Redis Log says Connection Reset by Peer - redis

I am getting the "Connection Reset by Peer" error in Redis Log.

probably your client either timed out or has raised another exception that disconnects the connection before redis was able to write to it. or it has crashed.
either increase your client's timeout, or check the client logs to see what happens.

If you try to connect to redis before it's fully started, you might get this error from the client.
I fixed it by adding a two-second sleep after starting the container and before trying to connect. Better would be to wait for some kind of healthy indicator.


ConnectTimeoutException infinispan

During infinispan cache load randomly I am noticing below error message in my application logs:
Cluster might have completely shutdown, try resetting transport layer and topology id connection timed out: 172.XX.20.XX:11222
Checked telnet nc -z ip 11222 is successful at that time, no error in infinispan server logs, number of connections to the server is also not very high.
Infinispan server version 9.4.11
Could anyone help me on what causing this?
Satyabrata Mohanty
What are your Hot Rod client connection/socket timeout configurations ?
I would increase the connection timeout and see if it happens again. If the server is overloaded your connection timeout might not be enough.

Server closes after pika.exceptions.StreamLostError: Stream connection lost

I have some images in my queue and I pass each image to my flask server where processing on images is done and a response is received in my rabbitmq server. After receiving response, I get this error "pika.exceptions.StreamLostError: Stream connection lost(104,'Connection reset by peer')". This happens when rabbitmq channel again starts consuming the connection. I don't understand why this happens. Also I would like to restart the server again automatically if this error persists. Is there any way to do that?
Your consume process is probably taking too much time to complete and send Ack/Nack to the server. Therefore, server does not receive heartbeat from your client, and thereby stops from serving. Then, on the client side you receive:
pika.exceptions.StreamLostError: Stream connection lost(104,'Connection reset by peer')
You should see server logs as well. It is probably like this:
missed heartbeats from client, timeout: 60s
See this issue for mor information.
Do your work on another thread. See this code as an example -
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
You can change stream connection limit if you set heartbeat in ConnectionParameters
connection_params = pika.ConnectionParameters(heartbeat=10)
wher number in seconds. It say yout TCP connection keepalive to 10 seconds for example.
More information and

Getting a Redis command response that was lost due to network error

If a Redis command is successfully executed, but a network error happens while the response is in transit (preventing the client from receiving it), is there any way of getting the result of that command?
This isn't possible without a proxy of some kind in front of Redis. Redis MONITOR only logs commands, not responses. See

Jedis pool configuration for get and set/flush operations

I am new to redis and using Jedis client in my application. I have gone through couple of threads and did not find the conclusive answers.
I have 2 questions where I need clarity.
For my production use I want to set separate timeout for jedis get operations and set operations. For all set operation I want to set timeout to 2000ms and for get 100ms. I have implemented below configuration.
JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig();
jedisPool = new JedisPool(poolConfig, RedisDBUrl, port, 100);
Let me know if above configuration will do the job. I am setting read timeout to 100ms and maxwait to 2000ms.
Let me know if my understanding is correct.
At times I get JedisConnectionException: Read timed out or sometimes connect timeout.
Here connect time out is thrown when my application is not able to make connection to redis withing configured time?
Secondly, read timeout comes when application is connected to redis but operations(get/set) are taking time or for some reason?
Lastly, how do i configure timeout for read timeout and connect timeout?
After many hit and trial and some test runs found out, you can not set separate timeout for jedis get and set operations.
May be you can use some external library to achieve(Like google's SimpleTimeLimiter.
Further from what I have observed connect timeout occurs when jedis tries to connect to redis server. In my case my redis server latency from my system is ~120-125ms so if I set timeout=100ms in jedis constructor I get "connect time out".
Whereas "read time out" comes when you are connected to redis server but redis operation doesn't return in specified time. To test this scenario I have set the timeout in constructor to 180ms and tried to run the flushall operation(takes long time), here I got read timeout.
Still not sure though whats the significance of poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis().

How to debug ActiveMQ client?

I'm a fairly new user of ActiveMQ and I'm looking for a way to get detailed debug information on the client side of a queue connection. My problem is this: I have a server that is sending a message through a queue to a client. Using the admin web page associated with the broker, I can verify the following: the queue was created, there is a consumer associated with the queue, the message has been enqueued, the message has been dispatched, the dispatched queue size is 1, the message has not been dequeued. This setup was working yesterday but mysteriously stopped working today even though I did a restart of the activemq service. The log file at /var/log/activemq.log does not contain any useful information.
At this point I'm stumped; I'm assuming that there is some sort of problem with the configuration, but it hasn't changed since yesterday. Does anybody have a suggestion about what my next step should be?
Turn on debug (or even trace) logging in the broker first of all in conf/
restart the broker and re-run your scenario. The logging will hopefully provide you with some information.
Jconsole is also a useful tool to monitor the running broker.
Does your client use any message filters?
You can also enable remote debugging and then connect with an IDE.
To start remote debugging execute
$ ACTIVEMQ_DEBUG=true bin/activemq
and then start a remote debugger to connect to port 5005