Is there an alternative to joining 3 or more tables? - sql

Is it a good idea to join three or more tables together as in the following example. I'm trying to focus on performance. Is there any way to re-write this query that would be more efficient and faster performing? I've tried to make is as simplistic as possible.
select * from a
join b on =
join c on =
join d on =
where a.property1 = 50
and b.property2 = 4
and c.property3 = 9
and d.property4 = 'square'

If you want faster performance, make sure that all of the join's are covered by an index (either clustered or non-clustered). It looks like this could all be done in your query above by creating an index on the id and appropriate property columns of each table

You could make it faster if you only selected a subset of the columns, at the moment you're selecting everything from all 3 tables.

Performance wise, I think it really depends on the number of records in each table, and making sure that you have the proper indexes defined. (I'm also assuming that SELECT * is a placeholder; you should avoid wildcards)
I'd start off by checking out your execution plan, and start optimizing there. If you're still getting suboptimal performance, you could try using temp tables to break up the 4 table join into separate smaller joins.

Assuming a normalized database, this is the best you can do, in terms of structuring a query and the joins in place.
There are other options to look at, including adding indexes on the different join and select clause columns, denormalizing the table structures and narrowing the result set.
Adding indexes on the join columns (which appear to be primary keys, so may already be indexed) will help with the join performance, indexing the columns in the select clause will help with speeding up the filtering on each table.
If you denormalize, you get a structure with duplicate data with all the implications of duplicate data (data maintenance issues mostly), but you gain performance as you no longer need to join.
When selecting columns, you should specify which ones you want - using * is generally a bad idea. This way you only transfer the data that the application really needs.


Performance over PostgreSQL conditional join - Query optimization

Let's assume I have three tables, subscriptions that has a field called type, which can only have 2 values;
The other two tables are called premium_users and free_users. I'd like to perfom a LEFT JOIN, starting from the subscriptions table but the thing is that depending on the value of the field type I will ONLY find the matching row in one or the other table, i.e. if type equals 'FREE', then the matching row will ONLY be in free_users table and vice versa.
I'm thinking of some ways to do this, such as LEFT JOINING both tables and then using a COALESCE function the get the non null value, or with a UNION, with two different queries using a INNER JOIN on both queries, but I'm not quite sure which would be the best way in terms of performance. Also, as you would guess, the free_users table is almost five times larger than the premium_users table. Another thing you should know, is that I'm joining by user_id field, which is PK in both free_users and premium_users
So, my question is: which would be the most performant way to do a JOIN that depending on the value of type column will match to one table or another. Would this solution be any different if instead of two tables there were three, or even more?
Disclaimer: This DB is a PostgreSQL and is already up and running in production and as much as I'd like to have a single users table it won't happen in the short term.
What is the best in terms of performance? Well, you should try on your data and your systems.
My recommendation is two left joins:
select s.*,
coalesce(, as name
from subscriptions s left join
free_users fu
on fu.free_id = s.subscription_id and
s.type = 'free' left join
premium_users pu
on pu.premium_id = s.suscription_id and
s.type = 'premium';
You want indexes on free_users(free_id) and premium_users(premium_id). These are probably "free" because these ids should be the primary keys in the table.
If you use union all, then the optimizer may not use indexes for the joins. And not using indexes could have a dastardly impact on performance.

is it true if we switch the position of table in join query will increase load data speed?

For an example:
In table a we have 1000000 rows
In table b we have 5 rows
It's more faster if we use
select * from b inner join a on =
select * from a inner join b on =
No, JOIN order doesn't matter, the query engine will reorganize their order based on statistics for indexes and other stuff. JOIN by order is changed during optimization.
You might test it all by yourself, download some test databases like AdventureWorks or Northwind or try it on your database, you might do this:
select show actual execution plan and run first query
change JOIN order and now run the query again
compare execution plans
They should be identical as the query engine will reorganize them according to other factors.
The only caveat is the Option FORCE ORDER which will force joins to happen in the exact order you have them specified.
It is unlikely. There are lots of factors on the speed of joining two tables. That is why database engines have an optimization phase, where they consider different ways of implementing the query.
There are many different options:
Nested loops, scanning b first and then a.
Nested loops, scanning a first and then b.
Sorting both tables and using a merge join.
Hashing both tables and using a hash join.
Using an index on
Using an index on
And these are just high level descriptions -- there are multiple ways to implement some of these methods. Tables can also be partitioned adding further complexity.
Join order is just one consideration.
In this case, the result of the query is likely to depend on the size of the data being returned, rather than the actual algorithm used for fetching the data.

Performance of JOINS in SAP HANA Calculation View

For Example:
I have 4 columns (A,B,C,D).
I thought that instead of connecting each and every column in join I should make a concatenated column in both projection(CA_CONCAT-> A+B+C+D) and make a join on this, Just to check on which method performance is better.
It was working faster earlier but in few CV's this method is slower sometimes, especially at time of filtering!
Can any one suggest which is an efficient method?
I don't think the JOIN conditions with concatenated fields will work better in performance.
Although we say in general there is not a need for index on column tables on HANA database, the column tables have a structure that works with an index on every column.
So if you concatenate 4 columns and produce a new calculated field, first you loose the option to use these index on 4 columns and the corresponding joining columns
I did not check the execution plan, but it will probably make a full scan on these columns
In fact I'm surprised you have mentioned that it worked faster, and experienced problems only on a few
Because concatenation or applying a function on a database column is even only by itself a workload over the SELECT process. It might include implicit type cast operation, which might bring additional workload more than expected
First I would suggest considering setting your table to column store and check the new performance.
After that I would suggest to separate the JOIN to multiple JOINs if you are using OR condition in your join.
Third, INNER JOIN will give you better performance compare to LEFT JOIN or LEFT OUTER JOIN.
Another thing about JOINs and performance, you better use them on PRIMARY KEYS and not on each column.
For me, both the time join with multiple fields is performing faster than join with concatenated fields. For filtering scenario, planviz shows when I join with multiple fields, filter gets pushed down to both the tables. On the other hand, when I join with concatenated field only one table gets filtered.
However, if you put filter on both the fields (like PRODUCT from Tab1 and MATERIAL from Tab2), then you can push the filter down to both the tables.
Select * from CalculationView where PRODUCT = 'A' and MATERIAL = 'A'

Several layers of nested subqueries with Exists/In, best performance?

I'm working on some rather large queries for a search function. There are a number of different inputs and the queries are pretty big as a result. It's grown to where there are nested subqueries 2 layers deep. Performance has become an issue on the ones that will return a large dataset and likely have to sift through a massive load of records to do so. The ones that have less comparing to do perform fine, but some of these are getting pretty bad. The database is DB2 and has all of the necessary indexes, so that shouldn't be an issue. I'm wondering how to best write/rewrite these queries to perform as I'm not quite sure how the optimizer is going to handle it. I obviously can't dump the whole thing here, but here's an example:
Select A, B
from TableA
--A series of joins--
Select C
from TableB
--A few joins--
Select D from TableC
--More joins and conditionals--
There are also plenty of conditionals sprinkled throughout, the vast majority of which are simple equality. You get the idea. The subqueries do not provide any data to the initial query. They exist only to filter the results. A problem I ran into early on is that the backend is written to contain a number of partial query strings that get assembled into the final query (with 100+ possible combinations due to the search options, it simply isn't feasible to write a query for each), which has complicated the overall method a bit. I'm wondering if EXISTS instead of IN might help at one or both levels, or another bunch of joins instead of subqueries, or perhaps using WITH above the initial query for TableC, etc. I'm definitely looking to remove bottlenecks and would appreciate any feedback that folks might have on how to handle this.
I should probably also add that there are potential unions within both subqueries.
It would probably help to use inner joins instead.
Select A, B
from TableA
inner join TableB on TableA.A = TableB.C
inner join TableC on TableB.C = TableC.D
Databases were designed for joins, but the optimizer might not figure out that it can use an index for a sub-query. Instead it will probably try to run the sub-query, hold the results in memory, and then do a linear search to evaluate the IN operator for every record.
Now, you say that you have all of the necessary indexes. Consider this for a moment.
If one optional condition is TableC.E = 'E' and another optional condition is TableC.F = 'F',
then a query with both would need an index on fields TableC.E AND TableC.F. Many young programmers today think they can have one index on TableC.E and one index on TableC.F, and that's all they need. In fact, if you have both fields in the query, you need an index on both fields.
So, for 100+ combinations, "all of the necessary indexes" could require 100+ indexes.
Now an index on TableC.E, TableC.F could be use in a query with a TableC.E condition and no TableC.F condition, but could not be use when there is a TableC.F condition and no TableC.E condition.
Hundreds of indexes? What am I going to do?
In practice it's not that bad. Let's say you have N optional conditions which are either in the where clause or not. The number of combinations is 2 to the nth, or for hundreds of combinations, N is log2 of the number of combinations, which is between 6 and 10. Also, those log2 conditions are spread across three tables. Some databases support multiple table indexes, but I'm not sure DB2 does, so I'd stick with single table indexes.
So, what I am saying is, say for the TableC.E, and TableC.F example, it's not enough to have just the following indexes:
TableB ON C
TableC ON D
TableC ON E
TableC ON F
For one thing, the optimizer has to pick among which one of the last three indexes to use. Better would be to include the D field in the last two indexes, which gives us
TableB ON C
TableC ON D, E
TableC ON D, F
Here, if neither field E nor F is in the query, it can still index on D, but if either one is in the query, it can index on both D and one other field.
Now suppose you have an index for 10 fields which may or may not be in the query. Why ever have just one field in the index? Why not add other fields in descending order of likelihood of being in the query?
Consider that when planning your indexes.
I found out "IN" predicate is good for small subqueries and "EXISTS" for large subqueries.
Try to execute query with "EXISTS" predicate for large ones.
Select C
WHERE TableB.C = TableA.A)

order of tables in FROM clause

For an sql query like this.
Select * from TABLE_A a
ON a.propertyA = b.propertyA
ON b.propertyB = c.propertyB
Does the sequence of the tables matter. It wont matter in results, but do they affect the performance?
One can assume that the data in table C is much larger that a or b.
For each sql statement, the engine will create a query plan. So no matter how you put them, the engine will chose a correct path to build the query.
More on plans you have
There are ways, considering what RDBMS you are using to enforce the query order and plan, using hints, however, if you feel that the engine does no chose the correct path.
Sometimes Order of table creates a difference here,(when you are using different joins)
Actually our Joins working on Cross Product Concept
If you are using query like this A join B join C
It will be treated like this (A*B)*C)
Means first result comes after joining A and B table then it will make join with C table
So if after inner joining A (100 record) and B (200 record) if it will give (100 record)
And then these ( 100 record ) will compare with (1000 record of C)
Well, there is a very, very tiny chance of this happening, see this article by Jonathan Lewis. Basically, the number of possible join orders grows very quickly, and there's not enough time for the Optimizer to check them all. The sequence of the tables may be used as a tie-breaker in some very rare cases. But I've never seen this happen, or even heard about it happening, to anybody in real life. You don't need to worry about it.