Group by and sorting before a where clause? - sql

I have a database that looks like this:
ID parent ticket category _record_status _log_user _log_timestamp _log_type
1 1 1 1 active 1 2012-01-29 15:49:21 create
2 1 1 1 deleted 1 2012-01-29 15:52:14 destroy
3 3 1 2 active 1 2012-01-29 15:58:43 create
I want to be able to select all records that are not deleted for a specified ticket. However, this is difficult because of the revision system.
Is there a way to do this via SQL that is efficient, or would it be better to just do this in PHP, considering each ticket will only have a few records on average. I doubt any ticket would ever get more than 100 records in it's lifetime.

select *
from YourTable
where _record_status <> 'deleted'
and ticket = #yourTicketId
Is that what you're looking for??

SELECT .....
FROM .....
WHERE _record_status!="deleted" AND ticket=X


Group and Combine Rows In SQL

I have a table that I unfortunately can't alter, but I can use to create a view. The issue is that the data in one column is spread across multiple rows. Here's a sample of what that looks like:
The custo
mer calle
d and lef
t a messa
I need the data to look like this:
The customer called and left a message.
Any ideas on how to do it?
select customer
,string_agg(note, '') within group (order by Sequence) as note
from t
group by customer, Activity
The customer called and left a message
try this:
Search for the syntax dialect according to the software you are using.

Update rows using data within the same table SQL

I have a table which looks like this
messageId | conversationId | campusA | campusB
1 1 campusA
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 2
7 2 campusB
As we can see multiple messages are linked to the same conversationId and we have campus information for some of the records. Using this information I want to update remaining empty rows that are linked to the same conversationId. For example, I can see campusA is linked to conversationId 1. Using this information, I want to update the remaining 3 rows that have the same conversationId as the first record.
I was having trouble figuring this out and was wondering what would be the most efficient way to go around this? Thank you in advance!
You can use the update and correlated sub query as follows:
Update your_table t
Set t.campusa = (select max(tt.campusa) from your_table tt
Where t.conversarion = tt.conversation)
Where t.campusa is null
And exists (select 1 from your_table tt
Where t.conversarion = tt.conversation and tt.campusa is not null)

Access "Not In" query not working while only In is working correctly

I have below given query which is working fine but I want to use "Not In" operator instead of "In" but its giving no results:
SELECT DISTINCT OrderProdDetails.Priority
FROM OrderProdDetails
WHERE (((OrderProdDetails.Priority) In (SELECT DISTINCT OrderProdDetails.Priority
FROM OrderProdDetails WHERE (((OrderProdDetails.OrdID)=[Forms]![UpdateOrder]![OdrID])))));
Desired Query:
SELECT DISTINCT OrderProdDetails.Priority
FROM OrderProdDetails
WHERE (((OrderProdDetails.Priority) Not In (SELECT DISTINCT OrderProdDetails.Priority
FROM OrderProdDetails WHERE (((OrderProdDetails.OrdID)=[Forms]![UpdateOrder]![OdrID])))));
Basically it is referencing a control on parent form and based on that in a subform I want to populate the priority numbers i.e 1,2,3 and if for that record 1 is entered I want to get only 2 and 3 as drop-down option.
ReocordID OrdID Brand Name Priority
2 1 Org 1 2
3 2 Org 2 1
4 1 Org 1 1
6 1 Org 1 3
7 3 Org 3 1
8 4 Org 1 1
9 5 Org 2 1
10 5 Org 2 2
11 6 Org 1 1
12 6 Org 2 2
If there is any other better approach for the same please suggest.
Thanks in advance for your help.
In all likelihood, your problem is that Priority can take on NULL values. In that case, NOT IN doesn't work as expected (although it does work technically). The usual advice is to always use NOT EXISTS with subqueries rather than NOT IN.
But, in your case, I would suggest conditional aggregation instead:
SELECT opd.Priority
FROM OrderProdDetails as opd
GROUP BY opd.Priority
HAVING SUM(IIF(opd.OrdID = [Forms]![UpdateOrder]![OdrID], 1, 0)) = 0;
The HAVING clause counts the number of times the forms OdrId is in the orders. The = 0 means it is never there. Plus, you no longer need a select distinct.
Thanks for your prompt answers however I figured out what the problem was and the answer to problem is.
SELECT DISTINCT OrderProdDetails.Priority
FROM OrderProdDetails
WHERE (((OrderProdDetails.Priority) Not In (SELECT OrderProdDetails.Priority
FROM OrderProdDetails WHERE (((OrderProdDetails.OrdID)=[Forms]![UpdateOrder]![OdrID])
and ((OrderProdDetails.Priority) Is not null) ))));
I realized that the problem was happening only to those where there was a null value in priority so I puth the check of not null and it worked fine.

T-SQL 2008 INSERT dummy row WHEN condition is met

**Schema & Dataset**
id version payment name
1 1 10 Rich
2 1 0 David
3 1 10 Marc
4 1 10 Jess
5 1 0 Steff
1 2 10 Rich
2 2 0 David
3 2 10 Marc
4 2 10 Jess
5 2 0 Steff
2 3 0 David
3 3 10 Marc
4 3 10 Jess!3/1c457/18 - Contains my schema and the dataset I'm working with.
The data above is the final set after a stored proc has done it's processing so everything above is in one table and unfortunately I can't change it.
I need to identify in the dataset where a person has been deleted with a payment total greater than 0 in previous versions and insert a dummy row with a payment of 0. So in the above example, Rich has been deleted in version 3 with a payment total of 10 on previous versions. I need to first identify where this has happened in all instances and insert a dummy row with a 0 payment for that version. Steff has also been deleted on version 3 but she hasn't had a payment over 0 on previous versions so a dummy row is not needed for her.
Tried so far -
So I looked at pinal dave's example here and I can look back to the previous row which is great so it's a step in the right direction. I'm not sure however of how to go about achieving the above requirement. I've been toying with the idea of a case statement but I'm not certain that would be the best way to go about it. I'm really struggling with this one and would appreciate some advice on how to tackle it.
You can do this by generating all possible combinations of names and versions. Then filter out the ones you don't want according to the pay conditions:
select, v.version, coalesce(de.payment, 0) as payment
from (select name, max(payment) as maxpay from dataextract group by name) n cross join
(select distinct version from dataextract) v left outer join
dataextract de
on = and de.version = v.version
where is not null or n.maxpay > 0;
Here is a SQL Fiddle.

Progressive count using a query?

I use this query to
SELECT userId, submDate, COUNT(submId) AS nSubms
FROM submissions
GROUP BY userId, submDate
ORDER BY userId, submDate
obtain the total number of submissions per user per date.
However I need to have the progressive count for every user so I can see how their submissions accumulate over time.
Is this possible to implement in a query ?
EDIT: The obtained table looks like this :
userId submDate nSubms
1 2-Feb 1
1 4-Feb 7
2 1-Jan 4
2 2-Jan 2
2 18-Jan 1
I want to produce this :
userId submDate nSubms progressive
1 2-Feb 1 1
1 4-Feb 7 8
2 1-Jan 4 4
2 2-Jan 2 6
2 18-Jan 1 7
EDIT 2 : Sorry for not mentioning it earlier, I am not allowed to use :
Stored procedure calls
Update/Delete/Insert/Create queries
DISTINCT keyword
as I am using a tool that doesn't allow those.
You can use a self-join to grab all the rows of the same table with a date before the current row:
SELECT s0.userId, s0.submDate, COUNT(s0.submId) AS nSubms, COUNT (s1.submId) AS progressive
FROM submissions AS s0
JOIN submissions AS s1 ON s1.userId=s0.userId AND s1.submDate<=s0.submDate
GROUP BY s0.userId, s0.submDate
ORDER BY s0.userId, s0.submDate
This is going to force the database to do a load of pointless work counting all the same rows again and again though. It would be better to just add up the nSubms as you go down in whatever script is calling the query, or in an SQL variable, if that's available in your environment.
The Best solution for this is to do it at the client.
It's the right tool for the job. Databases are not suited for this kind of task
Select S.userId, S.submDate, Count(*) As nSubms
, (Select Count(*)
From submissions As S1
Where S1.userid = S.userId
And S1.submDate <= S.submDate) As TotalSubms
From submissions As S
Group By S.userid, S.submDate
Order By S.userid, S.submDate