Why NSDecimalNumber in a NSString? - objective-c

I have an object that got parsed into an NSString and when I trace out the class name, it says NCDecimalNumber. Why? (I understand NSString is a cluster, but still don't understand why NSDecimalNumber would be a part of what's behind the cluster)
The following post asks a similar question but no one answers the why.
Converting NSDecimalNumber to NSString

This sounds like the decoder decodes the number into an NSDecimalNumber (and strings into NSStrings).
Remember, Objective-C is C, so you can effectively assign anything to a pointer, it is up to you to ensure that the types correspond. This is why you can assign an object of type NSNumber to a pointer declared to be of type NSString*. As you can see, class clusters don't have anything to do with this.
So before assigning your object to a variable, you should check the class or, alternatively, just assign the object to a pointer of type id (which can hold any object).
If you need to work on the objects based on their type, you can do something like this:
id obj = //...
if ( [obj isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] ) {
else if ( [obj isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]] ) {
else {

Try to use this:
NSString *string = [[NSStrig alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", [DecimalNumber stringValue]];
Hope that is going to help you.


How to get classname in objective c Like 'NSString'

I want to get the class name of an object as what we are using.
That means now if I write this code
NSString *s = [NSString string];
NSLog(#"%#",[s class]);
The output is __NSCFConstantString
How can I get it as NSString itself ?
Note : NSString is just an example
I know __NSCFConstantString is correct. But my intention is to get like NSString. Is there any way to acheive this?
Give these a try, they'll output NSString. Keep in mind, the second set requires importing the Objective-C runtime header.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
NSString *string = #"I'm a string.";
NSLog(#"%#",NSStringFromClass([string classForCoder]));
NSLog(#"%#",NSStringFromClass([string classForKeyedArchiver]));
NSLog(#"%s",class_getName([string classForCoder]));
NSLog(#"%s",class_getName([string classForKeyedArchiver]));
Now, this won't work in all cases. For example, trying to get the class of NSConstantString, in this manner will output NSString. If you require checking the class name as a string in this way, you probably should reconsider your approach to solving the problem.
NSString is a so-called "class cluster". That means that the init methods will return
an instance of some subclass (such as __NSCFConstantString or __NSCFString).
You will never get an instance with the class equal to NSString.
If your intention is to check whether an object is a NSString or not then
use isKindOfClass:
if ([s isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
// this is a string …
Other examples of class clusters are NSNumber, NSDictionary, NSArray
and their mutable variants.
NSLog(#"%#", NSStringFromClass([s class]));

Why set types in Obj-c fast enumeration loops?

NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *string = #"string";
[array addObject:string];
NSDate *date = [[NSDate alloc] init];
[array addObject:date];
for (*placeholder* stuff in array)
If I change placeholder to either NSString* or NSDate*, I expect to see "one", because the for loop should just ignore a non-matching type. However, the result is "one one".
Doesn't this imply that you should just have placeholder be id whatever the situation, since it doesn't seem to matter anyhow?
fast enumeration always iterates over all object in a collection. it does not filter.
The only thing that happens is, that you will have some strange casts.
if your array contains objects of differnt classes, you can determine the class for each object with isMemberOfClass:
if you would do for (NSDate *obj in array), any object in the array will be casts to NSDate, no matter if that is sense-full or not. and due to the nature of objective-c it will even work, as-long as you dont send a message that is only understandable by NSDate objects or send the object as an argument to a method that needs to receive a date object, as a cast does not change the object in anyway. A cast is just a promise you make to the compiler that you know what you are doing. Actually you also can call it a lie.
To answer your question title itself: You dont have to set the class inside the loop statement. the generic object type id is sufficient. But usually you have objects of one kind in an array — views, numbers, string, dates,…. by declaring the right class you gain some comfort like better autocompletion.
Yes, using id (or some other common ancestor class) is the correct approach, and then it's necessary to determine which type of class has been enumerated in order to handle it differently:
for (id obj in array)
if ([obj isMemberOfClass:[NSString class]])
NSString *str = (NSString *)obj;
NSLog("obj is a string: %#", str);
else if ([obj isMemberOfClass:[NSDate class]])
NSDate *date = (NSDate *)obj;
NSLog("obj is a date: %#", date);
The problem has nothing to do with fast enumeration, but with collections which can contain any type of object. The same question arises when you access an individual element of an array:
id lastObject = [array lastObject];
NSString *string = [array lastObject];
Which will you chose? It all depends on your code. If you're sure that array only contains strings, then in my opinion it is better to use the second choice, because you get additional type checking, autocompletion, and method matching from the compiler (i.e. you won't get warnings if you call a method that has different signatures for two different objects). The same applies to fast enumeration: if your collection can contain any kind of object, use id. If you know what it contains, use the specific type. (And the same also applies to block tests. In NSArray's method
- (NSUInteger)indexOfObjectPassingTest:(BOOL (^)(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop))predicate
if you know it only contains strings for instance, you can replace id with NSString * in the block arguments. It won't change at all the compiled code or the behavior of your application, it will only change the compiler type checking.

Fast Enumeration on NSArray of Different Types

I have this question here (as well other quesrtions on SO), and the Apple docs about Objective-C collections and fast enumeration. What is not made clear is if an NSArray populated with different types, and a loop is created like:
for ( NSString *string in myArray )
NSLog( #"%#\n", string );
What exactly happens here? Will the loop skip over anything that is not an NSString? For example, if (for the sake of argument) a UIView is in the array, what would happen when the loop encounters that item?
Why would you want to do that? I think that would cause buggy and unintended behavior. If your array is populated with different elements, use this instead:
for (id object in myArray) {
// Check what kind of class it is
if ([object isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]) {
// Do something
else {
// Handle accordingly
What you are doing in your example is effectively the same as,
for (id object in myArray) {
NSString *string = (NSString *)object;
NSLog(#"%#\n", string);
Just because you cast object as (NSString *) doesn't mean string will actually be pointing to an NSString object. Calling NSLog() in this way will call the - (NSString *)description method according to the NSObject protocol, which the class being referenced inside the array may or may not conform to. If it conforms, it will print that. Otherwise, it will crash.
You have to understand that a pointer in obj-c has no type information. Even if you write NSString*, it's only a compilation check. During runtime, everything is just an id.
Obj-c runtime never checks whether objects are of the given class. You can put NSNumbers into NSString pointers without problems. An error appears only when you try to call a method (send a message) which is not defined on the object.
How does fast enumeration work? It's exactly the same as:
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < myArray.count; i++) {
NSString* string = [myArray objectAtIndex:i];
It's just faster because it operates on lower level.
I just tried a quick example... Here is my code.
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:6];
[array addObject:number];
[array addObject:#"Second"];
Now if I simply log the object, no problem. The NSNumber instance is being cast as an NSString, but both methods respond to -description, so its not a problem.
for (NSString *string in array)
NSLog(#"%#", string);
However, if I attempt to log -length on NSString...
for (NSString *string in array)
NSLog(#"%i", string.length);
... it throws an NSInvalidArgumentException because NSNumber doesn't respond to the -length selector. Long story short, Objective-C gives you a lot of rope. Don't hang yourself with it.
Interesting question. The most generic syntax for fast enumeration is
for ( NSObject *obj in myArray )
NSLog( #"%#\n", obj );
I believe that by doing
for ( NSString *string in myArray )
NSLog( #"%#\n", string );
instead, you are simply casting each object as an NSString. That is, I believe the above is equivalent to
for ( NSObject *obj in myArray ) {
NSString *string = obj;
NSLog( #"%#\n", string );
I could not find precise mention of this in Apple's documentation for Fast Enumeration, but you can check it on an example and see what happens.
Since all NSObject's respond to isKindOfClass, you could still keep the casting to a minimum:
for(NSString *string in myArray) {
if (![string isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
// proceed, knowing you have a valid NSString *
// ...

Basic Objective-C typecasting question

Consider the following code:
if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSString *s = [(NSString *)obj stringByAppendingString:#"xyzzy"];
I'm a bit confused here. The if statement checks whether or not obj is of the NSString class. If it is, it assigns the object and an appended string to NSString *s, do I understand this correctly? If so, why would you still cast it to (NSString *)?
Doesn't the if statement already check for that and doesn't that make the typecasting unnecessary?
Wouldn't it be perfectly fine to just say:
NSString *s = obj stringByAppendingString:#"xyzzy"];
Thanks in advance.
It all depends on how obj is defined. If it is id obj then no casting is needed, but if it was defined as NSObject *obj the cast is necessary to suppress the compiler warning that stringByAppendingString: is not defined on NSObject. The cast is not needed to make the code work at runtime, it only tells the compiler the "correct" type so it can tell whether the method should exist on the object.
The reason why the cast isn't needed for id is because id means "an object of any type", while NSObject * means "an object of type NSObject".

How do I get class information at runtime in Objective-C?

I have NSMutableArray with different objects in it of different classes. Now I want to get the class name, related stuff and also check if the respective object is NSString or not. How should I go about it?
I was trying something like the following. It wasn't working of course.
for(NSString *string in array){
NSLog(#"Name of the class : %#", [NSString stringWithCString:class_getName(Class id)];
If you're on Mac OS X, you can use [object className], it returns an NSString
for(id obj in array) NSLog(#"Name of the class: %#", [obj className]);
To check if it's a NSString, you should use something like this:
for(id obj in array) {
if ([obj isKindofClass:[NSString class]]) {
// do something
for(id object in array){
NSLog(#"Name of the class: %#", [object className]);
NSLog(#"Object is a string: %d", [object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]);
Take a look at the NSObject class and protocol for other interesting methods.
I have NSMutableArray with different objects in it of different classes. Now I want to get the class name & related stuff & also check if the respective object is NSString or not.
Hold up. Why do have an array of different typed objects in the first place? Could you redo your design to avoid getting into that situation?
As others have said, -isKindOfClass: works. One downside is it generally leads to brittle code. Here your loop needs to know about all the classes that could be in the array. Sometimes this is the best you can do though.
Designs that use -respondsToSelector: tend to be a little more robust. Here your loop would need to know about the behaviors it depends on of classes in the array.