How to click on Toolbar Item with selenium? - selenium

Web page contain a button with some text for example "Test". This button actually is a toolbar element. ( class ="tbButton" id="id",text="Test") and redirects to a certain table when press on it.
When try to use the following click methods"id");
selenium.doubleClick("id");"//*[text()='Test'and contains(#class, 'tbButton')] ");
the button does not react
Could enybody show an alternative methods that is able to resolve a problem

It's hard to know exactly what the problem is without knowing more about the actual contents of the page you are testing. Is there an example of the toolbar online somewhere?
With modern interfaces, locating elements with Selenium is not always an exact science. Here are a few suggestions:
With modern interfaces you often find that the DOM is being manipulated, so it is possible that the identifier you are using is no longer valid by the time you get to your click(). Use Firebug to check that you have the correct element.
Often it helps to click on the parent of the element, such as a div or the parent table cell. Again, use FireBug, to try some other elements near your toolbar button. Alternatively, Firebug sometimes reveals that the element contains other elements. You might have more luck changing the target to a contained element instead.
Sometimes you have to play around with some of the alternative actions. For instance, some controls respond to a mouseDown() followed by a mouseUp(), but not to a click(). Again you can often get hints from looking at the source with Firebug.


Unable to click on Radio Button

Please, I don't know why but I can't click on this radio button.
I'm trying by xpath, css, id... but anything works.
Always I get the error: no such element: Unable to locate element
And I added an explicit wait, but it still not working.
Now, I'm trying it but not works as well:
WebElement radio = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='form-inputs-container']/ul/li[3]/label"));;
I need click on multiple destinations radio on this website:
Can you help me, please ?
It looks like your xpath is wrong Try with below xpath it will work
For first radio button: //form[#class="tc-form-full-flight"]//label[#for="tt1"]/following-sibling::div
For second radio button: //form[#class="tc-form-full-flight"]//label[#for="tt2"]/following-sibling::div
For third radio button: //form[#class="tc-form-full-flight"]//label[#for="tt3"]/following-sibling::div
Hope this will be helpful!!!
This should work //input[#id='tt3'] or //input[#value='MultiDestino']
You can evaluate xpath in chrome console like this $x("//input[#value='MultiDestino']")
The xpath you have returned empty []
Locator is incorrect. More than that - even if it was valid, this way of finding elements is unreliable (you've used an element position - [3] in case of order change, locator will brake). I suggest css selector:
For locators, you should always start with something that is highly unlikely to change. Typically that's IDs, names, and various other custom attributes depending on the site. In this site's case, the three radio buttons you are looking at each have an ID.
Side note... sometimes sites/pages don't respect HTML standards that require the ID to be unique on the page so even if your desired element has an ID, always check to make sure it's unique on the page. In this case, the IDs are unique.
To click the multiple destinations radio button, you can use the code below.
In some of your comments, it looks like Selenium might be having a hard time clicking on the INPUT itself and the LABEL is working. If that's the case, then you can change the locator slightly and use the code below
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#tt3 + label")).click();
In the CSS selector above, # means ID and + means next sibling. See the W3C docs for more info.

Getting "Nosuch element Exception" in Selenium Though XPATH is correct. Not sure is this due to Shadow DOM. Please confirm

I am trying to automate Salesforce application Using Selenium and getting NoSuchelementException though XPATH is correct and valid for particular object. When i have searched the issue, it might be reason for Shadow DOM.
For EX:
So XAPTH i have written like,
This XPATH is highlighting in Console as well. But while automating it throws nosuchelement error.
So while checking for ShadowDOM option, am getting option like this for Name Object.
Shadowroot DIV
-- nothing mentioned in div. it just open and closed tags.
How to automate this?
You can check if there are any iframes in your Dom. Simply do //iframe in your page developer mode(F12)> elements tab > search (Ctrf+F) area. If there are any, you will get the number of iframes.
Now if your textbox is in any of iframe use below code to go inside particular iframe first
driver.switch_to.frame("<name or Id of frame>")
then come out to frame use below:
Also, if the issue is not related to frames check below for shadow-root related issue:
you can check below for shadow-root element ( Question is for Java, but you can co-relate):
How to interact with the elements within #shadow-root (open) while Clearing Browsing Data of Chrome Browser using cssSelector
The website contents are mostly created now using javascript. You may have to wait for certain elements to load before doing anything to it.

Selenium- How to validate if the element has certain styles

I need to write a test script to validate that a button is present on the page and the button becomes sticky and stays attached at the bottom of the screen for mobile breakpoint.
I have already written a script where it resizes the browser window. However, How do i prove that a button remains sticky to the footer no matter how much scrolling user does.
Button retains its id and place in the DOM when its styling changes for the mobile view.
I need solution for all major browsers but if someone can guide me for Chrome that should be good enough.
I have looked into getComputedStyle but i think its bit messy. i am looking for more elegant solution using some library.
This check is baked in selenium - there's a webelement method isDisplayed() returning a boolean. Here's a link to the Java bindings -
And if you're wandering if this is a "real" check is the element in the viewport, here's the webdriver's explanation how it's done - (in summary: yes, as much as this can be done).

Serenity BDD - How to reload page elements using pagefactory

i'm having a issue regarding element loading using pagefactory:
#Findy(id = painelDeContole)
private WebElementFacade painelDeControleBtn;
The trick is,
on this menu i have to do a mouse-over action on "... mais" to open a sub-menu like this:
But when i call painelDeControleBtn.isVisible() it's return false. (Last image, second icon)
I need some way to reload the page element and truly verify if the element is visible after the mouse-over action.
I've already searched for some method to do this inside PageObject and WebElementFacade but hasn't found any.
I'd like to maintaing the usage of pagefactory if possible..
Because of the way #FindBy loads elements, it may be present on the screen but not yet visible, or it may not wait until the element appears before returning the result. To do this reliably you will get better results with dynamic lookups, e.g.

Can't click element inside iframe

On the screenhsot below is HTML-code of iframe.
The first two red marked object can be identified by Webdriver however the last marked (which is a button) can't be clicked by Webdriver. I have tried click it using different ways (like click by id, name, etc). But I still can't click the submit button.
Please help me to click that submit button inside the frame.
You need to use switchTo().frame() to access content within a frame or iframe.
driver.switchTo().frame("name"); // where name is the name of the iframe i.e. name="frameName", you would use framename
driver.switchTo().frame(0); // You can switch to the frame by index
driver.switchTo().frame(element); // You can switch to the frame by a WebElement reference
In your particular case you can use:
To switch out of the frame after you're done within the iframe context:
Same issue happened to me today. It might be simply due to you not switching to the frame, or it could be something I experienced.
This happened to me in IE only. In Chrome there is no problem at all.
Actual Code
As you can see, I did switch to the frame to make sure this element could be found. But, it could not be. The only solution that I found was to put Thread.Sleep(2000) to make it pass. I am not quite sure why, but I guess it has something to do with the content not being available in the DOM.