Are delegate methods privately declared? - objective-c

In my view controller's viewDidLoad method, I create an NSURLConnection
NSURLConnection *theConnection=[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:theRequest
You can see I set the delegate to self.
Then I implemented the delegate method
-(void) connection: (NSURLConnection*) connection didReceiveResponse: (NSURLResponse*) reponse {
This implementation is only defined in the #implementation ViewController #end block, and it is not declared in the ViewController's #interface.
So I guess this method is private? It compiles and runs well. But I just can't call this method like [self connection: connection didReceiveResponse: response] in the ViewController's own methods.
What's the explanation?

The methods are declared via your inclusion of the NSURLConnectionDelegate protocol in the class's interface definition:
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <NSURLConnectionDelegate>
This tells the compiler that your class promises to implement all the required methods of that protocol, and that it may implement the optional methods (as it happens, this particular protocol has only optional methods). So the declarations exist publicly, they're just in another file.

The method is "private" inasmuch as it is possible to have a private method in Objective-C. You actually can call the method from outside of the class, even if it's not declared in the interface. This is possible by way of Objective-C's dynamism in how it handles method calls -- any object can receive any message (the obj-c lingo for method), but whether or not the object can actually do something with that method depends on any number of things. Check out Object Messaging in Apple's docs.
The short answer is that your code works as you have it because an implementation of your method exists in your class, and Objective-C knows how to find it at runtime regardless of your class interface.


Can subclass override non-public methods

I have two classes: BatchDownloader, SpeechDownlader
BatchDownloader is the base class, and SpeechDownloader inherited it.
In BatchDownloader, whenever one file was downloaded, -(void)downloadComplete:task will be called.
But in SpeechDownloader, I also want to post a notification in downloadComplete:task.
Can I just write the method with the same name in SpeechDownloader's implementation ? or there is a better way ?
p.s. I don't want to make -(void)downloadComplete:task public, because it should only be called by itself.
If you implement a method in a subclass that has the same name as a private method in a superclass, your subclass method will be called on instances of your subclass.
i.e., if you implement a method in your superclass like this, without declaring it anywhere:
#implementation classA
- (void)doSomething {
Then, in your subclass implementation, implement a method with the same name:
#implementation subclassOfA
- (void)doSomething {
When you call doSomething on an instance of your subclass, the subclass implementation will be called instead of the superclass implementation, so the code in this example will result in "b" being printed to the console.
However, if you also want to access the superclass implementation of the method, you can use:
- (void)doSomething {
[super doSomething];
This will also call the superclass implementation. If you get a compile error (due to the method being private and super not appearing to implement it), you can use [super performSelector:#selector(doSomething)] instead to do exactly the same thing.
This happens because of the way the Objective-C runtime looks up method calls. Since these methods have exactly the same method signature (same name, return type and arguments [none]), they are considered equal, and the runtime always checks the class of the object before looking in superclasses, so it will find the subclass method implementation first.
Also, this means you can do this:
classA *test = [subclassOfA new];
[test doSomething];
And, surprise surprise, the console will print "b" (Or "a b" if you called the super implementation too).
If you implement the method with the same method signature it will be called faith your implementation, public or not.

Accessing a method in a super class when it's not exposed

In a subclass, I'm overriding a method that is not exposed in the super class. I know that I have the correct signature as it is successfully overriding the superclass implementation. However, as part of the the new implementation, I need to call the superclass's implementation from the subclass's implementation.
Because it's not exposed I have to invoke the method via a call to performSelector:
SEL superClassSelector = NSSelectorFromString(#"methodToInvoke");
[super performSelector:superClassSelector];
However, in my application this results in an infinite recursive loop where the subclass's implementation is invoked every time I try to invoke the superclass's implementation.
Any thoughts?
I realize this is an atypical situation but unfortunately there's no way to get around what I'm trying to do.
The way I've dealt with this is to re-declare your super class' interface in your subclass implementation file with the method you want to call from the subclass
#interface MySuperclass()
- (void)superMethodIWantToCall;
#implementation MySubclass
- (void)whateverFunction {
//now call super method here
[super superMethodIWantToCall];
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do things but it is simple and works for me!
This doesn't work because you're only sending performSelector:, not the selector you pass to that, to the superclass. performSelector: still looks up the method in the current class's method list. Thus, you end up with the same subclass implementation.
The simplest way to do this may be to just write in your own call to objc_msgSendSuper():
// Top level (this struct isn't exposed in the runtime header for some reason)
struct objc_super
id __unsafe_unretained reciever;
Class __unsafe_unretained superklass;
// In the subclass's method
struct objc_super sup = {self, [self superclass]};
objc_msgSendSuper(&sup, _cmd, other, args, go, here);
This can cause problems in the general case, as Rob Napier has pointed out below. I suggested this based on the assumption that the method has no return value.
One way to go is to create a category of your class in a separate file with the method you are trying to expose
#interface MyClass (ProtectedMethods)
- (void)myMethod;
and on the .m
#implementation MyClass (ProtectedMethods)
- (void)myMethod {
Then, import this category from your .m files, and you're good to go. It's not the prettiest thing, but it'll do the trick

How to avoid subclass inadvertently overriding superclass private method

I'm writing a library, which will potentially be used by people that aren't me.
Let's say I write a class:
#interface InterestingClass: NSObject
- (id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)Identifier;
#interface InterestingClass()
- (void)interestingMethod;
#implementation InterestingClass
- (id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)Identifier {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[self interestingMethod];
return self;
- (void)interestingMethod {
//do some interesting stuff
What if somebody is using the library later down the line and decides to create a subclass of InterestingClass?:
#interface InterestingSubClass: InterestingClass
#interface InterestingSubClass()
- (void)interestingMethod;
#implementation InterestingSubClass
- (void)interestingMethod {
//do some equally interesting, but completely unrelated stuff
The future library user can see from the public interface that initWithIdentifier is a method of the superclass. If they override this method, they'll probably assume (correctly) that the superclass method should be called in the subclass implementation.
However, what if they define a method (in the subclass private interface) which inadvertently has the same name as an unrelated method in the superclass 'private' interface? Without them reading the superclass private interface, they won't know that instead of just creating a new method, they've also overridden something in the superclass. The subclass implementation may end up getting called unexpectedly, and the work that the superclass is expecting to be done when calling the method will not get done.
All of the SO questions I've read seem to suggest that this is just the way that ObjC works and that there isn't a way of getting around it. Is this the case, or can I do something to protect my 'private' methods from being overridden?
Alternatively, is there any way to scope the calling of methods from my superclass so I can be sure that the superclass implementation will be called instead of a subclass implementation?
AFAIK, the best you can hope for is declaring that overrides must call super. You can do that by defining the method in the superclass as:
- (void)interestingMethod NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;
This will compile-time flag any overrides that don't call super.
For framework code a simple way to deal with this is to just give all of your private methods a private prefix.
You'll often notice in stack traces that the Apple frameworks call private methods often starting with an under bar _.
This would only really be a real concern if you are indeed providing a framework for external use where people can not see your source.
Don't start your methods with an under bar prefix as this convention is already reserved

Given (id <MyDelegate>)delegate, can you tell what kind of class delegate is?

When passing a delegate to MyClass like this,
- (MyClass *)initWithDelegate:(id <MyDelegate>)delegate {..}
is it somehow possible to tell what kind of class my delegate is? Being defined as id, delegate doesn't seem to respond to any method calls like class, description, respondsToSelector etc.
I'd like to be able to track who is calling MyClass!
Thanks in advance!
You can call [delegate class]; to get the class of the delegate.
If delegate doesn't respond to that, that means it is nil.
Now that you mention that you get compiler errors, then your delegate doesn't conform to the protocol NSObject. So the compiler doesn't recognize it as an NSObject. You should modify the declaration of your protocol MyDelegate to the following:
#protocol MyDelegate <NSObject>
// ...
In the case when you can't modify the protocol itself, you could simply write:
- (MyClass*) initWithDelegate:(id<NSObject, MyDelegate>)delegate {..}
Then the 'class' property will be available. You can replace NSObject (or add additional protocols) to support (and thus require the argument to be of) other types. For example:
- (MyClass*) initWithDelegate:(id<NSObject, NSCoding, MyDelegate>)delegate {..}

How to create a delegator in objective C?

I am trying to learn, how to implement delegation pattern in objective C. But the discussion almost exclusively concentrates on the adoption of protocols and then implementing the delegate methods that come with particular protocol - or - the delegation principle alone - or protocols alone.
What I am unable to find, is a easy to understand material about how to write a class that will serve as a delegator. By that I mean the class, which the message of some event will come from and which will provide the protocol for receiving that message - kind of 2in1 description. (protocols and delegation).
For the purpose of my learning, I'd like to go along the following trivial example, using an iPhone, a Cocoa touch application and Xcode4.2, using ARC, no Storyboard or NIBs.
Let's have a class with name "Delegator", which is a subclass of NSObject. The Delegator class has NSString instance variable named "report" and adopts the UIAccelerometerDelegate protocol.In the Delegator implementation, I will implement the the delegate method
-(void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration
This delegate method will create a NSString #"myReport" and store it in the report variable anytime there is an accelerometer event. Further, I want to have a second class named ReportsStorage (a subclass of NSobject), which can store some Nsstring (report) in its instance variable called latestReport.
So far so good.
Now lets get back to theDelegator Class. I'd like to implement a protocol in Delegator named ReportsDelegate which will notify the class that adopts it (the ReportsStorage class), that a report was generated and will pass this report through the delegate method, which should be (I believe) something like this
-(void)delegator:(Delegator *)delegator didCreateNewReport:(NSString *)report;
Can you please provide the code for Delegator Class (incl. the "delegate" property), that will achieve this, with a description what each line of code means?
Thanks in advance, EarlGrey
You'll need to declare the delegate property as an id<ReportsDelegate> type. That is, any object type (id) conforming to the ReportsDelegate protocol (<ReportsDelegate>). Then, if the delegate method is considered optional, check if the delegate responds to that selector before calling it. (respondsToSelector:).
Like so:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Provide a forward declaration of the "Delegator" class, so that we can use
// the class name in the protocol declaration.
#class Delegator;
// Declare a new protocol named ReportsDelegate, with a single optional method.
// This protocol conforms to the <NSObject> protocol
#protocol ReportsDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)delegator:(Delegator *)delegator didCreateNewReport:(NSString *)report;
// Declare the actual Delegator class, which has a single property called 'delegate'
// The 'delegate' property is of any object type, so long as it conforms to the
// 'ReportsDelegate' protocol
#interface Delegator : NSObject
#property (weak) id<ReportsDelegate> delegate;
#import "Delegator.h"
#implementation Delegator
#synthesize delegate;
// Override -init, etc. as needed here.
- (void)generateNewReportWithData:(NSDictionary *)someData {
// Obviously, your report generation is likely more complex than this.
// But for purposes of an example, this works.
NSString *theNewReport = [someData description];
// Since our delegate method is declared as optional, check whether the delegate
// implements it before blindly calling the method.
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(delegator:didCreateNewReport:)]) {
[self.delegate delegator:self didCreateNewReport:theNewReport];