Query SQL Server 2000 for table creation and alteration queries - sql-server-2000

I'm looking for a way to get all table creation and alteration queries attached to a database, in SQL Server 2000. Is this stored in a system table, or is there a built in method to remake them?
Goal: to extract the schema for customizable backups.
My research so far turned up nothing. My Google-Fu is weak...

Note that I don't know that there's a way to specify which filegroup a stored procedure is on (other than the default). So what you may consider, in order to at least keep the script repository backup small, is:
create a filegroup called non_data_objects, and make it the default (instead of PRIMARY).
create a filegroup for each set of tables, and create those tables there.
backup each set of tables by filegroup, and always include a backup of non_data_objects so that you have the current set of procedures, functions etc. that belong to those tables (even though you'll also get the others). Because 1. will only contain the metadata for non-data, it should be relatively small.
You might also consider just using a different database for each set of tables. Other than using three-part naming in your scripts that need to reference the different sets, there really is no performance difference. And this makes your backup/recovery plan much simpler.


Should I share temp tables across nested stored procedures?

I am currently trying to clean up some stored procedures. There are about 20 of them that look very similar and do many of the same things, but take in slightly different parameters and filter data differently.
For the most part, all of the stored procs start by loading some data in to one or two table variables (which is generally where the procs differ). After that, all of the code for each sproc is more or less the same. They perform some logging and apply some additional common filters.
I wanted to at least turn the common pieces in to stored procs so that the code would be easier to read and we wouldn't have to open 20 procedures to update the same line of sql, but the use of table variables prevents it. We are using Sql Server 2005, and to my knowledge we cannot used table valued parameters in our stored procedures.
We could, however, change all of the table variables to temp tables and reference them in the new common stored procedures. I am assuming that is a fairly common practice, but wanted to know if it was actually a good idea.
In the nested stored procedures, should I assume that a temp table has already been created elsewhere and just query off of it? I can test whether or not the table exists, but what if it doesn't? Is there a good alternative to this in 2005? Is it confusing for other developers who open one of the nested stored procs and see a temp table that is created elsewhere? Do I just need to add lots of informative comments?
In your nested proc; to be sure, you can check whether table exist or not. If not exist then RAISERROR with some error message. Since, you are using SS2005, #temptable would be the option you have. Commenting your code for ease of readability is never a bad practice.
Talking about naming convention; follow any convention that fits better in your organization (I just gave a proper name to the SP that will reflect the purpose of the SP). If code changes is happening then changing the comment accordingly is the developer responsibility. Other than this, whatever you are doing looks correct to me.

Keep table downtime to a minimum by renaming old table, then filling a new version?

I have a handful or so of permanent tables that need to be re-built on a nightly basis.
In order to keep these tables "live" for as long as possible, and also to offer the possibility of having a backup of just the previous day's data, another developer vaguely suggested
taking a route similar to this when the nightly build happens:
create a permanent table (a build version; e.g., tbl_build_Client)
re-name the live table (tbl_Client gets re-named to tbl_Client_old)
rename the build version to become the live version (tbl_build_Client gets re-named to tbl_Client)
To rename the tables, sp_rename would be in use.
Do you see any more efficient ways to go about this,
or any serious pitfalls in the approach? Thanks in advance.
Trying to flush out gbn's answer and recommendation to use synonyms,
would this be a rational approach, or am I getting some part horribly wrong?
Three real tables for "Client":
1. dbo.build_Client
2. dbo.hold_Client
3. dbo.prev_Client
Because "Client" is how other procs reference the "Client" data, the default synonym is
FOR dbo.hold_Client
Then take these steps to refresh data yet keep un-interrupted access.
(1.a.) TRUNCATE dbo.prev_Client (it had yesterday's data)
(1.b.) INSERT INTO dbo.prev_Client the records from dbo.build_Client, as dbo.build_Client still had yesterday's data
(2.a.) TRUNCATE dbo.build_Client
(2.b.) INSERT INTO dbo.build_Client the new data build from the new data build process
(2.c.) change the synonym
FOR dbo.build_Client
(3.a.) TRUNCATE dbo.hold_Client
(3.b.) INSERT INTO dbo.hold_Client the records from dbo.build_Client
(3.c.) change the synonym
FOR dbo.hold_Client
Use indirection to avoid manuipulating tables directly:
Have 3 tables: Client1, Client2, Client3 with all indexes, constraints and triggers etc
Use synonyms to hide the real table eg Client, ClientOld, ClientToLoad
To generate the new table, you truncate/write to "ClientToLoad"
Then you DROP and CREATE the synonyms in a transaction so that
Client -> what was ClientToLoad
ClientOld -> what was Client
ClientToLoad -> what was ClientOld
You can use SELECT base_object_name FROM sys.synonyms WHERE name = 'Client' to work out what the current indirection is
This works on all editions of SQL Server: the other way is "partition switching" which requires enterprise edition
Some things to keep in mind:
Replication - if you use replication, I don't believe you'll be able to easily implement this strategy
Indexes - make sure that any indexes you have on the tables are carried over to your new/old tables as needed
Logging - i don't remember whether or not sp_rename is fully logged, so you may want to test that in case you need to be able to rollback, etc.
Those are the possible drawbacks I can think of off the top of my head. It otherwise seems to be an effective way to handle the situation.
Except of missing step 0. Drop tbl_Client_old if exists solutions seems fine especially if you run it in explicit transaction. There is no backup of any previous data however.
The other solution, without renames and drops, and which I personally would prefer is to:
Copy all rows from tbl_Client to tbl_Client_old;
Truncate tbl_Client.
(Optional) Remove obsolete records from tbl_Client_old.
It's better in a way that you can control how much of the old data you can store in tbl_Client_old. Which solution will be faster depends on how much data is stored in tables and what indices in tables are.
if you use SQL Server 2008, why can't you try to use horisontal partitioning? All data contains in one table, but new and old data contains in separate partitions.

Need to alter column types in production database (SQL Server 2005)

I need help writing a TSQL script to modify two columns' data type.
We are changing two columns:
uniqueidentifier -> varchar(36) * * * has a primary key constraint
xml -> nvarchar(4000)
My main concern is production deployment of the script...
The table is actively used by a public website that gets thousands of hits per hour. Consequently, we need the script to run quickly, without affecting service on the front end. Also, we need to be able to automatically rollback the transaction if an error occurs.
Fortunately, the table only contains about 25 rows, so I am guessing the update will be quick.
This database is SQL Server 2005.
(FYI - the type changes are required because of a 3rd-party tool which is not compatible with SQL Server's xml and uniqueidentifier types. We've already tested the change in dev and there are no functional issues with the change.)
As David said, execute a script in a production database without doing a backup or stop the site is not the best idea, that said, if you want to do changes in only one table with a reduced number of rows you can prepare a script to :
Begin transaction
create a new table with the final
structure you want.
Copy the data from the original table
to the new table
Rename the old table to, for example,
Rename the new table to
End transaction
This will end with a table that is named as the original one but with the new structure you want, and in addition you maintain the original table with a backup name, so if you want to rollback the change you can create a script to do a simple drop of the new table and rename of the original one.
If the table has foreign keys the script will be a little more complicated, but is still possible without much work.
Consequently, we need the script to
run quickly, without affecting service
on the front end.
This is just an opinion, but it's based on experience: That's a bad idea. It's better to have a short, (pre-announced if possible) scheduled downtime than to take the risk.
The only exception is if you really don't care if the data in these tables gets corrupted, and you can be down for an extended period.
In this situation, based on th types of changes you're making and the testing you've already performed, it sounds like the risk is very minimal, since you've tested the changes and you SHOULD be able to do it safely, but nothing is guaranteed.
First, you need to have a fall-back plan in case something goes wrong. The short version of a MINIMAL reasonable plan would include:
Shut down the website
Make a backup of the database
Run your script
test the DB for integrity
bring the website back online
It would be very unwise to attempt to make such an update while the website is live. you run the risk of being down for an extended period if something goes wrong.
A GOOD plan would also have you testing this against a copy of the database and a copy of the website (a test/staging environment) first and then taking the steps outlined above for the live server update. You have already done this. Kudos to you!
There are even better methods for making such an update, but the trade-off of down time for safety is a no-brainer in most cases.
And if you absolutely need to do this in live then you might consider this:
1) Build an offline version of the table with the new datatypes and copied data.
2) Build all the required keys and indexes on the offline tables.
3) swap the tables out in a transaction. 00 you could rename the old table to something else as an emergency backup.
sp_help 'sp_rename'
But TEST FIRST all of this in a prod like environment. And make sure your backups are up to date. AND do this when you are least busy.

When to use temporary table in SQL Server 2005

I read about temporary tables, global temporary tables and table variables. I understood it but could not imagine a condition when I have to use this. Please elaborate on when I should use the temporary table.
Most common scenario for using temporary tables is from within a stored procedure.
If there is logic inside a stored procedure which involves manipulation of data that cannot be done within a single query, then in such cases, the output of one query / intermediate results can be stored in a temporary table which then participates in further manipulation via joins etc to achieve the final result.
One common scenario in using temporary tables is to store the results of a SELECT INTO statement
The table variable is relatively new (introduced in SQL Server 2005 - as far as i can remember ) can be used instead of the temp table in most cases. Some differences between the two are discussed here
In a lot of cases, especially in OLTP applications, usage of temporary tables within your procedures means that you MAY possibly have business processing logic in your database and might be a consideration for you to re-look your design - especially in case of n tier systems having a separate business layer in their application.
The main difference between the three is a matter of lifetime and scope.
By a global table, I am assuming you mean a standard, run of the mill, table. Tables are used for storing persistent data. They are accessible to all logged in users. Any changes you make are visible to other users and vice versa.
A temporary table exist solely for storing data within a session. The best time to use temporary tables are when you need to store information within SQL server for use over a number of SQL transactions. Like a normal table, you'll create it, interact with it (insert/update/delete) and when you are done, you'll drop it. There are two differences between a table and a temporary table.
The temporary table is only visible to you. Even if someone else creates a temporary table with the same name, no one else will be able to see or affect your temporary table.
The temporary table exists for as long as you are logged in, unless you explicitly drop it. If you log out or are disconnected SQL Server will automatically clean it up for you. This also means the data is not persistent. If you create a temporary table in one session and log out, it will not be there when you log back in.
A table variable works like any variable within SQL Server. This is used for storing data for use in a single transaction. This is a relatively new feature of TSQL and is generally used for passing data between procedures - like passing an array. There are three differences between a table and a table variable.
Like a temporary table, it is only visible to you.
Because it is a variable, it can be passed around between stored procedures.
The temporary table only exists within the current transaction. Once SQL Server finishes a transaction (with the GO or END TRANSACTION statements) or it goes out of scope, it will be deallocated.
I personally avoid using temporary tables and table variables, for a few reasons. First, the syntax for them is Microsoft specific. If your program is going to interact with more than one RDBMS, don't use them. Also, temporary tables and table variables have a tendency to increase the complexity of some SQL queries. If your code can be accomplished using a simpler method, I'd recommend going with simple.

How tempDB works?

I am trying to understand the tempDB and following are the doubts popping in my mind.
What is the lifetime of data in tempDB? Say a query is doing some Order By and uses tempDB for performing that. After this query finishes, someone else also executes a query which utilizes the tempDB. Will the second query find records written by first query in the tempDB or will they be deleted?
Are there any visible tables created inside the tempDB by the Sql Engine? How can I know which temporary table is created because of this query? Is there any naming convention followed by the Sql engine for naming these temporary tables?
I am new to tempDB so please pardon me for asking such silly (if at all) questions :-)
It will be very nice if someone can point me to a good resource which can help me learn about tempDB.
Temp table is stored in tempdb until the connection is dropped (or in the case of a global temp tables when the last connection using it is dropped). You can also (and it is a good practice to do so) manually drop the table when you are finished using it with a drop table statement.
No, others cannot see your temp tables if they are local temp tables (They can see and use global temp tables) Multiple people can run commands which use the same temp table name but they will not be overlapping in a local temp table and so you can have a table named #test and so can 10,000 other users, but each one has its own structure and data.
You don't want to generally look up temp tables in tempdb. It is possible to check for existence, but that is the only time I have ever referenced tempdb directly. Simply use your temp table name. Example below of checking for existence
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.#DuplicateAssignments') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #DuplicateAssignments
You name temp tables by prefacing the name with # (for local tables the ones you would use 999.9% of the time) and ## for global temp tables, then the rest of the name you want.
There's a few MSDN articles that are probably the best source of information on the tempDB database in SQL Server.
tempdb Database
The tempdb system database is a global
resource that is available to all
users connected to the instance of SQL
Server and is used to hold the
Temporary user objects that are explicitly created, such as: global or
local temporary tables, temporary
stored procedures, table variables, or
Internal objects that are created by the SQL Server Database Engine, for
example, work tables to store
intermediate results for spools or
Row versions that are generated by data modification transactions in a
database that uses read-committed
using row versioning isolation or
snapshot isolation transactions.
Row versions that are generated by data modification transactions for
features, such as: online index
operations, Multiple Active Result
Sets (MARS), and AFTER triggers.
Operations within tempdb are minimally
logged. This enables transactions to
be rolled back. tempdb is re-created
every time SQL Server is started so
that the system always starts with a
clean copy of the database. Temporary
tables and stored procedures are
dropped automatically on disconnect,
and no connections are active when the
system is shut down. Therefore, there
is never anything in tempdb to be
saved from one session of SQL Server
to another. Backup and restore
operations are not allowed on tempdb.
There's also tempdb and Index Creation, this blog post along with Working with tempdb in SQL Server 2005 which states:
The SQL Server system database, tempdb, has undergone a number of changes in SQL Server 2005. There are new tempdb usages and internal optimizations in SQL Server 2005; tempdb architecture is mostly unchanged since SQL Server 2000.
The tempdb system database is very similar to a user database. The main difference is that data in tempdb does not persist after SQL Server shuts down.
The temporary tables created in TempDB are dropped when the query is completed.
I'm not sure on this (I would have to try it), but I think theoretically ALL tables created in TempDB are visible, although only the user that created the table has permission to access it.