Dynamically locking cells in Excel - vba

I have four columns (A,B,C,D). My requirement is that in each row, only one cell should accept data, and the remaining cells should not accept data (i.e. the remaining three cells should be in locked mode).
How do I do this?

Here's one way to do what you ask. (Or at least what I think you're asking.)
First, unlock all the cells in the sheet. By default they are all in locked state (though this does not take effect until you actually protect the sheet) so you need to unlock them to start with, otherwise you won't be able to input any data anywhere as soon as you protect the sheet. You can do this manually (In 2003: Select all cells, Format > Cells > Protection > uncheck "Locked") or using VBA as follows:
Sub UnlockAll()
With Sheet1 ' Or whatever sheet you're working on
.Cells.Locked = False
End With
End Sub
The above only needs to be executed once.
Then you have to use the Worksheet_Change event to lock and unlock cells dynamically. In your sheet's module, write this code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not IsEmpty(Target) Then
'Data was added in target cell. Lock its neighbours.
Me.Cells(Target.Row, 1).Resize(, 4).Locked = True
Target.Locked = False
'Data was erased from target cell. Release its neighbours.
Me.Cells(Target.Row, 1).Resize(, 4).Locked = False
End If
End Sub
Say you write data in cell B2; this will lock cells B1, B3, and B4 so that no data can be entered. If you later decide to clear cell B2, then this will unlock B1, B3, and B4.


Worksheet_Change determine value not content

I am trying to detect if there are changes in a cell value, not particularly the cell contents. I have found multiple solutions to find out if a cell contents has changed, but it does not work when a cell is equal to another cell.
For example, I have cell A1 set to equal B1 and then B1 has a formula that calls in multiple other cells, so I am not able to go back to the beginning and determine whether the cell has changed from that. It needs to come directly from A1.
This is one of the examples I found on this site, but does not determine if the value of A1 has changed, just whether the contents has changed.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 Then
Cells(Target.Row, 3).Value = Date
End If
End Sub
The function application.volatile TRUE at the top of your sub will make your sub calculate each time any value in Excel changes. So then you need a global variable which stores the last-known value of your specified range, and any time the sub runs, start with an
If new_cell_value <> stored_global_variable then...
and close with
stored_global_variable = new_cell value'
End If
See here for further info [h/t to vzczc for the original answer and method]: Refresh Excel VBA Function Results

Conditional cell disablement in Excel

I'm using Excel 2007. I want the following behaviour:
If cell A2 is empty or contains value "Create" then cell B2 is inactive and the user cannot enter a value.
If cell A2 contains the value "Modify" or "Retire" then cell B2 is active and the user can enter a value.
These behaviours need to be limited to their specific rows, so cell B3 needs to be unaffected by the value in cell A2. These behaviours need to be functional in rows 2 to 501.
I guess that this will require some VBA
The simplest solution (yet not fail proof) would be to create a data validation for the cell by going to data, data-validation, and custom. In the formula input, you could put in
if you dont want B2 to be editable if A2 contains "Create". Then you can highlight A2 and B2 and drag it down to row 501. thats the quickest solution that I've stumbled across. Hope this helps
2 ways you can persue here I think, either you protect the worksheet and lock those specific cells based on the conditions you stated, or you write a routine for the worksheet_change event.
The first is rather devious I think, so I would opt for the latter.
Something like this perhaps?
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 2 Then
If Target.Value = vbNullString Then Exit Sub 'to prevent endless loops
If Cells(Target.Row, 1) = "Create" Or Cells(Target.Row, 1) = vbNullString Then
Target.Value = vbNullString
End If
End If
End Sub
All this in the worksheet.
Some explanation:
This sub gets called by Excel whenever the worksheet is changed (hence the name). So if you type a value into any cell, the sub gets called when you leave the cell (hit enter or click another cell, etc).
The Target argument in the sub is the range that has just changed.
So if you type 33 in cell B1, Target will be Range("B1"). So Target.Column is the column of the cell that has just changed (in this case, 2), Target.Row is the row (1) and Target.Value hold the value you just entered (33). So Cells(Target.Row, 1) is (in this case) cell A1.
This sub will work for all the rows in the sheet, but I'm sure you can adapt it to check which row it is in.
EDIT: added some explanation

How do i insert a new blank cell before current cell that has just been populated

I have a two (very long) TO-DO lists- one going across and the other going down.
What i want to achieve is for a blank cell to appear at the start of the list instead of having to scroll to the end of the lists to enter a new item.
So then when i have entered an item in a cell and hit enter, i want the cell just populated to move down the list (or across if i hit tab) and a new empty cell to appear at the start of the list.
It would be useful for the new blank cell to be pre-populated with the current date but that is not essential.
Thanks for your help.
Piggy-backing on Gary's answer, the mistake is that you set A to Range("C4:C6"). What happens is, when you enter data into any of C4, C5, and C6, they are all moved to the right because of A.Insert, which refers to all the cells assigned to A.
The trick here is to fully qualify your requirements for Target. Let's say you have a table from B1:E3, like below:
Now, let's say you want to move row 1 if you enter something into A1, row 2 if A2, etc. The following macro should do it (notice the difference with Gary's macro):
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim QualifyingRange As Range
'Dim OrigRng As String
Set QualifyingRange = Range("A1:A3")
If Intersect(Target, QualifyingRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
'OrigRng = Target.Address
Target.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
'Range(OrigRng).Value = Date
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
What is the difference in the above? Very simple but very important. When a Worksheet_Change is in a sheet's code, every time you do a valid change to the sheet, the macro fires. The range you just edited will be known to the macro as Target. Now, usually, if you don't declare what the qualifications for Target are, the Worksheet_Change macro just fires indiscriminately. How do we qualify Target properly then?
We use Intersect. First, we declare a range of cells that we want to track. These cells, when changed, should fire the macro. Otherwise, macro is kaput. This line: If Intersect(Target, QualifyingRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub basically reads: If Target is not inside my desired range, then nothing happens.
This is the reason why I declared A1:A3 as my QualifyingRange. This way, if my change is to any of the cells above, the macro will fire. HOWEVER, .Insert should not be applied to the whole range but to Target alone. This is because if we do QualifyingRange.Insert, every time a change is detected in any cells in A1:A3, all three rows will move. This is what happened when you set A to three cells and kept A.Insert.
Hopefully, this clears up the confusion. Let us know if this helps.
Here is a partial solution. The following event macro monitors entry to cell A1 . Once you have entered a value in A1, the macro "pushed" the values in column A down by one. This means that value you just entered has been pushed down to A2 and A1 is empty:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim A As Range
Set A = Range("A1")
If Intersect(A, Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
A.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Because it is worksheet code, it is very easy to install and automatic to use:
right-click the tab name near the bottom of the Excel window
select View Code - this brings up a VBE window
paste the stuff in and close the VBE window
If you have any concerns, first try it on a trial worksheet.
If you save the workbook, the macro will be saved with it.
If you are using a version of Excel later then 2003, you must save
the file as .xlsm rather than .xlsx
To remove the macro:
bring up the VBE windows as above
clear the code out
close the VBE window
To learn more about macros in general, see:
To learn more about Event Macros (worksheet code), see:
Macros must be enabled for this to work!
To push across rather than down:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim A As Range
Set A = Range("A1")
If Intersect(A, Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
A.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
To handle multiple cells, you must specify which cells get pushed across and which cells get pushed down.

Automatically Copy Sheet 1 A1:A2 to Sheet 2 A1:A2 When Sheet1 A1:A2 Changes

Objective: If any values in A1:A2 on sheet 1 change, then the values in A1:A2 on sheet 2 should automatically update with these values. The following sheet 1 event handler fails to work:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim target As Range
Set target = Range("A1:A2")
If Not Intersect(target, Sheets(2).Range("A1:A2")) Is Nothing Then
Range("A1:A2").Value = Sheets(2).Range("A1:A2").Value
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End sub
As usual, VBA's mind-numbingly opaque syntax is my downfall. Any advice in implementing the above simple task would be appreciated, as would referral to a VBA reference guide that is actually useful in explaining the hidden minutia of VBA.
As others have said, you need to put the event handler in the sheet to be monitored.
Worksheet_Change will respond to changes made by the user. If a cell changes for other reasons, eg a formula calculating, then this event is not called.
Worksheet_Calculate will respond the the sheet recalculating. It has no concept of which cells on the sheet changed. To use it in your use case, either copy the cells regardless and accept it will do some unnecassary copies, or track the values of A1:A2 yourself to copy on change
Notes on your code:
Unqualified references to Range refer to the worksheet your code is in. So does Me.
You can reference a sheets CodeName to to refer to a specific sheet regardless of what the user calls it or moves it.
Trying to do an Intersect of ranges on different sheets makes no sence and will error
Sheets(1) and Sheet1 may not be the same worksheet. The Sheets collection index is in the order the sheets are displayed in Excel, and can be changed by the user.
Here's a refactor of your code (put this in Sheets 1 module to copy changes on sheet 1 to sheet 2)
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Sheet2.Cells(1, 1).Value <> Me.Cells(1, 1).Value Or _
Sheet2.Cells(1, 2).Value <> Me.Cells(1, 2).Value Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Sheet2.Range("A1:A2").Value = Me.Range("A1:A2").Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Excel, 2 sheets, 2 columns, same value?

I have 2 sheets sheet1 and sheet2 in an excel 2007 file.
In sheet2 I have a column that is managed by a form/macro(with a tree view control). When an element has been selected, the cell is filled with an "x", when it has been unselected, the cell is filled with "" (nothing).
In sheet1 I want to create a column equal to the sheet2 column.
So for example: if sheet2!C24 = "x" then sheet1!c24 should also be "x"
I also would like it to work both ways. If the user changes sheet1!c24 to "x", then I want sheet2!c24 to take the same value.
- in Sheet1, I tried sheet1!c24 = sheet2!c24, but then when sheet2!c24 = "", sheet1!c24 displays 0 instead of nothing
- in Sheet2, I tried sheet2!c24 = sheet1!c24, but then the cells display the formula (='sheet1!c24') instead of the value...
So basically, what I want is that whatever change you do, in sheet1 or in sheet2, both columns in sheet1 and sheet2 are updated...
How can I achieve this?
What I think you need to do is use the Worksheet_Change events for both sheets and if a change is made in the column you are interested in, then you update the same cell in the other sheet.
Something like this would go in the worksheet code module:
Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)
Dim c As Range
'Test to see if the cell just changed is
'in the column we are interested in
Set c = Application.Intersect(target, Range("A:A"))
If Not c Is Nothing Then
'Copy across to other sheet
If Not beingEdited Then
beingEdited = True
Sheet1.Range(target.Address) = target.Value
beingEdited = False
End If
End If
End Sub
You'd need a beingEdited variable to be declared somewhere else with larger scope so that you could avoid the events triggering themselves and Excel getting stuck in a loop.
In the other sheet you'd basically have the same procedure, except that it would reference the first worksheet, e.g. Sheet1.Range(target.Address) = target.Value.
Obviously, you'd have to tweak this to your ranges/sheets.
You've got the right idea, but you probably need to turn off events before making the change, otherwise you'll end up in a loop
Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)
application.enableevents = false
sheet1.range("c24").value = sheet2.("c24").value
application.enableevents = true
end sub
Just make sure you enable events again at the end.
i did something like this where i had a summary sheet and a tests sheet. When I added a new value in tests sheet and it passed (P) a cell in summary sheet will keep increment. This is to keep a count of how many tests passed. here it is:
COUNTIF(tests!$C$5:$C$1017, "P");
hope this helps.