What is the difference between using a DataContext class and SqlConnection? - vb.net

This might be a very vague question but I guess I don't really understand what is going on. I asked a question earlier where I was told a simple way to "bind data to objects" is to just run a SqlConnection(connectionString). The response also included a comment saying I could get fancy with L2S and Entity Frameworks, so I looked deeper into those. It seems all you have to do with the DataContext object is point to the database. Why would SqlConnection be a benefit?
What is the difference (or pros/cons) of using either one of these? Is one more "standard"? Is one more modern?
P.S. I asked a lot of questions that don't all need to be answered. I just wanted to add some clarity to my question and how much I don't really understand this topic.

SqlConnection is part of the base, raw ADO.NET class library - the SQL Server part of that library, really. This is the foundation of all data access in .NET.
With raw ADO.NET, you're pretty "bare-bones" and close to the metal - you have to create your SQL queries and execute them, you get back rows and columns, very much like a relational database will give you.
Pros: really close to the SQL, really powerful, best performance
Cons: harder to write, more "glue" code, less type safety, tighter coupling to the underlying database structure
DataContext (Linq-to-SQL) or ObjectContext (Entity Framework) are higher level abstractions - they sit on top of ADO.NET, but they (Linq-to-SQL or Entity Framework) offer so called ORM capabilities - here, you're not really dealing with raw SQL statements and rows/columns, instead, those code generators will create an abstraction layer for you - which is built up from .NET objects. Each table in the database will be turned into a corresponding .NET class, with properties for all the columns in that table.
Also, with L2S and EF, you're typically using LINQ to query - your queries are much more C# like code, and L2s / EF will handle translating those queries you express in C# into actual SQL statements that SQL Server will execute.
Pros: much easier to work with, much nicer to handle (objects with properties vs. raw rows/columns), type safety, ability to query with LINQ, higher dev productivity
Cons: another layer means more translations, a hit on performance, not well suited for certain things (like bulk operations)


How does Dapper compare to ADO.NET?

When should Dapper be used instead of ADO.NET?
I would like to understand the pros and cons of Dapper over ADO.NET. What are the advantages of Dapper that would motivate its use?
Dapper is just a tool. What it does is:
make it trivially easy to correctly parameterize queries
make it trivially easy to execute queries (scalar, multi-rows, multi-grids, and no-results)
make it trivially easy to turn results into objects
very efficiently and quickly
What it doesn't do is:
generate a class model for you
generate queries for you
track objects and their changes so you can just call SubmitChanges() (or whatever)
The raw dapper library doesn't provide CRUD features, but the "contrib" additional package does provide basic CRUD.
Basically, it isn't a full-weight ORM, but if you just want to run queries without having to fight an ORM, or pay the overheads associated with an ORM, it is pretty great. If you don't know SQL, the raw library probably isn't for you ("contrib" should be fine, though), but lots of people not only know SQL, but they want to be in control of the SQL (rather than letting the ORM come up with some interpretation of your intent that has not been optimized, etc).
To summarize, reasons might be:
you want excellent raw execution performance with minimal overheads
you want to retain control over your SQL
you don't need or want the object-tracking features of a full-fat ORM
As for "vs ADO.NET":
raw ADO.NET involves a lot more code to write and a lot of edge-cases to remember about (that dapper deals with internally without you needing to worry about them)
but it isn't actually faster - dapper does a lot of meta-programming to store and re-use strategies once it has done what it needs for your query
if you are using provider-specific features that aren't available in raw ADO.NET (for example, passing/fetching SqlGeometry data), those are not directly availalbe in dapper - you'd need to implement an interface to tell it how to handle your scenario, but that isn't hard (note that the specific SqlGeometry example is handled by an additional dapper library)

Entity Framework VS LINQ to SQL VS ADO.NET with stored procedures? [closed]

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How would you rate each of them in terms of:
Speed of development
Neat, intuitive, maintainable code
I like my SQL and so have always been a die-hard fan of ADO.NET and stored procedures but I recently had a play with Linq to SQL and was blown away by how quickly I was writing out my DataAccess layer and have decided to spend some time really understanding either Linq to SQL or EF... or neither?
I just want to check, that there isn't a great flaw in any of these technologies that would render my research time useless. E.g. performance is terrible, it's cool for simple apps but can only take you so far.
Can you concentrate on EF VS L2S VS SPs rather than ORM VS SPs. I'm mainly interested by EF VS L2S. But am keen to have them compared against stored procs too since plain SQl is something I know a lot about.
First off, if you're starting a new project, go with Entity Framework ("EF") - it now generates much better SQL (more like Linq to SQL does) and is easier to maintain and more powerful than Linq to SQL ("L2S"). As of the release of .NET 4.0, I consider Linq to SQL to be an obsolete technology. MS has been very open about not continuing L2S development further.
1) Performance
This is tricky to answer. For most single-entity operations (CRUD) you will find just about equivalent performance with all three technologies. You do have to know how EF and Linq to SQL work in order to use them to their fullest. For high-volume operations like polling queries, you may want to have EF/L2S "compile" your entity query such that the framework doesn't have to constantly regenerate the SQL, or you can run into scalability issues. (see edits)
For bulk updates where you're updating massive amounts of data, raw SQL or a stored procedure will always perform better than an ORM solution because you don't have to marshal the data over the wire to the ORM to perform updates.
2) Speed of Development
In most scenarios, EF will blow away naked SQL/stored procs when it comes to speed of development. The EF designer can update your model from your database as it changes (upon request), so you don't run into synchronization issues between your object code and your database code. The only time I would not consider using an ORM is when you're doing a reporting/dashboard type application where you aren't doing any updating, or when you're creating an application just to do raw data maintenance operations on a database.
3) Neat/Maintainable code
Hands down, EF beats SQL/sprocs. Because your relationships are modeled, joins in your code are relatively infrequent. The relationships of the entities are almost self-evident to the reader for most queries. Nothing is worse than having to go from tier to tier debugging or through multiple SQL/middle tier in order to understand what's actually happening to your data. EF brings your data model into your code in a very powerful way.
4) Flexibility
Stored procs and raw SQL are more "flexible". You can leverage sprocs and SQL to generate faster queries for the odd specific case, and you can leverage native DB functionality easier than you can with and ORM.
5) Overall
Don't get caught up in the false dichotomy of choosing an ORM vs using stored procedures. You can use both in the same application, and you probably should. Big bulk operations should go in stored procedures or SQL (which can actually be called by the EF), and EF should be used for your CRUD operations and most of your middle-tier's needs. Perhaps you'd choose to use SQL for writing your reports. I guess the moral of the story is the same as it's always been. Use the right tool for the job. But the skinny of it is, EF is very good nowadays (as of .NET 4.0). Spend some real time reading and understanding it in depth and you can create some amazing, high-performance apps with ease.
EDIT: EF 5 simplifies this part a bit with auto-compiled LINQ Queries, but for real high volume stuff, you'll definitely need to test and analyze what fits best for you in the real world.
Stored procedures:
Great flexibility
Full control over SQL
The highest performance available
Requires knowledge of SQL
Stored procedures are out of source control
Substantial amount of "repeating yourself" while specifying the same table and field names. The high chance of breaking the application after renaming a DB entity and missing some references to it somewhere.
Slow development
Rapid development
Data access code now under source control
You're isolated from changes in DB. If that happens you only need to update your model/mappings in one place.
Performance may be worse
No or little control over SQL the ORM produces (could be inefficient or worse buggy). Might need to intervene and replace it with custom stored procedures. That will render your code messy (some LINQ in code, some SQL in code and/or in the DB out of source control).
As any abstraction can produce "high-level" developers having no idea how it works under the hood
The general tradeoff is between having a great flexibility and losing lots of time vs. being restricted in what you can do but having it done very quickly.
There is no general answer to this question. It's a matter of holy wars. Also depends on a project at hand and your needs. Pick up what works best for you.
your question is basically O/RM's vs hand writing SQL
Using an ORM or plain SQL?
Take a look at some of the other O/RM solutions out there, L2S isn't the only one (NHibernate, ActiveRecord)
to address the specific questions:
Depends on the quality of the O/RM solution, L2S is pretty good at generating SQL
This is normally much faster using an O/RM once you grok the process
Code is also usually much neater and more maintainable
Straight SQL will of course get you more flexibility, but most O/RM's can do all but the most complicated queries
Overall I would suggest going with an O/RM, the flexibility loss is negligable
LINQ-to-SQL is a remarkable piece of technology that is very simple to use, and by and large generates very good queries to the back end. LINQ-to-EF was slated to supplant it, but historically has been extremely clunky to use and generated far inferior SQL. I don't know the current state of affairs, but Microsoft promised to migrate all the goodness of L2S into L2EF, so maybe it's all better now.
Personally, I have a passionate dislike of ORM tools (see my diatribe here for the details), and so I see no reason to favour L2EF, since L2S gives me all I ever expect to need from a data access layer. In fact, I even think that L2S features such as hand-crafted mappings and inheritance modeling add completely unnecessary complexity. But that's just me. ;-)
There is a whole new approach that you may want to consider if what you're after is the power and performance of stored procedures, and the rapid development that tools like Entity Framework provide.
I've taken SQL+ for a test drive on a small project, and it is really something special. You basically add what amounts to comments to your SQL routines, and those comments provide instructions to a code generator, which then builds a really nice object oriented class library based on the actual SQL routine. Kind of like entity framework in reverse.
Input parameters become part of an input object, output parameters and result sets become part of an output object, and a service component provides the method calls.
If you want to use stored procedures, but still want rapid development, you might want to have a look at this stuff.

Using an ORM or plain SQL? [closed]

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For some of the apps I've developed (then proceeded to forget about), I've been writing plain SQL, primarily for MySQL. Though I have used ORMs in python like SQLAlchemy, I didn't stick with them for long. Usually it was either the documentation or complexity (from my point of view) holding me back.
I see it like this: use an ORM for portability, plain SQL if it's just going to be using one type of database. I'm really looking for advice on when to use an ORM or SQL when developing an app that needs database support.
Thinking about it, it would be far better to just use a lightweight wrapper to handle database inconsistencies vs. using an ORM.
Speaking as someone who spent quite a bit of time working with JPA (Java Persistence API, basically the standardized ORM API for Java/J2EE/EJB), which includes Hibernate, EclipseLink, Toplink, OpenJPA and others, I'll share some of my observations.
ORMs are not fast. They can be adequate and most of the time adequate is OK but in a high-volume low-latency environment they're a no-no;
In general purpose programming languages like Java and C# you need an awful lot of magic to make them work (eg load-time weaving in Java, instrumentation, etc);
When using an ORM, rather than getting further from SQL (which seems to be the intent), you'll be amazed how much time you spend tweaking XML and/or annotations/attributes to get your ORM to generate performant SQL;
For complex queries, there really is no substitute. Like in JPA there are some queries that simply aren't possible that are in raw SQL and when you have to use raw SQL in JPA it's not pretty (C#/.Net at least has dynamic types--var--which is a lot nicer than an Object array);
There are an awful lot of "gotchas" when using ORMs. This includes unintended or unexpected behavior, the fact that you have to build in the capability to do SQL updates to your database (by using refresh() in JPA or similar methods because JPA by default caches everything so it won't catch a direct database update--running direct SQL updates is a common production support activity);
The object-relational mismatch is always going to cause problems. With any such problem there is a tradeoff between complexity and completeness of the abstraction. At times I felt JPA went too far and hit a real law of diminishing returns where the complexity hit wasn't justified by the abstraction.
There's another problem which takes a bit more explanation.
The traditional model for a Web application is to have a persistence layer and a presentation layer (possibly with a services or other layers in between but these are the important two for this discussion). ORMs force a rigid view from your persistence layer up to the presentation layer (ie your entities).
One of the criticisms of more raw SQL methods is that you end up with all these VOs (value objects) or DTOs (data transfer objects) that are used by simply one query. This is touted as an advantage of ORMs because you get rid of that.
Thing is those problems don't go away with ORMs, they simply move up to the presentation layer. Instead of creating VOs/DTOs for queries, you create custom presentation objects, typically one for every view. How is this better? IMHO it isn't.
I've written about this in ORM or SQL: Are we there yet?.
My persistence technology of choice (in Java) these days is ibatis. It's a pretty thin wrapper around SQL that does 90%+ of what JPA can do (it can even do lazy-loading of relationships although its not well-documented) but with far less overhead (in terms of complexity and actual code).
This came up last year in a GWT application I was writing. Lots of translation from EclipseLink to presentation objects in the service implementation. If we were using ibatis it would've been far simpler to create the appropriate objects with ibatis and then pass them all the way up and down the stack. Some purists might argue this is Bad™. Maybe so (in theory) but I tell you what: it would've led to simpler code, a simpler stack and more productivity.
ORMs have some nice features. They can handle much of the dog-work of copying database columns to object fields. They usually handle converting the language's date and time types to the appropriate database type. They generally handle one-to-many relationships pretty elegantly as well by instantiating nested objects. I've found if you design your database with the strengths and weaknesses of the ORM in mind, it saves a lot of work in getting data in and out of the database. (You'll want to know how it handles polymorphism and many-to-many relationships if you need to map those. It's these two domains that provide most of the 'impedance mismatch' that makes some call ORM the 'vietnam of computer science'.)
For applications that are transactional, i.e. you make a request, get some objects, traverse them to get some data and render it on a Web page, the performance tax is small, and in many cases ORM can be faster because it will cache objects it's seen before, that otherwise would have queried the database multiple times.
For applications that are reporting-heavy, or deal with a large number of database rows per request, the ORM tax is much heavier, and the caching that they do turns into a big, useless memory-hogging burden. In that case, simple SQL mapping (LinQ or iBatis) or hand-coded SQL queries in a thin DAL is the way to go.
I've found for any large-scale application you'll find yourself using both approaches. (ORM for straightforward CRUD and SQL/thin DAL for reporting).
I say plain SQL for Reads, ORM for CUD.
Performance is something I'm always concerned about, specially in web applications, but also code maintainability and readability. To address these issues I wrote SqlBuilder.
ORM is not just portability (which is kinda hard to achieve even with ORMs, for that matter). What it gives you is basically a layer of abstraction over a persistent store, when a ORM tool frees you from writing boilerplate SQL queries (selects by PK or by predicates, inserts, updates and deletes) and lets you concentrate on the problem domain.
Any respectable design will need some abstraction for the database, just to handle the impedance mismatch. But the simplest first step (and adequate for most cases) I would expect would be a DAL, not a heavyweight ORM. Your only options aren't those at the ends of the spectrum.
EDIT in response to a comment requesting me to describe how I distinguish DAL from ORM:
A DAL is what you write yourself, maybe starting from a class that simply encapsulates a table and maps its fields to properties. An ORM is code you don't write for abstraction mechanisms inferred from other properties of your dbms schema, mostly PKs and FKs. (This is where you find out if the automatic abstractions start getting leaky or not. I prefer to inform them intentionally, but that may just be my personal preference).
The key that made my ORM use really fly was code generation. I agree that the ORM route isn't the fastest, in code performance terms. But when you have a medium to large team, the DB is changing rapidly the ability to regenerate classes and mappings from the DB as part of the build process is something brilliant to behold, especially when you use CI. So your code may not be the fastest, but your coding will be - I know which I'd take in most projects.
My recommendation is to develop using an ORM while the Schema is still fluid, use profiling to find bottlenecks, then tune those areas which need it using raw Sql.
Another thought, the caching built into Hibernate can often make massive performance improvements if used in the right way. No more going back to the DB to read reference data.
Dilemma whether to use a framework or not is quite common in modern day software development scenario.
What is important to understand is that every framework or approach has its pros and cons - for example in our experience we have found that ORM is useful when dealing with transactions i.e. insert/update/delete operations - but when it comes to fetch data with complex results it becomes important to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the ORM tool.
Also it is important to understand that it is not compulsory to select a framework or an approach and implement everything in that. What we mean by that is we can have mix of ORM and native query language. Many ORM frameworks give extension points to plugin in native SQL. We should try not to over use a framework or an approach. We can combine certain frameworks or approaches and come with an appropriate solution.
You can use ORM when it comes to insertion, updation, deletion, versioning with high level of concurrency and you can use Native SQL for report generation and long listing
There's no 'one-tool-fits-all' solution, and this is also true for the question 'should i use an or/m or not ? '.
I would say: if you have to write an application/tool which is very 'data' focused, without much other logic, then I 'd use plain SQL, since SQL is the domain-specific language for this kind of applications.
On the other hand, if I was to write a business/enterprise application which contains a lot of 'domain' logic, then I'd write a rich class model which could express this domain in code. In such case, an OR/M mapper might be very helpfull to successfully do so, as it takes a lot of plumbing code out of your hands.
One of the apps I've developed was an IRC bot written in python. The modules it uses run in separate threads, but I haven't figured out a way to handle threading when using sqlite. Though, that might be better for a separate question.
I really should have just reworded both the title and the actual question. I've never actually used a DAL before, in any language.
Use an ORM that works like SQL, but provides compile-time checks and type safety. Like my favorite: Data Knowledge Objects (disclosure: I wrote it)
For example:
for (Bug bug : Bug.ALL.limit(100)) {
int id = bug.getId();
String title = bug.getTitle();
System.out.println(id +" "+ title);
Fully streaming. Easy to set up (no mappings to define - reads your existing schemas). Supports joins, transactions, inner queries, aggregation, etc. Pretty much anything you can do in SQL. And has been proven from giant datasets (financial time series) all the way down to trivial (Android).
I know this question is very old, but I thought that I would post an answer in case anyone comes across it like me. ORMs have come a long way. Some of them actually give you the best of both worlds: making development more productive and maintaining performance.
Take a look at SQL Data (http://sqldata.codeplex.com). It is a very light weight ORM for c# that covers all the bases.
FYI, I am the author of SQL Data.
I'd like to add my voice to the chorus of replies that say "There's a middle ground!".
To an application programmer, SQL is a mixture of things you might want to control and things you almost certainly don't want to be bothered controlling.
What I've always wanted is a layer (call it DAL, ORM, or micro-ORM, I don't mind which) that will take charge of the completely predictable decisions (how to spell SQL keywords, where the parentheses go, when to invent column aliases, what columns to create for a class that holds two floats and an int ...), while leaving me in charge of the higher-level aspects of the SQL, i.e. how to arrange JOINs, server-side computations, DISTINCTs, GROUP BYs, scalar subqueries, etc.
So I wrote something that does this: http://quince-lib.com/
It's for C++: I don't know whether that's the language you're using, but all the same it might be interesting to see this take on what a "middle ground" could look like.

What are the advantages of using an ORM? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As a web developer looking to move from hand-coded PHP sites to framework-based sites, I have seen a lot of discussion about the advantages of one ORM over another. It seems to be useful for projects of a certain (?) size, and even more important for enterprise-level applications.
What does it give me as a developer? How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now? How will it help with DB access and security? How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?
Edit: #duffymo pointed out what should have been obvious to me: ORM is only useful for OOP code. My code is not OO, so I haven't run into the problems that ORM solves.
I'd say that if you aren't dealing with objects there's little point in using an ORM.
If your relational tables/columns map 1:1 with objects/attributes, there's not much point in using an ORM.
If your objects don't have any 1:1, 1:m or m:n relationships with other objects, there's not much point in using an ORM.
If you have complex, hand-tuned SQL, there's not much point in using an ORM.
If you've decided that your database will have stored procedures as its interface, there's not much point in using an ORM.
If you have a complex legacy schema that can't be refactored, there's not much point in using an ORM.
So here's the converse:
If you have a solid object model, with relationships between objects that are 1:1, 1:m, and m:n, don't have stored procedures, and like the dynamic SQL that an ORM solution will give you, by all means use an ORM.
Decisions like these are always a choice. Choose, implement, measure, evaluate.
ORMs are being hyped for being the solution to Data Access problems. Personally, after having used them in an Enterprise Project, they are far from being the solution for Enterprise Application Development. Maybe they work in small projects. Here are the problems we have experienced with them specifically nHibernate:
Configuration: ORM technologies require configuration files to map table schemas into object structures. In large enterprise systems the configuration grows very quickly and becomes extremely difficult to create and manage. Maintaining the configuration also gets tedious and unmaintainable as business requirements and models constantly change and evolve in an agile environment.
Custom Queries: The ability to map custom queries that do not fit into any defined object is either not supported or not recommended by the framework providers. Developers are forced to find work-arounds by writing adhoc objects and queries, or writing custom code to get the data they need. They may have to use Stored Procedures on a regular basis for anything more complex than a simple Select.
Proprietery binding: These frameworks require the use of proprietary libraries and proprietary object query languages that are not standardized in the computer science industry. These proprietary libraries and query languages bind the application to the specific implementation of the provider with little or no flexibility to change if required and no interoperability to collaborate with each other.
Object Query Languages: New query languages called Object Query Languages are provided to perform queries on the object model. They automatically generate SQL queries against the databse and the user is abstracted from the process. To Object Oriented developers this may seem like a benefit since they feel the problem of writing SQL is solved. The problem in practicality is that these query languages cannot support some of the intermediate to advanced SQL constructs required by most real world applications. They also prevent developers from tweaking the SQL queries if necessary.
Performance: The ORM layers use reflection and introspection to instantiate and populate the objects with data from the database. These are costly operations in terms of processing and add to the performance degradation of the mapping operations. The Object Queries that are translated to produce unoptimized queries without the option of tuning them causing significant performance losses and overloading of the database management systems. Performance tuning the SQL is almost impossible since the frameworks provide little flexiblity over controlling the SQL that gets autogenerated.
Tight coupling: This approach creates a tight dependancy between model objects and database schemas. Developers don't want a one-to-one correlation between database fields and class fields. Changing the database schema has rippling affects in the object model and mapping configuration and vice versa.
Caches: This approach also requires the use of object caches and contexts that are necessary to maintian and track the state of the object and reduce database roundtrips for the cached data. These caches if not maintained and synchrnonized in a multi-tiered implementation can have significant ramifications in terms of data-accuracy and concurrency. Often third party caches or external caches have to be plugged in to solve this problem, adding extensive burden to the data-access layer.
For more information on our analysis you can read:
At a very high level: ORMs help to reduce the Object-Relational impedance mismatch. They allow you to store and retrieve full live objects from a relational database without doing a lot of parsing/serialization yourself.
What does it give me as a developer?
For starters it helps you stay DRY. Either you schema or you model classes are authoritative and the other is automatically generated which reduces the number of bugs and amount of boiler plate code.
It helps with marshaling. ORMs generally handle marshaling the values of individual columns into the appropriate types so that you don't have to parse/serialize them yourself. Furthermore, it allows you to retrieve fully formed object from the DB rather than simply row objects that you have to wrap your self.
How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now?
Since your queries will return objects rather then just rows, you will be able to access related objects using attribute access rather than creating a new query. You are generally able to write SQL directly when you need to, but for most operations (CRUD) the ORM will make the code for interacting with persistent objects simpler.
How will it help with DB access and security?
Generally speaking, ORMs have their own API for building queries (eg. attribute access) and so are less vulnerable to SQL injection attacks; however, they often allow you to inject your own SQL into the generated queries so that you can do strange things if you need to. Such injected SQL you are responsible for sanitizing yourself, but, if you stay away from using such features then the ORM should take care of sanitizing user data automatically.
How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?
Many ORMs come with tools that will inspect a schema and build up a set of model classes that allow you to interact with the objects in the database. [Database] user credentials are generally stored in a settings file.
If you write your data access layer by hand, you are essentially writing your own feature poor ORM.
Oren Eini has a nice blog which sums up what essential features you may need in your DAL/ORM and why it writing your own becomes a bad idea after time:
EDIT: The OP has commented in other answers that his code base isn't very object oriented. Dealing with object mapping is only one facet of ORMs. The Active Record pattern is a good example of how ORMs are still useful in scenarios where objects map 1:1 to tables.
Top Benefits:
Database Abstraction
API-centric design mentality
High Level == Less to worry about at the fundamental level (its been thought of for you)
I have to say, working with an ORM is really the evolution of database-driven applications. You worry less about the boilerplate SQL you always write, and more on how the interfaces can work together to make a very straightforward system.
I love not having to worry about INNER JOIN and SELECT COUNT(*). I just work in my high level abstraction, and I've taken care of database abstraction at the same time.
Having said that, I never have really run into an issue where I needed to run the same code on more than one database system at a time realistically. However, that's not to say that case doesn't exist, its a very real problem for some developers.
I can't speak for other ORM's, just Hibernate (for Java).
Hibernate gives me the following:
Automatically updates schema for tables on production system at run-time. Sometimes you still have to update some things manually yourself.
Automatically creates foreign keys which keeps you from writing bad code that is creating orphaned data.
Implements connection pooling. Multiple connection pooling providers are available.
Caches data for faster access. Multiple caching providers are available. This also allows you to cluster together many servers to help you scale.
Makes database access more transparent so that you can easily port your application to another database.
Make queries easier to write. The following query that would normally require you to write 'join' three times can be written like this:
"from Invoice i where i.customer.address.city = ?" this retrieves all invoices with a specific city
a list of Invoice objects are returned. I can then call invoice.getCustomer().getCompanyName(); if the data is not already in the cache the database is queried automatically in the background
You can reverse-engineer a database to create the hibernate schema (haven't tried this myself) or you can create the schema from scratch.
There is of course a learning curve as with any new technology but I think it's well worth it.
When needed you can still drop down to the lower SQL level to write an optimized query.
Most databases used are relational databases which does not directly translate to objects. What an Object-Relational Mapper does is take the data, create a shell around it with utility functions for updating, removing, inserting, and other operations that can be performed. So instead of thinking of it as an array of rows, you now have a list of objets that you can manipulate as you would any other and simply call obj.Save() when you're done.
I suggest you take a look at some of the ORM's that are in use, a favourite of mine is the ORM used in the python framework, django. The idea is that you write a definition of how your data looks in the database and the ORM takes care of validation, checks and any mechanics that need to run before the data is inserted.
What does it give me as a developer?
Saves you time, since you don't have to code the db access portion.
How will my code differ from the individual SELECT statements that I use now?
You will use either attributes or xml files to define the class mapping to the database tables.
How will it help with DB access and security?
Most frameworks try to adhere to db best practices where applicable, such as parametrized SQL and such. Because the implementation detail is coded in the framework, you don't have to worry about it. For this reason, however, it's also important to understand the framework you're using, and be aware of any design flaws or bugs that may open unexpected holes.
How does it find out about the DB schema and user credentials?
You provide the connection string as always. The framework providers (e.g. SQL, Oracle, MySQL specific classes) provide the implementation that queries the db schema, processes the class mappings, and renders / executes the db access code as necessary.
Personally I've not had a great experience with using ORM technology to date. I'm currently working for a company that uses nHibernate and I really can't get on with it. Give me a stored proc and DAL any day! More code sure ... but also more control and code that's easier to debug - from my experience using an early version of nHibernate it has to be added.
Using an ORM will remove dependencies from your code on a particular SQL dialect. Instead of directly interacting with the database you'll be interacting with an abstraction layer that provides insulation between your code and the database implementation. Additionally, ORMs typically provide protection from SQL injection by constructing parameterized queries. Granted you could do this yourself, but it's nice to have the framework guarantee.
ORMs work in one of two ways: some discover the schema from an existing database -- the LINQToSQL designer does this --, others require you to map your class onto a table. In both cases, once the schema has been mapped, the ORM may be able to create (recreate) your database structure for you. DB permissions probably still need to be applied by hand or via custom SQL.
Typically, the credentials supplied programatically via the API or using a configuration file -- or both, defaults coming from a configuration file, but able to be override in code.
While I agree with the accepted answer almost completely, I think it can be amended with lightweight alternatives in mind.
If you have complex, hand-tuned SQL
If your objects don't have any 1:1, 1:m or m:n relationships with other objects
If you have a complex legacy schema that can't be refactored
...then you might benefit from a lightweight ORM where SQL is is not
obscured or abstracted to the point where it is easier to write your
own database integration.
These are a few of the many reasons why the developer team at my company decided that we needed to make a more flexible abstraction to reside on top of the JDBC.
There are many open source alternatives around that accomplish similar things, and jORM is our proposed solution.
I would recommend to evaluate a few of the strongest candidates before choosing a lightweight ORM. They are slightly different in their approach to abstract databases, but might look similar from a top down view.
my concern with ORM frameworks is probably the very thing that makes it attractive to lots of developers.
nameley that it obviates the need to 'care' about what's going on at the DB level. Most of the problems that we see during the day to day running of our apps are related to database problems. I worry slightly about a world that is 100% ORM that people won't know about what queries are hitting the database, or if they do, they are unsure about how to change them or optimize them.
{I realize this may be a contraversial answer :) }

LINQ Benchmarks in multitiered environment

I am involved in development of a tiered application that uses LINQ2SQL separated from the web server with a NET.TCP Binding on WCF.
My questions are:
What sort of measures should I take
to achieve the best performance?
Since the entity objects returned by
the LINQ need to be converted to a
IEnumerable list to be serialized
everytime, is there anyway to remove
this dependency?
1) Concentrate on a properly normalized database design. I would say that when you are forced to make design tradeoffs in your code vs. database design, if performance is your goal, make tradeoffs in your object design instead of your database design. Understand that you aren't going to be able to do a proper supertype/subtype database design which will work with Linq to SQL (I'm told you need to use the EF instead).
2) Depends what you mean here. If you're asking how you would serialize anonymous classes across the wire, the easy answer is: "you can't, so don't try". If you want to put lists of objects across the wire, just use the ToArray() extension method on your IEnumerable collections to ship arrays of your business objects over the wire.
Linq to SQL is very slow unless you compile queries. Otherwise your application will be CPU bound as most of the time will be spend converting Expression trees into SQL.
We are talking about 10x performance gain if you use compiled queries. Try it :)