Properties not passing to from in VB.NET custom control -

I have a custom VB.NET control that I created that is working correctly in one program but not in another. The control has one button and one form. The form displays some data based on the settings in the control.
This is the use in both test projects:
With Me.MyControl1
'.Connection = gConn
.Server = "servername"
.DBName = "dbname"
.TableName = "table"
.FieldString = "list of fields"
.ReturnColumn = 0
.AllowMultiSelect = True
End With
This is how I am passing the settings to my form.
...this form is a part of the control
Public Sub New(ByVal cmsl As MyCustomControl)
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
Me.Connection = cmsl.Connection
Me.ConnectionString = cmsl.ConnectionString
Me.Server = cmsl.Server
Me.DBname = cmsl.DBName
Me.TableName = cmsl.TableName
Me.FieldString = cmsl.FieldString
Me.FilterString = cmsl.FilterString
Me.AllowMultiSelect = cmsl.AllowMultiSelect
Me.AutoPopulate = cmsl.AutoPopulate
Me.ReturnColumn = cmsl.ReturnColumn
Me.SelectTop = cmsl.SelectTop
End Sub
In TestProject1 - the control is working as expected
In TestProject2 - the control is not sending any of the settings I set to the form
My control works fine when I debug with the UserControl TestContainer.
I am using VB.NET on VS2005.
This is all done on the same machine. Why would this work in one project and not another?

Seems like a reference error. please show us how the UserControl is integrated. The problem must come from there.
And are you talking about a custom control, or a UserControl ? (Not the same thing for me)
Try some breakpoints in the props, and also, try checking the references :). You might be working with a second usercontrol overlapping on the first one or something like that :).
In winforms the Designer sometimes goes weird.


VB.NET Call Sub of another form

I know, that there are many questions related to this, but still I cannot find a workable solution.
Usually, it would work like this: A form creates an instance of another form in it's container like this:
Dim PolInstIn As New SubForm1
Private Sub LoadDetail()
PolInstIn.TopLevel = False
PolInstIn.Name = "Sub From"
PolInstIn.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
PolInstIn.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
End Sub
Then it's easy to call a Public Sub from the sub form like this:
Call PolInstIn.MyPublicSubInSubForm1()
However, this doesn't work for me in this case. When I run MyPublicSubInSubForm1() it doesn't throw any error, but does no action. If I write a value to SubForm1 textbox and read it back, it reads, but I don't see it on the screen, so I suspect it is written to some other accidental instance.
I suspect it is because my parent form is also an instance of an form created in very similar way like SubForm1. Basically the ParentForm is a form loaded into tabPage and SubForm1 is a module loaded into ParentForm. It can exist in many copies (tabs).
Could you point to any simple solutions?
I see this question got a lot of views, so here is an answer.
1) No visual response of child form (only results) - this could have happened if I created more then 1 instances of the form. The example is just an example, but if one use it (accidentally) this way, it may result in new definition of a child form every time (and consequent symptoms like the ones described). In practice, I split form loading from loading data into to the form (done by a public sub in that form).
2) If you want also a back reference (to i.e. parent grid form), define a Public ParentFormGrid as GridName (note ParentForm is a reserved name) and on loading a child form, set
PollInstIn.ParentFormGrid = Me
This way you can alway asccess the parent form, i.e. reload the grid when you save changes on a line edited in child form.
make Private Sub LoadDetail() to a public :
Public Sub LoadDetail()
It work on my project. Hopely its what you want
Dim PolInstIn As New SubForm1
Private Sub LoadDetail()
PolInstIn.Name = "Sub From"
PolInstIn.TopLevel = False
PolInstIn.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
PolInstIn.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
End Sub

How to reference controls located on different Tabs (VB.NET)

I have an application written in VB.NET that reads data from a file and displays the data on the screen.
Depending on the data in the file, the program has a TabControl with up to 3 tabs and each tab in turn has a DataGridView for displaying data. For example I have a TabControl that has a tab called "Saturday" and a tab called "Sunday".
The problem I am having is that when I read data from a file, the program displays all the data on the Saturday's tab grid because I am not sure how to reference the Grid on the Sunday tab.
To add the DataGridView I am using the following code:
Grid = New DataGridView
Grid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Grid.Name = "Grid" & TabControl.SelectedIndex
Grid.Tag = "Grid" & TabControl.SelectedIndex
And this is how I am reading the data in:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
SelectedTab = reader.Name
End If
If reader.Name = "cell" Then
y = y + 1
Grid.Rows(i).Cells(y).Style.BackColor = Color.FromName(reader.ReadElementString("cell"))
End If
What I almost want to do is something like (pseudocode):
SelectedTab.Grid.Rows(i).Cells(y).Style.BackColor = Color.FromName(reader.ReadElementString("cell"))
However when I use the above code it complains:
'Grid' is not a member of 'String'
I hope you understand the issue. Let me know if you need clarification
Your code is a little unclear. However, it appears to me that the following line:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
SelectedTab = reader.Name
End If
is creating at least one problem. It looks like you are attempting to refer to a Tabpage control by the string representation of its name, but unless I missed something, what that line is actually doing is trying to make a tabpage control type("SelectedTab") refer to a string type. If that is the case, then you will want to try this instead:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
TabControl1.SelectedTab = TabControl1.TabPages(
End If
It is a little hard to tell from the code you have posted, but that might get you headed down the right path.
UPDATE: It appears from your code that you are naming each DGV control by appending the index of the tab on which it is located to the string "grid." I am going to assume that you are using a class member variable named "SelectedTab" to represent the current tab selected in the control. I will assume that at the top of your class you have done something like this:
'Form-or-class scoped memebr variables:
Private SelectedTab As TabPage
Private SelectedGrid As DataGridView
You should be able to refer to the active grid control using something like this:
Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged
' Set SelectedTab member variable to refer to the new selected tab page:
SelectedTab = TabControl1.SelectedTab
' Set the SelectedGrid to refer to the grid control hosted on the selected tab page:
SelectedGrid = TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls("Grid" & TabControl1.SelectedIndex.ToString())
End Sub
From here, you should be able to use the member variable for SelectedGrid to refer to the grid present on which ever tab page is selected in your tab control.
It is challenging to address your concerns with only fragments of your code. If you have additional difficulties, please post more of your code, so we can better see what else is going on.
Hope that helps!
Okay, I would go about something like this. Maybe you can simply use a DataSet to load the XML data in one line (if they have been saved with DataSet.WriteXML before).
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim p As TabPage
Dim gv As DataGridView
For i As Integer = TabControl1.TabPages.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For Each dt As DataTable In ds.Tables
p = New TabPage(dt.TableName)
gv = New DataGridView
' ... configure the gv here...
gv.AutoGenerateColumns = True
gv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
' ...
gv.DataSource = dt

VB.Net WebBrowser Navigate Only Working Once

Hoping someone can help me with this. I have two separate but related Forms, one of which contains a WebBrowser control. The user fills out some information on Form 1 and clicks a button with the following code:
If Form2Shown = False Then
Dim memoscreen As New Form2
Form2Ref = memoscreen
Form2Shown = True
memoscreen.TopMost = OptionOnTop
Dim memoscreen As Form2
memoscreen = Form2Ref
memoscreen.TopMost = OptionOnTop
End If
The QuickRefresh sub in Form2 is the method that navigates. It is called both when the form is loaded as well as manually in the code above:
Public Sub QuickRefresh()
Dim HM As Form1
HM = Form1Ref
Me.Text = "retrieving information..."
End Sub
The problem I'm having is that the first time QuickRefresh is called (i.e. when Form2 is loaded) the navigation is successful and the page displays fine. If I then click the button on Form1 again, the page does not change. The Text attribute and window focus does change however, so I know the method is firing.
Some things I've tried/checked:
AllowNavigation is set to True on the WebBrowser control
Have tried looping while the browser is busy while calling Application.DoEvents()
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
From your "Internet Options dialog > General Tab > Settings Button > Check for newer version of stored page" change that option to *Every Time I visit the webpage". That setting impacts how the webbrowser control deals with the refreshing.
Use the method refresh.
browser.Navigate("") : browser.Refresh()

Rewriting the Settings in Windows Forms

I have set the name of my Form text in the application settings and I need to rewrite it. Is it possible as it is showing me that it is only a readonly.
I know that we can simply change it by using me.text=""
But I have a problem in my application as I have the below code where On every time the form loads it is erasing the text.
Protected Overrides Sub OnLayout(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs)
'Me.Text = CStr(Val(Me.Text) + 1)
If FontColor.Items.Count = 0 Then
FontColor.MaxDropDownItems = 20
End If
If OutlineColor.Items.Count = 0 Then
OutlineColor.MaxDropDownItems = 20
End If
If BorderColor.Items.Count = 0 Then
BorderColor.MaxDropDownItems = 20
End If
If BackgroundColor.Items.Count = 0 Then
BackgroundColor.MaxDropDownItems = 20
End If
End Sub
Is there any workaround to do this?
most probably this is where your mistake is.
You are setting the text and then you are calling the base class OnLayout event which is probably causing the text to get back to default value. If you want to change something do it after you call the case class event handler.
If you are just trying to change the text of the form why not just use Form_Load event handler without calling the base event handler.
To answer your question about your Form Text in your application settings being readonly. Look at this MSDN Page.
From above Link:
There are two types of application settings, based on scope:
Application-scoped settings can be used for information such as a URL for a Web service or a database connection string. These values
are associated with the application. Therefore, users cannot change
them at run time.
User-scoped settings can be used for information such as persisting the last position of a form or a font preference. Users can change
these values at run time.
You can change the type of a setting by using the Scope property.
In short if your application setting is application scoped you can not it change at runtime, you have to use a user scoped setting or roll your own storage.
Edit: to add to #Bojan 's answer. The OnLayout event will be fired during the InitializeComponent() method and everytime you resize the form or change the size of a control. I would personally move your initialization to the Form_Load event or to New().
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
Me.Text = "Hello World"
End Sub

VB.NET Programmatically add code between tags

I have a custom control that does some work for me on async postbacks. Normally, I'd call the control directly from the presentation side using the following code on the ASPX page:
<mytag:CustomControl runat="server">
html (or other text) goes here
However, in my current application, I need to dymanically create the control from the codebehind, using code similar to the following:
Dim myControl As myClass.CustomControl = New myClass.CustomControl
myControl.ID = "someID"
myControl.?????? = "html (or other text) goes here"
When adding the control to the page dynamically, how do I add info that would normally be between the start and end tags if the control were added the normal, non-dynamic way?
Here's the actual control:
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As HtmlTextWriter)
Dim scriptmanagerPage As ScriptManager = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page)
If scriptmanagerPage Is Nothing Then
'Do nothing
'See if we are in a postback
If scriptmanagerPage.IsInAsyncPostBack Then
'We are in a postback; register the script
Dim stringbuilderWorking As New StringBuilder()
MyBase.Render(New HtmlTextWriter(New StringWriter(stringbuilderWorking)))
Dim stringScript As String = stringbuilderWorking.ToString()
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(ScanWorkXAJAX), UniqueID, stringScript, False)
'Not in a postback
End If 'In an async postback
End If 'Scriptmanager present
End Sub
What do you mean by data? More controls?
You can use
EDIT After question was clarified:
Add a literal control. i.e.
myControl.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<b>hello world</b><script type='text/javascript'>alert('hi');</script>"));
Do you mean FIND and append data to controls inside your dynamic control?
You can use the WebControl.FindControl method to find your control embedded in your custom control and then you can add data via its properties.
That depends on the properties of the custom control you are using. You may have to bind to a template to display so that events will be fired, it really just depends on your specific control.
Was able to accomplish this using a literal control.
Code above plus:
Dim myLiteral As LiteralControl = New LiteralControl
myLiteral.ID = "myLiteral"
myLiteral.Text = "html (or some other text) goes here"