WScript in VB.NET? -

This is a snipet of code from my program:
WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
But for some reason, "WScript" is not declared. I know that this code works in VBScript but i'm trying to get it to work with Whats going wrong?

The WScript object is specific to Windows Script Host and doesn't exist in .NET Framework.
Actually, all of the WScript.Shell object functionality is available in .NET Framework classes. So if you're porting VBScript code to VB.NET, you should rewrite it using .NET classes rather than using Windows Script Host COM objects.
If, for some reason, you prefer to use COM objects anyway, you need to add the appropriate COM library references to your project in order to have these objects available to your application. In case of WScript.Shell, it's %WinDir%\System32\wshom.ocx (or %WinDir%\SysWOW64\wshom.ocx on 64-bit Windows). Then you can write code like this:
Imports IWshRuntimeLibrary
Dim shell As WshShell = New WshShell
Alternatively, you can create instances of COM objects using
and then work with them using late binding. Like this, for example*:
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Dim shell As Object = Nothing
Dim wshtype As Type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WScript.Shell")
If Not wshtype Is Nothing Then
shell = Activator.CreateInstance(wshtype)
End If
If Not shell Is Nothing Then
Dim str As String = CStr(wshtype.InvokeMember(
' Do something else
End If
* I don't know VB.NET well, so this code may be ugly; feel free to improve.


VB.NET Resource exe in memory with argument

Alright so i am pretty new to really anything in memory execution. I usually just write the bytes from the embedded resource into the file on the hard drive but for the program i am making for a work project it cannot write the exe to the disk.
So i took the code from Load a .NET assembly from the application's resources and run It from memory, but without terminating the main/host application
I modified the code a little bit in what i would think would work for running it with an argument and it does nothing but crash, not really listing any crash details though besides the windows error reporting.
here is the code:
Dim ass As Assembly = Assembly.Load(My.Resources.bbinst)
Dim method As MethodInfo = ass.EntryPoint
Dim parametersArray As Object() = New Object() {"/q /SERIAL=xxx-xxx"}
If (method IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim instance As Object = ass.CreateInstance(method.Name)
method.Invoke(instance, parametersArray)
If (instance IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (instance.GetType().GetInterfaces.Contains(GetType(IDisposable))) Then
DirectCast(instance, IDisposable).Dispose()
End If
instance = Nothing
method = Nothing
ass = Nothing
Throw New EntryPointNotFoundException("Entrypoint not found in the specified resource. Are you sure it is a .NET assembly?")
End If
bbinst is the exe name that is embedded as bbinst.exe
The parametersArray is the argument i want to run which i converted from a C# sample i found else where.
Can someone help me as to why the program just crashes and error reporting pops up second after, i'm not to good as debugging. I also tried to run it without the arguments and it as well crashed the same way.
Any help is awesome, sometimes i have these random projects at work i don't know why they give me lol
A BadImageFormatException is thrown either when you attempt to load an assembly of the wrong bitness, or when you try to load an assembly that cannot be read, run or compiled by the current runtime.
Regarding bitness: 32-bit (x86) applications cannot load 64-bit code, and 64-bit (x64) applications cannot load 32-bit code. It's that simple.
As for not being able to read, run or compile the assembly: If the assembly that you're trying to load was programmed in a completely different language (more precisely: a language without .NET support) then it would also cause the above exception to be thrown.
Your method of executing an embedded application will only work with assemblies that were coded in a .NET language (C#, VB.NET, F#, C++/CLR, etc.). This is because that doesn't only run the application, it tries to load it like a .NET app linked to an Assembly, and/or AppDomain, class so that you can have some control over it and invoke methods inside it.
Your issue: My bet that your problem is caused by your embedded application not being of the same bitness as the host. Make sure both applications are compiled either as x86, x64 or AnyCPU.
However if it turns out that your embedded program isn't even written in a .NET language then that is the cause of your problem. That code of yours can only run .NET programs/DLLs.
You can invoke the EntryPoint by loading it in the assembly :
Public Shared Sub RunSearch(ByVal pPath As String, ByVal pText As String)
'Get assembly
Dim assembly As Reflection.Assembly = Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
'Get the resource stream
Dim resourceStream As Stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("path.executable name")
If resourceStream Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("Unexisting Path","Error")
End If
'Read the raw bytes of the resource
Dim resourcesBuffer(CInt(resourceStream.Length) - 1) As Byte
resourceStream.Read(resourcesBuffer, 0, resourcesBuffer.Length)
'Load the assembly
Dim exeAssembly As Reflection.Assembly = Reflection.Assembly.Load(resourcesBuffer)
Dim args() As String = {pPath, pText}
Dim parameters = New Object() {args}
exeAssembly.EntryPoint.Invoke(Nothing, parameters)
MsgBox("Error during assembly executing","Error")
End Try
End Sub

Make COM-version of VB.NET UserControl available in 64-bit edition of Microsoft Office

We have a VB.NET project that wraps a WinForms control with the .NET UserControl and makes it available as a COM assembly for use in Microsoft Office. The project uses the standard technique for doing this, i.e. we set the 'Make Assembly COM-Visible' and 'Register for COM Interop’ checkboxes in the project properties, sign the assembly with a strong name, etc. The essential code related to the component registration in the registry is the following:
Public Shared Sub RegisterForCOM(ByVal aType As Type)
Dim strCtrlKey, strVersion As String
Dim typeLibGUID As Guid
strCtrlKey = "CLSID\" + aType.GUID.ToString("B")
Dim key As RegistryKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(strCtrlKey, True)
key.CreateSubKey("Implemented Categories\{40FC6ED4-2438-11CF-A3D8-080036F12502}")
key.CreateSubKey("MiscStatus").SetValue("", "131457")
typeLibGUID = Marshal.GetTypeLibGuidForAssembly(aType.Assembly)
key.CreateSubKey("TypeLib").SetValue("", typeLibGUID.ToString("B"))
Dim asmVersion As Version = aType.Assembly.GetName().Version
strVersion = asmVersion.Major.ToString() + "." + asmVersion.Minor.ToString()
key.CreateSubKey("Version").SetValue("", strVersion)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub UnregisterForCOM(ByVal aType As Type)
Registry.ClassesRoot.DeleteSubKeyTree("CLSID\" + aType.GUID.ToString("B"))
End Try
End Sub
This construction has worked without any problems for years until the moment when our customers tried to use this .NET COM wrapper in a 64-bit edition of Microsoft Office. I tried to find an answer to this question in the Internet, but I could not find a guide how to implement a 64-bit compatible COM wrapper for a WinForms control.
Is it possible at all? If so, can you point us in the right direction?
UPDATE: Currently our users use the following command in the command prompt launched with the admin rights to register the COM wrapper:
regasm <full_path_to_dll> /tlb /codebase
Thanks to #HansPassant for helping to find the answer. To register the .NET COM wrapper for the 64-bit Office, our customers needed to launch the corresponding regasm from the Framework64 subfolder. The full command line looks like this:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\regasm <full_path_to_dll> /tlb /codebase

How to run ms access macro from

I'm trying to run a macro from ms access 2010 from 2010 ..
The code I used is
Dim oAccess As Access.ApplicationClass
'Start Access and open the database.
oAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
oAccess.Visible = True
oAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase("C:\Users\Yuganshu\Desktop\New folder (4)\WindowsApplication1\db.mdb", False)
'Run the macros.
'oAccess.Run("DoKbTestWithParameter", "Hello from VB .NET Client")
'Clean-up: Quit Access without saving changes to the database.
oAccess = Nothing
This is giving me following error:
Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.ApplicationClass' to class type 'WindowsApplication1.Access.ApplicationClass'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.
I don't know what to do.
You need to add the correct COM Reference. Click the Project Menu bar then-->Add reference. Under Type Libraries look for Microsoft Access 14.0 or whatever version your machine is running. Then add the following statements.
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Dim Access_Object As New Access.Application
Access_Object = CreateObject("Access.Application")
Access_Object.Application.Visible = True

Why doesn't code work in, but works in VBA; GetObject

VBA code works great:
Sub testVBA()
Dim wb As Object ' Lotus123.Document
Set wb = GetObject("S:\Temp\T\0375D.WK3", "Lotus123.Workbook")
End Sub code fails:
Sub TestVBNet()
Dim wb As Object ' Lotus123.Document
wb = GetObject("S:\Temp\T\0375D.WK3", "Lotus123.Workbook")
End Sub
In I get a FileNotFoundException: "File name or class name not found during Automation operation."
As I can run it from VBA that means the file exists and that the class name exists. So why doesn't it work and how can I fix it in
EDIT: I guess I'm not sure how to start diagnosing this: Obviously the class exists on my computer but somehow doesn't manage to find it. Maybe uses a different method to activate the class. Maybe a registry entry is missing. I am glad for any suggestions.
Edit 2: I also tried using CreateObject and got this error: "Cannot create ActiveX component." Not unexpected.
For some reason cannot find the class name "Lotus123.Workbook" so I tried getting the file without the class name and it works fine in XP.
Dim wb As Object ' Lotus123.Document
wb = GetObject("S:\Temp\T\0375D.WK3")
EDIT: In Win8 64bit the above doesn't work; just hangs.
The code below works in XP 32 bit as well as in Win8 64 bit. I checked with process monitor what is happening under the hood. CreateObject checks for the CLSID in the registry using the given object. Then it looks up the necessary info using the CLSID.
Public Shared Function GetLotusWB(ByVal sFile As String) As Object
'HKCU takes precedence if exists
'normally this is used because Lotus123 doesn't create HKCU entries
'HKCR\Lotus123.Workbook\CLSID = {29130007-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}
'HKCR\CLSID\{29130007-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}\InprocHandler32 = ole32.dll
'HKCR\CLSID\{29130007-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}\LocalServer32 = C:\Lotus\123\123w.exe
'using object as that sometimes works better
Dim LotusObj As Object = CreateObject("Lotus123.Workbook")
'get application
'need a reference to Lotus 123 else declare as Object
Dim LotusApp As Lotus123.Application = LotusObj.Application
'FAILS: LotusApp.Visible = True
'open file; also works fine As Lotus123.Document
Dim ldoc As Object = LotusApp.OpenDocument(sFile)
'visible and activate (must declare as Object else gives exception)
Dim appObject As Object = ldoc.Application
appObject.Visible = True
Return ldoc
End Function
This works great because it creates the "Lotus123.Workbook" which is used to get the application object.
Load the file into an Excel workbook. It should be able to convert the lotus123 workbook on the fly.
First of all, check to make sure your inclusions (I think under Tools menu, includes or references or something like that) include the library that references Lotus123.Document. Chances are it's in the "Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library" or similar.
I've heard it said that VB is not VBA!

Error 438 from using Filesystemobject.OpentTextFile but not on my computer

Note: I'm new to using Visual Studio and writing code outside of VB6 and VBA. Also, I've resolved my problem by using IO.File.
However, I really want to learn why this wouldn't work:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim FSOts As TextStream
FSOts = FSO.OpenTextFile(filepath1, IOMode.ForReading, True)
While FSOts.AtEndOfStream = False
temp = FSOts.ReadLine()
End While
It works on my computer, but for some reason it won't on others. I've used this object in a vb script before but in that situation the 2nd argument was 'ForReading' and was written in a different IDE (FEMAP) which referenced the 32bit scrrun.dll. In Visual Studio I noticed the scripting library is pointing to syswow64; I'm not sure if that makes any difference. All distributed sites run 64 bit OS and have this library. In any case I get an error 438 when I try to use:
FSOts = FSO.OpenTextFile(filepath1, IOMode.ForReading, True)
VS will not let me compile it with just 'ForReading'.
Again, I've used this object before in vb6 but the 2nd argument was not iomode.forreading but 'ForReading'. In that situation it worked fine on the same machines that are giving me problems (except for mine of course!).