Apache Edge Server putting SSL certs in header vs. reattaching them - apache

We have an Apache servers, edge servers, running as a reverse proxy (in this scenario).
When a user connects to these servers they're required to use SSL X509 certs.
At one point a request has to be made to an ESB running BizTalk 2010.
When the Apache servers pass the request onto BizTalk, Apache is putting the SSL in the header of the message rather than "re-attaching" the SSL certificate, or re-sending the SSL certificate when the request goes out to the ESB. BizTalk is unable to, or I'm not sure how to configure it, read these SSL's that come with the request.
Is there a way of configuring Apache to send SSL's with a message that BizTalk can understand, when Apache is running as a reverse proxy? Or is there a way to configure BizTalk to read these SSL certs that come in the header?
Is Apache decrypting the entire SSL stack, and that's why it's having a hard time passing the SSL through normally? Is there any way to resolve this?
Someone recommended that we put all the client certs on Apache, and have Apache just load up one of those to and pass that on with the request to BizTalk. Any other ways around this?

You can use S/MIME components with BizTalk to pull off a certificate from a message. It sounds similar to what Apache is doing. Depending on what pipeline component you used, you would specify the certificate details as a property on the component. It is hard to tell you exactly which component (built-in or 3rd party) to use without more information on the the way Apache is doing this.
Is the SSL approach called SSL offloading? I recommend not putting the certs on the Apache server if you can avoid it because it will be more difficult to manage (from an ESB perspective). You would also lose some security between the Apache server and the BizTalk server.


How to force browser to fetch new SSL certificate instead of old one using server side configuration (Nginx)?

We have a website with SSL configured. 2 days back SSL certificate was expired so I purchased a new instead of renewing. I have configured the new one. Now some of users are still getting SSL certificate expired issue although the new one is configured.
I want to force the browser to recheck the new SSL certificate using some server side configuration since we can not go and update each user browser certificate manually. It have to be done using some server side configuration. We are using Nginx.
This is really critical to us.
Please help in this regard.
The certificate is validated by the client only when the server sends one. The server sends one with each full TLS handshake. The browser does not somehow cache an old certificate and ignore the one sent by the server when validating.
It is more likely that you've not fully rolled out the new certificate on the server side. For example if you have multiple servers make sure that all have the new certificate. If your server provides access for IPv4 and IPv6 make sure that in both cases the proper certificate is served. If you provide service on multiple ports make sure that they all use the new certificate.
It's also possible your affected users are behind a proxy that caches certificates. For example if they're behind a Smoothwall proxy that generates its own certificates after inspecting HTTPS traffic and caches them.
Either way, if you've updated the certificates on your server and restarted the necessary services, it's probably nothing you have control over and will most likely resolve itself in time.

Is certificate authorization via HTTPS possible?

I am using the Let's Encrypt IIS client from https://github.com/Lone-Coder/letsencrypt-win-simple to generate a certificate for a server. Since the certificate is only valid for three months, I want it to auto-renew.
But the server for which I need that auto-renewing certificate is only bound to https:||mysubdomain.mydomain.com:443 and smtp:||mysubdomain.mydomain.com:25.
Both http:||mysubdomain.mydomain.com:80 and ftp:||mysubdomain.mydomain.com:21 point to a different server.
As you may have guessed, the error that is now thrown during the process is "The ACME server was probably unable to reach http:||mysubdomain.mydomain.com:80/.well-known/acme-challenge/abcdefgh...xyz".
It is completely clear to me why, but I can't fix it, because http:||mysubdomain.mydomain.com has to point to the other server. If the ACME server would try https:||mysubdomain.mydomain.com:443/.well-known/acme-challenge/abcdefgh...xyz, but ignore any certificate issue, he would successfully find the challenge.
Is there anything I can do, any feature I have overlooked, that would help me to get automated renewal working?
There are multiple options:
Redirect http://example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/* to https://example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/*, Boulder will happily follow any such redirect and ignore the provided certificate. That's the most simple way if you have access to the other server and can configure that redirect. It's a permanent redirect that you don't have to adjust, it'll be just fine every three months.
The option to use HTTPS directly has been removed due to security issues with some popular server software that uses the first host defined if some other virtual host doesn't define any HTTP host, which might lead to wrong issuances in multi-user environments aka shared hosting.
If you want to use just port 443, you can use another challenge type called tls-sni-01. But I think there's no client for Windows available yet that supports that challenge type.
If you have control over the DNS via a simple API, you could also use the DNS challenge, it's completely independent of the port you can use.

SSL redirection from Apache to Wildfly

I have two projects running on Wildfly-8 and I have two SSL certificates for each of them and one IP.
I figured out that I should have one IP for one SSL certificate.
But I needed to use these two SSL for one IP. I couldn't find a way to do it with Wildfly but there was a way to do it with Apache Server. So,I installed Apache Server up to Wildfly.
I listen https port(443) on Apache and redirect it to Wildfly's http port(I used 8080). It works without any problem.
What I wonder is;
1. Is Apache decrypt request and redirect it to Wildfly?
2. Is it correct way to do it or I have done it by chance?
3. Does this method create a security hole?
I googled some, but I could not find satisfied answers.
Thanks for replies.
For this answer, I'm supposing that by "redirecting" you mean "proxying": Apache receives the request, proxies it to Wildfly, receives an answer from Wildfly, sends the answer to the client.
If you mean something else, then the simple answer is: it is wrong[1].
Is Apache decrypt request and redirect it to Wildfly?
Yes. Apache will receive and send secure data to/from the client. Its communication with Wildfly will be plaintext.
Is it correct way to do it or I have done it by chance?
That's how it's usually done, yes. In other words: a load balancer and/or a proxy in front of Wildfly (Apache in your case). Wildfly itself is not reached directly by the public internet.
Does this method create a security hole?
It does, just like everything else is a security "compromise". In this case, you are trusting your internal network, in the name of a more practical/manageable architecture. If you do not trust your internal network, you should look for another solution. In the general case, the price to pay seems fair to me, as you'll "only" be open to a man-in-the-middle between your Apache and your Wildfly. So, if you trust your internal network, you should trust that there won't be any MITM there.
[1] - As everything else in life, there's no absolute truth. Basically, there are 3 techniques that can be used in a scenario like this: pass through, edge and re-encryption.
Pass through is a "dumb" pipe, where nothing about TLS is known by the proxy. Wildfly would then handle the secure communication with the client. I'm not sure Apache would do this, but this can be done with haproxy in TCP mode;
Edge (or offloading) is the situation I described above: Client talks TLS with Apache, Apache talks plaintext with Wildfly;
Re-encryption, which is like Edge, but the communication between Apache and Wildfly is also TLS, using a different certificate.

RavenDB connections over HTTPS

We are setting up replication between RavenDB instances running in server mode. The instances are in different availability zones so we need a secure connection between the servers. According this this post SSL is not supported in server mode but
should be easy to add
Is there an extensibility point in the API where SSL support can be plugged in?
The API doesn't have any place for this currently, but I'm sure it would be a welcome contribution if you were so inclined to write this and submit a pull request. The underlying server is just a System.Net.HttpListener, which can be wired for ssl.
Your entry point would be at Raven.Database.Server.HttpServer.StartListening()
You would want the SSL certificate to be as easy to configure as the hostname or port. The cert itself should probably be pulled in from the Windows certificate store.

What is Reverse SSL? And how to do Reverse SSL?

My client ask me to do reverse ssl on his website. But i'm new on this term. Can anyone help me about this.
Please describe or refer how to do it.
Check out this wiki article.
In the case of secure websites, the SSL encryption is sometimes not
performed by the web server itself, but is instead offloaded to a
reverse proxy that may be equipped with SSL acceleration hardware.
"Doing" reverse SSL means choosing a system/server and configuring it. You should start by asking your client whether they already have a reverse proxy in place or if one needs to be set up.
So setting up reverse SSL (like standard SSL) should not impact your web site's design, the backing code and data store etc. It is Transport Level Security (TLS) and might actually be outside the bounds of the contract with your client.
One use case would be running Apache Tomcat behind an Apache Web Server which handles SSL and acts as reverse proxy. Your client should specify more specifically.