Setting state of a gen_server type application - error-handling

I am trying to find out whether it is possible to start a gen_server with a given state.
I would like to be able to set up a monitor/supervisor that restarts the server with its last valid state when this server crashes.
Any suggestion on how to tackle this problem would be very Welcome.
So far my only idea is to have a special handle_call/3 that changes the server state to the desired state when called, but I would like to avoid modifying the server module and handle this purely from my monitor/supervisor process if possible.
Thank you for your time.

gen_server:init takes argument Args. You can pass whatever state you want and set it as the state of the server. You can pass Args to start_link and it will pass it to init for you.
I think that in your case you might want to store the state in mnesia. That way you don't have to take care of passing last valid state to the gen_server. In case you don't want to start mnesia you can use ETS. Create public ETS in some process that won't die and use it from your gen_server (note that when server that created ets dies, the ets is destroyed)


Snakemake: how maintain a snakelike instance value across multiple instances of the same invocation

I want to save some information within the python code that is part of my snake file, and have this information available to the python code in every instance that snakemake creates when it is running the workflow. But a separate run of the workflow should have its own separate instance of information.
For example, say I were to create a UUID in my python code, and then later use it in the python code. But I want the UUID to be the same one in all running instances of the workflow. Instead, a new UUID gets created each time an instance is started.
If I start snakemake twice at the same time, I would want each of the two runs to create their own UUID, but within each run, all instances created by the run would use the same UUID. How to do this? Is there an identifier somewhere in the snakemake object that remains the same within one run across all instances, but changes from run to run?
Here's an example that fails with a 'No rule to produce' error:
import uuid
ID = str(uuid.uuid4())
print("ID:", ID)
rule all:
output: ID
run: print("Hello world")
If instead of 'run' it uses 'shell', it works fine, so I assume that Snakemake is rerunning the snakefile code when it executes the "run" portion of the rule. How could this be modified to work, to retain the first UUID value instead of generating a second one? Also, why isn't the ID specified for output in the rule captured when the rule is first processed, without requiring a second invocation of the python code? Since it works with 'shell', the second invocation is not needed specifically for processing the "output" statement.
Indeed, when you use a run block, Snakemake will invoke itself to execute that job, meaning that it also reparses the Snakefile, generating a new UUID. The same will happen on the cluster. There are good technical reasons for doing it like this (performance, the Python GIL, restrictions with pickling, simplicity and robustness of the implementation).
I am not sure what exactly you want to achieve, but it might help to look at this:
I've found a method that seems to work: use the process group ID:
ID = str(os.getpgrp())
Multiple instances of the same pipeline have the same group ID. However, I'm not sure if this remains true on a cluster, probably not. In my case that didn't matter.

Creation of A New Process in an OS

In the book 'Operating System Concepts' - 9th Edition - Chapter 3 - Page 117 - Page 120 it says:
Both processes (the parent and the child) continue execution at the instruction after the fork(), with one difference: the return code for the fork() is zero for the new (child) process, whereas the (nonzero) process identifier of the child is returned to the parent.
The only difference is that the value of pid (the process identifier) for the child process is zero, while that for the parent is an integer value greater than zero (in fact, it is the actual pid of the child process).
Please can someone explain this concept to me.
Whenever a processor(CPU) runs a program , it stores the line number of the code it is executing (more formally address pointing to that instruction).The computer stores it in a register (kind of variable) called as stack pointer. So the stack pointer(SP) will store the current instruction processor has to execute (or run). This way computer track which instruction should be executed .
When a program runs , it is allocated some small memory in the computer's main memory.Here's where all our code along with important registers(including SP) which help processor to keep track of program when it's running.Too a process is uniquely identified by Process ID(PID).
Now let me come to your question. Whenever we call fork , a copy of the program from which you called fork is created. This copy is called as the "child process" and our original process is known as parent process.
When the copy created , all the memory that your program has been allocated is copied to some other place in memory (which is now child process's memory).So an identical running program(process) is created.
Now this copied memory contains the SP of the parent process , so whenever processor runs the program it directly runs the program from the same fork call line (since SP will store this line as current instruction when the process is created).Since our fork call was successful , it has to return a non-negative value (denoting success of fork system call)So it return 0 to the child process and child process ID to the parent(since the current Process ID was pointing here too).
Returning Child Process ID to parent makes a good deal since it's better that parent can keep a track of child process created from it.Too returning child a 0 make the deal even better as we have to return a non-negative number and other positive number may be some process's PID.
Run cd /proc in your linux system . All the directories having some numeral name are pid of some process(which may be active/inactive).Read more about it to clear the concept.
Hope that clears your doubt :).
when you call fork in your code it returns two values in case call is success one for parent (the code run by parent) and zero for child (the code run by child)
int childparent;
childparent = fork();
if (childparent >=0)
if (childparent==0)
//child code
if (childparent>0)
//parent code
the pid 0 mention in your sentence is not the process id shown by shell command ps
Edit: yes the code running in the parent (if childparent>0) case is running in context of that specific child which is just created. so return value to parent is the child actual Process ID (PID). if you fork in your simple code and sleep for long time in code enough to run ps you can match the PIDs shown in PS and printf in parent the return value of the fork() (printf("%d",childparent))
fork() makes a complete copy of the current process by creating a new process and then filling it with the current process. It chooses one to be the parent and the other to be the child. It indicates the difference only by adjusting the return value of fork(). If the process(es) ignore the return value, they behave identically. (There are some rarely significant other differences between the processes related to signal handling and delivery, file descriptors opened with special attributes, memory maps, etc.)
When you think you begin to understand it, look at this to see if you do.
I had this doubt when I was reading the book too. The answer is as follows:
When the main program (parent) executes fork(), a copy of its address space, including the program and all data, is created. System call fork() returns the child process ID to the parent and returns 0 to the child process. Both the parent and the child process can now start their execution from the immediate next line after the fork system call.
Let me illustrate this with a simple example.
Consider this code:
if(pid == 0) // Condition to determine Parent/Child Process
void ChildProcess()
//Some Arbitrary Code
void ParentProcess()
//Some Arbitrary Code
This snippet explains that based on a condition, both the processes (parent and child) can now execute in their own pre-defined way.
In the above example, say the process id of the child is 3456, then the parent would get that id as the return value from fork. However, the child will always get the process-id as 0 and then the execution continues.
The design of the fork() call is such because the complete administration of the child process(es) can now be handled by the parent and the parent can always keep a note of which of the child processes terminates, normally or abnormally, by implicitly/explicitly invoking exit() system call. A parent may also simply wait for the child by making a wait() system call which then return the pid of the child and in this way, the parent can keep a note of which child has terminated.
This is how child process creation and termination is handled.
There is one more thing I would like to add here which is not completely relevant to the question but I think would be helpful.
You would also have noticed the description of the exec() system call immediately after this discussion in the book. In short, both the discussions explain this:
Forking provides a way for an existing process to start a new one, but
what about the case where the new process is not part of the same
program as parent process? This is the case in the shell; when a user
starts a command it needs to run in a new process, but it is unrelated
to the shell.
This is where the exec system call comes into play. exec will replace
the contents of the currently running process with the information
from a program binary.
Thus the process the shell follows when launching a new program is to
firstly fork, creating a new process, and then exec (i.e. load into
memory and execute) the program binary it is supposed to run.
If you would like to know more about the fork() system call then you should also know about its internal implementation, especially how the clone() system call works.
Reference Sites:
The fork() system call article by MTU
How Fork & Exec work together

What's a good name for a class that takes network commands and executes them?

So say I have this class that is just responsible for taking NetworkRequest's and handling their execution on a given server... what do I name it? I can think of lots of verb names but I want to avoid that.

Void-returning functions in UML sequence diagrams

I have a problem with the sequence model seen in the diagram below, specifically where the System object is creating a new Number. In this case, there is no need for a return message since the function SaveInput(n), both in System and Number, is the end of the line for that portion of the program, but unless I include one, the modeller reshaped my diagram into the other one I've uploaded here, and I can't see how to arrange the messages so that my program will work the way I intend without including the return message (the one without a name) from Number to System, since the functions SaveInput() both return a void.
How should void-returning functions be handled in sequence diagrams so that they behave correctly? I have opened the message properties and explicitly defined it as returning a void, but that hasn't helped.
When A calls operation b in B, the "return" arrow from B to A indicates the end of the operation b has finished its execution. This doesn´t mean that as part of the return message you have to return a value, it only means that the execution is done and you can continue with the next messages. Visually, most tools also use these return messages to manage the life bar of the object.

RFC for remote call transaction

How do I call the SAP report (for example RSPARAM) with help JCo?
What RFC may be used to remotely call SA38 transaction with RSPARAM (e.t.c.) as parameter and then return results for later work ?
RFC is for calling function modules, not programs. It's possible to use some generic function module to start a report, but since you'll usually want to process the results of the program and the program does not know that it was meant to deliver its results in a machine-readable way, you probably won't get too far this was. What exactly are you trying to do?
With the nearly infinite possible results of calling a transaction, i don't think there is a RFC to execute such an operation and return a result. What would be the result in case of an ALV display, or if the program then wait for some interactions ?
You can display a transaction in SAP portal using transactions Iviews. You're then using the portal page as a HTMLGui for your transaction.
also, some FM can sometime be used to perform operations instead of a full program (ie HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION instead of pa30).
Edition : since you want the result of RRSPARAM, you could encapsulate the "important" part (form SHOW_ACTUAL_PAR_VALUES_ALV) in a module function accessible by RFC, and returning a table of CST_RSPFPAR_ALV (ie the same structure that is displayed in the report)
If You don't find a function to call, just create one by yourself. Tag it as callable from outside via RFC and in the coding, perform such things as "submit report xyz with param1 = value1 ... and return ... exporting list to memory". Then you can even return list output from this. Define the interface of the freshly created function module as you need (that means, report name as input, list output as a table of strings, e.g.). Attention, there is of course a big security risk, having an remote function accepting variable reportnames. But I am sure You know :-)