Why do view controllers in my Storyboard keep disappearing? - objective-c

The View Controllers in my Storyboard file keep disappearing.
As of now I have to press the up arrow and highlight over every single item to reinstate my view controllers.
What can I do to get rid of this problem and is there something else I can do to reinstate these disappearing view controllers onto my storyboard?

This is a bug... Usually i'm able to fix it by closing the storyboard and re-opening it.

I was able to fix mine by resetting xcode completely. Try this: http://www.developers-life.com/uninstallresetting-xcode.html


UINavigationItem is not deleting from Navigator

The UINavigationItem is not deleting from the Navigator. It seems like it's locked on there and the viewcontroller.
How do I remove it?
You may have previously done embed-in NavigationController without noticing it. So go check that at menu editor.
Moreover, it's better that you unplug all associated navigation controller. So right click your item and see outlet to find if anything connected. If so, remove them all. After all this done, you should be able to remove the item properly.

Autolayout works when viewController is loaded from XIB but does not work when loaded from Storyboard

I Have a project here. Autolayout constraints is working only when loaded from a Xib file.
When you run the project you will see a single screen with a NSPagecontroller on it that has two views (swipe left/right to get the other view).
Both views are exactly the same with the exact same auto layout constraints on it. One is loaded using Xib, while the other is loaded using Story board.
Try resizing the window when the xib loaded one is on screen. You can see every thing resizes correctly. Now swipe the screen left. Try resizing the window now. The view loaded from story board will not autosize.
Is this Apple bug?
The views are not exactly the same. If I delete the view in the storyboard, and copy-paste the view from the xib, then the storyboard version behaves as expected.
The trouble with all of this storyboard/xib constraints goodness is that they are a complete pain to debug if something goes wrong.
Try spot the difference:
(1) ViewController.xib
For this reason, I tend to handle all of my constraints in code these days.
Top left button comparison:
(1) ViewController.xib
The other buttons constraints differ also.

How come my uitextfield(s) keeps being disabled after model?

I made an app for my wife to track inventory. it has a couple of view controllers to enter a new item, display all items, search items, and display selected item. After switching through each view a couple of times (no particular order) all of the textfields become disabled (you cannot select them to change the value) across ALL of the view controllers. The buttons still work however. I have it setup so that when the user enters info into a particular cell, it saves it into memory so that if they switch views and then come back, the cells will get the data in the viewdidload method. Please Help!
*edit - I am using storyboard with a bunch of segues (i'm new to programming and self taught, so idk if this is the right way or not)... here is a pic of my storyboard
Ok, with a look at your storyboard, I think I see your problem. If your storyboard looks like somebody spilled spaghetti on it, it's not designed correctly. Specifically, it looks like you're going "backwards" (to controllers you've already been to) using segues -- that's not good. SEGUES ALWAYS INSTANTIATE NEW CONTROLLERS! So, if you go around in a circle a few times, you're adding more and more controllers to your project. To go backwards using segues, you need to use an unwind segue -- it's the only one that is an exception to the rule that segues always instantiate new controllers. The other ways to go backwards, without segues, are popping with navigation controllers, and dismissing modal controllers.
I can't really diagnose your immediate problem without a lot more information, but redesigning the storyboard using unwind segues would probably fix your problem.

UINavigationController inside UITabBarController - Two Navigation Bars?

Here are the steps I've followed - pretty much this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFNtD098Bbk&feature=player_embedded
Create new Tab Bar Application
Looking at MainWindow.xib I drag a UIViewController in
Drag one of the tabs View Controllers onto the UIViewController
Set up buttons and actions top push the new view
Note I have no idea how he did the last step in the video, dragging one tab object onto another won't work for me
The navigation works fine, the new view gets pushed and all that jazz. But when I go to the tab that has the navigation controller it has two navigationBar's.
I can't find where to get rid of this for the life of me. It must be something really simple but I've been searching for way too long.
None of the many tutorials I've found have this problem, not does the project files of those tutorials even though my project looks pretty much the same as theirs in IB.
Does anyone know how I can get rid of the useless navigation bar?
I'm using Xcode version 4.0.1
Not sure how I missed it but the answer was stupidly simple.
Just needed to delete the UIToolbar from the nib file, can't believe I didn't find that earlier.

popViewController problem in tableViewController

In my app delegate I have a navigationController property.
In my first view I have some buttons and tapping them will make another view appear when it is pushed on navController.
In this new view there is another button to open a UITableViewController by pushing it on the navController.
The problem is in the last view, UITableViewController, in fact in viewDidLoad, if I have no data, I try to pop it off the navigationController but my app crashes.
However, if I connect the pop to a button it works great.
I reference my app delegate instance in order to popViewControllerAnimated:, so what is the problem?
I'm not sure what's wrong with the code, can you post your viewDidLoad method?
Also, is it possible to check whether your table will have data BEFORE you push the tableView onto the nav stack? That would be a much cleaner UI, rather than showing and then immediately popping a view. If there is no data, disable the button that launches the table view.