Query from oracle doesn't work in SSIS - sql

For Some reason this query doesn't work in SSIS
trunc(FECHACREACION, 'DDD') = trunc(sysdate, 'DDD')
But when I tested in Toad works great what am I doing wrong? Is there a different way to treat dates? And I know that the problem it's related with the comparison of dates because when I remove this condition the query returns values

This works in Toad? I would have expected it to fail due to to_date(sysdate, 'dd/mm/yyyy'). You're trying to convert a date into a date, which Oracle normally raises an error on.
What you seem to want to do is truncate the date to include year, month and day only, i.e. no time component.
This would be trunc(sysdate, 'DD'). trunc(sysdate) would return the same value as 'DD' and it's synonyms are the default, but it's nice to be explicit.
Are you doing the same with your column FECHACREACION? If not and it's a character can I recommend that you store it as a date?

for system date you have to use GETDATE() function in ssis in place of sysdate..
for more information

First To solve my problem I need to modify NS_LANG in oracle registry on my machine locate at (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME0). Then I restart Machine and base on the answer of #Ben I modified my query and works in the etl OF SSIS
trunc(FECHACREACION, 'DDD') = trunc(sysdate, 'DDD')


Get information between two different times Oracle

I am making a modification to an Oracle Query, where I need to get the information found from the query date and minute up to 30 minutes ago.
For example, I made the query at 16:35, so I need it to show me the information found from 16:05 to 16:35.
I did something like this, but I don't have the result I need.
Also, how can I make it find everything loaded with current date? This is what I have done with no result
AND FV.FEC_CAR = dateadd(minute,-30,getdate()) ORDER BY F.N_FILE DESC
Thank you very much in advance
dateadd and getdate aren't valid in Oracle's SQL dialect. That looks like SQL Server syntax but it probably works in some other database as well.
In Oracle, you'd do
fv.fec_car > sysdate - interval '30' minute
fv.fec_car > sysdate - 30/24/60
I find the interval syntax far clearer personally
As far as I can understand and interpret, you need to see the data at a point in the past before applying some modification to your table. This case,
might be used to see the values of half an hour before modification if undo_retention parameter's value of your database is big enough(without forgetting that it does not guarantee to return a result even if the value is big enough)

I need to get month and year from dateColumn

i'm stuck with this part of the query, where I need to get only just month and year from my table.
To put in context, i have tried with "TRUNC_DATE", and Oracle give me back an error like
ORA-00904: "DATE_TRUNC": invalid identifier sql
This piece of query get it from Udacity, but in sql Developer looks like it doesn't work.
When I try search deeper, I find something like convert(char(7), ia.invoice_date(), 120) yearMonth, It still not working and an error came back. ORA-00936: missing expression
I tried a lot of ways but no solutions.
If anyones have an idea o something that could help, I will be grateful.
Here below I paste the fragment of the query for guide help:
COUNT(ia.invoice_id) total_de_facturas,
SUM(ia.invoice_amount) monto_total,
convert(char(7), ia.invoice_date(), 120) yearMonth
FROM AP.ap_invoices_all ia
GROUP BY ia.vendor_id;
You ae mixing Oracle syntax with Postgres (date_trunc()) and SQL Server (convert()). Many date functions are vendor-specific, so you learn the relevant syntax for your database.
In Oracle, you would use trunc() to truncate a date to the first day of the month:
trunc(ia.invoice_date, 'mm')
Use the EXTRACT function, try these out to test how it works and use it in your query -
If you want a string value in YYYY-MM format - which seems to be your intention from the 120 style and the char(7) in the SQL Server-syntax convert() call - then you can just use to_char() with that format model:
to_char(ia.invoice_date, 'YYYY-MM') as yearMonth
You don't need to truncate to the first of the month as you're discarding the day part anyway.

Issue querying date from oracle.

I understand that querying a date will fail as its comparing a string to date and that can cause an issue.
Oracle 11.2 G
Unicode DB
select * from table where Q_date='16-Mar-09';
It can be solved by
select * from table where trunc(Q_date) = TO_DATE('16-MAR-09', 'DD-MON-YY');
What I don't get is why this works.
select* from table where Q_date='07-JAN-08';
If anyone can please elaborate or correct my mindset.
Oracle does allow date literals, but they depend on the installation (particularly the value of NLS_DATE_FORMAT as explained here). Hence, there is not a universal format for interpreting a single string as a date (unless you use the DATE keyword).
The default format is DD-MM-YY, which seems to be the format for your server. So, your statement:
where Q_date = '07-JAN-08'
is interpreted using this format.
I prefer to use the DATE keyword with the ISO standard YYYY-MM-DD format:
where Q_Date = DATE '2008-01-07'
If this gets no rows returned:
select * from table where Q_date='16-Mar-09';
but this does see data:
select * from table where trunc(Q_date) = TO_DATE('16-MAR-09', 'DD-MON-YY');
then you have rows which have a time other than midnight. At this point in the century DD-MON-RR and DD-MON-YY are equivalent, and both will see 09 as 2009, so the date part is right. But the first will only find rows where the time is midnight, while the second is stripping the time off via the trunc, meaning the dates on both sides are at midnight, and therefore equal.
And since this also finds data:
select* from table where Q_date='07-JAN-08';
... then you have rows at midnight on that date. You might also have rows with other times, so checking the count with the trunc version might be useful.
You can check the times you actually have with:
select to_char(q_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from table;
If you do want to make sure you catch all times within the day you can use a range:
select * from table where
q_date >= date '2009-03-16'
and q_date < date '2009-03-17';
Quick SQL Fiddle demo.
Although it sounds like you're expecting all the times to be midnight, which might indicate a data problem.

Oracle SQL: Why does last_day(SYSDATE) need to_date()?

Yesterday, I changed one of our queries to pivot on sysdate.
In my where's and joins I used last_day(SYSDATE) at first; however, this returned no data (This was filtering on a time_key column with date values).
When I changed the query to to_date(last_day(SYSDATE)) the query returned data as it should.
I have heard that SYSDATE contains time as well as a date (Although, I don't see this in
Can anyone elaborate on why I need to call to_date() on my last_day(SYSDATE)? Shouldn't I have already had a date value?
This is a big long for a comment.
The expression last_day(sysdate) works fine. Here is a SQL Fiddle.
My guess is that the problem you are experiencing is that the time component is passed through, and you don't want the time. In that case, just use trunc(). The following are equivalent:

Updating a date in Oracle SQL table

I am trying to update a date in a SQL table. I am using Peoplesoft Oracle. When I run this query:
I get 4/16/2012
I tried running this query
but it is not working.
Does anyone know how I would change the date to the one desired?
This is based on the assumption that you're getting an error about the date format, such as an invalid month value or non-numeric character when numeric expected.
Dates stored in the database do not have formats. When you query the date your client is formatting the date for display, as 4/16/2011. Normally the same date format is used for selecting and updating dates, but in this case they appear to be different - so your client is apparently doing something more complicated that SQL*Plus, for example.
When you try to update it it's using a default date format model. Because of how it's displayed you're assuming that is MM/DD/YYYY, but it seems not to be. You could find out what it is, but it's better not to rely on the default or any implicit format models at all.
Whether that is the problem or not, you should always specify the date model:
Since you aren't specifying a time component - all Oracle DATE columns include a time, even if it's midnight - you could also use a date literal:
You should maybe check that the current value doesn't include a time, though the column name suggests it doesn't.
Here is how you set the date and time:
update user set expiry_date=TO_DATE('31/DEC/2017 12:59:59', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') where id=123;
If this SQL is being used in any peoplesoft specific code (Application Engine, SQLEXEC, SQLfetch, etc..) you could use %Datein metaSQL. Peopletools automatically converts the date to a format which would be accepted by the database platform the application is running on.
In case this SQL is being used to perform a backend update from a query analyzer (like SQLDeveloper, SQLTools), the date format that is being used is wrong. Oracle expects the date format to be DD-MMM-YYYY, where MMM could be JAN, FEB, MAR, etc..
Just to add to Alex Poole's answer, here is how you do the date and time:
TO_DATE('31/DEC/2017 12:59:59', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')