How to validate XMLSchema using Xalan-C? - xalan

I'm using Xalan-C++ version 1.8. Is there any way to do schema validation.
If so how to do it ?

Call setUseValidation(true) method on Transformer object, before calling transform().


How to mock Object Mapper framework - testing
I am trying to set an ApplicationService class.
The method I'm trying to test uses 'ObjectMapper.Map<classFrom, classTo>(obj)'
I have used NSubstitue as LazyServiceProvider, but I am unable to find the correct Substitute to create an ObjectMapper.
Has anyone done this?
We resolved the issue.
We used a substitute for LazyServiceProvider.
Then the key was using a very specific setup when the LazyServiceProvider is trying to create the Object Mapper (see the abp code).
_abpProvider = Substitute.For<IAbpLazyServiceProvider>();
_abpProvider.LazyGetService<IObjectMapper>(Arg.Any<Func<IServiceProvider, object>>()).Returns(_objectMapper);
This allowed us to set up our own ObjectMapper in our test method, and have it be used in our ApplicationService.

Using sun.reflect package with openjdk11

Is there a way to use sun.reflect in OpenJDK11, by maybe adding something in "--add-exports"? Our code fails since a jide pkg internally uses sun.reflect package and I'm trying to see if there's a way to make it work.
I've already tried with the below but that doesn't help.
"--add-exports jdk.unsupported/sun.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED"
Here's the exception, where the underlying class references sun.reflect.Reflection
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/reflect/Reflection
I had this problem and fixed it by using a newer version of jide. Changing from jide-whatever:3.2.3 to jide-whatever:3.7.6 was enough to make it work in my case.
If you cannot migrate to newer versions, the solution is to make a wrapper around Throwable().getStackTrace()[n].getClass() and put it in WEB-INF/classes folder
This is simple workaround. It works in many cases.
package sun.reflect;
public class Reflection {
public static Class<?> getCallerClass(int n){
StackTraceElement[] elements = new Throwable().getStackTrace();
return elements[n].getClass() ;
It can be fixed when you update the version of the jars.

How to find dbcreatestruct method in mule esb3.8.4 jar file?

Recently i want to use UDT while inserting data into db through procedure call.Now UDT is supported in Mule ESB 3.8.4 version.They have given some example in MULE-11138 jira task.But when i am using MEL function defined in above task.I am getting
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.enhydra.jdbc.standard.StandardXAConnectionHandle.createStruct(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/sql/Struct;
Can any one help me on this?
Finally i am able to resolve this error all i need to do is to use type defined in db directly for creation of array or struct like.
dbCreateArray('Oracle_Configuration', 'APPS.CONTACT_INFO_ASYNC_TAB_TYPE', payload);
This is available only in enterprise edition.

Mule ESB: How to call a flow inside Datamapper( script)

I have datamapper, ( source: pojo and target:CSV), I need to call the other flow ( or groovy) inside datamapper. I stuck in passing the parameter to the flow. For example, I don't want entire payload has to go to flow for validation. I need to pass only two values. I used
output.Item = flowRef("sampletestFlow",input.Model);
It works fine for single payload. But i have to pass one more parameter ( called input.Policy). I know we have to use
But it don't know the format for two input parameter.
Could you please anyone help me on this.
I have handled the scenario by the below way. Have create java class and called the java via damapper script. Below is the code inside datamapper script to call the java code.
stringUtil = new com.test.util.StringUtil(); = stringUtil.formatValue(input.RuleStyle);
Hope this helps.

How do I utilize a named instance within the ObjectFactory.Initialize call for StructureMap?

I am trying to do the following bootstrapping:
x.For(Of IErrorLogger).Use(Of ErrorLogger.SQLErrorLogger)().
Ctor(Of IErrorLogger)("backupErrorLogger").Is(ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance(Of IErrorLogger)("Disk"))
x.For(Of IErrorLogger).Add(
Return New ErrorLogger.DiskErrorLogger(
End Function).Named("Disk")
But it shows this error:
StructureMap Exception Code: 200
Could not find an Instance named "Disk" for PluginType Logging.IErrorLogger
I sort of understand why this is happening.. the question is, how do I utilize a named instance within the registry? Maybe something like lazy initialization for the ctor argument for the SQLErrorLogger? I am not sure how to make it happen.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I found the correct way to do it in the latest version (2.6.1) of StructureMap:
x.For(Of IErrorLogger).Use(Of ErrorLogger.SQLErrorLogger)().
Ctor(Of IErrorLogger)("backupErrorLogger").Is(
Function(c) c.ConstructedBy(Function() ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance(Of IErrorLogger)("Disk"))
x.For(Of IErrorLogger).Add(Function() _
New ErrorLogger.DiskErrorLogger(
Notice for the Is method of Ctor, we need to provide a func(IContext), and use the IContext.ConstructedBy(Func()) to call ObjectFactory.Get... to successfully register the IErrorLogger in this case.
This is the only way to do it as far as I know. The other Icontext methods such as IsThis and Instance will only work with already registered type.
Your problem is that you are trying to access the Container before it's configured. In order to make structuremap evaluate the object resolution after the configuration you need to provide a lambda to the Is function. The lambda will be evaluated when trying to resolve the type registered.
x.[For](Of ILogger)().Add(Of SqlLogger)().Ctor(Of ILogger)("backupErrorLogger")_
.[Is](Function(context) context.GetInstance(Of ILogger)("Disk"))
x.[For](Of ILogger)().Add(Of DiskLogger)().Ctor(Of String)("errorFileName")_
Disclaimer: I'm not completely up-to-date with the lambda syntax in VB.NET, but I hope I got it right.
The working C# version of this I tried myself before posting was this:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(i =>
c => c.GetInstance<ILogger>("disk"))
var logger = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<ILogger>("sql");