CONTAINS in SQL 2000 - sql

I have a table 'Asset' with a column 'AssetDescription'. Every row of it has some group of words/sentences, seprated by comma.
row1: - flowers, full color, female, Trend
row2:- baby smelling flowers, heart
Now if a put a search query like:-
select * from Asset where contains(AssetDescription,'flower')
It returns nothing.
I have one more table 'SearchData' with column 'SearchCol', having similar rows as mentioned above in table 'Asset'. Now if a put a search query like:-
select * from SearchData where contains(SearchCol,'flower')
It returns both the rows.
Why first query doesn't return any result, but second one does correctly.
If 'Full Text Search' has something to do with 1st ques, than what to do regarding that. As I'm using SQL server 2000.

CONTAINS requires a full text search index, and for full text search indexing to be enabled.
LIKE doesn't require full text search.
The advantage of using CONTAINS over LIKE is that CONTAINS is more flexible and potentially a lot faster. LIKE may require a full table scan depending how you use it.
From the SQL Server docs
In contrast to full-text search, the LIKE Transact-SQL predicate works
on character patterns only. Also, you cannot use the LIKE predicate to
query formatted binary data. Furthermore, a LIKE query against a large
amount of unstructured text data is much slower than an equivalent
full-text query against the same data. A LIKE query against millions
of rows of text data can take minutes to return; whereas a full-text
query can take only seconds or less against the same data, depending
on the number of rows that are returned.

Your first query isn't matching anything because you're not using a wildcard character. Your rows contain the word 'flowers' whereas you're searching for rows containing 'flower'. You would need to change the query to:
select * from asset where contains(AssetDescription, 'flower*')

Try rebuilding your full-text index. Could be that it's out of date and hence not finding them when you use CONTAINS.

Assuming SQL Server, to use contains with a word prefix, you use a wildcard.
More here:


Why is SQL Server full-text search not matching numbers?

I'm using SQL Server 2014 Express, and have a full-text index setup on a table.
The full-text index only indexes a single column, in this example named foo.
The table has 3 rows in it. The values in the 3 rows, for that full-text indexed column are like so ...
test 1
test 2
test 3 test 1
Each new line above is a new row in the table, and that text is literally what is in the full-text indexed column. So, using SQL Server's CONTAINS function, if I perform the following query, I get all rows back as matches, as expected.
SELECT * FROM example WHERE CONTAINS(foo, 'test')
But, if I run the following query, I also get all of the rows back as matches, which I am not expecting. In the following query, I only expected one row as a match.
SELECT * FROM example WHERE CONTAINS(foo, '"test 3"')
Lastly, simply searching for "3" returns no matching rows, which I also did not expect. I'd expect one matching row from the following query, but get none.
SELECT * FROM example WHERE CONTAINS(foo, '3')
I've read the MSDN pages on CONTAINS and full-text indexing, but I can't figure out this behavior. I must be doing something wrong.
Would anybody be able to explain to me what's happening and how to perform the searches I've described?
While this may not be the answer, it solved my original question. My full-text index was using the system stop list. For whatever reason, certain individual numbers, such as "1" in "test 1", were being skipped or whatever the stop list does.
The following question and answer, here on SO, suggested disabling the stop list alltogether. I did this and now my full text searches match as I expected them to, at the expense of a larger full text index, it looks like.
Full text search does not work if stop word is included even though stop word list is empty

SQL: LIKE and Contains — Different results

I am using MS SQL Express SQL function Contains to select data. However when I selected data with LIKE operator, I realised that Contains function is missing a few rows.
Rebuilt indexes but it didn't help.
Sql: brs.SearchText like '%aprilis%' and CONTAINS(brs.SearchText, '*aprilis*')
The contains function missed rows like:
PS. If I search directly CONTAINS(brs.SearchText, '*22-28.aprīlis*'), then it finds them
contains is functionality based on the full text index. It supports words, phrases, and prefixed matches on words, but not suffixed matches. So you can match words that start with 'aprilis' but not words that end with it or that contain it arbitrarily in the middle. You might be able to take advantage of a thesaurus for these terms.
This is explained in more detail in the documentation.

How to use like condition with multiple values in sql server 2005?

I need to filter out records based on some text matching in nvarchar(1000) column.
Table has more than 400 thousands records and growing. For now, I am using Like condition:-
Text like '%A1%'
OR Text like '%B1%'
OR Text like '%C1%'
OR Text like '%D1%'
Is there any preferred work around?
Text like '%[A-Z]1%'
This will check if the texts contains A1, B1, C1, D1, ...
Reference to using the Like Condition in SQL Server
You can try the following if you know the exact position of your sub string:
SUBSTRING(Text,1,2) in ('B1','C1','D1')
Have a look at LIKE on msdn.
You could reduce the number filters by combining more details into a single LIKE clause.
Text like '%[ABCD]1%'
If you can create a FULLTEXT INDEX on that column of your table (that assumes a lot of research on performance and space), then you are probably going to see a big improvement on performance on text matching. You can go to this link to see what FULLTEXT SEARCH is
and this link to see how to create a FULLTEXT INDEX.
I needed to do this so that I could allow two different databases in a filter for the DatabaseName column in an SQL Server Profiler Trace Template.
All you can do is fill in the body of a Like clause.
Using the reference in John Hartscock's answer, I found out that the like clause uses a sort of limited regex pattern.
For the OP's scenario, MSMS has the solution.
Assuming I want databases ABCOne, ABCTwo, and ABCThree, I come up with what is essentially independent whitelists for each character:
Which is easily extensible to any set of strings. It won't be ironclad, that last pattern would also match ABCOwe, ABCTnr, or ABCOneHippotamus, but if you're filtering a limited set of possible values there's a good chance you can make it work.
You could alternatively use the [^] operator to present a blacklist of unacceptable characters.

MySQL MATCH...AGAINST sometimes finds answer, sometimes doesn't

The following two queries return the same (expected) result when I query my database:
SELECT * FROM articles
WHERE content LIKE '%Euskaldunak%'
SELECT * FROM articles
WHERE MATCH (content) AGAINST ('+"Euskaldunak"' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
The text in the content field that it's searching looks like this: "...These Euskaldunak, or newcomers..."
However, the following query on the same table returns the expected single result:
SELECT * FROM articles
WHERE content LIKE '%PCC%'
And the following query returns an empty result:
SELECT * FROM articles
The text in the content field that matches this result looks like this: "...Portland Community College (PCC) is the largest..."
I can't figure out why searching for "Euskaldunak" works with that MATCH...AGAINST syntax but "PCC" doesn't. Does anyone see something that I'm not seeing?
(Also: "PCC" is not a common phrase in this field - no other rows contain the word, so the natural language search shouldn't be excluding it.)
Your fulltext minimum word length is probably set too high. I think the default is 4, which would explain what you are seeing. Set it to 1 if you want all words indexed regardless of length.
Run this query:
show variables like 'ft_min_word_len';
If the values is greater than 3 and you want to get hits on words shorter than that, edit your /etc/my.cnf and add or update this line in the [mysqld] section using a value appropriate for your application:
ft_min_word_len = 1
Then restart MySQL and rebuild your fulltext indexes and you should be all set.
There are two things I can think of right away. The first is your ft_min_word_len value is set to more than 3 characters. Any "word" less than the ft_min_word_len length will not get indexed.
The second is that more then 50% of your records contain the 'PCC' string. A full text search that matches more than 50% of the records is considered irrelevant and returns nothing.
Full text indexes have different rules than regular string indexes. For example, there is a stop words list so certain common words like to, the, and, don't get indexed.

LIKE operator in SQL Server

I want to get all the records from the one table which contain at least one word from the input string. For example, input parameter='Stack over flow':
select *
from sample
where name like '%stack%'
or name like '%over%'
or name like '%flow%'
How do I search for records which contains 'stack' or 'over' or 'flow'?
The code you gave should work. But don't use it. It won't be able to use any indexes, and so will likely be very slow. Look into a full text index and the CONTAINS keyword instead.