giving ID and/or other variables for each php page - apache

Is there a simple php coding way how to add variable(s) "dynamic or fixed types" to include in a link so that the link doesn't show up as a clean url. And this an example of what I mean:
I hope it is clear what I'm up to.
P.S: this is all in Apache

The http_build_query function ( will convert an array of data into an urlencoded string of variables.
Example from the link above:
$data = array('foo'=>'bar',
'php'=>'hypertext processor');
echo http_build_query($data) . "\n";
will output

I am not sure i get it, but if you use a form with post, $_POST array will keep variables and they will not be visible in the url


Gravity PDF & Gravity Perks Nested Field

I'm using Gravity PDF and have a Nested field from Gravity Perks. I can view fields in the normal exploded results just fine, but am having trouble when I want to display the Nested field in a particular location using the PHP option.
To be clear, I can get the normal $form_data['field'] and $form_data['list'] options to work just fine. But when I try to get one of those to fire a Gravity Form Nested Field I have issues. I've used a lot of combinations...
<?php echo $form_data['field'][27.72]; ?>
<?php echo $form_data['gpnf'][27]['gpnf']; ?>
<?php echo $form_data['field'][27]['gpnf']; ?>
<?php echo $form_data['field']['gpnf_display_value_27_72']; ?>
Got it! Got it working earlier today and been fiddling with it all day. Just had to setup an API. First you use the original $form_data to get the Entry_ID
$client = $form_data['field'][32];
Then you point the API to the form_id you want:
$form_id2 = '27';
$entry2 = GFAPI::get_entry( $client );
And then it was a really easy variant of the rgar:
You need to setup $form_id2 and $entry2 or something like that because if you don't it changes the other ones in the PDF that are pointed at the original Form.
From here I've been able to customize the heck out of it.
Don't know the answer, but I use gravity forms and perks, and the perks support is really good and usually get back quickly with a response. Might try emailing them if you haven't already.

How to rewrite rules NginX in this example?

I am creating an API to feed some apps.
So the app could call these possible URLs to get information from the database;
In php I have already the code that grabs the tblname from the URL and give me back all the table content. It works good (it is not the final version).
But now I find myself copying and pasting the same code for each page where the URL points to. Here is the code:
include_once '../../../../class/db.php';
$split1 = explode("/", $filePath);
preg_match("/(?<=_)[^.]+/", $split1[5], $matches);
$tableName = $matches[0];
if ($verb=="GET") {
header("HTTP/1.1 200 ok");
if(isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type']=="arr"){
echo db::get_list($tableName,'arr');//Reply ARRAY
echo db::get_list($tableName);//Reply JSON
die("Nothing for you at this page!");
I mean, I have the same code inside each these pages.
I am not sure how to solve this situation but I think that this is case for
rewrite rules.
So, I think a possible solution is to create one page that could call
returncontent.php for example and create rules in the server that should point to the same page when certanlly pages are requested and pass the parameter $tableName to the page. I think I should pass the regex to my server and grab the $tableName with $_GET[] (I think) inside returncontent.php.
I am not sure about it.
I am using NginX.
How to implement it in this scenario?
As a rule, it's bad practice to parse a URI in NginX and pass the result downstream.
No changes to NginX needed. Parse the query param (file) in PHP.

How do I pull in page's "url path" field, via php, into the theme?

I'm trying to apply the page's url as a <div> id to be able to target some css on each individual page. After some characters cleanup I'm hoping to get <div id="test-page">.
I have tried pulling it in from the object that I get via
Unfortunately they are all (including one I need) protected and cannot be echoed out.
[urlPath:protected] => test-page/
Is there a function that I've missed and can use to pull that in? Or a proper method of getting it from the object? Cheers.
And of course, as soon as I posted a question I've found the answer:
I could not get the protected value from [urlPath:protected] => test-page/ when doing this:
$a = ipContent()->getBreadcrumb();
$a = $a[0];
$a = $a->urlPath;
Solution: The way you can pull this is is by replacing $a->urlPath with $a->getUrlPath().
It will work for all the elements in object. Like: $a->updatedAt; needs to be $a->getUpdatedAt();

Error 400 Your request is invalid in yii if i am creating link

I'm pretty new to Yii, so this might be a silly question. I must be missing something somewhere. Plz help me out.
I have just written a simple code while I'm learning Yii.
I have a spark controller which has an action that looks like this:
public function actionDownload($name){
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$name");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
echo $filecontent;
Now I have enabled SEO friendly URLs and echo statement in the view file to display the returned download file name.
But when I go to the URL,
I get error 400 - your request is invalid.
Plz let me know if I am missing something here.
Yii keeps an eye on the params you pass into an action function. Any params you pass must match what's in $_GET.
So if you're passing $name then you need to make sure there's $_GET['name'] available.
So check your URL manager in /config/main.php, and make sure you're declaring a GET var:
'spark/download/<name:[a-z0-9]+>' => 'site/download', // Setting up $_GET['name']
Otherwise change your function to the correct param variable:
public function actionDownload($anotherName){
Did you create the URL correct? You should do it best with
Make sure if you are properly supplying the parameter name ($name) in your request.
instead of just SITE_NAME/index.php/spark/download/db5250efc9a9684ceaa25cacedef81cd.pdf

Path cannot be indexed by google

My pages contain this kind of url:
which created by
"" . rawurlencode("") . "/"
HTML looks like
It occur lots of time on each pages, and I also added in sitemap.xml , but it only have one result in
It should have thousands pages.
I think the problem are:
- Google considers as those pages are typo pages.
- CITE tag will not be indexed.
- this kind of urls are invalid.
Shell I change anything?
Yes, if you can change the url still, go ahead and do change it.
Just make sure everything still works fine if you change it :)
or if you want you, may use some base_encode, then base_decode techniques.
$url = base64_encode($url) . '.htm';
$url = "" . $url;
then when displaying the actual page, get url later by decoding it
$url = str_replace("",'',$url);
$url = str_replace(".htm",'',$url);
$url = base64_decode($url);
//$url should contain the actual url afterwards