Programming constructs - iterator

A wise man told me that to learn how a syntax works does not mean your a good programmer, but rather to grasp programming constructs like iterators and conditionals, thus, meaning you can pick up any syntax easier.
How would one go about learning these constructs??

The easiest construct you mention is a conditional.
The basic pattern of a conditional is:
if <some-condition> then
end if
This basic pattern is expressed in many different ways according to the language of choice, but is the basic decision-making building block of any program.
An iterator is a construct which abstracts the physical layout of a data structure, allowing you to iterate (pass through) it without worrying about where in memory each element in the data structure is.
So, for example, you can define a data structure such as any of Array, Vector, Deque, Linked List, etc.
When you go to iterate, or pass through the data structure one element at a time, the iterator presents you with an interface in which each element in the data structure follows sequentially, allowing you to loop through with a basic for loop structure:
for <element> in <data-structure>
end loop
As for other constructs, take a look at some books on Data Structures and Algorithms (usually a 2nd-year level computer science course).

Syntax is only a technical form of expressing your solution. The way you implement and the concepts you use in your solution are the ones who makes the different between a beginner and an experienced developer. Programming languages are the means not the wits !


RDBMS Relational Algebra Example

I am working on implementing a Relational Database Management System for a school project. The system generates pseudo-SQL commands based on what the user enters into an interactive system. These commands are passed through a parser, which translates the line into actual function calls that the engine can execute.
I feel like I understand fairly well the operations that the database needs to perform in an SQL sense, but I'm unsure of how to translate those tasks to a procedural language that can actually carry out those operations.
I'm trying to find one or more examples of a relational algebra system implemented in an object oriented language like C++ or Java, so I can get an idea of what might work for my design. If anyone has an example they can share with me, that would be greatly appreciated. It doesn't need to be super complicated (in fact I would prefer the opposite), I am just trying to get an idea of how I might translate operations like selection or projection into an actual programming language.
Take a look at SIRA_PRISE - a "Straightforward Implementation of a Relational Algebra - Prototype of a Relational Information Storage Engine".

What is the best way to represent a form with hundreds of questions in a model

I am trying to design an income return tax software.
What is the best way to represent/store a form with hundreds of questions in a model?
Just for this example, I need at least 6 models (T4, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T1032, UCCB, T4E) which possibly contain hundreds of fields.
Is it by creating hundred of fields? Storing values in a map? An Array?
One very generic approach could be XML
XML allows you to
nest your data to any degree
combine values and meta information (attributes and elements)
describe your data in detail with XSD
store it externally
maintain it easily
even combine it with additional information (look at processing instructions)
and (last but not least) store the real data in almost the same format as the modell...
and (laster but even not leaster :-) ) there is XSLT to transform your XML data into any other format (such as HTML for nice presentation)
There is high support for XML in all major languages and database systems.
Another way could be a typical parts list (or bill of materials/BOM)
This tree structure is - typically - implemented as a table with a self-referenced parentID. Working with such a table needs a lot of recursion...
It is very highly recommended to store your data type-safe. Either use a character storage format and a type identifier (that means you have to cast all your values here and there), or you use different type-safe side tables via reference.
Further more - if your data is to be filled from lists - you should define a datasource to load a selection list dynamically.
What is best for you mainly depends on your needs: How often will the modell change? How many rules are there to guarantee data's integrity? Are you using a RDBMS? Which language/tools are you using?
With a case like this, the monolithic aggregate is probably unavoidable (unless you can deduce common fields). I'm going to exclude RDBMS since the topic seems to focus more on lower-level data structures and a more proprietary-style solution, though that could be a very valid option that can manage all these fields.
In this case, I think it ceases to become so much about formalities as just daily practicalities.
Probably worst from that standpoint in this case is a formal object aggregating fields, like a class or struct with a boatload of data members. Those tend to be the most awkward and the most unattractive as monoliths, since they tend to have a static nature about them. Depending on the language, declaration/definition/initialization could be separate which means 2-3 lines of code to maintain per field. If you want to read/write these fields from a file, you have to write a separate line of code for each and every field, and maintain and update all that code if new fields added or existing ones removed. If you start approaching anything resembling polymorphic needs in this case, you might have to write a boatload of branching code for each and every field, and that too has to be maintained.
So I'd say hundreds of fields in a static kind of aggregate is, by far, the most unmaintainable.
Arrays and maps are effectively the same thing to me here in a very language-agnostic sense provided that you need those key/value pairs, with only potential differences in where you store the keys and what kind of algorithmic complexity is involved. Whatever you do, probably a key search in this monolith should be logarithmic time or better. 'Maps/associative arrays' in most languages tend to inherently have this quality.
Those can be far more suitable, and you can achieve the kind of runtime flexibility that you like on top of those (like being able to manage these from a file and add the fields on the fly with no pre-existing knowledge). They'll be far more forgiving here.
So if the choice is between a bunch of fields in a class and something resembling a map, I'd suggest going for a map. The dynamic nature of it will be far more forgiving for these kinds of cases and will typically far outweigh the compile-time benefits of, say, checking to make sure a field actually exists and producing a syntax error otherwise. That kind of checking is easy to add back in and more if we just accept that it will occur at runtime.
An exception that might make the field solution more appealing is if you involve reflection and more dynamic techniques to generate an object with the appropriate fields on the fly. Then you get back those dynamic benefits and flexibility at runtime. But that might be more unwieldy to initialize the structure, could involve leaning a lot more heavily on heavy-duty (and possibly very computationally-expensive) introspection and type manipulation and code generation mechanisms, and also end up with more funky code that's hard to maintain.
So I think the safest bet is the map or associative array, and a language that lets you easily add new fields, inspect existing ones, etc. with very fast turnaround. If the language doesn't inherently have that quality, you could look to an external file to dynamically add fields, and just maintain the file.

General stategy for designing Flexible Language application using ANTLR4

I am trying to develop a language application using antlr4. The language in question is not important. The important thing is that the grammar is very vast (easily >2000 rules!!!). I want to do a number of operations
Extract bunch of informations. These can be call graphs, variable names. constant expressions etc.
Any number of transformations:
if a loop can be expanded, we go ahead and expand it
If we can eliminate dead code we might choose to do that
we might choose to rename all variable names to conform to some norms.
Each of these operations can be applied independent of each other. And after application of these steps I want the rewrite the input as close as possible to the original input.
e.g. So we might want to eliminate loops and rename the variable and then output the result in the original language format.
I see a need to build a custom Tree (read AST) for this. So that I can modify the tree with each of the transformations. However when I want to generate the output, I lose the nice abilities of the TokenStreamRewriter. I have to specify how to write each of the nodes of the tree and I lose the original input formatting for the places I didn't do any transformations. Does antlr4 provide a good way to get around this problem?
Is AST the best way to go? Or do I build my own object representation? If so how do I create that object efficiently? Creating object representation is very big pain for such a vast language. But may be better in the long run. Again how do I get back the original formatting?
Is it possible to work just on the parse tree?
Are there similar language applications which do the same thing? If so what strategy do they use?
Any input is welcome.
Thanks in advance.
In general, what you want is called a Program Transformation System (PTS).
PTSs generally have parsers, build ASTs, can prettyprint the ASTs to recover compilable source text. More importantly, they have standard ways to navigate/inspect/modify the ASTs so that you can change them programmatically.
Many offer these capabilities in the form of pattern-matching code fragments written in the surface syntax of the language being transformed; this avoids the need to forever having to know excruciatingly fine details about which nodes are in your AST and how they are related to children. This is incredibly useful when you big complex grammars, as most of our modern (and our legacy languages) all seem to have.
More sophisticated PTSs (very few) provide additional facilities for teasing out the semantics of the source code. It is pretty hard to analyze/transform most code without knowing what scopes individual symbols belong to, or their type, and many other details such as data flow. Full disclosure: I build one of these.

Organizing interconnected objects

This is a generic question, I don't know if it belongs to Programming or StackOverflow.
I'm writing a litte simulation. Without going very deep into its details, consider that many kind of identities are involved. They correspond to Object since I'm using a OOP language.
There are Guys that inhabit the world simulated
There are Maps
A map has many Lots, that are pieces of land with some characteristics
There are Tribes (guys belong to tribes)
There is a generic class called Position to locate the elements
There are Bots in control of tribes that move guys around
There is a World that represents the world simulated
and so on.
If the simulated world was laid down as a database, the objects would be tables with lots of references, but in memory I have to use a different strategy. So, for example, a Tribe has an array of Guys as a property, The world has a, array of Bots, of Tribes, of Maps. A Map has a Dictionary whose key is a Position and whose value is a Lot. A Guy has a Position that is where he stands.
The way I lay down such connections is pretty much arbitrary. For example, I could have an array of Guys in the World, or an Array of guys per Lot (the guys standing on a piece of land), or an array of Guys per Bot (with the Guys controlled by the bot).
Doing so, I also have to pass around a lot of objects. For example, a Bot must have informations about the Map and opponent Guys to decide how to move its Guys.
As said, in a database I'd have a Guys table connected to the Lots table (indicating its position), to the Tribe table (indicating which Tribe it belongs to) and so it would also be easy to query "All the guys in Position [1, 5]". "All the Guys of Tribe 123". "All the Guys controlled by Bot B standing on the Lot b34 not belonging to the Tribe 456" and so on.
I've worked with APIs where to get the simplest information you had to make an instance of the CustomerContextCollection and pass it to CustomerQueryFactory to get back a CustomerInPlaceQuery to... When people criticize OOP and cite verbose abstractions that soon smell ridiculous, that's what I mean. I want to avoid such things and having to relay on deep abstractions and (anti pattern) abstract contexts.
The question is: what is the preferred, clean way to manage entities and collections of entities that are deeply linked in multiple ways?
It depends on your definition of "clean". In my case, I define clean as: I can implement desired behavior in an obvious, efficient manner.
Building OOP software is not a data modeling exercise. I'd suggest stepping back a little. What does each one of those objects actually do? What methods are you going to implement?
Just because "guys are in a lot" doesn't mean that the lot object needs a collection of guys; it only needs one if there are operations on a lot that affect all the guys in it. And even then, it doesn't necessarily need a collection of guys - it needs a way to get the guys in the lot. This may be an internally stored collection, but it could also be a simple method that calls back into the world to find guys matching a criteria. The implementation of that lookup should be transparent to anyone.
From the tenor of your questions, it seems like you're thinking of this from a "how do I generate reports" perspective. Step back and think of the behaviors you're trying to implement first.
Another thing I find extremely valuable is to differentiate between Entities and Values. Entities are objects where identity matters - you may have two guys, both named "Chris", but they are two different objects and remain distinct despite having the same "key". Values, on the other hand, act like ints. From your above list, Position sounds a lot like a value - Position(0,0) is Position(0,0) regardless of which chunk of memory (identity) those bits are stored in. The distinction has a bit effect on how you compare and store values vs. entities. For example, your Guy objects (entities) would store their Position as a simple member variable.
I've found a great reference for how to think about such things is Eric Evan's "Domain Driven Design" book. He's focused on business systems, but the discussions are very valuable for how you think about building OO systems in general I've found.
I would say that no 'true' answer exists to your core question -- a best way to manage collections of entities that are linked in multiple ways. It really depends on the kind of application (simulation) - here are some thoughts:
Is execution time important?
If this is the case, there is really no way around analyzing in which way your simulator will iterate over (query) the objects from the pool: sketch out the basic simulation loop and check what kind of events will require to iterate over what kind of model entities (I assume you are developing a discrete-event simulation?). Then you should organize the data structures in a way that optimizes the most frequent/time-consuming events (as opposed to "laying down the connections arbitrarily"). Additionally, you may want to use special data structures (such as k-d trees) to organize entities with properties that you need to query often (e.g., position data). For some typical problems, e.g. collision detection, there is also a whole lot of approaches to solve them efficiently (so look for suitable libraries/frameworks, e.g. for multi-agent simulation).
How flexible do you want to make it?
If you really want to make it super-flexible and really don't want to decide on the hierarchy of the model entities, why not just use an in-memory database? As you already said, databases are easily applicable to your problem (and you can easily save the model state, which may also be useful).
How clean is clean enough?
If you want to be absolutely sure that the rest of your simulator is not affected by the design choices you make in regards of your model representation, hide it behind an interface (say, ModelWorld), which defines methods for all the types of queries your simulator may invoke (this is orthogonal to the second point and may help with the first point, i.e. figuring out what kind of access pattern your simulator exhibits). This allows you to change implementations easily, without affecting any other parts of the simulator code.

Searching Natural Language Sentence Structure

What's the best way to store and search a database of natural language sentence structure trees?
Using OpenNLP's English Treebank Parser, I can get fairly reliable sentence structure parsings for arbitrary sentences. What I'd like to do is create a tool that can extract all the doc strings from my source code, generate these trees for all sentences in the doc strings, store these trees and their associated function name in a database, and then allow a user to search the database using natural language queries.
So, given the sentence "This uploads files to a remote machine." for the function upload_files(), I'd have the tree:
(NP (DT This))
(VBZ uploads)
(NP (NNS files))
(PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (JJ remote) (NN machine))))
(. .)))
If someone entered the query "How can I upload files?", equating to the tree:
(SQ (MD can) (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VB upload) (NP (NNS files))))
(. ?)))
how would I store and query these trees in a SQL database?
I've written a simple proof-of-concept script that can perform this search using a mix of regular expressions and network graph parsing, but I'm not sure how I'd implement this in a scalable way.
And yes, I realize my example would be trivial to retrieve using a simple keyword search. The idea I'm trying to test is how I might take advantage of grammatical structure, so I can weed-out entries with similar keywords, but a different sentence structure. For example, with the above query, I wouldn't want to retrieve the entry associated with the sentence "Checks a remote machine to find a user that uploads files." which has similar keywords, but is obviously describing a completely different behavior.
Relational databases cannot store knowledge in a natural way, what you actually need is a knowledge base or ontology (though it may be constructed on top of relational database). It holds data in triplets <subject, predicate, object>, so your phrase will be stored as <upload_file(), upload, file>. There's a lot of tools and methods to search inside such KBs (for example, Prolog is a language that was designed to do it). So, all you have to do is to translate sentences from natural language to KB triplets/ontology graph, translate user query to incomplete triplets (your question will look like <?, upload, file>) or conjunctive queries and then search on your KB. OpenNLP will help you with translating, and the rest depends on concrete technique and technologies you decide to use.
I agree with ffriend that you need to take a different approach that builds on existing work on knowledge bases and natural language search. Storing context-free parse trees in a relational database isn't the problem, but it is going to be very difficult to do a meaningful comparison of parse trees as part of a search. When you are just interested taking advantage of a little knowledge about grammatical relations, parse trees are really too complicated. If you simplify the parse into dependency triples, you can make the search problem much easier and get at the grammatical relations you were interested in in the first place. For instance, you could use the Stanford dependency parser, which generates a context-free parse and then extracts dependency triples from it. It produces output like this for "This function uploads files to a remote machine":
det(function-2, This-1)
nsubj(uploads-3, function-2)
dobj(uploads-3, files-4)
det(machine-8, a-6)
amod(machine-8, remote-7)
prep_to(uploads-3, machine-8)
In your database, you could store a simplified subset of these triples associated with the function, e.g.:
upload_file(): subj(uploads, function)
upload_file(): obj(uploads, file)
upload_file(): prep(uploads, machine)
When people search, you can find the function that has the most overlapping triples or something along those lines, where you probably also want to weight the different dependency relations or allow partial matches, etc. You probably also want to reduce the words in the triples to lemmas, maybe POS depending on what you need.
There are plenty of people who have worked on natural language search (like Powerset), so be sure to search for existing approaches. My proposed approach here is really minimal and I can think of tons of examples where it will have problems, but I think something along these lines could work reasonably well for a restricted domain.
This is not a complete answer, but if you want to perform linguistically sophisticated queries on your trees, the best bet is to pre-process your parser output and search it with tgrep2:
Trgrep/tgrep2 are, as far as I know, the most flexible and full-featured packages for searching parse trees. This is not a MySQL-based solution as you requested, but I thought you might be interested to know about this option.
Tgrep2 allows you to ask questions about parents, descendants and siblings, whereas other solutions would not retain the full tree structure of the parse or allows such sophisticated queries.