Why am I getting different output from password function? - passwords

http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/encryption-functions.html#function_password - the documentation says that
mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('badpwd');
-> '*AAB3E285149C0135D51A520E1940DD3263DC008C'
But I get:
-> 7f84554057dd964b
MySQL version: 5.1.56-log through PHP extension MySQLi, Linux
Is it a mistake in docs?

It's not a mistake in the documents. I just verified on my MySQL 5.1.x instance:
PASSWORD('badpwd')-> *AAB3E285149C0135D51A520E1940DD3263DC008C
Would it be possible to see your full PHP example, to potentially better pinpoint the issue?


how to load / mount an existing file based database in HSQLdb

Good day all !
I have 2.5 HSQLDB running as server on my Windows machine via:
#java -classpath ./lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server -database.0 file:.\data -dbname.0 foo
I left the files of my foo database in the data folder:
foo.log (empty BTW)
... and I see this line:
[Server#74cd4d]: Database [index=0. id=0, db=file:.\data, alias=foo] opened successfully in 335ms.
I open the manager via:
#java classpath .\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing
connection properties:
Recent Settings: foo
Setting Name: foo
Type: HSQL Database Engine Server
Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver
URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/foo
I run the query to show all tables (which I know for a fact exists):
... but I get zero results.
Any ideas?
PS I had to spend an hour figuring out why I hit the post button and it complained I did not indent my code correctly so I indented the whole thing and was then forced to type this long diatribe in order to get my post to be accepted ...
... God bless the pedantic "Knights who say Ni" !
The file: URL among the server properties indicates the path and file name of the database files (but without the file extensions such as .script, .data).
The URL that you used in db=file:.\data refers to database files named data.script, data.properties, etc. in the parent directory of lib. You can check the parent directory and will probably find a set of database files with those names was created when you started the server.
In order to access you proper database, the URL should be db=file:.\data\foo

Apache spark jdbc connect to apache drill error

I am sending query to apache drill from apache spark. I am getting the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create prepared statement: PARSE
ERROR: Encountered "\"" at line 1, column 23.
When traced, I found I need to write a custom sql dialect. The problem I do not find any examples for pyspark. All the examples are for scala or java. Any help is highly appreciated.!
Here is the pyspark code :
`dataframe_mysql = spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:drill:zk=ip:2181;schema=dfs").option("driver","org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver").option("dbtable","dfs.`/user/titanic_data/test.csv`").load()`
Looks like you have used a double quote in your SQL query (please share your SQL).
By default Drill uses back tick for quoting identifiers - `
But you can change it by setting the system/session option (when you are already connected to Drill by JDBC for example) or you can specify it in JDBC connecting string. You can find more information here:
I navigated to the drill web ui and updated the planner.parser.quoting_identifiers parameter to ". Then I edited my query as below:
dataframe_mysql = spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:drill:zk=ip:2181;schema=dfs;").option("driver","org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver").option("dbtable","dfs.\"/user/titanic_data/test.csv\"").load()
And it worked like charm!

Elasticsearch index creation error

I try to create an Index for elasticsearch with
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/myindex'
but I always got following error:
{"error":"IndexCreationException[[myindex] failed to create index]; nested: ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException[[enable_position_increments: false] is not supported anymore as of Lucene 4.4 as it can create broken token streams. Please fix your analysis chain or use an older compatibility version (<=4.3) but beware that it might cause unexpected behavior.]; ","status":400}
The creation of the Index template before was no problem, but I cannot find anything how to solve the Index creation problem in Internet. Only I found that I have to remove the stop words filter. But no documentation how to do this.
Does anybody can help me?
It sounds like you have an index template defined which is using the enable_position_increments parameter. You can check by retrieving all index templates:
curl localhost:9200/_template/*?pretty
The enable_position_increments option in the stopwords filter is no longer supported because it produces broken token streams if disabled.
Find the template that uses this setting and update it to no longer use it.

Build Automation & MySQL Workbench Scripting: Forward Engineer SQL CREATE SCRIPT

I'm currently looking into automating a software build process that includes a database schema defined in MySQL Workbench.
Using Workbench's scripting capabilities, I'd like to open a Workbench document and export its schema as an SQL CREATE script.
What I'd like to know is if there is a function that exports the entire schema in one step as Workbench's File | Export | Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script, automatically handling any dependencies between tables.
I've found some candidates in the DbMySQL module that might do that (generateSQL(GrtNamedObject, dict, string) and makeSQLExportScript(GrtNamedObject, dict, dict, dict)), however I'm confused about the parameters they expect – the first one could be the schema object, but what are the other arguments ?
Could anyone tell me if my assumption is correct and/or provide me with usage examples ?
So far, I've come up with a manual solution (note that this currently does not sort the tables according to their FK relations):
local o = assert(io.open("/tmp/create.sql", "wb"));
foreach_table_all(function (t)
o:write(DbMySQL:makeCreateScriptForObject(t) .. ";\n\n")
The question is related to How to generate SQL Script from MySQL Workbench using Command Line?, however the answer found there is really abstract and tells nothing about actually using the scripting features of MySQL Workbench.
Seems that other linked question got answered in Dec 2013, courtesy of madhead, albeit with minor trivial code glitches, and in Python rather than Lua, so here the Python version that is working for me:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MySQL Workbench Python script
# <description>
# Written in MySQL Workbench 6.0.8
import os
import grt
from grt.modules import DbMySQLFE
c = grt.root.wb.doc.physicalModels[0].catalog
DbMySQLFE.generateSQLCreateStatements(c, c.version, {
'GenerateDrops' : 1,
'GenerateSchemaDrops' : 1,
'OmitSchemata' : 1,
'GenerateUse' : 1
DbMySQLFE.generateSQLCreateStatements(c, c.version, {})
DbMySQLFE.createScriptForCatalogObjects(os.path.dirname(grt.root.wb.docPath) + '/ddl.sql', c, {})
Looks rather big compared to the loop variant but might bring some benefits (haven't tested, but I could imagine Workbench being able to figure out the proper order to create tables etc.).
Also I am unsure about whether this has existed when I was asking the question, but anyway, this works on a recent version.

How can I see the SQL ActiveRecord generates?

I'd like to check a few queries generated by ActiveRecord, but I don't need to actually run them. Is there a way to get at the query before it returns its result?
Both of these articles should help you do what you want.
i think it's buried in:
tail -f log/development.log
Works in default settings or when you set your logger level to DEBUG.
Jamis' article is outdated, or at least doesn't work my Rails app (possibly due to some other reason with a 3 year old 30,000 line app). However this works in a console any time:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_set :#logger, Logger.new(STDOUT)