cant download android LVL - android-lvl

I'm having trouble downloading the Licence Verification Library from the android SDK manager.
It's just not there in the list of things to get. I have as the add-on site. I get a message after the SDK spends a lot of time trying to download the list of possible updates: which ends in addon.xml. For me everything else works in eclispe, I can build apps, run them on the emulator, debug on my actual phone. I have also been able to add more recent android platform sdks to my environment. Am I doing something wrong? Here is the bit from the log:
Fetching ://
Validate XML
Fetched Add-ons List successfully
Fetching URL: ://
Validate XML: ://
Parse XML: ://
Found SDK Platform Android 1.1, API 2, revision 1 (Obsolete)
Found SDK Platform Android 1.5, API 3, revision 4
<-- SNIP -->
Found Sources for Android SDK, API 14, revision 1
Found Sources for Android SDK, API 15, revision 1
Found Android Support package, revision 6
Fetching URL: ://
Validate XML: ://
Failed to fetch URL ://, reason: addon.xml
Done loading packages.

I don't know the reason.My eclipse is 3.7(Indigo),and my sdk tool is r16.But in the sdk manager i can't find the library,but when i try to find it in the sdk r17,it's just shown in the download list.Thanks god,i wish it can help you.


When I try to integrate google maps, I get an error

I try to integrate google maps in my flutter app, but I get the following error:
The current Flutter SDK version is 1.17.5.
Because restaurant_app depends on google_maps_flutter >=1.0.0 which requires Flutter SDK version >=1.22.0 <2.0.0,
version solving failed. pub get failed (1; Because restaurant_app depends on google_maps_flutter >=1.0.0 which
requires Flutter SDK version >=1.22.0 <2.0.0, version solving failed.)
I have inserted the api key into my `AndroidMainfest.xml` file as it was explained in the instructions.

Error in USB debugging live testing in React Native

I am new to React Native and I install React Native and I want to test using y device (Realme 2).
Using USB debugging, but I am stuck on this same mobile using Android Studio runs in ADB.
This stucks at this position I await multiple 15m
info Starting JS server...
info Installing the app...
Configure project :app
File C:\Users\Muhammed Sajid\repositories.cfg could not be loaded.
Checking the license for package Android SDK Platform 28 in D:\sajid\AndroidSdk\licenses
License for package Android SDK Platform 28 accepted.
Preparing "Install Android SDK Platform 28 (revision: 6)".
<======-------> 50% CONFIGURING [15m 0s]
I solved this.
I earlier installed the Android SDK 8, 7.4.4, and 9 versions, but my mobile was 8.1. That’s why
it didn't start and it was downloading SDK 8.1. As I saw in the Android SDK folder, there was a new folder with some files.
Then I downloaded the 8.1 SDK, and it ran perfectly.
I think that was no problem with your compiler behavior, but I can suggest you to check if installing the app from USB is permitted in your phone's developer option and try to trigger the compiler with pressing return key (or enter) on the command line. That was working on mine.

When you publish a React Native app with Expo will over-the-air updates go out to previous versions on the App and Play Store?

I'm using for publishing my over-the-air updates. I have submitted several new official updates (so new SDK/IPA files) to the App and Play store. I'm still using the same version of Expo as before. Will my over the air updates go out to the previous versions(people haven't gotten the offical app/play store update)? Or are the old versions stuck until the user manually updates to the latest version so that they can get OTA updates again?
If you upload a new build to the app store and play store, the user will need to download the build in order to get OTA updates for that build.
If you just build and push to the expo server, the user will be able to get OTA updates without any download.
The standalone app knows to look for updates at your app's published url.
From the documentation : Publishing Guide
When you build the binary, the current version of your app JavaScript
is bundled so that it loads immediately the first time the app opens.
But you’re not stuck with that version of your code, you can publish
updates at any time after that without needing to re-build the binary.
For example, if you find a bug or want to add some functionality to
the app after submitting the binary.
The standalone app knows to look for updates at your app’s published
url, and if you publish an update then the next time a user opens your
app they will automatically download the new version. These are
commonly referred to as “Over the Air” (OTA) updates, the
functionality is similar to CodePush, but it is built into Expo so you
don’t need to install anything.
Core expo team member #ide answered your question in this comment:
The way Expo, the publishing system, and versions work is this:
The Expo client and standalone apps support multiple SDK versions (ex: 18, 17, 16, 15).
When you publish your project, the Expo server saves your project bundle and the "sdkVersion" value in exp.json or app.json.
When the Expo client loads your project, the server sends back the latest bundle with the greatest SDK version that your client supports. So if your client supports SDKs 15 through 18 and you've published your project with SDK 15 and SDK 16, the server will send back the latest bundle for SDK 16.
So if you had published your project with SDK 16 before but then went back to SDK 15, any client that supports SDK 16 would still receive the old SDK 16 bundle.
The old Play Store versions will still get OTA (exp publish) updates as long as the published URL hasn't changed, which you can set in your app.json. This is because that URL is hardcoded into the native code (it's in for Android).
Your published URL will be From app.json's documentation:
Required. The friendly url name for publishing. eg:

Unable to receive full wallet with Google play service v8.4.0 and build tool 23.0.2

I referred to the tutorial on Android Pay on site
Androi Pay integration tutorial
and able to execute it and get the full wallet. This Biker app is compiled with build tool v22.0.1 and Google play services library v8.1.0. But my application requires build tool version 23.0.2 and Google play service library v8.4.0. Full wallet is not received in the Biker application when I do these two modifications to build.gradle:
Build tool from v22.0.1 to 23.0.2
Google play service wallet library from v8.1.0 to v8.4.0
I get result code 1 on activity result when the full wallet is requested.
Also 'Change card/address' button on the wallet fragment fails to respond with these modifications in build.gradle. I have updated the Android SDK. Is there anything I am missing?
Edit 02/16/2016
Now I referred the latest Android Pay source from Github that has latest build tool (v23.0.2) and Google Play services library (v8.4.0). I can't run the application in Android Pay mode as I don't have cards that are supported by Android Pay. I did not find any workaround for introducing mock cards in Android Pay to work with Wallet mode ENVIRONMENT_TEST
After modifying the WalletFragmentStyle to
WalletFragmentStyle walletFragmentStyle = new WalletFragmentStyle()
I get the same response in onActivityResult with RESPONSE CODE as 1 when requesting for Full wallet. The error number is 10. I am unable to trace what error 10 corresponds to.
You need to click 'Install repository and sync project' after encountering the error. This issue will be fixed after installing all the latest versions of build tools and other updates.

statusCode=unknown status code=9000 | Google Places API for Android

I am using the exact design example google place
I added an api key with the package name and my SHA1 to generate the key
when I run the project via Android Studio on emulators Android works perfectly research.
I generate an apk and install on my device or BlueStacks I get this error statusCode=unknown status code=9000
Could someone tell me why this error only on my devices?