Write SQL queries using LINQ from linq object List - sql

I have a linq object and I want to write the query using linq.
please help me.
var tags = (from row in tempChildData.AsEnumerable()
join tagOrder in tupleInfoDataset.Tables["TagHierarchy"].AsEnumerable() on row.Field<Int64>("TAGID") equals tagOrder.Field<Int64>("TAGID")
join tagName in tupleInfoDataset.Tables["SequenceChoiceList"].AsEnumerable() on tagOrder.Field<Int64>("PARENTTAGID") equals tagName.Field<Int64>("TAGID")
join facet in tupleInfoDataset.Tables["FacetType"].AsEnumerable() on tagName.Field<string>("Tag_Name") equals facet.Field<string>("Facetname")
join tagIdInfo in schDataTogetTagid.AsEnumerable() on row.Field<string>("refTagName").Contains(":") ? row.Field<string>("refTagName").Split(':').Last():row.Field<string>("refTagName") equals tagIdInfo.Field<string>("TAGNAME")
where ( childList.Contains(row.Field<Int64>("TAGID")) && facet.Field<string>("FacetType").ToLower().Equals("ctype"))
select new
Tagid = row.Field<Int64>("TAGID"),
MaxOccur = row.Field<string>("Maxoccurs"),
MinOccur =Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(row.Field<string>("Minoccur"))),
ParentTagname = tagName.Field<string>("Tag_Name"),
var parentTagID = (from tagIdInfo in tupleInfoDataset.Tables["Tuple"].AsEnumerable()
where tagIdInfo.Field<Int64>("TAGID").Equals(key.Key)
select tagIdInfo.Field<Int64>("ConceptID")).ToList();
long parentID =Convert.ToInt64(parentTagID[0]);
Now i want the query out of the above code as:
INSERT INTO TUPLE_MAP (TagId,ParentTagId,ParentTagname,MinOccur,MaxOccur,Order)
VALUES (TagIdToInsert,ParentTagId,ParentTagname,MinOccur,MaxOccur,Order)
Please help me I don't know how to write SQL queries using linq

Maybe something like this:
using(var db=new DataContext("YourConnectionStringHERE"))
db.TUPLE_MAP.InsertAllOnSubmit(tags.Select (t =>
Or if you want to use the parentID then something like this:
using(var db=new DataContext("YourConnectionStringHERE"))
db.TUPLE_MAP.InsertAllOnSubmit(tags.Select (t =>
where db is your linq data context
Useful references:
How to: Insert Rows Into the Database (LINQ to SQL)
So if you are using the Compact database 3.5 then many something like this:
using (var conn =new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = test.sdf; Password ='pass'"))
foreach (var tag in tags)
using(var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = #"INSERT INTO TUPLE_MAP (TagId,ParentTagId,ParentTagname,MinOccur,MaxOccur,Order)
VALUES (#TagIdToInsert,#ParentTagId,#ParentTagname,#MinOccur,#MaxOccur,#Order)";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TagIdToInsert", tag.TagIdToInsert);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ParentTagId", tag.ParentTagId);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ParentTagname", tag.ParentTagname);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MinOccur", tag.MinOccur);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MaxOccur", tag.MaxOccur);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Order", tag.Order);
Useful references:
Why can't I insert a record into my SQL Compact 3.5 database?
SqlCeCommand.Parameters Property
SqlCeCommand Class
SqlParameterCollection.AddWithValue Method

Use linq Pad or sql profiler to see the generated SQL.
You can also use visual studio for that purpose. In the debug mode,hold cursor on the variable "tags", you will be able to see the SQL.

I am assuming you are using Linq to SQL, if you are doing so you would have entity called Tuple_map in you xxxDataContext. Then you would just have to create object of that entity something like this....
using (XXXDataContext context = new XXXDataContext())
Tuple_map obj = new Tuple_map();
//Populate obj properties like obj.tabid = from objects you got it from above query


Select Count(*) Query using Dapper in .Net Core API returns incorrect value

I'm trying to do a select count query in Sql Server using Dapper. The expected response should be 0 when a profile does not exist. When I do the query in SSMS it returns correctly, but in the API using Dapper it returns 1. Any idea why this is happening?
public IActionResult GetProfileCount(string profileId)
int profileCount = 0;
using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
profileCount = db.Query($"select count(*) from Profile where Id='{profileId}'").Count();
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error retrieving count for ProfileId: {profileId}", ex.Message);
return Ok(profileCount);
I see you added your own answer but could I recommend not doing it that way. When you do
profileCount = db.Query($"select * from Profile where Id='{profileId}'").Count();
What you are actually doing is selecting every field from the database, pulling it into your C# application, and then counting how many results you got back. Then you are binning all that data you got back, very inefficient!
Change it to this :
profileCount = db.QueryFirst<int>($"select count(*) from Profile where Id = #profileId", new { profileId })");
Instead you are selecting an "int" from the result set, which just so happens to be your count(*). Perfect!
More on querying in Dapper here : https://dotnetcoretutorials.com/2019/08/05/dapper-in-net-core-part-2-dapper-query-basics/
Also notice that (similar to the other answer), I am using parameterized queries. I also heavily recommend this as it protects you from SQL Injection. Your initial example is very vulnerable!
You can read a little more about SQL Injection in C#/MSSQL here https://dotnetcoretutorials.com/2017/10/11/owasp-top-10-asp-net-core-sql-injection/ But just know that Dapper protects you from it as long as you use the inbuilt helpers to add parameters to your queries.
Another option is use the method ExecuteScalar for "select count" queries:
profileCount = db.ExecuteScalar<int>("select count(*) from Profile where Id=#profileId", new { profileId });
Ref.: https://www.learndapper.com/selecting-scalar-values
Try and change your query to the following:
db.Query($"select count(*) from Profile where Id = #ProfileId", new { ProfileId = profileId }).Count()
I figured it out. The .Count() is counting the rows of the result, which is going to be 1 because the result is one row displaying the number 0. I switched my code to this and it works now.
public IActionResult GetProfileCount(string profileId)
int profileCount = 0;
using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
profileCount = db.Query($"select * from Profile where Id='{profileId}'").Count();
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error retrieving count for ProfileId: {profileId}", ex.Message);
return Ok(profileCount);

How to retrieve data from database using linq?

Is this a correct way of retreiving data from database using linq?
var c= using db in db.c where c.id==id
Is this a correct way of retreiving data from database using linq?
partially yes.
It's better to write your query inside a method like this:
public static Product GetProduct(int id, string name)
DBNameDataContext myDB = new DBNameDataContext();
var product = from p in myDB.Products
where p.ID == id
&& p.Name == name
select p;
return product;
and then in your main code you can get your Product as below:
var product = GetProduct(5, "C# in Depth");
(Sample code is in C#)

To String Conversion while doing Join in LINQ

I am using LINQ query to fetch the data from database and also doing joins in the LINQ query as,
from accountTransaction in AccountTransactions
join xlkpQualifier in Enumerations on
accountTransaction.LkpQualifier.ToString() equals xlkpQualifier.Value
select top accountTransaction)
I am getting Exception on accountTransaction.LkpQualifier.ToString() that System.ToString() can't be used in LINQ Entities.
But I am getting problem here in conversion to string on Join.
How can I do it?
Until you provide us with some more information on the SQL types of the fields LkpQualifier and xlkpQualifier, I will answer as follows:
You should either (1) change your table data schema and set the same data types or (2) write the raw SQL version of your LINQ query and execute the query
Raw SQL query using EF:
using (var db = new Entities())
string myQuery = "SELECT * FROM Table";
var result = new ObjectQuery<DbDataRecord>(myQuery, db);
var resultList = result.ToList();
In the raw SQL query itself, you will probably have to use the CAST function with the right type:
CAST(Enumerations.xlkpQualifier AS System.Int32)
Raw SQL query without using EF:
There is also a way to write raw SQL without using EF (useful when your table doesn't have the primary key set and you don't have access to change that):
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand())
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Table";
var result = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // or other variations

ResultSet coming as empty after executing query

I have a query
SELECT instance_guid FROM service_instances WHERE service_template_guid='E578F99360A86E4EE043C28DE50A1D84' AND service_family_name='TEST'
Directly executing this returns me
Now I am trying same code from JDBC.
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
conn = executionContext.getConnection();
if (conn != null) {
ps = (PreparedStatement)conn.prepareStatement(query);
if (params == null) params = new Object[0];
for (int i=0;i<params.length;i++) {
if (params[i] instanceof Integer) {
ps.setInt(i+1, ((Integer)params[i]).intValue());
} else if (params[i] instanceof java.util.Date) {
((PreparedStatement)ps).setDATE(i+1, new oracle.sql.DATE((new java.sql.Timestamp(((Date)params[i]).getTime()))));
//ps.setObject(i+1, new oracle.sql.DATE(new Time(((Date)params[i]).getTime())));
} else {
if (params[i] == null) params[i] = "";
ps.setString(i+1, params[i].toString());
rs = ps.executeQuery();
I see params[0] =E578F99360A86E4EE043C28DE50A1D84 and params[1]=TEST
But the resultSet is empty and not getting the result.I debugged but not much help?
Can you please let me know Am i trying right?
In java its defined as below
final static private String INSTANCE_GUID_BY_TEMPLATE_GUID =
"SELECT instance_guid FROM service_instances WHERE service_template_guid=? AND service_family_name=? "
First and foremost this breaks every sql mapping pattern I have ever seen.
String sql = "SELECT instance_guid FROM service_instances WHERE service_template_guid=? AND service_family_name=?";
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
conn = executionContext.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
You should not be dynamically figuring out the data types as they come in, unless you are trying to write some code to port from database X to database Y.
I see you are using RAW as a datatype, from this post:
As described in the Oracle JDBC Developer's guide and reference 11g,
when using a RAW column, you can treat it as a BINARY or VARBINARY
JDBC type, which means you can use the JDBC standard methods
getBytes() and setBytes() which returns or accepts a byte[]. The other
options is to use the Oracle driver specific extensions getRAW() and
setRAW() which return or accept a oracle.sql.RAW. Using these two will
require you to unwrap and/or cast to the specific Oracle
implementation class.
Further from a code readability standpoint, your solution makes it painful for a new developer to take over. Far too often I see people making sql be "dynamic" when in reality 99% of the time you don't need this level of dynamic query building. It sounds good in most people's heads but it just causes pain and suffering in the SDLC.

Entity Framework: Update entity or add if it doesn't exist

I have a scenario where I have to update an entity if it exists or add a new one if it doesn't.
I would like to execute a single method for this (it would be great if it were a single trip to the server).
Is there something like that in EF?
Right now my code looks like this:
var entity = db.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == myId);
if (entity == null)
entity = db.Entities.CreateObject();
entity.Id = myId;
entity.Value = "my modified value";
But I would like to avoid the first query, something like this:
var entity = new Entity();
entity.Id = myId;
entity.Value = "my modified value";
Is there anything similar? or do I have to perform the first query no matter what?
You have to perform the first query no matter what, unfortunately.
One option would be to write a stored procedure that performs a T-SQL MERGE then map it to a function import, though that would require that you pass the scalar values of the entity as parameters (and support for navigation properties would be done), but it would accomplish what you're after.
I ran some quick test code for editing in MVC 3 with EF 4 and it seems to work for edit with following code:
using (var context = new TestStackOverFlowEntities())
Person p = new Person();
p.Id = long.Parse(collection["Id"]);
p.FirstName = collection["FirstName"];
p.LastName = collection["LastName"];
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(p, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Edit: I checked with creating new object too, you need to change this
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(p, System.Data.EntityState.Added);
when Id == 0 //ie new object.
Quick and dirty code to add new is this:
using (var context = new TestStackOverFlowEntities())
Person p = new Person();
p.Id = 0;
p.FirstName = collection["FirstName"];
p.LastName = collection["LastName"];
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(p, System.Data.EntityState.Added);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
If you are just trying to limit code to clarify your controllers:
Will update if the Entity Key exists, and create if it does not.