may not be worth changing it if you are maintaining an existing site.
using button or input type="button" is the original way to set up an Ajax request. that said, since it's taking the user to another page, sounds like they do not know what they are doing and/or wanted the styles that #dan1111 mentioned

Linking to Google PlusOne, without embedding the button (for privacy reasons)

It seems that Google only offers code to embed the +1 button.
However, there are heavy privacy concerns (plus quite some load time) associated with it.
For some pointers about the privacy and legal issues associated with Facebook like and Google +1, see: Like button and privacy concern
A common workaround seems to be a two-click solutionGerman (also discussed on slashdotEnglish), where the first click enables the button (loading the javascript from Google), the second then is on the regular +1 button.
However, I do not want to implement this two-click solution either. Largely because the Google +1 button is ugly as hell, and doesn't fit to the page layout.
What I'm really looking for is a separate web page, where the user can essentially confirm that he likes the page. This page can live on, and essentially this would be the second click. I'm not trying to trick people into +1'ing the page. The second click is all fine with me. I just don't want to force them to load the plusone button (and I don't like its looks).
There seems to be the option of<URL>
which however is a share on Google+, not a +1.
I've seen this URL, too:<URL>
(see e.g. here: Adding a Google Plus (one or share) link to an email newsletter) but I cannot submit this form (i.e. doesn't seem to work).
The best working solutions seems to be the two-click approach. :-(
Update: the url,<URL> actually does seem to work. It was just my privacy proxy breaking it. Then it seems to be more of a "Google+ share" dialog. I'm not yet happy with this result (in particular, since this doesn't seem to be an advocated approach for Google, and they can at any point consider to ban the site, I guess)
The only officially supported method of +1'ing a URL is with the +1 button. Either always loading or loading it on a second click.
The approach that I'm now looking into is fairly trivial:
I've set up a Google Plus page for the web site, and the "plus" button sends user there. In fact just like the Facebook icon I'm using. Then the users get the full choice of interaction options, including +1, but also circling and sharing.
First of all, this obviously should not violate any g+ policies. Secondly, it is a fairly transparent behaviour for the users. The "plus" button takes them to Google plus, where they see the usual plus UI.
Secondly, it's still just two clicks to "+1". So it is not worse than any other data privacy compliant solution.
I found the solution here.
The problem is, social sites accepts your own "share" forms, but only if the link is URL encoded.
In Wordpress, a custom Google+ button that I'm using without the official API, and it's currently working, is this following code:
Hope it helps, go to the link above for a list of the rest of the social sites links. :)

Google+ +1 Button Snippet+ Problem

I have integrated the Google +1 button into a website ( ).
I tried to use <meta> tags to provide Name, Description, and Image for the +Snippets information, but it doesn't work.
When I use the +1 button and try to post to Google+ about the website, it picks an image that I don't want. And it won't pick the image I have set with the <meta> tag.
My questions:
How do I get the +Snippet data populated from metadata?
For a page with 2 or more +1 buttons, can I have different name/description/image for each +1 button? Or must every +1 button on the page use the same metadata?
I think it is best to use Open Graph Protocol instead of That is, shouldn't be used at all. Facebook supports Open Graph Protocol, so you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone this way.
More importantly, Facebook provides a great debugging tool that tells you what exactly is getting parsed for a given URL:
I am still not sure about having multiple +1 buttons on the same page with each +1 button having distinctly different meta data.
In response to question 1:
I checked your page. It looks like you have a normal meta title and description. This should work for the +1 button, but it may take some time for the +1 button to pick up the changes you've made.
If you'd like control of the image, though, you will need to use markup or open graph as described in the official FAQ:
And for question 2:
If you are using markup, the +1 button will read the content for the itemscope nearest the top of the page's source code.
It does not work for me either. I have both and Open Graph in the web page (eg., Multiple validators (Facebook's and one other) read info correctly.
I guess that Google still does not support metadata for everybody :-(

Where can I read how to make web notifiers such as the StackExchange at the top left side of StackOverflow screen?

I'm not even sure what the name of that is to be able to make a search... but I would like to make those kind of things. Facebook has that too with the messages, notifications and friends requests. Thanks
I'm not sure if you expect anyone to give you a complete tutorial with source code included? :) You should probably do some digging around yourself, since a concrete answer on this could mean to write a few pages :)
How can you dig around?
Thé tool for a job like that is Firebug (IMO).
With bigger tasks like these it makes sense to try to split it up in smaller pieces.
Let's say you go for a widget like the user profile popup on SO.
you need some HTML to display in a popup: right click on any html element on the popup and click the 'inspect element' menu item. This brings you to the HTML tab in firebug. This allows you to figure out how the HTML is structured
you need some CSS to style that popup: when you're browsing the html structure, you might already have noticed that on the right side of it is the CSS that is applied to the active element
you might want to use some animation effects: for that you could use jquery. Have a look here to find out more on which effects are available and how they can be triggered. Fading is used in the profile popup on SO.
then you might ask yourself the question where SO get's that html structure from, right? To find out more about which server calls are made you can use the 'NET' tab in Firebug. (When you hover over your user name (only the first time?), then you should notice there's a call made to something like:
In firebug you can then inspect the request and response. You should notice that the response is some HTML structure. This HTML structure is then inserted into the DOM.
Sooooo you can kinda glue it all together now:
the user hovers over his user name
the hovering triggers a server call (see step 4): use jquery hover to attach a handler to the user link. (subsequent hovers don't trigger that server call, so there needs to be a check to see if that profile popup was already loaded or not)
when the server call successfully returns (see jquery get), the returned html is inserted into the DOM and a fadeIn effect is triggered.
it seems a mouseout is used to fadeOut the popup
I HOPE this is the answer you were looking for. It took me a while ;)
You probably need to check out stackapps