reduce frame rate - objective-c

i am using cocos2d, my game is working great but after a while the frame rate is reduce more and more...
i have checked with instruments and there are no leaks or allocations..
i am not allocating anything in my game. and i remove unused frames from cache during game.
the only way it comes back to normal frame rate is if i exit the scene and return back..
i just cant understand who is the cause ! my app is done and i cant publish it like that.
any help ?????
how can i find who is the cause ????

What exactly are you doing in your game? There are many optimization tips, such as using CCSpriteBatchNode when you have lots of sprites that use the same texture, etc.
If you aren't allocing anything as you say (which I find unlikely), then perhaps you're doing some heavy (and unnecessary) game logic calculations every frame... for instance, having hundreds of sprites and you're doing something like calculate the distance between each of them every frame...
Also, what device are you using?


SceneKit crashes without verbose crash info

Update: For anyone who stumbles upon this, it seems like SceneKit has a threshold for the maximum number of objects it can render. Using [SCNNode flattenedClone] is a great way to help increase the amount of objects it can handle. As #Hal suggested, I'll file a bug report with Apple describing the performance issues discussed below.
I'm somewhat new to iOS and I'm currently working on my first OS X project for a class. I'm essentially creating random geometric graphs (random points in space connected to one another if the distance between them is ≤ a given radius) and I'm using SceneKit to display the results. I already know I'm pushing SceneKit to its limits, but if the number of objects I'm trying to graph is too large, the whole thing just crashes and I don't know how to interpret the results.
My SceneKit scene consists of the default camera, 2 lighting nodes, approximately 5,000 SCNSpheres each within an SCNNode (the nodes on the graph), and then about 50,0000 connections which are of type SCNPrimitiveSCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeLine which are also within SCNNodes. All of these nodes are then added to one large node which is added to my scene.
The code works for smaller numbers of spheres and connections.
When I run my app with these specifications, everything seems to work fine, then 5-10 seconds after executing the following lines:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.graphSceneView.scene.rootNode addChildNode:graphNodes];
the app crashes with this resulting screen: .
Given that I'm sort of new to Xcode and used to more verbose output upon crashing, I'm a bit over my head. What can I do to get more information on this crash?
That's terse output for sure. You can attack it by simplifying until you don't see the crash anymore.
First, do you ever see anything on screen?
Second, your call to
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.graphSceneView.scene.rootNode addChildNode:graphNodes];
still runs on the main queue, so I would expect it to make no difference in perceived speed or responsiveness. So take addChildNode: out of the GCD block and invoke it directly. Does that make a difference? At the least, you'll see your crash immediately, and might get a better stack trace.
Third, creating your own geometry from primitives like SCNPrimitiveSCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeLine is trickier than using the SCNGeometry subclasses. Memory mismanagement in that step could trigger mysterious crashes. What happens if you remove those connection lines? What happens if you replace them with long, skinny SCNBox instances? You might end up using SCNBox by choice because it's easier to style in SceneKit than a primitive line.
Fourth, take a look at #rickster's answer to this question about optimization: SceneKit on OS X with thousands of objects. It sounds like your project would benefit from node flattening (flattenedClone), and possibly the use of SCNLevelOfDetail. But these suggestions fall into the category of premature optimization, the root of all evil.
It would be interesting to hear what results from toggling between the Metal and OpenGL renderers. That's a setting on the SCNView in IB ("preferred renderer" I think), and an optional entry in Info.plist.

SKPhysicsBody optimization

I have a 2D sidescrolling game. Right now, in order to jump, the player must be touching the ground. Therefor, I have a boolean, isOnGround, that is set to YES when the player collides with a tile object, and no when the player jumps. This generates a LOT of calls to didBeginContact method, slowing down the game.
Firstly, how can I optimise this by using one big physics body for the tiles on the floor (for example clustering multiple adjacent tiles into one single physics body)?
Secondly, is this even efficient? Is there a better way to detect if the play is on the ground? My current method opens up a lot of bugs, for example wall jumping. If a player collides with a wall, isOnGround becomes YES and allows the player to jump.
Having didBeginContact called numerous times should in no way slow down your game. If you are having performance issues, I suspect the problem is probably elsewhere. Are you testing on device or simulator?
If you are using the Tiled app to create your game map, you can use the Objects Layer to create a individual objects in your map which your code can translate into physics bodies later on.
Using physics and collisions is probably the easiest way for you to determine your player's state in relation to ground contact. To solve your wall issue, you simply make a wall contact a different category than your ground. This will prevent the isOnGround to be set to YES.
You could use the physics engine to detect when jumping is enabled, (and this is what I used to do in my game). However I too have noticed significant overhead using the physics engine to detect when a unit was on a surface and that is because contact detection in sprite kit for whatever reason is expensive, even when collisions are already enabled. Even the documentation notes:
For best performance, only set bits in the contacts mask for
interactions you are interested in.
So I found a better solution for my game (which has 25+ simultaneous units that all need surface detection). Instead of going through the physics engine, I just did my own surface calculation and cache the result each game update. Something like this:
final class func getSurfaceID(nodePosition: CGPoint) -> SurfaceID {
//Loop through surface rects and see if position is inside.
What I ended up doing was handling my own surface detection by checking if the bottom point of my unit was inside any of the surface frames. And if your frames are axis-aligned (your rectangles are not rotated) you can perform even faster checks to see if the point is inside the frame.
This is more work in terms of level design because you will need to build an array of surface frames either dynamically from your tiles or manually place surface frames in your world (this is what I did).
Making this change reduced the cpu time spent on surface detection from over 20% to 0.1%. It also allows me to check if any arbitrary point lies on a surface rather than needing to create a physics body (which is unnecessary overhead). However this solution obviously won't work for you if you need to use contact detection.
Now regarding your point about creating one large physics body from smaller ones. You could group adjacent floor tiles using a container node and recreate a physics body that fits the nodes that are grouped. Depending on how your nodes are grouped and how you recycle tiles this can get complicated. A better solution would be to create large physics bodies that just overlap your tiles. This would reduce the number of total physics bodies, as well as the number of detections. And if used in combination with the surface frames solution you could really reduce your overhead.
I'm not sure how your game is designed and what its requirements are. I'm just giving you some possible solutions I looked at when developing surface detection in my game. If you haven't already you should definitely profile your game in instruments to see if contact detection is indeed the source of your overhead. If you game doesn't have a lot of contacts I doubt that this is where the overhead is coming from.

XNA Game Development Orbital Motion

I am trying to develop game, which will take place in outer space. We decided to create a full 3D environment. Our goal is to create infinite world - it creates itself automatically when needed. One of our problems is how to create orbital movement of planets in the optimal way. There will be hundreds of them and calculating their new position in every frame sounds really expensive.
We have two ideas how to deal with it:
Calculate every position in a circuit (depends on time) after creating a planet and then during the game just read it from memory. However it sounds like a great waste of memory.
Calculate their movement only if they are in camera vision range. But it creates another problem with collision detection with other objects when off-screen.
My question is: does anybody know how it should be done? I wonder whether we shall focus on CPU or memory usage optimisation?

Cocos2d moving nodes is choppy

In my upcoming iPhone game different scene elements are split up into their own CCNode.
My Obstacle node contains many nodes, each representing an obstacle. Inside every obstacle node are the images that make up the obstacle (1 - 4 images), and there are only ~10 obstacles at a time. Every update my game calls the update function in the Obstacle node, which moves every obstacle to the left. But this slows down my game quite a bit.
At the same time, I have a particle node that just contains images and moves them all every frame exactly the same way the Obstacle node does, but it has no noticeable effect on performance. But it has hundreds of images at a time.
My question is why do the obstacles slow it down so much but the particles don't? I have even tried replacing the images used in the obstacles with the ones in the particles and it makes no (noticeable) difference. Would it be that there is another level of child nodes?
You will dramatically increase the app's performance, run speed, frame rate and more if you put all your images in a texture atlas and rendering them once as a batch using the CCSpriteBatchNode class. If you are moving lots of objects around on the screen a lot, this makes the hardware work a lot less.
Using this class is easy. Create the class with a texture atlas that contains all your images, and then add this class as a child to your layer, just as you would a sprite.
However, when you create sprites, add them as children to this batch node, not as children to the layer.
It's very easy and will probably help you quite a lot here.
From what I recall of the Cocos2d documentation, particles are intended to be VERY lightweight so you can have many, many of them on screen at once. Nodes are heavier, require more processing between frames as they interact with the physics system and requiring node-specific rendering. The last time I looked at the render loop code, it was basically O(n) based on the number of CCnodes you had in a scene. Using NSTimers versus Cocos' built in run loop also makes quite a bit of difference in performance.
Could you provide an example of something that slows down a lot? Exactly how do you update these Obstacles?
The cocos2d documentation has some best practices that all, in one way or another, touch on performance. There's a LOT you can do to optimize your frames per second.
In general, when your code is slow, it helps to use to figure out where your code is spending so much time. Since you're using a framework this will be less helpful because you'll end up finding out what functions your code spends a lot of time in, and then figure out how to reduce that via the framework's best practices or other optimizations. There are a few good blog posts on improving performance, I found this one very helpful.

Is there a nice way to share a CCTextureAtlas among multiple CCTMXTiledMaps?

Good day, I'm new to cocos2d, objective-c and stack overflow.
I would like to know if it's possible to share a texture atlas instance among multiple tiled maps. I'm working on a map system, which is supposed to be able to use a really, really huge map but since it needs to run on an iPhone, I have to slice that map into many small ones to be able to cull them so I have multiple CCTMXTiledMaps in my scene which get constantly allocated and deallocated.
This works fine but on every allocation of a tiled map there is a CCTextureAtlas generated which freezes the app during the loading time and uses up a lot of memory even if the tile graphics are everywhere the same.
I looked around but all tutorials just cover the case with only one tiled map. I also tried some awful hacking, but that just caused crashes. I think, I have to setup a tiled map instance manually (not with the loadFromFile function) so I have more control of the initialization but I have no clue of what I have to consider during that.
If you have loaded the textures before, the tilemaps shouldn't freeze the game significantly.