OData and Objective C - objective-c

I am trying to develop an ipad app that would interact with SQL server.Simple. So, i used WCF web service. I am getting the data there as xml. now, i want to develop an objective c client that would consume it. So, i used the odatagen tool to generate proxy. I did that and i got 2 files xyz.h and xyz.m. No more files. Now i have included them in my project. But in the xyz.h file i have error that says "import "OdataObject.h" file not found. I have done the header search path and library search path settings. What is missing.?

You have to include in your project the files that you should have in the OData4ObjC repository you cloned from github (or codeplex):
the .a library located in the /framework/bin/odatalib/lib/-yourplatform-/-yourversion-
all the files located in the /framework/bin/odatalib/include folder


unable to include external files in a project

I have created the default play application in IntelliJ in directory P. I have over-written the default index.scala.html with my own html code. The html code refers to some css and js files which are outside the directory P. To include these external files, I added the directory of these files using project configuration settings.
My webpage doesn't load properly as the server returns 404 for the css and js files. What am I doing wrong?
When you added your directory using project structure, you only say:
Hey, IDEA, please consider this folder part of my project, consider
its contents source code and display it when I open my project.
However, when you deploy or run your app, you only deploy the usual folders to the server, which contain the resources which will be available for clients to access.
The external directory is not part of these directories and will not be deployed.
What you can do is to copy the file from the external directory as a part of your build process before deploying the application.
EDIT: Detailed answer here: What is intellij's build process for play applications

How to change the path that jar files use in java Web Applications

I have written a java Servlet web application, using NetBeans 7.2.1. The program have some jar file libraries that I have attached to the project. The application runs fine using NetBeans and Apache Tomcat 7.0.27.
My problem is that some of the jar file libraries that I am using in the project, need to access to some folders and files. I put these folder and files on the same directory as the whole NetBeans project is. but I got this exception:
Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.FileNotFoundException
So I used these codes to find out where should I put them:
out.println("current directory: " + new File(".").getAbsolutePath());
out.println("current directory: " + System.getProperty("user.dir"));
out.println("current directory: " + getServletContext().getRealPath(("/")));
So I figured out that the current working directory is:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 7.0.27\bin
My question is that how can I set different directory address for each web application? I have many web applications and some of them use the same resource file names. I can't just put all of them in one directory.
Please note that I don't have access to the source code of jar files to change the. I just need a way to set the absolute path that the jar files use.
I have the same problem when I put the WAR file on the unix server. The extracted WAR file is in this location on the server:
But I figure I should put the resource folders and files in this path (moosavi3 is my username!):
How can I change the path?
The working directory is the directory from which java.[exe,bin] is started. I assume the bin directory is where the tomcat start-up script is? If the jars are all using this working directory I don't believe there is a way to make different web-apps have different working directory, they're all loaded on the same jvm (java.exe) from the same working directory.
A working directory is the directory from which a binary is started, it is not some arbitrary value that you can change.
I suspect these jar files where meant to be run as standalone applications and expected the filesystem resources they are trying to access to be in the same location as themselves.
Any filesystem resources would have to be moved to the location of your java.exe so that the correct file path resolution can result from your jars.
Standard Servlet project requires external libraries to be placed in the 'WEB-INF/lib' directory under project root. You can search google for 'servlet directory structure' and do your own research for more information. Shared libraries between web applications can be placed in the 'lib' directory under tomcat root, they should be picked up by tomcat jvm. My recommendation would be to keep the dependencies project specific, because you may need different versions in different projects in the future.
Read this page on the tomcat documentation, it will explain exactly how the project should be structured, and how to add a library that will be shared across all web applications:
Update 2:
The following Stackoverflow link explains several options how to add a static file to your web application, that will available at runtime.
Update 3:
Add a path to the classpath using the project's manifest:

Generate HeaderCode From GeneratedCode in Xcode

We have gone through the sybase online tutuorial for SUP2.0. In that
Sybase Unwired Platform 2.0 > Developer Guide for iOS > Development Task Flows > Developing Applications in the Xcode IDE>Generating HeaderDoc from GeneratedCode.
Generating HeaderDoc from Generated Code
***Once you have generated Objective-C code for your mobile business objects, you can generate
HeaderDoc (HTML reference information) on the Mac from the generated code. HeaderDoc
provides reference information for the MBOs you have designed. The HeaderDoc will help
you to programmatically bind your device application to the generated code.
Navigate to the directory containing the generated code that was copied over from the
Eclipse environment.
headerdoc2html –o GeneratedDocDir GeneratedCodeDir
gatherheaderdoc GeneratedDocDir
You can open the file OutputDir/masterTOC.html in a Web browser to see the
interlinked sets of documentation.*
we have followed the step mentioned in that link. and four files are generating in the generated code folder but all the files is having zero bytes size. Can you help by saying wher the error have occured.
we have set the path as
desktop/mac_ios/importing_lib_code through the terminal and give the scripts mentioned in the tutorial.
importing_lib_code is having subfolders src which contains two subfolders common and folder holding .m files.
adn second one is includes folder with two subfolder containing the .h files of corresponding file.

Shared library and localizable.strings

I have created a shared library using Xcode 4.2 and objective c. My library includes a strings resource file that contains error messages. I then created a test application that loads and uses my library. I can't get to the string resource unless I manually copy the localizable.strings file into my test application project. Is there a way to access the resources contained in a library directly without copying to resource file?

Using MEF with exporting project that uses resources (xml) contained in the xap

I'm doing a proof of concept app in SL4 using MEF and as part of the app I am importing another xap from an existing Silverlight Project and displaying it in my host project.
The problem is that the existing app uses some .xml files (as content) and it uses linq2xml to load these files which are (assumed to be) bundled in the xap.
When I compose the application the initalization fails because the host app doesn't contain the xml files. If I copy these xml files into the host project and run it the composition works fine. However, I need to keep the xml files in the original project.
Is there a way that I can download a xap and look at it's contents for xml files and then load them into the host xap at runtime so that after the compostion takes place the xml resources that are required can be found?
Or should I work out some kind of contract with an import/export to pass the xml files to the host xap?
As the people developing the imported xaps (should the project go ahead) are from a different company, I would like to keep changes to the way they develop their apps to a minimum.
I assume you are using the DeploymentCatalog to download the second xap? Unfortunately there's no way to get at resources included in that xap. You could have the resources embedded in assemblies which are included in the xap, and then modify the way they are loaded.
If you really don't want to change the way the secondary xap is structured, you might be able to write your own DeploymentCatalog which would also allow you to load resources from the downloaded xap. The source code to DeploymentCatalog is available, so you could base it off of that.
I've managed to find a solution that I'm fairly happy with.
Instead of building the .xml files as 'content' to go within the xap, I have built them as 'resource' then used Application.ResourceStream() and loaded the xml using a stream.
It means the second xap developers will have to change the way they operate, but its only one extra line of code and changing the Build Action, I'm sure they can handle.