Error on ActiveSelection.Tasks - vba

Does anyone know what this means
Set oProjTasks = ActiveSelection.Tasks
I have a macro that generates status reports from MS project and exports them directly into MS Word. It is a slick tool when it works.
When I run it now it throws "runtime error '424': object required" at this point.
How do I fix this?

The code that you are displaying is a set statement, that is setting the object ProjTasks equal to the task that is selected in the message box. The ActiveSelection property returns a selection object that represents the active selection.
It could be that you are experiencing an issue where there are no items selected, in which case it will throw a trappable error code 424. There is a code snippet that you can modify from the MSDN that will work to prevent this type of error from occuring.
Here is the link to the MSDN article... just remember to not use this code verbatim, but modify it to work with your macro.

You could try just wrapping the error check around the set statement. I've written a small macro on a non-empty project file:
Sub Testing()
On Error GoTo ActiveSelectionErrHandler:
Set oProjTasks = ActiveSelection.Tasks
If oProjTasks Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No tasks in current project"
End If
Set oProjTasks = ThisProject.Tasks 'or something like that
Resume Next
End Sub
This handles the error but as Steve has already expressed more work is required to integrate the code.
You will have to follow the code to make changes to handle oProjTasks being empty where it is expected to have some values. Otherwise you will see more errors perhaps where the oProjTasks is found to be empty.
Another alternative solution could be to launch the macro after selecting a project as the code you have quoted will work fine if something is selected.


Second CopyPicture in VBA fails with "Automation error"

So I am copying and pasting a bunch of data to another spreadsheet. I thought this last bit was going to be easy since I've done this a bunch of times in this script.
Except it fails. Here's part of my code:
ProdCK.Worksheets("CK week").Range("A11:AY28").CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen
Worksheets("Prod.CK").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Prod.CK").Range("A1")
ProdCK.Worksheets("CK week").Range("I131:BO148").CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen
Worksheets("Prod.CK").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Prod.CK").Range("A22")
The first one works fine, but then the second one crashes on the CopyPicture operation. I've checked that a range is actually present by first storing that in a range, checking if the data is there in the "watch" screen and then calling CopyPicture on that, but nonetheless is still gives a
424 error Object required
Can anyone shine a light on this for me?
The error is actually
-2147417851 Automation error The server threw an exception
My error handling code had a bug which turned the automation error into the Object required error. What is also interesting is that the error does not happen when I use a visible Excel.Application in this Sub. The only difference between my visible and invisible settings are Visible = True and ScreenUpdating = True.
I haven't been able to figure out why but currently I just set App.Visible = True before these two statements and set it back to App.Visible = False afterwards. This gets things working.
I really dislike it though.

How to check if clipboard is empty of text?

If I try to paste from an empty clipboard, I get an error. I would like to check if the clipboard is empty of text before pasting so that I can avoid this. How can this be accomplished? I'm aware it can be done through error handling, but I would prefer a method that avoids an error.
Edit -- Per request, adding code that creates the error and the error message:
Code that causes the problem:
Sub PasteFromEmptyClipBoard()
End Sub
Error message that I get:
"Run-time error '4605' This method or property is not available because the Clipboard is empty or is not valid."
Very important: You must first set a reference to the "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library" (as in the attached screenshot below) before implementing this code. You may find that it is not an option when you scroll through the reference libraries. To make it show up, just add a form to the project (you can always delete the form later).
Sub CheckClipboard()
Dim myDataObject As DataObject
Set myDataObject = New DataObject
If myDataObject.GetFormat(1) = True Then
'''There is text on clipboard, so it's safe to paste
'''there is no text on the clipboard, so you may get error.
End If
End Sub

VBA: Run-time error '5825' Object has been deleted

I was putting this code ActiveDocument.Variables("time1").Delete before End Sub and I get that error "Object has been deleted" so that if a variable "time1" exist, it will be deleted at the end of the procedure. I understand why I get that code because "time1" has already deleted on the first run but I want to skip and end the sub if it encounter errors. I tried to do this
On Error Goto here
End sub
but I still get that Error. Why is it that the error handler did not work?
You should be able to avoid this if you are not interested in whether the Variable existed or not.
ActiveDocument.Variables("time1") = ""
should remove a Variable called "time" if there is one, and execute without errors if there is not.
In a similar way,
ActiveDocument.Variables("time1") = "something"
will create the Variable if it does not exist.
This is one of the things that makes Variables slightly easier to work with than Custom Document Properties, although it does mean that empty variables are not allowed.

Capture Variable/Object Name causing the error

How can I capture the variable name or object name causing an error in VBA?
Sub test()
On Error GoTo Handler
i = 0
n = 1/i
Select Case variablename
Case "n"
'do something................
The error is not being caused by a variable. The error is caused by the line of code that attempts to divide 1 by 0. The assignment doesn't actually happen.
The best way I've found to diagnose issues when I'm actively developing is to have Stop and then Resume in the error handler.
Public Sub func()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'... some code here ...
Exit Sub
End Sub
The way this works is, when there is an error VBA will break (pause the execution, show the instruction pointer arrow and yellow highlighting) on the Stop. You can step to the Resume and then once more to find out which specific line of code is causing the error.
Once you start to understand what errors you are encountering you can build individual If ... Then cases for them to handle each appropriately. When you are ready to release your code into a production environment (i.e., for other users), you would need to replace the Stop/Resume with an unexpected error handler that either logs it or displays it to the user.
While Blackhawk's answer works fine for a small example, I personally prefer to avoid modifying code to track down errors like that. If I'm working on a lot of files trying to track down a nasty bug, it's entirely possible that I might forget to remove any "special code" like Stop statements, etc. after I've finished debugging. If any such code makes it to production, that can be quite embarrassing for me. In addition, it can be annoying having to add this code to many different places in order to figure out where the error is happening in the first place (it's not always as obvious as in your example!).
For these reasons, I prefer to use the facilities provided by the VBA Editor. So:
Open the VBA Editor.
Go to Tools > Options.
Select the General tab and click the Break on All Errors radio button.
Click OK.
Now run your code and you'll notice that when it reaches this line:
n = 1/i
you'll get an error dialog saying what the problem is ("Run-time error '11': Division by zero") and you'll get the option to click the "Debug" button on the dialog, which will break execution at the above line and will highlight it in yellow.
Once you're done with your debugging and find the error that had been troubling you, you can go back to the VBA Editor options and revert the "Error Trapping" setting back to the default option ("Break on Unhandled Errors").
This way, you've done no changes to the code that you need to remember to revert before releasing the code and the actual operation to set/unset this behaviour only takes a few clicks.

How to check if a Paragraph is in a Table or not in MS-Word macro?

The paragraph object in the Word has a property called Range. Within this Range object has a property called Cells.
For paragraph that are not in a table, this property Paragraph.Range.Cells is set to "". This can be seen in the Watches window in debug mode.
For paragraph that are in a table, the property Paragraph.Range.Cells has other properties in it, for example it has a property called Count.
I am using this property of Paragraph.Range.Cells to determine if the paragraph is in a table or not. However, I cant seem to figure out how to test this.
For example, I cannot simply test like this...
If paragraph.Range.Cells <> Null Then.... or even
If IsNull(paragraph.Range.Cells) Then ...
It throws a Run-time error '5907' There is no table at this location
So, how would I test for this? thanks
You can use the Information property:
If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
'What ever you'd like to do
End If
Hence you don't need any manual error catching mechanisms.
You can't call the Cells method unless the paragraph is in a table. You need to use a different method to determine whether the range is in a table.
You can use either...
paragraph.Range.Tables.Count > 0
Note that the second one looks more obvious, but is actually slower (only a problem if you're doing this inside a loop).
*Edited (if Err=) changed to (If Err<>)
You can simply allow the error to happen and catch it using OnError statement
Dim ParagraphIsTable As Object
OnError Resume Next 'allows errors to happen but execute next instruction
ParagraphIsTable = paragraph.Range.Cells
If Err <> 5907 Then '(this is to check for a specific error that might have happened)
'No Error occured, this means that ParagraphIsTable variable must contain a value
' Do the rest of your code here
' an Error occured, this means that this is not a table
' do whatever
End If
OnError Goto 0 ' This cancels the effect of OnError Resume Next
' Which means if new errors happen, you will be prompt about them