Hamming Distance / Similarity searches in a database - sql

I have a process, similar to tineye that generates perceptual hashes, these are 32bit ints.
I intend to store these in a sql database (maybe a nosql db) in the future
However, I'm stumped at how I would be able to retrieve records based on the similarity of hashes.
Any Ideas?

A common approach (at least common to me) is to divide your hash bit string in several chunks and query on these chunks for an exact match. This is a "pre-filter" step. You then can perform a bitwise hamming distance computation on the returned results which should be only a smaller subset of your overall dataset. This can be done using data files or SQL tables.
So in simple terms: Say you have a bunch of 32 bits hashes in a DB and that you want to find every hash that are within a 4 bits hamming distance of your "query" hash:
Create a table with four columns: each will contain an 8 bits (as a string or int) slice of the 32 bits hashes, islice 1 to 4.
Slice your query hash the same way in qslice 1 to 4.
Query this table such that any of qslice1=islice1 or qslice2=islice2 or qslice3=islice3 or qslice4=islice4. This gives you every DB hash that are within 3 bits (4 - 1) of the query hash. It may contain more results, and this is why there is a step 4.
For each returned hash, compute the exact hamming distance pair-wise with you query hash (reconstructing the index-side hash from the four slices)
The number of operations in step 4 should be much less than a full pair-wise hamming computation of your whole table.
This approach was first described afaik by Moses Charikar in its "simhash" seminal paper and the corresponding Google patent:
Given bit vectors consisting of d bits each, we choose
N = O(n 1/(1+ ) ) random permutations of the bits. For each
random permutation σ, we maintain a sorted order O σ of
the bit vectors, in lexicographic order of the bits permuted
by σ. Given a query bit vector q, we find the approximate
nearest neighbor by doing the following:
For each permutation σ, we perform a binary search on O σ to locate the two bit vectors closest to q (in the lexicographic order obtained by bits permuted by σ). We now search in each of the sorted orders O σ examining elements above and below the position returned by the binary search in order of the length of the longest prefix that matches q.
Monika Henziger expanded on this in her paper "Finding near-duplicate web pages: a large-scale evaluation of algorithms":
3.3 The Results for Algorithm C
We partitioned the bit string of each page into 12 non-
overlapping 4-byte pieces, creating 20B pieces, and computed the C-similarity of all pages that had at least one
piece in common. This approach is guaranteed to find all
pairs of pages with difference up to 11, i.e., C-similarity 373,
but might miss some for larger differences.
NB: C-similarity is the same as the Hamming distance: The Hamming distance is the number of positions at which the corresponding bits differ while C-similarity is the number of positions at which the corresponding bits agree.
This is also explained in the paper Detecting Near-Duplicates for Web Crawling by Gurmeet Singh Manku, Arvind Jain, and Anish Das Sarma:
Definition: Given a collection of f -bit fingerprints and a
query fingerprint F, identify whether an existing fingerprint
differs from F in at most k bits. (In the batch-mode version
of the above problem, we have a set of query fingerprints
instead of a single query fingerprint)
Intuition: Consider a sorted table of 2 d f -bit truly random fingerprints. Focus on just the most significant d bits
in the table. A listing of these d-bit numbers amounts to
“almost a counter” in the sense that (a) quite a few 2 d bit-
combinations exist, and (b) very few d-bit combinations are
duplicated. On the other hand, the least significant f − d
bits are “almost random”.
Now choose d such that |d − d| is a small integer. Since
the table is sorted, a single probe suffices to identify all fingerprints which match F in d most significant bit-positions.
Since |d − d| is small, the number of such matches is also
expected to be small. For each matching fingerprint, we can
easily figure out if it differs from F in at most k bit-positions
or not (these differences would naturally be restricted to the
f − d least-significant bit-positions).
The procedure described above helps us locate an existing
fingerprint that differs from F in k bit-positions, all of which
are restricted to be among the least significant f − d bits of
F. This takes care of a fair number of cases. To cover all
the cases, it suffices to build a small number of additional
sorted tables, as formally outlined in the next Section.
PS: Most of these fine brains are/were associated with Google at some level or some time for these, FWIW.

To find hamming distance, you can just use bitwise addition and subtraction (& and ~ on the integers) in order to compute these.
SQL isn't made for this sort of processing. The comparisons on large data sets get very messy, and will not have the speed of a query that utilizes the strength of the system. That said, I've done similar things.
This will give you individual differences, which would need to be run on the full data set and ordered, which is messy at best. If you want it to run faster, you will need to use strategies like indexing by "region," or finding natural groupings in your data. There are umbrella clustering strategies, and similar - there is a lot of literature. It will, however, be messy in most traditional Database systems.

David's discussion is correct, but if you don't have a lot of data, check out Hamming distance on binary strings in SQL


The best way to search millions of fuzzy hashes

I have the spamsum composite hashes for about ten million files in a database table and I would like to find the files that are reasonably similar to each other. Spamsum hashes are composed of two CTPH hashes of maximum 64 bytes and they look like this:
They can be broken down into three sections (split the string on the colons):
Block size: 384 in the hash above
First signature: w2mhnFnJF47jDnunEk3SlbJJ+SGfOypAYJwsn3gdqymefD4kkAGxqCfOTPi0ND
Second signature: wemfOGxqCfOTPi0ND
Block size refers to the block size for the first signature, and the block size for the second signature is twice that of the first signature (here: 384 x 2 = 768). Each file has one of these composite hashes, which means each file has two signatures with different block sizes.
The spamsum signatures can be compared only if their block sizes correspond. That is to say that the composite hash above can be compared to any other composite hash that contains a signature with a block size of 384 or 768. The similarity of signature strings for hashes with similar block size can be takes as a measure of similarity between the files represented by the hashes.
So if we have:
file1.blk2 = 768
file1.sig2 = wemfOGxqCfOTPi0ND
file2.blk1 = 768
file2.sig1 = LsmfOGxqCfOTPi0ND
We can get a sense of the degree of similarity of the two files by calculating some weighted edit distance (like Levenshtein distance) for the two signatures. Here the two files seem to be pretty similar.
leven_dist(file1.sig2, file2.sig1) = 2
One can also calculate a normalized similarity score between two hashes (see the details here).
I would like to find any two files that are more than 70% similar based on these hashes, and I have a strong preference for using the available software packages (or APIs/SDKs), although I am not afraid of coding my way through the problem.
I have tried breaking the hashes down and indexing them using Lucene (4.7.0), but the search seems to be slow and tedious. Here is an example of the Lucene queries I have tried (for each single signature -- twice per hash and using the case-sensitive KeywordAnalyzer):
(blk1:768 AND sig1:wemfOGxqCfOTPi0ND~0.7) OR (blk2:768 AND sig2:wemfOGxqCfOTPi0ND~0.7)
It seems that Lucene's incredibly fast Levenshtein automata does not accept edit distance limits above 2 (I need it to support up to 0.7 x 64 ≃ 19) and that its normal editing distance algorithm is not optimized for long search terms (the brute force method used does not cut off calculation once the distance limit is reached.) That said, it may be that my query is not optimized for what I want to do, so don't hesitate to correct me on that.
I am wondering whether I can accomplish what I need using any of the algorithms offered by Lucene, instead of directly calculating the editing distance. I have heard that BK-trees are the best way to index for such searches, but I don't know of the available implementations of the algorithm (Does Lucene use those at all?). I have also heard that a probable solution is to narrow down the search list using n-gram methods but I am not sure how that compares to editing distance calculation in terms of inclusiveness and speed (I am pretty sure Lucene supports that one). And by the way, is there a way to have Lucene run a term search in the parallel mode?
Given that I am using Lucene only to pre-match the hashes and that I calculate the real similarity score using the appropriate algorithm later, I just need a method that is at least as inclusive as Levenshtein distance used in similarity score calculation -- that is, I don't want the pre-matching method to exclude hashes that would be flagged as matches by the scoring algorithm.
Any help/theory/reference/code or clue to start with is appreciated.
This is not a definitive answer to the question, but I have tried a number of methods ever since. I am assuming the hashes are saved in a database, but the suggestions remain valid for in-memory data structures as well.
Save all signatures (2 per hash) along with their corresponding block sizes in a separate child table. Since only signatures of the same size can be compared with each other, you can filter the table by block size before starting to compare the signatures.
Reduce all the repetitive sequences of more than three characters to three characters ('bbbbb' -> 'bbb'). Spamsum's comparison algorithm does this automatically.
Spamsum uses a rolling window of 7 to compare signatures, and won't compare any two signatures that do not have a 7-character overlap after eliminating excessive repetitions. If you are using a database that support lists/arrays as fields, create a field with a list of all possible 7-character sequences extracted from each signature. Then create the fastest exact match index you have access to on this field. Before trying to find the distance of two signatures, first try to do exact matches over this field (any seven-gram in common?).
The last step I am experimenting with is to save signatures and their seven-grams as the two modes of a bipartite graph, projecting the graph into single mode (composed of hashes only), and then calculating Levenshtein distance only on adjacent nodes with similar block sizes.
The above steps do a good pre-matching and substantially reduce the number of signatures each signature has to be compared with. It is only after these that the the modified Levenshtein/Damreau distance has to be calculated.

Determine whether there is a subset of size n which has a standard deviation <= s

Given a bunch of numbers, I am trying to determine whether there is a "clump" anywhere where numbers are very densely packed.
To make things more precise, I thought I'd ask a more specific problem: given a set of numbers, I would like to determine whether there is a subset of size n which has a standard deviation <= s. If there are many such subsets, I'd like to find the subset with the lowest standard deviation.
So question #1 : does this formal problem definition effectively capture the intuitive concept of a "clump" of densely packed numbers?
EDIT: I don't actually care about determining which numbers belong to this "clump", I'm much more interested in determining where the clump is centred, which is why I think that specifying n in advance is okay. But feel free to correct me!
And question #2 : assuming it does, what is the best way to go about implementing something like this (in particular, I want a solution with lowest time complexity)? So far I think I have a solution that runs in n log n:
First, note that the lowest-standard-deviation-possessing subset of a given size must consist of consecutive numbers. So step 1 is sort the numbers (this is n log n)
Second, take the first n numbers and compute their standard deviation. If our array of numbers is 0-based, then the first n numbers are [0, n-1]. To get standard deviation, compute s1 and s2 as follows:
s1 = sum of numbers
s2 = sum of squares of numbers
Then, wikipedia says that the standard deviation is sqrt(n*s2 - s1^2)/n. Record this value as the highest standard deviation seen so far.
Find the standard deviation of [1, n], [2, n+1], [3, n+2] ... until you hit the the last n numbers. To do each computation takes only constant time if you keep track of s1 and s2 running totals: for example, to get std dev of [1, n], just subtract the 0th element from the s1 and s2 totals and add the nth element, then recalculate standard deviation. This means that the entire standard deviation calculating portion of the algorithm takes linear time.
So total time complexity n log n.
Is my assessment right? Is there a better way to do this? I really need this to run fast on fairly large sets, so the faster the better! Space is less of an issue (I think).
Having been working recently on a similar problem, both the definition of the clumps and the proposed implementation seem reasonable.
Another reasonable definition would be to find the minimum of all the ranges of n numbers. Thus, given that the list of numbers x is sorted, one would just find the minimum of x[n]-x[1], x[n+1]-x[2], etc. This would be slightly quicker than finding the standard deviation because it would avoid the multiplications and square roots. Indeed, you can avoid the square roots even when looking for the lowest standard deviation by finding the minimum variance (the square of the standard deviation), rather than the sd itself.
A caution would be that the location of the biggest clump might be quite sensitive to the choice of n. If there is an a priori reason to select a particular n, that won't be a problem. If not, however, it might require some experimentation to select the value of n that fairly reliably finds the clumps you are looking for, whether you are selecting by range or by standard deviation. Some ideas on this can be found in Chapter 6 of the online book ABC of EDA.

VB.NET Comparing files with Levenshtein algorithm

I'd like to use the Levenshtein algorithm to compare two files in VB.NET. I know I can use an MD5 hash to determine if they're different, but I want to know HOW MUCH different the two files are. The files I'm working with are both around 250 megs. I've experimented with different ways of doing this and I've realized I really can't load both files into memory (all kinds of string-related issues). So I figured I'd just stream the bytes I need as I go. Fine. But the implementations that I've found of the Levenshtein algorithm all dimension a matrix that's length 1 * length 2 in size, which in this case is impossible to work with. I've heard there's a way to do this with just two vectors instead of the whole matrix.
How can I compute Levenshtein distance of two large files without declaring a matrix that's the product of their file sizes?
Note that the values in each row of the Levenshtein matrix depend only on the values in the row above it. This means that you only need two one-dimensional arrays: one contains the values of the current row; the other is populated with the new values that you can compute from the current row. Then, you swap their roles (the "new" row becomes the "current" row and vice versa) and continue.
Note that this approach only lets you compute the Levenshtein distance (which seems to be what you want); it cannot tell you which operations must be done in order to transform one string into the other. There exists a very clever modification of the algorithm that lets you reconstruct the edit operations without using nm memory, but I've forgotten how it works.

Complexity of a Lucene's search

If I write and algorithm that performs a search using Lucene how can I state the computational complexity of it? I know that Lucene uses tf*idf scoring but I don't know how it is implemented. I've found that tf*idf has the following complexity:
where D is the set of documents and T the set of all terms.
However, I need someone who could check if this is correct and explain me why.
Thank you
Lucene basically uses a Vector Space Model (VSM) with a tf-idf scheme. So, in the standard setting we have:
A collection of documents each represented as a vector
A text query also represented as a vector
We determine the K documents of the collection with the highest vector space scores on the query q. Typically, we seek these K top documents ordered by score in decreasing order; for instance many search engines use K = 10 to retrieve and rank-order the first page of the ten best results.
The basic algorithm for computing vector space scores is:
float Scores[N] = 0
Initialize Length[N]
for each query term t
do calculate w(t,q) and fetch postings list for t (stored in the index)
for each pair d,tf(t,d) in postings list
do Scores[d] += wf(t,d) X w(t,q) (dot product)
Read the array Length[d]
for each d
do Scored[d] = Scores[d] / Length[d]
return Top K components of Scores[]
The array Length holds the lengths (normalization factors) for each of the N
documents, whereas the array Scores holds the scores for each of the documents.
tf is the term frequency of a term in a document.
w(t,q) is the weight of the submitted query for a given term. Note that query is treated as a bag of words and the vector of weights can be considered (as if it was another document).
wf(d,q) is the logarithmic term weighting for query and document
As described here: Complexity of vector dot-product, vector dot-product is O(n). Here the dimension is the number of terms in our vocabulary: |T|, where T is the set of terms.
So, the time complexity of this algorithm is:
O(|Q|· |D| · |T|) = O(|D| · |T|)
we consider |Q| fixed, where Q is the set of words in the query (which average size is low, in average a query has between 2 and 3 terms) and D is the set of all documents.
However, for a search, these sets are bounded and indexes don't tend to grow very often. So, as a result, searches using VSM are really fast (when T and D are large the search is really slow and one has to find an alternative approach).
D is the set of all documents
before (honestly, along side) VSM, the boolean retrieval is invoked. Thus, we can say d is matching docs only (almost. ok. in the best case).
Since Scores is priority queue (at least in doc-at-time-scheme) build on heap, putting every d into takes log(K).
Therefore we can estimate it as O(d·log(K)), here I omitting T since query is expected to be short. (Otherwise, you are in a trouble).

How can I test that my hash function is good in terms of max-load?

I have read through various papers on the 'Balls and Bins' problem and it seems that if a hash function is working right (ie. it is effectively a random distribution) then the following should/must be true if I hash n values into a hash table with n slots (or bins):
Probability that a bin is empty, for large n is 1/e.
Expected number of empty bins is n/e.
Probability that a bin has k balls is <= 1/ek! (corrected).
Probability that a bin has at least k collisions is <= ((e/k)**k)/e (corrected).
These look easy to check. But the max-load test (the maximum number of collisions with high probability) is usually stated vaguely.
Most texts state that the maximum number of collisions in any bin is O( ln(n) / ln(ln(n)) ).
Some say it is 3*ln(n) / ln(ln(n)). Other papers mix ln and log - usually without defining them, or state that log is log base e and then use ln elsewhere.
Is ln the log to base e or 2 and is this max-load formula right and how big should n be to run a test?
This lecture seems to cover it best, but I am no mathematician.
BTW, with high probability seems to mean 1 - 1/n.
That is a fascinating paper/lecture-- makes me wish I had taken some formal algorithms class.
I'm going to take a stab at some answers here, based on what I've just read from that, and feel free to vote me down. I'd appreciate a correction, though, rather than just a downvote :) I'm also going to use n and N interchangeably here, which is a big no-no in some circles, but since I'm just copy-pasting your formulae, I hope you'll forgive me.
First, the base of the logs. These numbers are given as big-O notation, not as absolute formulae. That means that you're looking for something 'on the order of ln(n) / ln(ln(n))', not with an expectation of an absolute answer, but more that as n gets bigger, the relationship of n to the maximum number of collisions should follow that formula. The details of the actual curve you can graph will vary by implementation (and I don't know enough about the practical implementations to tell you what's a 'good' curve, except that it should follow that big-O relationship). Those two formulae that you posted are actually equivalent in big-O notation. The 3 in the second formula is just a constant, and is related to a particular implementation. A less efficient implementation would have a bigger constant.
With that in mind, I would run empirical tests, because I'm a biologist at heart and I was trained to avoid hard-and-fast proofs as indications of how the world actually works. Start with N as some number, say 100, and find the bin with the largest number of collisions in it. That's your max-load for that run. Now, your examples should be as close as possible to what you expect actual users to use, so maybe you want to randomly pull words from a dictionary or something similar as your input.
Run that test many times, at least 30 or 40. Since you're using random numbers, you'll need to satisfy yourself that the average max-load you're getting is close to the theoretical 'expectation' of your algorithm. Expectation is just the average, but you'll still need to find it, and the tighter your std dev/std err about that average, the more you can say that your empirical average matches the theoretical expectation. One run is not enough, because a second run will (most likely) give a different answer.
Then, increase N, to say, 1000, 10000, etc. Increase it logarithmically, because your formula is logarithmic. As your N increases, your max-load should increase on the order of ln(n) / ln(ln(n)). If it increases at a rate of 3*ln(n) / ln(ln(n)), that means that you're following the theory that they put forth in that lecture.
This kind of empirical test will also show you where your approach breaks down. It may be that your algorithm works well for N < 10 million (or some other number), but above that, it starts to collapse. Why could that be? Maybe you have some limitation to 32 bits in your code without realizing it (ie, using a 'float' instead of a 'double'), or some other implementation detail. These kinds of details let you know where your code will work well in practice, and then as your practical needs change, you can modify your algorithm. Maybe making the algorithm work for very large datasets makes it very inefficient for very small ones, or vice versa, so pinpointing that tradeoff will help you further characterize how you could adapt your algorithm to particular situations. Always a useful skill to have.
EDIT: a proof of why the base of the log function doesn't matter with big-O notation:
log N = log_10 (N) = log_b (N)/log_b (10)= (1/log_b(10)) * log_b(N)
1/log_b(10) is a constant, and in big-O notation, constants are ignored. Base changes are free, which is why you're encountering such variation in the papers.
Here is a rough start to the solution of this problem involving uniform distributions and maximum load.
Instead of bins and balls or urns or boxes or buckets or m and n, people (p) and doors (d) will be used as designations.
There is an exact expected value for each of the doors given a certain number of people. For example, with 5 people and 5 doors, the expected maximum door is exactly 1.2864 {(1429-625) / 625} above the mean (p/d) and the minimum door is exactly -0.9616 {(24-625) / 625} below the mean. The absolute value of the highest door's distance from the mean is a little larger than the smallest door's because all of the people could go through one door, but no less than zero can go through one of the doors. With large numbers of people (p/d > 3000), the difference between the absolute value of the highest door's distance from the mean and the lowest door's becomes negligible.
For an odd number of doors, the center door is essentially zero and is not scalable, but all of the other doors are scalable from certain values representing p=d. These rounded values for d=5 are:
-1.163 -0.495 0* 0.495 1.163
* slowly approaching zero from -0.12
From these values, you can compute the expected number of people for any count of people going through each of the 5 doors, including the maximum door. Except for the middle ordered door, the difference from the mean is scalable by sqrt(p/d).
So, for p=50,000 and d=5:
Expected number of people going through the maximum door, which could be any of the 5 doors, = 1.163 * sqrt(p/d) + p/d.
= 1.163 * sqrt(10,000) + 10,000 = 10,116.3
For p/d < 3,000, the result from this equation must be slightly increased.
With more people, the middle door slowly becomes closer and closer to zero from -0.11968 at p=100 and d=5. It can always be rounded up to zero and like the other 4 doors has quite a variance.
The values for 6 doors are:
-1.272 -0.643 -0.202 0.202 0.643 1.272
For 1000 doors, the approximate values are:
-3.25, -2.95, -2.79 … 2.79, 2.95, 3.25
For any d and p, there is an exact expected value for each of the ordered doors. Hopefully, a good approximation (with a relative error < 1%) exists. Some professor or mathematician somewhere must know.
For testing uniform distribution, you will need a number of averaged ordered sessions (750-1000 works well) rather than a greater number of people. No matter what, the variances between valid sessions are great. That's the nature of randomness. Collisions are unavoidable. *
The expected values for 5 and 6 doors were obtained by sheer brute force computation using 640 bit integers and averaging the convergence of the absolute values of corresponding opposite doors.
For d=5 and p=170:
-6.63901 -2.95905 -0.119342 2.81054 6.90686
(27.36099 31.04095 33.880658 36.81054 40.90686)
For d=6 and p=108:
-5.19024 -2.7711 -0.973979 0.734434 2.66716 5.53372
(12.80976 15.2289 17.026021 18.734434 20.66716 23.53372)
I hope that you may evenly distribute your data.
It's almost guaranteed that all of George Foreman's sons or some similar situation will fight against your hash function. And proper contingent planning is the work of all good programmers.
After some more research and trial-and-error I think I can provide something part way to to an answer.
To start off, ln and log seem to refer to log base-e if you look into the maths behind the theory. But as mmr indicated, for the O(...) estimates, it doesn't matter.
max-load can be defined for any probability you like. The typical formula used is
Most papers on the topic use
An example might be easiest.
Say you have a hash table of 1000 slots and you want to hash 1000 things. Say you also want to know the max-load with a probability of 1-1/1000 or 0.999.
The max-load is the maximum number of hash values that end up being the same - ie. collisions (assuming that your hash function is good).
Using the formula for the probability of getting exactly k identical hash values
Pr[ exactly k ] = ((e/k)**k)/e
then by accumulating the probability of exactly 0..k items until the total equals or exceeds 0.999 tells you that k is the max-load.
Pr[0] = 0.37
Pr[1] = 0.37
Pr[2] = 0.18
Pr[3] = 0.061
Pr[4] = 0.015
Pr[5] = 0.003 // here, the cumulative total is 0.999
Pr[6] = 0.0005
Pr[7] = 0.00007
So, in this case, the max-load is 5.
So if my hash function is working well on my set of data then I should expect the maxmium number of identical hash values (or collisions) to be 5.
If it isn't then this could be due to the following reasons:
Your data has small values (like short strings) that hash to the same value. Any hash of a single ASCII character will pick 1 of 128 hash values (there are ways around this. For example you could use multiple hash functions, but slows down hashing and I don't know much about this).
Your hash function doesn't work well with your data - try it with random data.
Your hash function doesn't work well.
The other tests I mentioned in my question also are helpful to see that your hash function is running as expected.
Incidentally, my hash function worked nicely - except on short (1..4 character) strings.
I also implemented a simple split-table version which places the hash value into the least used slot from a choice of 2 locations. This more than halves the number of collisions and means that adding and searching the hash table is a little slower.
I hope this helps.