How to control azure storage account costs in Azure when using WAD tables - azure-storage

We do not use our Azure storage account for anything except standard Azure infrastructure concerns (i.e. no application data). For example, the only tables we have are the WAD (Windows Azure Diagnostics) ones, and our only blob containers are for vsdeploy, iislogfiles, etc. We do not use queues in the app either.
14 cents per gigabyte isn't breaking the bank yet, but after several months of logging WAD info to these tables, the storage account is quickly nearing 100 GB.
We've found that deleting rows from these tables is painful, with continuation tokens, etc, because some contain millions of rows (have been logging diagnostics info since June 2011).
One idea I have is to "cycle" storage accounts. Since they contain diagnostic data used by MS to help us debug unexpected exceptions and errors, we could log the WAD info to storage account A for a month, then switch to account B for the following month, then C.
By the time we get to the 3rd month, it's a pretty safe bet that we no longer need the diagnostics data from storage account A, and can safely delete it, or delete the tables themselves rather than individual rows.
Has anyone tried an approach like this? How do you keep WAD storage costs under control?

Account rotation would work, if you don't mind the manual work to be done updating your configurations and redeploying every month. That would probably be the most cost-effective route, as you wouldn't have to pay for all the transaction to query and delete the logs.
There are some tools that will purge logs for you. Azure Diagnostics Manager from Cerebrata [which is currently showing me an ad to the right :) ] will do it, though it's a manual process too. I think they have some Powershell commandlets to do it as well.


Log Analytics retention policy and querying on logs

I would like to know how can we address this scenario in Azure Log Analytics where I need to generate Kube-audit logs of different cluster every week and also retain these logs for approx 400 days. Now storing it over Log Analytics will cost me more and its not an optimized architecture as I will not be require that so often. So I would like to know from experts whats the best way to design the architecture, where we get the kube audit logs which can be retained for 400 days and be available for querying when required without incurring too much cost.
PS: I also heard in my team that querying 400 days logs always times out in KQL.
Log analytics offerings:
Log analytics now provides the capability to manage several service tiers at table scope. Setting your data as archive, with no query capabilities at a much lower cost. offering spans for up to 7 years.
when needed, you can choose to elevate a subset of your data into the Analytics offering, providing you the capability to query it. The action of elevating your data is denoted as - "Search jobs"
Another option is to elevate an entire period in time to the Analytic offering, they call it - "Restore logs".
Table's different service tiers -
Search job offering -
Restore logs -
all are under public preview.
both offerings - Search jobs and Restore logs provides you the capability to engage your data on demand, can't comment or suggest regarding the actual cost.
Azure data explorer solution:
Another option is to use Azure storage to hold your data (as an example), Azure data explorer provides the capability to create an external table, that table is a logical view on top of your data, the data itself is kept outside of the ADX cluster. you can query your data by using ADX, expect degradation in query performance.
ADX external table offering -

AWS DynamoDB Strange Behavior -- Provisioned Capacity & Queries

I have some strange things occurring with my AWS DynamoDB tables. To give you some context, I have several tables for an AWS Lambda function to query and modify. The source code for the function is housed in an S3 bucket. The function is triggered by an AWS Api.
A few days ago I noticed a massive spike in the amount of read and write requests I was being charged for in AWS. To be specific, the number of read and write requests increased by 3,000 from what my tables usually experience (they usually have fewer than 750 requests). Additionally, I have seen similar numbers in my Tier 1 S3 requests, with an increase of nearly 4,000 requests in the past six days.
Immediately, I suspected something malicious had happened, and I suspended all IAM roles and changed their keys. I couldn't see anything in the logs from Lambda denoting it was coming from my function, nor had the API received a volume of requests consistent with what was happening on the tables or the bucket.
When I was looking through the logs on the tables, I was met with this very strange behavior relating to the provisioned write and read capacity of the table. It seems like the table's capacities are ping ponging back and forth wildly as shown in the photo.
I'm relatively new to DynamoDB and AWS as a whole, but I thought I had set the table up with very specific provisioned write and read limits. The requests have continued to come in, and I am unable to figure out where in the world they're coming from.
Would one of you AWS Wizards mind helping me solve this bizarre situation?
Any advice or insight would be wildly appreciated.
Turns out refreshing the table that appears in the DynamoDB management window causes the table to be read from, hence the unexplainable jump in reads. I was doing it the whole time 🤦‍♂️

Reliability of Windows Azure Storage Logging

We are in the process of creating a piece of software to backup a storage account (blobs & tables, no queues) and while researching how to do this we came across the possibility storage logging. We would like to use this feature to do smart incremental backups after an initial full backup. However in the introductory post for this feature here the following caveat is mentioned:
During normal operation all requests are logged; but it is important to note that logging is provided on a best effort basis. This means we do not guarantee that every message will be logged due to the fact that the log data is buffered in memory at the storage front-ends before being written out, and if a role is restarted then its buffer of logs would be lost.
As this is a backup solution this behavior makes the features unusable, we can't miss a file. However I wonder if this has changed in the meantime as Microsoft has built a number of features on top of it like blob function triggers and very recently their new Azure Event Grid.
My question is whether this behavior has changed in the meantime or are the logs still on a best effort basis and should we stick to our 'scanning' strategy?
The behavior for Azure Storage logs is still same. For your case, you might be better off using the EventGrid notification for Blob storage:

Refactoring my database schema

I'm refactoring my current schema and it's too abstract for me.
I monitor my servers with a homemade monitoring software. This software sends HTTP requests to a Rails web server with about ten different fields worth of information so I can get a quick overview of everything.
My current implementation:
server [id, name, created_date, edited_date, ..., etc ]
status_update [id, server_id, field1, field2, field3, created_date, edited_date, ..., etc]
I treat the servers as Users and status updates as Tweets. I delete any status_update on a server_id older than the tenth one just to keep from growing to infinity.
Though I'm starting to run into a few complications. I need to display information from the most recent status_update on the index page, I need to sort the servers based on status_update info, I need to store info from certain status_updates that may be way older than 10 status_updates old. It also seems like I'm going to start needing to store information from status_updates in both the server and status_update, which would cause hitting the DB multiple times on an insert. Thus, I am looking to refactor.
My requirements:
I only need to display information from the most recent update.
Having the next 9 status_updates helps debug if the system goes offline.
I need to be able to sort based on some info from most recent status_update.
I need the database to remain small (Heroku free).
Ideal performance, IE not hitting database more than once unless necessary.
Non-Complicated DB structure so I can pass it along.
Edit: Additional Info => I am looking to ultimately monitor about 150-200 servers (a lot for a hobby dev, but I'm cheap). Each monitoring service posts every five minutes or so unless something goes wrong. So, worst case scenario has me reaching max capacity every four hours.
I was thinking it would be nice to track when the last time X event happened, and what the result was. Thus, tracking that information would have to be moved to the server model itself since I'm wiping out old records and would lose the information after an hour or so. Though in retrospect, I could just save that info in memory using the monitoring service and send it up every five minutes or only once each time it changes. I could also simply edit that information only when it changes, so as to process less information on each request. Hm!
All ORMs, including ActiveRecord, are designed and built around certain tradeoffs. It's commonplace for ORMs to use several simple SELECT statements to do what a SQL developer would do with a single SELECT statement. You're probably not overwhelming Heroku with your queries.
There's no reasonable structural solution to this problem.
Your "status_update" table should be able to hold an enormous number of rows. Heroku's hobby-dev plan allows 10,000 rows. How many servers do you seriously expect to monitor on a free plan? If I were you, I would delete old rows from it no more than once a day, or when I got a permission error. (On Heroku, certain permission errors mean you're over the row limit.)
It also seems like I'm going to start needing to store information
from status_updates in both the server and status_update, which would
cause hitting the DB multiple times on an insert.
This really makes little sense. Tweets don't require updates to the user account; status updates don't require updates about the server. This might suggest refactoring is in order, but I'd want to see either your models or your CREATE TABLE statements to be sure. (You can paste those into your question, and leave a comment here.)
I'd seriously consider running this Rails app on a local machine, writing data to a database on the local machine, especially if you intend to target 200 web servers. This would eliminate all Heroku row limits, and you don't really need to run it 24 hours a day if this is just a hobby. If you're doing this professionally, your income from it should easily cover the cost of a hobby-basic plan on Heroku. (Currently $9.00/month.) But even then I'd think hard about hosting this locally.

How should data be provided to a web server using a data warehouse?

We have data stored in a data warehouse as follows:
Product Name (varchar(25))
We currently only have four products. That changes very infrequently (on average once every 10 years). Once every business day, four new data points are added representing the day's price for each product.
On the website, a user can request this information by entering a date range and selecting one or more products names. Analytics shows that the feature is not heavily used (about 10 users requests per week).
It was suggested that the data warehouse should daily push (SFTP) a CSV file containing all data (currently 6718 rows of this data and growing by four each day) to the web server. Then, the web server would read data from the file and display that data whenever a user made a request.
Usually, the push would only be once a day, but more than one push could be possible to communicate (infrequent) price corrections. Even in the price correction scenario, all data would be delivered in the file. What are problems with this approach?
Would it be better to have the web server make a request to the data warehouse per user request? Or does this have issues such as a greater chance for network errors or performance issues?
Would it be better to have the web server make a request to the data warehouse per user request?
Yes it would. You have very little data, so there is no need to try and 'cache' this in some way. (Apart from the fact that CSV might not be the best way to do this).
There is nothing stopping you from doing these requests from the webserver to the database server. With as little information as this you will not find performance an issue, but even if it would be when everything grows, there is a lot to be gained on the database-side (indexes etc) that will help you survive the next 100 years in this fashion.
The amount of requests from your users (also extremely small) does not need any special treatment, so again, direct query would be the best.
Or does this have issues such as a greater chance for network errors or performance issues?
Well, it might, but that would not justify your CSV method. Examples and why you need not worry, could be
the connection with the databaseserver is down.
This is an issue for both methods, but with only one connection per day the change of a 1-in-10000 failures might seem to be better for once-a-day methods. But these issues should not come up very often, and if they do, you should be able to handle them. (retry request, give a message to user). This is what enourmous amounts of websites do, so trust me if I say that this will not be an issue. Also, think of what it would mean if your daily update failed? That would present a bigger problem!
Performance issues
as said, this is due to the amount of data and requests, not a problem. And even if it becomes one, this is a problem you should be able to catch at a different level. Use a caching system (non CSV) on the database server. Use a caching system on the webserver. Fix your indexes to stop performance from being a problem.
It is far from strange to want your data-warehouse separated from your web system. If this is a requirement, and it surely could be, the best thing you can do is re-create your warehouse-database (the one I just defended as being good enough to query directly) on another machine. You might get good results by doing a master-slave system
your datawarehouse is a master-database: it sends all changes to the slave but is inexcessible otherwise
your 2nd database (on your webserver even) gets all updates from the master, and is read-only. you can only query it for data
your webserver cannot connect to the datawarehouse, but can connect to your slave to read information. Even if there was an injection hack, it doesn't matter, as it is read-only.
Now you don't have a single moment where you update the queried database (the master-slave replication will keep it updated always), but no chance that the queries from the webserver put your warehouse in danger. profit!
I don't really see how SQL injection could be a real concern. I assume you have some calendar type field that the user fills in to get data out. If this is the only form just ensure that the only field that is in it is a date then something like DROP TABLE isn't possible. As for getting access to the database, that is another issue. However, a separate file with just the connection function should do fine in most cases so that a user can't, say open your webpage in an HTML viewer and see your database connection string.
As for the CSV, I would have to say querying a database per user, especially if it's only used ~10 times weekly would be much more efficient than the CSV. I just equate the CSV as overkill because again you only have ~10 users attempting to get some information, to export an updated CSV every day would be too much for such little pay off.
Also if an attack is a big concern, which that really depends on the nature of the business, the data being stored, and the visitors you receive, you could always create a backup as another option. I don't really see a reason for this as your question is currently stated, but it is a possibility that even with the best security an attack could happen. That mainly just depends on if the attackers want the information you have.