xtext: expression/factor/term grammar - grammar

This has got to be one of those well-known examples that's somewhere on the internet, but I can't seem to find it.
I'm trying to learn XText and I figured a calculator expression parser would be a good start. But I'm getting syntax errors in my grammar:
Term (('+'|'-') Term)*;
Factor (('*'|'/') Factor)*;
number=Number | variable=ID | ('(' expression=Expression ')');
I get this error in the Expression and Term lines:
Multiple markers at this line
- Cannot change type twice within a rule
- An unassigned rule call is not allowed, when the 'current'
was already created.
What gives? How can I fix this? And when do I have instanceName=Rule vs. Rule entries in a grammar?

I downloaded xtext integrated with eclipse and it comes with a calculator example which does approximately what you wish called arithmetics. From what I can gather you will need to assign an associativity to your tokens. This grammar runs fine for me:
Term (({Plus.left=current}'+'|{Minus.left=current}'-') right=Term)*;
Factor (({Multiply.left=current} '*'| {Division.left=current}'/') right=Factor)*;
number=NUMBER | variable=ID | ('(' expression=Expression ')');
The example grammar they have for arithmetics can be viewed here. It includes a bit more than your, like function calls, but the basics are the same.


how do I resolve this antlr ambiguity?

I have a 4000 line text file which is parsing slowly, taking perhaps 3 minutes. I am running the Intellij Antlr plugin. When I look at the profiler, I see this:
The time being consumed is the largest of all rules, by a factor of 15 or so. That's ok, the file is full of things I actually don't care about (hence 'trash'). However, the profiler says words_and_trash is ambiguous but I don't know why. Here are the productions in question. (There are many others of course...):
I have no idea why this is ambiguous. The parser isn't complaining about so_much_trash and I don't think word, trash, and OPEN_PAREN overlap.
What's my strategy for solving this ambiguity?
It's ambiguous because, given your two alternatives for words_and_trash, anything that matches the first alternative, could also match the second alternative (that's the definition ambiguity in this context).
It appears you might be using a technique common in other grammar tools to handle repetition. ANTLR can do this like so:
words_and_trash: so_much_trash+;
so_much_trash: word
| trash
| OPEN_PAREN words_and_trash CLOSE_PAREN
You might also find the following video, useful: ANTLR4 Intellij Plugin -- Parser Preview, Parse Tree, and Profiling. It's by the author of ANTLR, and covers ambiguities.

ANTLR4 : clean grammar and tree with keywords (aliases ?)

I am looking for a solution to a simple problem.
The example :
SELECT date, date(date)
FROM date;
This is a rather stupid example where a table, its column, and a function all have the name "date".
The snippet of my grammar (very simplified) :
: SELECT selected_element (',' selected_element) FROM from_element ';'
: function
: REGULAR_WORD '(' function_argument ')'
: 'a'..'z'
| 'A'..'Z'
DATE is a keyword (it is used somewhere else in the grammar).
If I want it to be recognised by my grammar as a normal word, here are my solutions :
1) I add it everywhere I used REGULAR_WORD, next to it.
Example :
: function
=> I don't want this solution. I don't have only "DATE" as a keyword, and I have many rules using REGULAR_WORD, so I would need to add a list of many (50+) keywords like DATE to many (20+) parser rules : it would be absolutely ugly.
PROS: make a clean tree
CONS: make a dirty grammar
2) I use a parser rule in between to get all those keywords, and then, I replace every occurrence of REGULAR_WORD by that parser rule.
Example :
: function
| word
=> I do not want this solution either, as it adds one more parser rule in the tree and polluting the informations (I do not want to know that "date" is a word, I want to know that it's a selected_element, a function, a function_argument or a from_element ...
PROS: make a clean grammar
CONS: make a dirty tree
Either way, I have a dirty tree or a dirty grammar. Isn't there a way to have both clean ?
I looked for aliases, parser fragment equivalent, but it doesn't seem like ANTLR4 has any ?
Thank you, have a nice day !
There are four different grammars for SQL dialects in the Antlr4 grammar repository and all four of them use your second strategy. So it seems like there is a consensus among Antlr4 sql grammar writers. I don't believe there is a better solution given the design of the Antlr4 lexer.
As you say, that leads to a bit of noise in the full parse tree, but the relevant non-terminal (function, selected_element, etc.) is certainly present and it does not seem to me to be very difficult to collapse the unit productions out of the parse tree.
As I understand it, when Antlr4 was being designed, a decision was made to only automatically produce full parse trees, because the design of condensed ("abstract") syntax trees is too idiosyncratic to fit into a grammar DSL. So if you find an AST more convenient, you have the responsibility to generate one yourself. That's generally straight-forward although it involves a lot of boilerplate.
Other parser generators do have mechanisms which can handle "semireserved keywords". In particular, the Lemon parser generator, which is part of the Sqlite project, includes a %fallback declaration which allows you to specify that one or more tokens should be automatically reclassified in a context in which no grammar rule allows them to be used. Unfortunately, Lemon does not generate Java parsers.
Another similar option would be to use a parser generator which supports "scannerless" parsing. Such parsers typically use algorithms like Earley/GLL/GLR, capable of parsing arbitrary CFGs, to get around the need for more lookahead than can conveniently be supported in fixed-lookahead algorithms such as LALR(1).
This is the socalled keywords-as-identifiers problem and has been discussed many times before. For instance I asked a similar question already 6 years ago in the ANTLR mailing list. But also here at Stackoverflow there are questions touching this area, for instance Trying to use keywords as identifiers in ANTLR4; not working.
Terence Parr wrote a wiki article for ANTLR3 in 2008 that shortly describes 2 possible solutions:
This grammar allows "if if call call;" and "call if;".
grammar Pred;
prog: stat+ ;
stat: keyIF expr stat
| keyCALL ID ';'
| ';'
expr: ID
keyIF : {input.LT(1).getText().equals("if")}? ID ;
keyCALL : {input.LT(1).getText().equals("call")}? ID ;
ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;
WS : (' '|'\n')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
You can make those semantic predicates more efficient by intern'ing those strings so that you can do integer comparisons instead of string compares.
The other alternative is to do something like this
identifier : KEY1 | KEY2 | ... | ID ;
which is a set comparison and should be faster.
Normally, as #rici already mentioned, people prefer the solution where you keep all keywords in an own rule and add that to your normal identifier rule (where such a keyword is allowed).
The other solution in the wiki can be generalized for any keyword, by using a lookup table/list in an action in the ID lexer rule, which is used to check if a given string is a keyword. This solution is not only slower, but also sacrifies clarity in your parser grammar, since you can no longer use keyword tokens in your parser rules.

How can I hide parens in ANTLR4?

For example, input = '(1+2)*3' .
tree is like that '(expr (expr ((expr (expr 1) + (expr 2)) ))*(expr 3))'
And then, I would like to hide or delete the '(' and ')' in the tree , they are no needed any more. I try to make it , but didn't.
expr : ID LPAREN exprList? RPAREN
| '-' expr
| '!' expr
| expr op=('*'|'/') expr
| expr op=('+'|'-') expr
| ID
| LPAREN expr RPAREN //### Parens Here ####
LPAREN : '(' ;
RPAREN : ')' ;
What I want is** NOT** the following.
PAREN : ( '(' | ')' ) -> channel(HIDDEN)
Standard parser generator schemes separate parsing from tree building.
This allows one to design custom actions to build an AST, and fine tune its structure to the targeted langauge (including leaving out concrete syntax such as "parentheses").
The price is that one must not only specify the grammar, but one must also specify the rules for building the AST. And that makes defining a "grammar + tree builder" about twice as much work as just defining a grammar. When your grammars are tiny, this doesn't matter, but usually tiny grammars means "toy problem". With big real production gnarly grammars, this matters a lot; there's usually a bunch of initial churn in trying to get such grammars right and the AST building stuff just gets in the way during this phase. Clever people delay adding AST building rules till the churn phase is over, but that only partially works, and it turns out that you may want to reshape the grammar based on AST you want to build, so this delay actually increases the churn somewhat. One also pays a maintenance cost; if your grammar has any scale, you will change it, and then the AST building part must change, too.
My company builds a tool, the DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit, which contains a parser generator. We decided, the first to do so AFAIK, some 20 years ago, that this extra AST building step was too much work for the benefit for the many big grammars we expected to (and did) build. So we designed DMS to automatically build a concrete syntax tree as it parsed. Voila, write a grammar, get a parser and the tree is free. This decision has turned out to be a really good one.
The price is the final tree retains all the concrete syntax, e.g., the parentheses. While it may not look elegant, it turns out that this does not matter much in practice when manipulating trees (inspecting, traversing, analyzing, modifying, ...). We've traded a bit of inelegance for much easier tree building and grammar maintenance.
The ANTLR guy(!) decided for ANTRL4, unlike his previous ANTLR1/2/3 systems, to follow our lead and switch to building "ASTs" automatically from the grammar, as concrete syntax trees. (I don't know if you can actually write your own AST building rules to override the built-in feature for ANTLR4. Comments on this answer suggest that the way to get an AST from ANTLR4 is to walk the CST and build what you want. I'm not keen on that solution; it strikes me as paying the price for building and managing the AST, and also having the parsing overhead [time and space] of building the CST. If you only build small trees, maybe you don't care. For DMS, we regularly read thousands of files for processing together; space and time matter!)
For some discussion on how to make this a bit more elegant (effectively even more AST like), see my SO answer on ASTs vs. CSTs
To suppress useless tokens in the tree, use '!' symbol after corresponding tokens:
//remove ',' comma from the output
from http://meri-stuff.blogspot.com/2011/09/antlr-tutorial-expression-language.html

Another implicit token error - how to tweak definitions to address it

I am aware what implicit token definition error in parser means, but am having difficulty getting rid of it. (v4)
stripped down statements:
In string_decl, that error appears on SEMI
In enum_decl the same error is on RSQUARE
GTYPE_ENUM, ID, etc. all are defined / accepted correctly, in the Lexer section.
Have you type in that little tiny section trying to find a small test case that doesn't work? Without a grammar to test there's nothing we can do. Is either a bug or a problem with your grammar.

Bison input analyzer - basic question on optional grammar and input interpretation

I am very new to Flex/Bison, So it is very navie question.
Pardon me if so. May look like homework question - but I need to implement project based on below concept.
My question is related to two parts,
Question 1
In Bison parser, How do I provide rules for optional input.
Like, I need to parse the statment
Example :
-country='USA' -state='INDIANA' -population='100' -ratio='0.5' -comment='Census study for Indiana'
Here the ratio token can be optional. Similarly, If I have many tokens optional, then How do I provide the grammar in the parser for the same?
My code looks like,
%start program
where all the tokens are defined in the lexer. Since there are many tokens which are optional, If I use "|" then there will be many different ways of input combination possible.
Question 2
There are good chance that the comment might have quotes as part of the input, so I have added a token -tag which user can provide to interpret the same,
Example :
-country='USA' -state='INDIANA' -population='100' -ratio='0.5' -comment='Census study for Indiana$'s population' -tag=$
Now, I need to reinterpret Indiana$'s as Indiana's since -tag=$.
Please provide any input or related material for to understand these topic.
Q1: I am assuming we have 4 possible tokens: NAME , '-', '=' and VALUE
Then the grammar could look like this:
attr attrs
| attr
'-' NAME '=' VALUE
Note that, unlike you make specific attribute names distinguished tokens, there is no way to say "We must have country, state and population, but ratio is optional."
This would be the task of that part of the program that analyses the data produced by the parser.
Q2: I understand this so, that you think of changing the way lexical analysis works while the parser is running. This is not a good idea, at least not for a beginner. Have you even started to think about lexical analysis, as opposed to parsing?