I recently upgraded an app to rails 3.2.2.
I'm using Factory_girl
Factory.sequence :name do |n| "name-#{n}" end
Factory.define :user do |u| u.first_name{ Factory.next(:name) }
u.last_name { |u| 'last_' + u.first_name } u.password 'secret'
u.password_confirmation { |u| u.password } u.sequence(:email) { |i|
"user_#{i}#example.com" }
and this simple test
specify { Factory.build(:user).should be_valid }
generate the following warning
DEPRECATION WARNING: You're trying to create an attribute user_id'.
Writing arbitrary attributes on a model is deprecated. Please just use
attr_writer` etc. (called from block (2 levels) in
How can I get rid of it?
It's probably because you haven't prepared/migrated your test database with updated column definitions, thus it thinks you're trying to arbitrarily set the attribute.
Run rake db:test:prepare to make sure it's updated.
Here's the source code of that method, where you can see Rails checks for the column or attribute first, then warns if they're not found.
I've met the same warning with the following code:
Ad model:
class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :ad do
association :user
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
first_name {Factory.next(:first_name)}
last_name {Factory.next(:last_name)}
email {|x| "#{x.first_name}.#{x.last_name}#{Factory.next(:count)}#test.com"}
password Forgery(:basic).password
confirmed_at Date.today << 10
require 'spec_helper'
describe Ad do
before(:each) do
#ad = Factory.build(:ad)
"it is not valid without a user"
Running the test gave me a similar error.
attr_accessor :user
to the Ad model fixed the warning.
I hope it helps.
I had this same warning while doing tests in Rspec and my issue was that I had a Parent model and Child model where I accidentally had this:
class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :child
I'm having a tough time figuring something out in Rails. It probably has to do with my very limited knowledge of SQL, since I know Rails pretty well. I'm using Rails 5.
I have two models: Applicant and Application.
class Applicant < ApplicationRecord
has_one :application
has_many :skills
accepts_nested_attributes_for :application
accepts_nested_attributes_for :skills,
reject_if: ->(skill) { skill[:name].empty? || skill[:experience].empty? }
validates_with ApplicantValidator
class Application < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :applicant
has_many :notes
VALID_STATUSES = ["in review", "accepted", "declined", "closed"]
validates_length_of :why_interested, minimum: 25
validates :accept_terms, acceptance: true
validates :status, inclusion: { in: VALID_STATUSES }
before_validation :set_status
def set_status
self.status ||= "in review"
I'd like to add a scope, :active, to the Applicant model that returns only applicants who have an application whose status is "in review". However, I can't find a way to access the application within a scope proc.
I've seen other suggestions for cases where there is a has_many relationship with the child, but they didn't work in my case.
I doubt it makes a difference, but I'm using Postgres. The closest I've come to a solution is to add this, but when I run RSpec it says there needs to be a FROM-clause for the applications table. I don't know how to effect that.
scope :active, -> { joins(:application).where('"application"."status" = "in review"') }
scope :in_review_applicants, -> { joins(:application).where('application.status = ?', :in_review) }
I think is something like that..
This is EXTREMELY bizarre. I'm upgrading a Rails 2.3.12 app and running into this same problem over and over again. I'm stumped and nothing else out there seems to touch on it.
I have two models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :logs, :class_name => 'UserLog'
class UserLog < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :site_id, :controller, :action, :url, :session
belongs_to :user
validates_presence_of :user
then in another controller I'm doing this:
def log_user_activity
#current_user.logs.create(:site_id => #site.id, :controller => params[:controller],
:action => params[:action], :url => request.path,
:session => request.session_options[:id]) if #current_user
as you can see, it's pretty straightforward but when I call log_user_activity I'm getting this:
Can't mass-assign protected attributes: site_id, controller, action, url, session
HOWEVER, if I change all my creates or builds to this:
def log_user_activity
log = #current_user.logs.new
log.site_id = #site.id
log.controller = params[:controller]
log.action = params[:action]
log.url = request.path
log.session = request.session_options[:id]
then it works fine!?
Has anyone seen this? Any clues?
In class UserLog, add the following:
attr_accessible :site_id, :controller, :action, :url, :session
The reason you have to use attr_accessible is most likely because you are utilizing a plugin that is relying on this being present for a model. It has happened to all of us and is a royal pita)
Once attr_accessible is designated for a class, then any attribute that is not specified as 'accessible' will not be allowed to be updated.
I'm attempting to test my models.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :payor_transactions, class_name: 'Transaction', inverse_of: :payor, foreign_key: :payor_id
has_many :payee_transactions, class_name: 'Transaction', inverse_of: :payee, foreign_key: :payee_id
def transactions
transactions = Transaction.where(["payor_id=? OR payee_id=?", self.id, self.id])
class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :user
belongs_to :payor, class_name: 'User'
belongs_to :payee, class_name: 'User'
In the Transactions class, #user is an ephemeral object instance representing the user accessing the model.
require 'spec_helper'
describe User do
let(:user) { Factory(:user) }
let(:user2) { Factory(:user) }
let(:user3) { Factory(:user) }
let(:transaction_user_user2) { Factory(:transaction, payor: user, payee: user2) }
let(:transaction_user2_user) { Factory(:transaction, payor: user2, payee: user) }
let(:transaction_user2_user3) { Factory(:transaction, payor: user2, payee: user3) }
describe ".transactions" do
it "should include payor and payee transactions but not 3rd party transactions" do
user.transactions.should == [transaction_user_user2, transaction_user2_user]
user2.transactions.should == [transaction_user_user2, transaction_user2_user, transaction_user2_user3]
user3.transactions.should == [transaction_user2_user3]
Using rspec 2.6.4, factory_girl 2.1.2, rails 3.1.0, ruby 1.9.2p290. As shown, the spec passes.
When I modify the transactions method in app/models/user.rb to iterate over the results such that it reads:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :payor_transactions, class_name: 'Transaction', inverse_of: :payor, foreign_key: :payor_id
has_many :payee_transactions, class_name: 'Transaction', inverse_of: :payee, foreign_key: :payee_id
def transactions
transactions = Transaction.where(["payor_id=? OR payee_id=?", self.id, self.id])
transactions.each {|transaction| transaction.user = self}
the method transactions now returns [] in rspec, however it works perfectly in the app views.
Since Transaction.user is ephemeral (representing the user accessing the transaction) it must be set (if it exists) every time a Transaction is initialized or built from db records.
I'm at a loss for where to begin to debug this.
All suggestions appreciated!
I think your problem lies in the fact that let is lazy. Basically what is happening is that the transactions are not even created yet when the transactions method is called in the test. Use let! for a non-lazy version. See let and let! for more details.
Couldn't you just return payor_transactions + payee_transactions instead of manually selecting them?
Following the suggestion from #obrok, the solution I settled on to retain the advantage of lazy-loading let in other tests was to touch each transaction before testing User#transactions as so:
describe ".transactions" do
it "should include payor and payee transactions but not 3rd party transactions" do
[transaction_user_user2, transaction_user2_user, transaction_user2_user3].each do |transaction|
[transaction.payor_id, transaction.payee_id].each {|id| id.should_not be_nil }
user.transactions.should == [transaction_user_user2, transaction_user2_user]
user2.transactions.should == [transaction_user_user2, transaction_user2_user, transaction_user2_user3]
user3.transactions.should == [transaction_user2_user3]
I am using the cucumber step definitons provided by factory girl and I can not get something to work here.
First of all, here are the involved factories:
Factory.define :user do |u|
u.name {|n| "User#{n}" }
u.first_name {|n| "FirstName#{n}"}
u.last_name {|n| "LastName#{n}"}
u.password 'please'
u.password_confirmation 'please'
Factory.define :lecture do |l|
l.name {|n| "Lecture#{n}"}
l.abbreviation {|n| "lec#{n}"}
l.association :admin, factory: :user
Here is the step I am trying to execute:
And the following Lecture exists:
| Name | Abbreviation |
| Informatik A - Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | ainf |
I am getting this error message and have absolutely NO idea where it comes from:
User(#42819220) expected, got User(#43753000) (ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch)
features/lectures/ui.feature:11:in `And the following Lecture exists:'
And here are my model definitions:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# Include default devise modules. Others available are:
# :token_authenticatable, :encryptable, :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
devise :database_authenticatable, :rememberable, :trackable
# Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model
attr_accessible :name, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :first_name, :last_name
validates_uniqueness_of :name
has_many :administrated_lectures, class_name: "Lecture", foreign_key: "admin_id", dependent: :nullify
class Lecture < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :name
validates_uniqueness_of :abbreviation
scope :ordered, order("name")
belongs_to :admin, class_name: "User"
I am using this with spork btw.
Kind regards,
This is most likely because of Spork.
The error is because at some point the User constant is being reloaded, but FactoryGirl is still referencing the old constant. This is because you can unload constants like this:
Object.remove_const :User
See the line in this class:
You can see where this error occurs by breakpointing or just inspecting somewhere around these 2 places:
https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb#L519 (this class is the main place where you'll debug the problem)
My guess is that something is reloading ActiveRecord classes, but not reloading FactoryGirl. One way around this might be to reset the FactoryGirl definitions:
Spork.each_run do
# this isn't the correct api, something like this though.
FactoryGirl.definition_file_paths = [File.join(Rails.root, 'spec', 'factories')]
Hope that helps, Lance.
Oh, damn. Got it. I set cache_classes to false somewhere in the past because proper class reloading did not work for some reason. Just made it true again, and now it works. :/
What I have now:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :people
... and...
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
In spec/factories.rb:
Factory.define :user do |u|
u.email "test#test.com"
u.password "testpassword"
u.password_confirmation "testpassword"
u.display_name "neezer"
# u.people { |i| [i.association(:person)] }
Factory.define :person do |p|
p.first_name "p_firstname"
p.last_name "p_lastname"
p.gender "male"
p.association :user
I want to setup the user factory to create with 1 person association, but if I uncomment that line, when I run my tests, my system hangs for quite some time, before outputting this failure:
1) User can be created from a factory
Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace
stack level too deep
# /Users/test/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activerecord-3.0.5/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:285
What am I doing wrong here? I would like to have tests that require an association between these two models, such that (1) a User must have at least 1 person, and (2) a Person must belong to a User.
Is this a first-priority issue? I'll admit I'm a bit lost here...
I'm using rspec 2.5.0, factory_girl_rails 1.0.1, and rails 3.0.5.
My specs:
require 'spec_helper'
describe User do
subject { Factory :user }
# ...
context "has associations, " do
it "can have people" do
subject.should respond_to :people
it "must have at least 1 person" do
subject.send "people=", nil
subject.should_not be_valid
subject.errors[:people].should_not be_empty
require 'spec_helper'
describe Person do
subject { Factory :person }
# ...
context "has validation, " do
[:gender, :user].each do |attr|
it "must have a #{ attr }" do
subject.send "#{attr}=", nil
subject.should_not be_valid
subject.errors[attr].should_not be_empty
context "has associations, " do
it "can have a User" do
subject.should respond_to :user
Keep that line but remove p.association :user from your person factory.
I've since discovered Shoulda, which provides a nice rspec matchers like these:
subject.should belong_to :user
subject.should have_many :people
Which has solved my issue.