Formal Methods - Algebraic Specification vs Object Oriented - formal-methods

I am in the middle of some research and have not been able to find much literature to help, I want to compare the platform dependencies of the two formal methods; algebraic specification and object oriented. Which language would they use?
Does anyone have any knowledge of this or could point me to the right direction? Thanks

I know what "algebraic specification" means (GIYF: See as my company has built such a system and used it industrial practice. The "language" is that of abstract data types, function signatures and axioms describing what the functions do, with ADTs, signatures, and axioms often packaged into parameterized "algebras" which can be combined to form more complex algebras.
I'm not sure what you mean by "object oriented" (specification). Most OO "designs" are simply sets of classes (which implicitly represent the data types) and signatures, with no attached semantics. I'd hardly call those a "specification"; rather, they are are "sketch".

Pardon me, but specifications, by definition, are platform independent. If you are looking for a specification language that supports object oriented modelling, I suppose VDM++ is a good fit.

I think this paper may help you. It is available online (google it), However, I'm not sure if it is published or not. Nothing about it in the authors DBLP.
"Comparison of Object-Oriented Formal Methods", by Nicolas Guel, Olivier Biberstein, Didier Buchs, Ercument Canver, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Friedrich von Henke, Detlef Schwier.


Is my understanding of abstraction correct?

I've read the other posts discussing abstraction and encapsulation, but I'm not confident I understand them; or maybe I understand them but feel unsatisfied with the clarity of their content. Here are my understandings of abstraction and encapsulation. In what regards are they accurate/inaccurate/complete/incomplete?
"Abstractions are data types created by programmers to extend a language when primitive data types are insufficient. Like primitive data types, abstractions have specifications which list the inputs they require and the outputs they return, but the specifications do not overwhelm programmers with the methods, functions, and variables used to operate on the inputs. A class is an example of an abstraction. An API is another example of an abstraction."
"Encapsulation is the state of having abstract data types — i.e. classes — isolated from each other so their methods, functions, and variables do not conflict with each other, and so programmers can easily reuse an existing class in other programs without being concerned that doing so would interfere with the rest of the program (presuming the programmer correctly provides the required inputs and correctly handles the data that get returns)."
I prefer Robert C. Martin's definition in APPP:
Abstraction is the elimination of the irrelevant and the amplification of the essential.
I'd say your understanding is correct ... so much, so, that I hesitate to comment more specifically.
However, if I were to comment, I might say that "Data types can be used to implement abstractions ...", rather than "Abstractions are data types ...", since abstractions can exist outside of software (it hurt me to say that :-).
But that's just nitpicking. I think you understand. I hope I do, after 36 years of coding ... mostly in languages that support reasonable levels of abstraction (PL/1, Pascal, C, C++, Java).
There are a lot of nice intelligent people in industry, though, who have no concept of abstraction in software, and consider it pretentiously high brow.
Personally, I think that good clear misnomer-free abstraction is a key technical ingredient of solid software engineering.
I've never come across that definition of encapsulation before. That definition sounds more like what namespaces are for. I've always read about encapsulation being purely about the ability to restrict access to certain components of your code, such as access modifiers in OOP languages. However, there seems to be a two definitions of encapsulation on wikipedia, which is news to me:
Encapsulation is the packing of data and functions into a single
component. The features of encapsulation are supported using classes
in most object-oriented programming languages, although other
alternatives also exist. It allows selective hiding of properties and
methods in an object by building an impenetrable wall to protect the
code from accidental corruption.
In programming languages, encapsulation is used to refer to one of two
related but distinct notions, and sometimes to the combination
A language mechanism for restricting access to some of the object's
A language construct that facilitates the bundling
of data with the methods (or other functions) operating on that
Some programming language researchers and academics use
the first meaning alone or in combination with the second as a
distinguishing feature of object-oriented programming, while other
programming languages which provide lexical closures view
encapsulation as a feature of the language orthogonal to object
The second definition is motivated by the fact that in many OOP
languages hiding of components is not automatic or can be overridden;
thus, information hiding is defined as a separate notion by those who
prefer the second definition.
So, I guess I've always defined encapsulation in terms of point #1, but it looks like some people define it as the ability to bundle methods and data together, and term #1 "information hiding".

Categories feature of objective-c comes under which OOPS feature?

As per my knowledge, Objective-C is an Object oriented programming languge and Categories is a feature provided by Objective-C.
So I would like to know that Category feature is coming under which OOPs concept
Inheritance, etc.
Thanks in advance.
#Abizern's answer is good. I would add that categories are a form of dynamic dispatch, in particular that they can be used to extend existing classes without subclassing.
That said, Object Oriented Programming is more a design philosophy than a set of language features. One might ask "what OOP feature does postfix increment correspond to?" The answer is "none; it's a language feature." Categories are not primarily used to implement OOP design (though sometimes they are, as noted above). Their original use was to break up large implementation files. Their later use was to provide informal protocols due to a flaw in the language (lack of #optional). And today, they're primarily used to split code along platform-specific lines (NSString+UIStringDrawing vs NSString+AppKitAdditions).
Extensions are similar to categories, and similarly are primarily a language feature rather than an OOP design feature. They facilitate encapsulation to some extent, but mostly are a side-effect of an arbitrary compiler requirement to define methods before they are used (I say "arbitrary" because this is not related to design or developer needs; it just simplifies the compiler). Extensions should not be confused with some deep OOP requirement.
So using categories to attach additional functionality at runtime is dynamic dispatch. Beyond that, it's just a language feature that's used for several non-OOP things.
According to the Cocoa Design Patterns book by Buck and Yacktman. Category is a pattern in itself, and one that is supported by the Objective-C programming language directly.
Probably closest to Encapsulation, when it comes to academic OOP concepts. But this really shows the difference between academic definitions of OOP, and the practical world of OOP Design Patterns.

What are the advantages or features of object oriented programming?

What makes everyone went from sequential languages to ​​object languages ?
According to Wikipedia the features of object oriented programming are data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance. For me data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging, modularity also exist in sequential languages. Only the polymorphism, and inheritance are specific to object oriented programming. Is this correct ?
Many non-OOP languages can certainly build those features. Just looking from a C vs. C++ area, you can provide encapsulation in C by using opaque pointers, with a suite of functions that take/return these opaque objects, and an internal set of functions that are all file-static. You can even do polymorphism and inheritance with function pointers and encapsulated objects.
Then again, we could also all still be programming in assembly or machine language. The reason to bring any feature into a language is to make it easier to use that feature.
Again, looking at C vs. C++, dealing with opaque pointers and the like is annoying, repetitive, and semi-difficult. With C++, you can achieve the same effect with much less code. It's obvious to everyone what is going on. It's a lot more difficult to break (though not impossible). Plus, you make it easy to break encapsulation if you need, since you can define language constructs like friend that provide exceptions where necessary.
And then there are those things that are really hard to implement without direct language support. Operator overloading is impossible of course, but function overloading is really, really hard to do without language support.
Most important of all, if it's in the language, then everyone does it the same way. There are multiple ways of implementing inheritance and polymorphism in C. All of them are incompatible with one another. And while C++ users could do any of those methods, they opt to use the actual language feature 99.9% of the time. This means it's much easier to read someone else's code and know what's going on. You don't have to guess what is opaque and what isn't. You don't have to guess at what is derived from what. You know it, since everyone does it the same way.
In any case, most of the OOP-lite language (C++, Java, C#) can be used more or less like a procedural one if you want. You just ignore the objects. So in many ways, they get the best of both worlds.
The advantage can be summarized this way:
OOP can represent the real world more directly and precisely than previous paradigms, so the program becomes simpler and easier to understand.
And about this:
For me data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging, modularity also exist in sequential languages. Only the polymorphism, and inheritance are specific to object oriented programming.
Most human-readable language can provide data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging and modularity (otherwise they would be machine-languages), but OOP supports better these concepts. For example, to set text of a widget in C, you would do something like this:
HANDLE myEditBox = CreateEditBox(hParent, ...);
SetText(myEditBox, "Hello!");
Notice you have a handle to an object, not an actual object. Now in C++ (OOP) you can make this:
EditBox myEditBox(...);
The difference is subtle, but important. The C style SetText(handle, "Hello!") does not make any distinction between the handle and other parameters. You don't even know that there's a message to the object. Now the C++ style object.SetText("Hello!") it's like telling explicitly: Hey, object, set your text to "Hello!". Here, the notion of message and receiver (the object) are explicit.
C++ can also destroy objects automatically if they are not declared as pointers, which eliminates calls such as DestroyObject(myEditBox).
Also without OOP you have very poor encapsulation, because most things are implemented with structures which contains only public members. So you can't hide data from users, which mean somenone might try to change things in an unexpected way, that may cause bugs. This is quite common in large programs.

What mathematical duals are there in OO programming?

If you have watched Going Deep shows of the Channel9 lately, one very frequently mentioned topic is mathematical duality in programming. TomasP has a good blog post about duality in object oriented programming.
This has been since Microsoft Research found that the observer design pattern is actually a mathematical dual of the iterator pattern. Since then they have used the duality concept in various ways.
My question is:
What mathematical dualities are there in programming?
Object oriented programming is a good start. The major GoF design patterns are: Decorator, State, Iterator, Facade, Strategy, Proxy, Factory Method, Adapter, Observer, Template Method, Composite, Singleton, Abstract Factory and Command. Here is a good object-graph-poster.
I'd say the primary duality in programming is the code-data duality, most clearly exposed in Lisp, but also clear in most contemporary languages which provide introspection functionality.
Not sure if it is entirely what you were looking for, as it's more FP than OO, but there is of course the Curry-Howard Correspondance (a.k.a. Curry-Howard Isomorphism) that "equates" programs with proofs and types with formulae.
You could argue that the duality of observer/iterator is (sort of, work with me here :-) ) a manifestation of the more general OO paradigms of inheritence and the alternate paradigm of delegation and aggregation. In the former, more specialized objects use base functionality (point up) to inherit general capabilities and in the latter, more generalized objects use delegation to access more specialized functionality (point down/out) - there is much academic discussion about the fact that oo designs can be expressed in either form, and since the variance between forms is (reasonably) rigourous and defined, I'd say it could be classified as a dual
See Treaty of Orlando 2 for more info
I think of objects and closures/anonymous functions as duals.
An object is a bunch of data, with a set of routines that are "attached" to it (i.e. its methods).
A closure, in the functional-programming sense of the word, is a (callable) reference to a function, with a set of data attached (in the form of its bound free variables).

Difference in compiler design for OOP languages

I'm doing research on how the design of a compiler for an OOP language differs from traditional imperative languages. I'd just like some topics to send me on my way, and if you wish, you can explain them.
For eg. I found that the type table is built differently.
Before the "compiler design" can be explored, I think the more fundamental question of "language design" needs to be addressed.
Should the language be statically typed? Dynamically typed? Early/late bound or a combination? Supporting generics? Is inference a goal? Should types be closed or open? How should sub-typing work? (Should implicit sub-typing be allowed at all?) Covariance? Contravariance? Single-inheritance? MI? SI with Traits? Explicit memberwise-selection? Prototypal (That is, should there even be a notion of "class" and "instance"?) Should types in nominative or based off of member signatures? Single-dispatch or multiple-dispatch? Are members invoked as first-class citizens or message-passing? Are types the same as classes? Is there a distinction between "value" and "reference" types? Etc, etc, etc... and this is just the tip of a very large iceberg.