webserver created files are not readable by sftp - apache

I have a webserver that runs apache 2.2.14 in ubuntu with php 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14. Php files in my webserver run as www-data. Any php script that creates a file or folder automatically creates it with owner/group "www-data:www-data" and sftp does not have permissions to even read the files/directories. I want sftp to have rw permission on every file in the web directory. How do I fix this?


File with chmod 777 but protected by htaccess

I have a file in public_html/private/log.txt
The file is writable and executable by everyone (777), but the folder is protected via .htaccess (deny all).
Are there any security reprecussions with this setup? Idea is that I can download the file via ftp and httpd process can write to it, but no one can access it via the browser.

How can I give an apache server access to a mounted folder?

My apache server needs to serve files located in a mounted directory in the root folder. However, when the process attempts to access a file in that directory I get...
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denined 'path/to/file'
How can I give the apache server access to the files safely?
I am working on a CentOS machine.
First unmount the shared directory.
chmod 775 <path>
chgrp apache <path>
Would be one relatively safe way.
(assumes your apache user primary group is apache).

Access forbidden on apache2 on ubuntu14.04

I have installed apache2 server on Ubuntu 14.04. It is working well with the files and directories which i have created here after installation, but if i copy any file or folder from anywhere else (already written) then is gives Forbidden error message.
Thanks in advance.
For a file to be accessible by apache2, it should be owned by the user which runs the apache2 server. On most systems the user is www-data or httpd or apache. To find which user is that, just look into your apache2.conf or httpd.conf. Once you know the user, make it the owner of the copied files/folders or reiterate it for the whole /var/www//html folder.
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html
This should do it. But, if it doesn't, verify that the user has at least read and execute permissions on the folder (write also, if you need to write some data through your script).

permission Apache PHP public_html

I'm newbie in the web development, and I'm trying to make a website. So, my website works fine on the server but not on my own (Apache). My sources are in ~/public_html/. The problem is I don't have permissions on the sub/sub directory, I mean, when it's a directory, it works fine, when it's directory in a directory, it doesn't. (403 Forbidden). I don't change my default Apache configuration excluding for include mysql and php.
All my directories have the same permissions. Maybe I need to configure something for that?
I used this little script found at this link http://boomshadow.net/tech/fixes/fixperms-script/
Fixperms – for one single user
To use the fixperms script, simply log into your server as root, wget the file from our server, then run it. Type in the cPanel username and it will run only for that particular account.
It does not matter which directory you are in when you run fixperms. You can be in the user’s home directory, the server root, etc. The script will not affect anything outside of the particular user’s folder.
Should be done in SSH
root#example [~]# wget boomshadow.net/tools-utils/fixperms.sh
root#example [~]# sh ./fixperms.sh -a USER-NAME
Fixperms – for all of the users
If you would like fix the permissions for every user on your cPanel server, simply use the ‘-all’ option:
root#example [~]# wget boomshadow.net/tools-utils/fixperms.sh
root#example [~]#sh ./fixperms.sh -all

how to configure apache to run pages with a different group id than files

I have a vps with godaddy with the following:
centos 6
latest apache
I am running with suphp enabled.
files and folders are all 755,644
i have a program located at:
this program edits files located on the same server in different user accounts. in order for this to happen i have to:
chown programname:programname /home/username/public_html
this allows the files to be edited by the program running at /home/programname/public_html
when i try to view the files at
at its domain name
I get an "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."
in order to fix this i have to
chown username:username /home/username/public_html
how do i fix this so i can view the website files without having to chown the files?
You can use ACLs:
Enable ACLs on a filesystem:
Set ACLs on a filesystem:
There is also an apache module that I haven't had much luck with:
apache2-mpm-itk - http://www.webtatic.com/packages/httpd-itk/
It has some issues because it doesn't support prefork properly.